Rising America

Chapter 1819: Don't underestimate him

"Are the weapons still useful?"

Taking advantage of the gap in the war, Jin Xiantai and the others dispatched AI robots to contact the Sea Clan of the second star and asked them whether they found any improvements after testing the weapons they provided.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae’s concerns are completely unnecessary.

How could this weapon developed by Andrew be flawed?

"No, this weapon is very useful. It can kill those guys a lot. It's much easier to use than the weapons we used to make with fish bones."

What a pitiful person.

The image that Jin Xiantai transmitted back through the AI ​​robot in real time, silently complained to the Sea Clan.

It's really pitiful.

Nima, before Jin Xiantai and the others provided weapons, these people actually wielded weapons made of fish bones and were fighting against the Necropolis under Han.

That kind of weapon is not sharp or not. At the very least, it cannot cause any harm to the undead.

It's no wonder that the Sea Clan was crushed and beaten by the necromantic army from start to finish during the battle against the necromantic army, and it almost didn't shit.

Obviously, the sea clan’s weapons are a big shortcoming.

But now it's good, this shortcoming has been made up by Jin Xiantai and the others. After getting the weapon provided by Jin Xiantai and the others, which can effectively kill the dead and incorporeal, the Sea Clan has now stabilized its position.

Conversely, Han felt a headache.

Now, Han and Hai Clan temporarily stopped the war and entered a weird calm period.

But everyone knows that this is only temporary.

Both the sea clan and the goddess of death are planning the next fiercer battle in private.

On Asgard's side, Gang Castle has been dispatched.

There is a lot of meaning not to stop occupying the second star.

In addition, this is the first conquest war started by Han as a king after he ruled Asgard. If she goes back in such a dingy manner, then her prestige will definitely be severely damaged.

Even, it will become the laughing stock of the nine countries.

Therefore, Han is absolutely impossible to give up like this.

As for the Sea Clan, he was not reconciled to let Han go away like this. You must know that because Han led the necromantic army to invade, almost half of the Sea Clan's population died.

Having received such a heavy blow, the Hai Clan must have become Han's mortal enemy.

Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that one of the two sides must be completely defeated and perished before it can be calmed down.

Kim Hyun Tae has fully understood the situation.

Of course, he would not stop it, and even decided to add to the flames and let the Sea Clan and the Death Goddess continue to fight.

Because no matter how much loss both sides suffer, the future will be of great benefit to mankind.

From a human point of view and standpoint, Kim Hyun-tae is right to think so.

The base construction of the defense star here has come to an end.

Thanks to various sophisticated machines and equipment, this has enabled the Takong Exploration team to do all this in a short period of time.

And this is also a benefit and advantage embodied in the development of science and technology.

"Sir, if possible, I ask you to allow me to bring a troop to the second star to reinforce the Sea Clan. Although they have stabilized the situation, they still have a great disadvantage against Han and her death army. "

Thor asked Kim Hyun Tae for a fight at this time.

Not surprisingly, Thor himself is a militant.

When he was in Asgard, he had a reputation for being combative.

Although Asgard has changed the ruler, Thor has taken a group of Asgardians who are unwilling to surrender to exile, but the combative factor in his bones has not changed.

True, Thor knew he was not Han's opponent.

This has been the baby in the war that broke out in Asgard.

However, Thor still had no problem slaying the powerful soldiers of the Necromancer under his command.

The sea clan lost a lot in the early stage, especially the powerful fighters.

Therefore, in this respect, the Hai Clan still has a great disadvantage in terms of relative Han.

Therefore, Thor feels that these people, it is really difficult for them to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. They should actively participate in it, and look for opportunities to severely damage Han's undead army and reduce their strength.

More importantly, Thor hated Han, and he was very happy to do anything that could make Han unhappy.

For example, organizing Han to invade the universe and occupy the Gemini 2 star, Thor would be happy to help the Sea Clan people in a meaningful way.

In a word, because this can make Han unhappy.

Perhaps it was because he was worried that Jin Xiantai would not let himself go, so Thor was very shrewd and added, saying that he was taking the team temporarily formed by the people who followed him to leave Asgard to the second star.

In Thor's view, since he would not lead the human army to fight on the second star, there must be no reason why Jin Xiantai would not agree.

Now that Thor led a group of Asgardians in exile and came to the universe where the earth is, the news has been informed to Washington through Jin Xiantai.

To these people like Thor, Washington certainly welcomes them.

Especially SHIELD.

