Rising America

Chapter 1840: Find

These batches of genetic medicine were injected into the aliens on the Sichuan Star. From the outside, they all had the appearance of the injected genes.

After all, this is also one of the characteristics of Alien.

For example, if they absorb the genes of iron blood, they will appear similar to iron blood.

Therefore, the aliens injected with the genes of "spider" and "scorpion" also have similar appearances after absorbing these genes.

But the eternal thing is the kind of extremely corrosive slime that they control with their mouths, and the unusually large tail.

Seven or eight aliens, after landing in the circular delivery bin, they opened the hatch and walked out.

These aliens are wearing black tights, and are covered with a biological armor. They are tall, short, fat, or thin, and they are also different in appearance. One of the shortest, even looks a bit like a certain one. In the face of the world comic Dragon Ball, the Frieza who has not transformed

And the biological armor they wear is also the style of Dragon Ball.

If anyone who has read the Dragon Ball comics is here and sees the appearance of these alien warriors, there will definitely be an illusion of coming to the Dragon Ball world.

No way, too similar.

Hey! what!

After seven or eight alien warriors gathered, they also put on a pose.

The Kilante team is here!

Well, in the end, the second grader was reported to the title.

The question is, there is no one around here at all.

In outer space, those who have been paying attention to the situation of the landing alien team, the senior officials of the China Space Exploration team also looked at the screen with speechless expressions.

To be honest, these aliens are good everywhere, but sometimes they are too two, such as now.

Of course, what everyone doesn't know is that in fact, the reason why these aliens are occasionally so different is mainly because of the relationship between Cocoa.

Because the bear child has added a trait called ‘Zhong 2’ into the genes of these alien evolutionary bodies, so

Even the "Sanya" fighters are no exception.

Don’t you see that when the "Sanya Warriors" are fighting, they will call out their moves very well.

Yes, this is all set by Cocoa Bear.

All the alien larvae that were put on the planet in the early stage were the worms.

These alien larvae are put down, of course they will not be so second.

But it's different right now. The alien that came this time is a mature body, so once it landed, it got such a second-level thing out.

"Go, let's destroy a tribe of aboriginal people and declare our arrival. We are not allowed to run around at all, and their strong will naturally appear before our eyes."

The aliens like Frieza before the transformation are obviously the heads of these aliens.

As it made this decision, the rest of the aliens did not express opposition, and nodded one after another.

The Sanya tribe, aliens, and ancient Yanhuang lineages are the three or three Xuwu Cocoa gave to the China Space Exploration team. It is precisely because of the surrender and joining of these three civilized species that the China Space Exploration team has come along. No member has ever been lost.

Of course, Coco didn't treat his father badly either. Hasn't the Red Police Base Car already been sent there.

The aborigines on the Sichuan star live in a primitive state, scattered all over the planet in the form of tribes.

Although these guys carry cockroach genes, they become extremely powerful and terrifying.

However, they did not inherit the terrible reproduction ability of cockroaches.

I have to say, this is also pretty good.

Otherwise, wouldn't this planet be crowded with cockroach people, which is definitely not a good thing for the space exploration team.

The cockroach people on Sichuan Star are strong, but their fertility is not very good, so their population is not large.

If the method adopted by the China Space Exploration team is effective, it only takes a while to completely clean up the cockroach people on this planet.

After these cockroach people are cleaned up, this planet can be incorporated into Huaxia's palm, and then begin to immigrate from Earth Huaxia to settle.

This planet is very primitive and simple, and the natural ecological environment is very good.

Therefore, those Chinese immigrants will love it.

However, the aborigines on this planet need to be dealt with.

Otherwise, they will have a good life for human immigration?

Due to various scruples, the monks of the space exploration team have no way to take action, so now they all need to count on the aliens that are dropped.

I hope they can completely suppress the cockroach people with those genes.

In the virtual projection screen, the alien rushed into a tribe of cockroach men and started a frantic killing. Those cockroach men had no one enemy against them.

It can be clearly seen from the picture that the tribal cockroach warriors, when facing these aliens, seem to be suppressed by an invisible force, so that they have no way to exert their full power. Then it was easily solved by the alien warrior.

This discovery made everyone very excited.

