Rising America

Chapter 1851: I will give them some small gifts

The gravity of this planet is different from that of the earth. Basically, after leaving the earth, all the planets that you see are different in gravity, and most of them have greater gravity than the earth.

   And once there is certain life on such a planet, then the strength of this life must be far beyond that of human beings on the earth, and human beings can't compare with it at all.

   Even if such a creature arrives on the earth, it will become a powerful and destructive existence.

   Therefore, even with the gravity crystal technology, Kim Hyun-tae would still be very cautious about this matter. Without ensuring safety, he would not just allow the exploration to land members.

  Because human beings really have no advantage in facing alien creatures.

   This is really not the fact that my family has extinguished my ambition, but a very helpless fact.

   Three AI robots equipped with small gravity crystals were dropped on this planet, and began a mission to explore the surroundings around the volcanic ring zone.

   The AI ​​robot in the southeast direction was discovered after more than ten minutes.

   By linking the camera lens in its eyes, the feedback image information, about one kilometer in front of this AI robot, it seems that two groups of creatures are fighting.

   Yes, melee!

   "Adjust the viewing distance so that we can see more clearly."

   Since the distance is still a little far away, Kim Hyun-tae and the others couldn't see clearly through the transmitted image signal, so he immediately ordered the AI ​​robot to adjust the angle of view.

   This is not difficult for AI robots.

   Soon, the AI ​​robot adjusted and narrowed his perspective according to Jin Xiantai's orders, and finally had a clearer image presentation.

   Where is the battle really happening, and the two groups of horses in the battle, according to the transmitted images, they actually have the same appearance and body as the Europeans and Americans on the earth, which really surprised Jin Xiantai and the others.

  Also, the aliens that appeared on this planet were not arranged by the bear-child Cocoa. They were definitely born and grown on this planet in this universe.

In the image of   , these aliens fighting with each other are powerful and powerful. Everyone is a well-developed muscle, far surpassing the bodybuilders on the earth. At first glance, you can see that they are not good.

   At the same time, Jin Xiantai also discovered that there were still women in the melee, and these women were fierce and sturdy, and their fighting performance was not weaker than that of men.

   Both sides in the battle use cold weapons. From this point of view, it seems that their civilization is still in a very primitive stage.

   Seeing this, Jin Xiantai looked back with a strange expression and looked around.

   He found that the reactions of Selena, Demi, Halle and others around him were similar to his own, and a surprised look appeared on their faces.

   Obviously, they were also very surprised to find alien life that looked like Europeans and Americans on such an extraterrestrial planet.

   It stands to reason that the universe is so big that aliens will definitely exist.

   But because of the differences in evolution and planetary ecological environment, there should not be many civilizations like human beings, and it can even be said that there are no such civilizations.

   is divided by the type of ‘carbon-based life’ at most, and there will be only this type of alien civilization.

   But what I see right now has subverted this perception a bit.

   "This... is this an alien like us?"

   Selena felt that Jin Xiantai was looking at herself, so she turned her head to look at each other, and then raised her finger to the virtual projection in front of her.

   Demi heard the words on the side and said, "It is true that they look similar to us Westerners, but they are more powerful. They are basically the so-called superman who is very famous in the metropolis before we leave."

   Halle also joined at this time.

   "No, they are far worse than Superman. According to the information I have, Superman comes from a civilization with powerful technology, but it is not comparable to these turtles who use cold weapons in battle and use cold weapons in the image."

   "Harry, why do you still have information about Superman?"

   Selena glanced at her subordinate curiously.

   Demi, Kim Hyun Tae also set his sights on Hallie.

   Halle smiled: "Be prepared for a rainy day. I am worried that I will conflict with Superman in the future, so I collected some information about Superman first."

   Hearing Hallie's answer, Demi, Kim Hyun Tae, and Selena rolled their eyes.

Hallie continued: "After all, what I did for the bureau was not a good thing, and Superman claimed to be a messenger of justice, so who knows what I did and whether the people in my organization would provoke that guy? So of course I have to prepare first."

  唔, that makes sense.

   Harley Quinn became Selena’s subordinates. Through Selena’s relationship, she was absorbed into the CIA and became a full member of the CIA.

   At that time, the situation of the CIA was more complicated, and it happened that the funding gap was very large, and it was unable to support many overseas covert missions.

   Seeing this opportunity, Selena stepped up and took on the fund-raising matter, preparing to use this credit as the basis for her promotion in the future.