After all, these Asgardians have too much energy compared to ordinary earthlings, and if they can be integrated into human society, they will be slowly assimilated. This is for humans, especially the United States that has received them. For people, it is even more beneficial.

Now that the interstellar age has begun, human beings have hobbled out of the earth and begun to explore the deep and mysterious universe. There are also various dangers and cruel environments along the way.

And the Asgardians, in the future, can completely act as the vanguard forces to resist those dangers and losses for mankind.

Don't look at the human beings as a group of ‘foreign people’, but in any case, the aliens are also serious human beings.

If these strangers suffer losses, it will make people feel distressed, right?

But if it were replaced by Asgardians, or Oscars, and some civilized lives that were conquered and assimilated during space exploration, it would be different.

In any case, from the standpoint of a human being, it is to look at this issue from a human perspective.

Therefore, Thor and the others stayed on the defensive star, and Washington gave an order to Kim Hyun-tae to let Thor and the others be here on the defensive star to contribute to resisting Han, the goddess of death.

Of course, this command is private, not the kind of plaintext command.

Kim Hyun-tae understood this question in seconds.

It's nothing more than where it's dangerous, when Kim Hyun-tae will let guys like Thor go up.

Now Thor is the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s branch of the Defensive Star. At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has also made Thor responsible for recruiting a force of five thousand from the Asgardian people.

With this appointment, Thor is now no longer a non-staff on the defensive star, but an officer officially appointed by Earth Washington, and he is also equivalent to a high-level official representing SHIELD.

Of course, even so, Thor is still lower than Kim Hyun Tae.

Jin Xiantai is the highest commander of the entire defensive star.

In the ‘imperial camp’ headed by the United States, on the premise that no one is willing to face danger, Kim Hyun-tae can be said to be the emperor of the land here.

When the large forces of the earth arrive, Jin Xiantai's authority will become even greater.

By then, Thor was a fart again.

Even now, Thor can't compare to Kim Hyun Tae.

Others don’t know, can Thor be unclear?

He had been in the SHIELD earlier.

Therefore, Thor knows exactly how powerful the ruins sect of Jin Xiantai's house is. If he dared to disrespect the ruins of the ruins sect's father, if he angered the ruins of ruins to avenge him, he would surely be beaten out.

So, the combative Thor, in front of Kim Hyun Tae, didn't dare to be presumptuous at all, and he had always been very respectful.

As a result, Loki, who knew how arrogant and combative Thor was, and not very convincing, felt that Thor was a different person.

Putting it in the past, Thor would also ask others for their opinions, and he had directly led the Asgard team formed by his subordinates to the second star.

Because Thor has always been such a messy person.

Thor is willing to die?

Hearing this, Kim Hyun-tae raised his hand and rubbed his smooth jaw.

After considering this matter for a while, Kim Hyun Tae decided to agree to Thor.

Because what Thor said can be considered eternal, although the Sea Clan has now stabilized its position, the loss in the early stage is great, and their disadvantages are not small.

Therefore, it is correct to ask Thor as a new force to help~lightnovelpub.net~ More importantly, the reason why Kim Hyun-tae decided to agree after considering it for a while. The most important thing is that Thor said he Take the Asgard troops, and will not land on the second star with human warriors.

In other words, even if there is any loss at that time, it will be an Asgardian.


As a result, Kim Hyun-tae would be even more unwilling to disagree.

"Okay, you can prepare, I agree."

Thor took Loki and turned away with a look of joy.

These Asgardians in exile have an unforgettable hatred for Han.

Therefore, Thor is not worried that in the team he has pulled up, those soldiers will hesitate to hear that they are going to land on the second star to fight the Necromancer.

"Thor, why are you so polite to that human? It's not like you I know at all? If you put it in the past, you would never need the other person's consent to do certain things."

Loki, who was being dragged by Thor, couldn't help but speak.

Thor didn't mean to stop, but in order to prevent Loki from doing anything out of the ordinary, and then annoyed the ruins that he was afraid of, so he had to remind Loki: "Commander William has a very powerful family In the face of that powerful existence, even I am afraid to die, so you must be polite to Commander William in the future, don’t offend him, or let the powerful existence in his family know that you will definitely Unlucky."

Rocky didn't believe it. He thought Thor was alarmist.

Is there such a terrifying guy?

At this moment, Loki has forgotten how he led the Zetaree army under Thanos to be killed in New York, and how he himself was caught.

You know, it was only the three maids from Kim Hyun Tae’s that shot at that time.

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