Because this shows that the use of cockroach natural enemy genes, the method of breeding genetic warriors is desirable.

"There are still two slopes in the potency aging."

A Chinese scholar in charge of this research project raised his wrist to check the time, and then said to the gray-haired Chinese elder.

"How many potions do they carry?"

"Five, they can only inject five medicines in a row. If there are more medicines, they will be genetically broken, so they have a fighting power that lasts ten times."

"Ten angles? Enough."

"Has all the battle data been transmitted back?"

"It's all transmitted back."

"These data must be preserved. Once we can use this technology proficiently, it will be good for ordinary people in the China camp in the future. The universe is so big and there are many dangers. With this kind of medicine, ordinary people will also have self-protection. Power."

If it weren’t for discovering this planet, then these cockroach people would not have been encountered. Therefore, the China Space Exploration team would not have thought of using such a method to eliminate cockroach people. In the end, there would be no such “worm gene”. Medicament.

Right now, the test has begun.

From the early stage, the effect is still very good.

Those aliens really became stronger. The aboriginal cockroach people, when faced with these aliens carrying natural enemy genes, even the suppressed ones could not even continue to make breakthroughs in evolution.

Therefore, Alien already has the power to slaughter cockroaches.

"General Wang, the data shows that alien warriors with cockroach natural enemy genes will invisibly suppress the cockroach-man aboriginal evolution factor in battle, so that they can no longer evolve and breakthrough as they did in the past. It seems that we have found the right way. "

Another scholar ran over with a thick stack of data files, and said excitedly to the gray-haired Chinese old man.

The aliens placed on the planet have fixed real-time data monitoring equipment, so whether they are fighting or resting, their body changes will be transmitted and fed back to the exploration spacecraft.

It can be said that these aliens can be regarded as frequent actual combat test tasks.

"According to data, alien fighters injected with different insect genes have different characteristics. Experiment 3 was injected with bullet ant genes, which can explode 800% of the destructive power with both fists, and is in front of you. It forms a cyclone force field with a fist, smashing all obstacles and enemies ahead"

The scholar was quite excited.

Because the data from the test feedback shows that this technology can not only be applied to aliens, but also to ordinary people.

In other words, ordinary people who have been injected with this kind of medicine will also have a strong and weak ‘worm gene’ power after two diagonals.

Of course, whether ordinary humans can be injected or not, this still requires rigorous testing to have results.

Regardless of the current data, it is OK, but after all, this has not been tested.

The reason why there is no problem with aliens is mainly because of their rough skin. After all, their physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people.

"What is this? Biological genetic weapons?"

"No, it cannot be said to be a weapon, it should be a genetic defense method."

"Energy production?"

"There is no problem with mass production, but we lack experiments, so we have no way to know what rejection or reaction will occur after ordinary human injection of this drug."

"Give me the information of the medicine, and I will transmit it back to the earth. This research makes the people of the Earth Institute a headache~lightnovelpub.net~ I think they will solve the problem of the experiment."

The old man asked the scholar to sort out the data, and then he would transmit the data back to the earth, so that the earth could begin to study the technology.

As for the old man's statement that there are many villains in the test prison, there will never be a shortage of experimental subjects.

The insect gene medicine is an unexpected product of the China Space Exploration team.

But it is undeniable that if Huaxia can really study the type of medicine that ordinary people can inject, this will definitely be of great benefit to humans.

When the immigrants go out, they only need to bring one or two medicines to avoid falling into danger to a large extent.

"what is that?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past.

In the large virtual projection image, the alien warriors have just slaughtered a cockroach tribe camp, killing all cockroaches in the entire camp.

This cockroach camp is built on the hillside, at the foot of a **** hill.

The alien warriors checked one side and confirmed that there were no cockroaches still alive, then relaxed a little, and then began to stroll around the tribal camp.

Wandering around, they found out.

On the side of the tribe, on the side of the mountain, there was a gate tens of meters high, and there was a vague pattern on the gate.

I don't know if it's because of the erosion of time, the pattern is really vague.

The alien warriors didn't think much.

But everyone in the China Space Exploration team who saw this scene was shocked, because the gate in the image all revealed a strong signal, telling the people of the China Space Exploration team that this is a civilization relic... ..

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]