   In order to raise funds, Selena was secretly authorized to do business that was not well exposed.

   Moreover, she herself has to bear a lot of dedication.

   In other words, if it is exposed, then she will personally bear all the charges, and the CIA will clear the relationship.

   Of course, if successful, Selena will also have great benefits.

   Otherwise, she would not be promoted quickly. When she left the earth, she had already become the business director of the CIA in Asia, and the civil and military teams of the CIA in Southeast Asia would have to follow her orders.

   And what kind of business was Selena doing at that time.

   Speaking of which, this business is really criticized.

   I don’t blame the CIA for vaccinating in advance, telling Selena that if something goes wrong, she must stand up and top the tank.

   At that time, she arranged for Halle to go to Mexico to do the ‘prohibited drug’ business. For this reason, the Mexican drug lord who controlled the business at that time had a series of conflicts.

   Kim Hyun Tae also knew about this.

After a series of murderous killings, Halle controlled 80% of Mexico’s banned drug market and monopolized all smuggling channels from Mexico to the United States. Since then, he has made a lot of money every month, and this is not clean. Most of the money was secretly sent back to the CIA and used for the CIA to maintain various covert operations around the world, greatly alleviating the situation where the CIA was unable to develop many businesses due to insufficient funds.

   The drug prohibition business is very profitable.

   Because there are many addicts in the United States in different time and space.

   Excursive profits in the market will attract many desperadoes to participate.

   Therefore, even if Halle led the ‘San Juan Knights’ organization to rise to Mexico with a stubborn attitude and become the largest profiteering criminal organization, it still faces the provocations of many desperadoes and attacks from small organizations every day.

   And, in order to maintain the market, as well as their own interests.

   killing, there is no way to avoid it.

   And Halle's style is quite brutal, so she is definitely one of the worst villains for some people with justice in mind.

   And Halle's organization, after a period of time, smoothly extended to the United States, forming a huge drug sales network.

   Of course, the CIA provided a lot of help behind this, otherwise Halle would not be so smooth.

   There are many addicts in the metropolis where Superman is.

  Inevitably, Halle’s drug sales network also covers the metropolis.

  Considering that Superman has always regarded himself as a messenger of justice, and is also actively fighting crime, the Knights of San Juan, which sells banned drugs, obviously must be on the opposite side of Superman. This is absolutely nothing to think about.

   Therefore, Halle considered that if the branch under her organization is in a metropolis, it might offend or provoke Superman.

   So thinking about it in advance, she began to collect information about Superman. Fortunately, when there is a conflict with Superman in the future, she will not be so passive.

   It is precisely because of this that Halle knows a lot of information about Superman, including it is a Kryptonian...

  Of course, due to the fact that the Knights of San Juan has a large sales network in the United States, Halle not only collected information about Superman, but also collected information about many other righteous people, and information about underworld villains.

   Like Jin Bin, Clown, Penguin, etc. ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Halle not only only has their detailed information, but also cooperated with them in the drug prohibition business.

   And privately, the Knights of San Juan, controlled by Halle, still had nothing to do with the Hydra organization.

As for the reason, it is very simple. Hydra is Coco’s enemy, but Coco is Kim Hyun Tae’s daughter. Selena has a crush on Kim Hyun Tae, so naturally she hates Hydra. Hallie is Selena’s subordinate, and the boss hates Nine Heads. Snake, Halle, who is a subordinate, of course also needs to be the enemy of Hydra and the target to be hit.

Now that both Selena and Halle have left the earth, the Asian aspects of the CIA and the operation of the San Juan Knights have been temporarily handed over to the "White Queen" Frost. She is responsible for Selena and Ha While Li is away, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

  With the ability of the White Queen, this matter is still okay.

   In his mind, Dianguang Flint thought of this, and then Kim Hyun-tae smiled bitterly, admitting that Halle’s collection of Superman’s information was indeed correct because of this concern.

Immediately, he left the matter behind and said to Selena: "Since there are humanoid life on this planet, then we have to see if we can have effective contact with them, because although they see It looks primitive, but at least it is a life of wisdom."

   Without waiting for Selena to respond to Kim Hyun-tae, Halle interjected: "If you log in to contact, count me, I will bring a little gift to these guys."

   Jin Xiantai and Selena looked at each other. He knew what the little gift Selena was talking about was nothing more than a banned drug with a changed name.