Rising America

Chapter 1825: The value of red police

"There are apocalyptic tanks, didn't Tan Ya let her out?"

Fortunately, with a series of questions, the look on Annie's face was very wonderful.

At this time, Annie can be regarded as a reaction. It turns out that the technology she obtained from Frankstein's laboratory was actually obtained by the bear boy.


Dr. Frankstein, this guy has actually learned how to use this method to steal

"Talk to Mommy, what exactly is the Red Alert series?"

Since things flowed from the bear boy, Annie certainly had to ask.

Only by understanding, she can better arrange some things.

To be honest, Annie still liked the technology possessed by the Apocalypse tank.

Although some of the weapons of the Red Police series are not necessarily so clever.

But the rack is not powerful and the price/performance ratio is high.

Therefore, even if the earth in different time and space opened the interstellar age, it would not be too **** after those weapons and equipment were released.

Of course, after all, the Earth in different time and space is only just beginning the interstellar age.

If the Earth in different time and space has been developing for decades in the interstellar era, then even the weapons and equipment of the Red Alert series are not very interesting.

But after all, everything is just beginning now.

Therefore, Annie believes that the Red Alert series of weapons and equipment are still very marketable.

Among them, it includes the Gene Man Corps incubator.

This thing is a big killer, and it can also make up for the embarrassment of the human population's'insufficient'. As long as this problem is solved, then humans can begin to conquer and colonize foreign planets like locusts.

It's very simple, all dangerous things, even wars, can be left to genetic people.

A serious human, as long as he lives well.

Cocoa controls the business of AI robots. If Annie controls the business of genetic people, then the integration of these two businesses will basically form a big monopoly industry again.

In fact, nowadays, considering the global human beings, the whole universe is really small and the number is scarce. Many companies have already stepped into the genetic man project.

However, the technology mastered by these companies and laboratories is not yet mature, and there is no way to successfully cultivate genetic warriors.

Even with the technical support of the Protoss Civilization, I still didn't know enough about these technologies, let alone used them skillfully.

But the gene incubator of the Red Alert series is different.

This thing is not allowed to study its technology at all, as long as there is a base vehicle, then this thing can build a large area, and then incubate the genetic warrior.

It's not too simple.

After Xinghuo described the things in the Red Alert series, Annie immediately saw the value of the Gene Human Incubator.

Even, this thing happens to alleviate the disadvantage of insufficient human numbers to a large extent, and frees Washington from worrying about finding sources of troops.

The genetic warrior can solve all the problems in this area.

Of course, Washington has not yet issued a bill targeting genetic warriors, so this matter needs to be handled carefully by Annie.

In addition, she has to make this bill be very beneficial to her.

Only under such a prerequisite, she will fully plan this business.

"Mommy is very interested in the genetic incubators in the Red Alert series. You provide technology, and Mommy provides contacts and funds. How about forming a company together?"

Things are cocoa, so Annie had to be cheeky, hoping to get a company with Xinghuo.

Of course, Annie can actually not do this at all, just ask Coco to come to this thing and take the benefit to herself.

If it was for others, Annie would definitely do it.

After all, she is a qualified businessman and capitalist.

But no matter what Annie does to anyone, she will never be able to do it to Coco, and Coco's father Jin Hyun Tae does it.

Therefore, Annie put forward such a proposal not to harm everyone.

"Do you use a genetic incubator? What is the value of this?"

The bear child obviously does not understand the value of the benefits.

Seeing that the lucky guy didn’t understand, Annie explained patiently: “Humanity is now considered to have entered the interstellar age, but the entire human race is too small to look at the entire universe. Even the hundreds of billions of people now possessed are very small in the entire universe. rare.

Therefore, the two major camps on the planet are currently advocating more births and more fertility, hoping to use this method to increase the population in the future.

At the same time, mankind’s exploration of the universe cannot be stopped. Once a habitable planet is discovered, some humans must immigrate to that planet. Only in this way can it be regarded as a true pledge of sovereignty and possession of that planet.

And in this process, there will be troubles and dangers of this kind, and there will even be conflicts and wars.

At this time, if the human population is too small, it will become a big shortcoming. "

Coco almost understands.

"Mummy, what do you mean is that we can use genetic people to make up for this shortcoming and solve this problem that has always been a headache for China and the United States?"

