Rising America

Chapter 1837: In the end what happened

"William, here you are."

After arriving at the headquarters, Jin Xiantai found that Selena, Demi, Halle and others were all here too. Obviously something big happened, otherwise everyone wouldn't get together.

Kim Hyun Tae nodded to Selena who said hello, and asked, "What the **** is it? How many of us are here?"

Selena, Demi, and Halle are not people who have nothing to do. The entire base is not idle. Bao Lixiantai has a lot of things all day long, even if he delegates most of the things to the people below. Do, but he still has things to deal with.

It's just that compared to other people, Jin Xiantai needs to deal with fewer things.

So in Baimao, a few high-level people have appeared, which shows that what happened on the second star is not small.

So what happened on the second star?

Could it be that the invaders from Asgard have completely defeated the aborigines, occupied the planet, and began to invade and discover the humans on the defensive star?

The thought of this inference in his mind made Kim Hyun Tae's heart sink.

To be honest, the defensive star here has not been fully completed, and if the situation he inferred really occurs, then this is definitely not a good thing.

In a hurry, it is not that he can't set up a defensive target to contend with Han and them, but this will put himself into a very passive disadvantage.

After all, the number of them is too high now. Although the red alert system can make up for this shortcoming, it will take three days.

You know, the red alert system was deployed in the volcanic ring zone only today, and it really took three days to achieve the goal of Jin Xiantai's 1 million genetic warrior incubator.

In other words, at the moment, Kim Hyun-tae and the others only have more than 80,000 humans in the space exploration team, plus the 5 to 6 million Asgardians who have just arrived in exile from Asgard. And her undead army, obviously this is unrealistic.

Because don’t look at the five or six million Asgardian exiles, but most of them are elderly, children, and women

Kim Hyun Tae's brows were tightly furrowed together.

No way, if things are really like this, it's really bad.

However, Jin Xiantai is not clear. In fact, the status of the second star is far from the facts he inferred and worried about. It can even be said that the situation is very good, and there is no crisis.

Han and her undead army have faded away and returned to Asgard.

And because of a certain bear child, Han and her undead army have undergone unexpected and strange changes.

Of course, Jin Xiantai is not a **** after all, and he did not foresee this situation with his own ability, so it is impossible to know that such a strange thing has happened on the second star.

Because of the changes that happened to Han and the Undead Army under her command, no one would believe it. This is really stunned.

Even those Asgardians who have been surrendered under Han's rule are all frightened by Kayla's changes.

"What's the situation on the second star?"

Selena shook, saying that she was not quite clear.

Selena, who is in charge of intelligence collection, said that they were not clear, so Demi and Hara were not allowed to ask them, so Jin Xiantai asked directly, the monitor responsible for monitoring the situation of the second star.

At this time, Jin Xiantai and the others are really not clear about what happened on the second star. Even if the defensive star is here, Jin Xiantai let people watch the second star at all times, but when the bear boy Cocoa arrived on the second star, he released the domain. The force field blocked the signal monitoring on the second satellite, and even the AI ​​robot signal on the second satellite responsible for real-time camera was blocked by the bear kid.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the people on the defensive star really don't know what happened on the second star.

"Sir, there was signal shielding on the second satellite. About half an oblique time, we did not receive the detection video signal band on the second satellite. Even after the recovery, we still found the signal on the second satellite. The AI ​​robot still has ten minutes to stop running, and it recovered almost fifteen minutes ago."

Well, this thing is really weird.

After the non-commissioned officer in charge of monitoring responded to his question, Kim Hyun-tae didn't know what was going on anymore. Anyway, it made him feel that this strange smell was everywhere.

"What is abnormal after the signal is restored?" Jin Xiantai asked again.

The non-commissioned officer who monitored the virtual responded: "It is hard to see, but we found that the aborigines on the second star have no longer the tension of the previous day, which makes us feel very strange."

Indeed, the aborigines on the second star faced the attack of the Asgard invaders. Normally speaking, they should not have that relaxed state.