Annie nodded: "Yes, genetic people can be infinitely cultivated and manufactured, and they can become an army in a short period of time. Then they can be sent to various places with harsh environments to perform missions and even fight."

The genetic people of the Red Alert series are rubbish.

At least in the eyes of Cocoa, he is a junk genetic man.

Because they are not a little bit worse than the gene-man maids like Hilda sister.

Of course, Hilda and the others are the products of Andrew's black technology, and the level of black technology that Andrew masters is not known how many times more advanced than the Red Alert series.

Since it is not such a valuable thing, the lucky guy certainly has nothing to bear.

Immediately, the lucky guy agreed to Annie's proposal.

Starting a company is nothing more than putting up a name for yourself. Fortunately, the guy doesn't object to this.

This is an investment. I made an investment with my own ability, and the value of this investment is very high in the future. Fortunately, Huo and Annie have been in business for some time. Although she is not very focused, she can see this thing in the end. Earnings outlook.

"Well, it's a deal, I'll be skilled!"

Annie smiled happily, and raised her hand to high-five Xing gang.

"Mommy has contacts and funds."

At the moment it is just a verbal agreement. At that time, Annie will formally ask Coco to sign the documents and contracts. This aspect of the matter is not vague at all, and she will make it clear.

She didn't want people to feel that she was fooling Cocoa.

Everything is written clearly in black and white so that there will be no problems.

"Mummy, the Red Police base vehicle is actually more useful. In my opinion, as long as a base vehicle is placed on a certain planet, that planet will become ours soon."

After making the verbal agreement, the bear kid began to use his own point of view to talk to Annie about the purpose of various devices in the Red Alert series.

Indeed, Cocoa is right.

The Red Police Base Vehicle is actually a very powerful equipment.

If you really do what Cocoa says, drop a red police base vehicle on a planet, and then control its operation, then you only need to silently develop for a period of time, and create all of it, and you can be violent. The soldiers pushed.

After the planet is occupied, ordinary humans can begin to emigrate.

Even, because of the presence of base vehicles, some of the infrastructure on this planet will be complete, so that residents who have migrated to the past do not need to worry about the lack of power resources and other problems.

At that time, immigrants only need to develop their daily life well.

In addition, there is a red police base, which can also take on defense responsibilities and protect the safety of immigrants.

In this way, the Red Alert series is indeed of great value.

After hearing what Coco said, Annie thought by analogy.

In that case, why didn't I send a few red policemen to defend the stars and use them for Jin Xiantai?

Compared with the alien corps of the three major security consulting companies sent by him, the Red Police fighters are obviously more loyal.

Thinking of this, Annie hurriedly asked Coco: "Does the Mystery Store have purchase restrictions on this product?"

Cocoa swayed: "Buy any, as long as you have enough belief points to consume, all products can be bought unlimitedly~lightnovelpub.net~ There are even discounts when you buy more."

What the **** is that shop!

Anne is at a loss as to the origin of the mysterious shop.

But Coco never even thought about where the mystery store popped up. Anyway, she only cared about the mystery store which had a lot of fun goods to buy and play with.

"Do you still have faith?"

"Yes, I just conquered the main **** plane, and the sources of faith I can get every day are a lot more, so it's enough for me to consume in the mystery store."

With Xinghu's answer, Annie was relieved a lot.

"Can you buy a few Red Police Base cars? Mommy wants to give it to your father. After all, he is in trouble over there."

Immediately, Annie told Coco exactly what Jin Xiantai was encountering now.


What Dad had foreseen was not on the earth, but on the Gemini.

And the terrible creatures that my father had foreseen had already descended on the second star of Gemini, and war broke out with the aborigines on the second star.

Fortunately, his eyes rolled around, and he made up his mind to find a chance to have a look.

The bear child is not afraid of any danger he will encounter, nor does he care if there is a war breaking out there.

Anyway, she felt that what happened there must be very exciting.

"No problem, I'll go to the mysterious store in Mingyu now to take a look."

Fortunately, the guy struggled and broke free from Annie's arms.

Upon seeing this, Annie had no choice but to put her lucky mate down.

"Mommy, you are busy, I will go to the secret store to buy a red police card."

After speaking, the figure of the lucky mate disappeared in place, leaving Annie with a wry smile.

Coco, this little girl, no matter what she does, she has a gust of personality

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