But what was surprising in the monitoring was that after the signal was restored, they found that the aboriginal people on the second star no longer had the tension and anxiety of the great current, but became very relaxed.

Although they were on the defensive star and were observing the aborigines through the video, they could clearly see the faces of the aborigines with a real relief, even though they were separated from the virtual video image. A little truth cannot be fake.

"Sir, the vortex on the second star has disappeared, is it related to this?"

Han and the others retreated back to Asgard, and naturally closed the Rainbow Bridge passage, and as the Rainbow Bridge passage closed, the vortex that covered a quarter of the sky of the second star disappeared naturally.

This is an obvious anomaly.

Jin Xiantai, who was not clear about this, immediately turned a few turns in his heart after hearing this from the person in charge of monitoring, and felt that the factor should be correct here.

"Move the exploration satellite to the outer space orbit of the second satellite."

Kim Hyun-tae decided to confirm it through satellite observations.

On the side of the space exploration team, in the defense of outer space, more than a dozen satellites were released. With the technology and technology of Protoss currently mastered by mankind, this is not a difficult task. In the spacecraft warehouse of the exploration team, There are dozens of satellites of this type.

Following Jin Xiantai's order, a soldier who was monitoring the virtual issued an instruction to mobilize a satellite to the outer space of the second star.

The plane channel of the Rainbow Bridge is very large, and it can be clearly observed in space with satellites.

After all, the energy vortex covering a quarter of the area of ​​the second star can basically be seen as long as the eyes are not bad.

But now, as the satellite signal is transmitted back, Kim Hyun-tae and the others found that the energy vortex covering a quarter of the second star has disappeared without a trace. At this moment, the second star has returned to its original view from space. The azure blue star appeared.

The energy vortex disappeared?

Does this mean Han and they have left?

Just why is there such a situation?

Are they leaving temporarily, will they launch a more violent attack in the future or is there any other reason?

In the current situation, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but not have a lot of denial and speculation.

After all, all this is too weird.

"Sir, after testing, the second star has no energy channel fluctuations, and the people in Asgar have really left."

The plane vortex channel formed by the Rainbow Bridge has strong energy fluctuations, which can be clearly detected by satellites.

And now, the energy fluctuations on the second star have disappeared without a trace, which has shown that the people of Asgar have completely closed the passage, and for the time being, the second star is no longer in danger.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the people of Asgar will invade again in the future.

After all, Jin Xiantai and the others are not the roundworms in Han's stomach, and they cannot know what Han will do next.

"Let the AI ​​robots come in contact with the Sea Clan to see how many people are left behind by these aborigines. These days, they seem to have been slaughtered by the Asgardians a lot. Just ask them what happened."

Safety considerations ~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai did not decide to send humans to land on the second star, but let the AI ​​robots deployed at the second star offshore platform base to carry out this contact.

After all, human life is precious. If there is any accident, the AI ​​robot will rot if it rots, and no one will feel sorry for them.

More importantly, Jin Xiantai can't guarantee that the Asgardians will swept back.

What if Han just led the undead army to evacuate temporarily, and suddenly came back?

To be honest, this is not impossible.

Therefore, if humans are sent to land on the second star, to some extent it is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for AI robots to perform this task.

I have to say that in many cases, AI robots really reflect their value and advantages.

From this point of view, it is really not a bad thing to get the AI ​​robot out of the two bear kids, Coco and Kayla.

The command signal was relayed by the space satellite, and the AI ​​robot on the second satellite received the command and quickly began to act.

Although the second star is basically sea water, AI robots made of metal materials do not have to worry about the corrosion of their metal bodies because the metal materials used to make their bodies are very strong. Waterproof, anti-rust and anti-corrosion performance.

On the built sea platform base, after a group of AI robots were assembled, they jumped into the sea one by one, and scattered from the sea to find the aborigines of the sea people.

In the headquarters of the Defensive Star Underground Base, Jin Xiantai and the others watched the AI ​​robot start to move, knowing that a more detailed situation would be transmitted back soon to let them know what happened.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]