Rising America

Chapter 1853: You are......

Before contacting the aborigines, Jin Xiantai had a very important thing to do, and that was to use the red police base to build a batch of genetic incubators in advance. As long as there is a genetic incubator, once the contact and communication with the aborigines are not smooth and they become hostile After that, he can order the breeding of genetic warriors within the first time, and then quickly start the massacre of the aborigines.

   also only after finishing this arrangement, he can approach the aborigines with confidence and try to communicate with them.

The news that the aborigines are still fighting back keeps coming back, which gives Kim Hyun-tae plenty of time to arrange all of this. Judging from the news returned by the AI ​​robot, the aborigines on this planet do not have any special abilities. Just because the gravity of the planets is different, they are stronger than humans.

To tell the truth, the aborigines on this planet are also a bit contrary to common sense of physics. It stands to reason that the gravity of this planet is completely different from that of the earth. Under this premise, the appearance of these aborigines should be largely different from that of humans. It's the same, it's a strange shape.

   But the aborigines on this planet have the same appearance as Europeans and Americans, as well as human body shapes, which is very surprising.

   Of course, Jin Xiantai is not a scientist, so he is not interested in exploring the reasons.

   Right now, he used the shortest time to build thousands of red alarm power stations and hundreds of genetic warrior incubators in the valleys of the circular volcanic belt.

   After the bear boy helped to turn on the cheating, the red police base has indeed become stronger, which Jin Xiantai must also admit.

   After hundreds of Gene Man incubators were completed, Jin Xiantai set fixed instructions to the Red Police Base. Even after he left, the Red Police Base could continue to build Gene Man Warrior Incubators, with the goal of 10,000.

  If things change, these 10,000 genetic warrior incubators can incubate one genetic warrior per minute, and 10,000 genetic warriors can be spawned to fight in one minute.

   Although it is not clear how many aborigines there are on this planet, but with the incubation speed of the genetic warriors opened, it is obvious that Jin Xiantai and the others will harden the aborigines by then.

   What about the sturdy aboriginal people, the number will kill you!

On the ridge of the circular volcano, a light prism tower was erected at 30 meters to provide a certain degree of security for the red police base, and a machine cannon was also set up between the light prism towers. It can effectively defend against threats from the ground and the sky.

   After setting up all this, Jin Xiantai decided to leave without worry, and it was only half an hour before Jin Xiantai and the others landed on the planet.

   In other words, within this half an hour, Jin Xiantai used the Red Police Base to build a certain degree of force for himself as a backing.

   I have to say that the red alert system sent by the bear kid is really of great use. At least it can save Jin Xiantai from having to continue to have too few members of the space exploration team and get rid of the headache.

Above the valley and in the four directions, gravity crystals are suspended out of thin air. With these crystals, the gravity of the entire valley becomes completely the same as that of the earth. This ensures that if troops are to be stationed here in the future, they will not be at all. Need to worry about the difference in gravity on this planet.

   The steel armor turned on the autopilot mode, and Kim Hyun Tae and the others left the valley.

   Jin Xiantai and their mechas are all inlaid with small gravity crystals, so even if they leave the valley of the annular volcanic belt, they can ignore the gravity influence of the planet.

   Demi’s Zaku mecha team has already withdrawn from the surroundings, and they no longer need to be on guard.

   Although Jin Xiantai had all his thoughts on the deployment of the red police base after he arrived, he also did not ignore the two groups of aborigines in the melee.

During this period, the AI ​​robot responsible for monitoring the real-time image data has transmitted back a lot of clear and detailed image data, allowing Jin Xiantai to arrange the red police base while also being able to have a rough idea of ​​the aborigines here. To understanding.

   These aborigines are very cruel, and these guys who are still in the cold weapon stage are as crazy as men and women when fighting a war.

   If you have to describe it, Kim Hyun-tae thinks that these guys are somewhat similar to the characters in the paintings of European and American magic illustrators.

   Jin Xiantai and the others are very fast. After all, the Zaku mech and the steel armor have flying devices. In this way, Jin Xiantai and the others are not allowed to go on foot slowly and fly to the destination in the air.

   is only the image transmitted back through the AI ​​robot. After all, there is something behind it. It is better to see the scene of the melee with your own eyes.

   The aborigines with the appearance of Europeans and Americans wielded the cold weapons in their hands and fought together. It has been playing for half an hour, but they have not yet seen a bit of fatigue.

   In the battlefield of the melee, you can already see where many men and women fell. Needless to say, they were all knocked down in the melee. Maybe they are all dead, even if they don’t die, they are seriously injured.

  The battle of cold weapons has a strong impact on people visually and psychologically. This is completely different from the war of hot weapons, which can make people's adrenaline soar.

   Jin Xiantai and the others turned on the invisibility device, so the aid people in the melee did not know the world they were in, and there was already a wave of unexpected guests.

   From a safe distance, Jin Xiantai and the others looked at the aborigines in the melee.

   Jin Xiantai discovered that the aboriginal people on this planet are actually riding a creature like a combination of dinosaurs and lizards. Of course, they are much smaller than dinosaurs.

   Judging from this discovery, this planet is not as desolate as I thought it was at first. After all, a very primitive and backward civilization was bred here, and this strange creature still exists.

   These guys are still fighting. Jin Xiantai knows that it is not good for him to intervene in this way. If he intervenes like this, if he is mentally disabled, it will provoke the two parties in the battle and turn their spearheads together to deal with him.

   So, Kim Hyun-tae took Selena and Demi and turned on the invisible device, just like that.

   After all, the real version of the Cold Weapon War Show is much more enjoyable than the movie.

   This is not Kim Hyun Tae's cold blood.

   After all, the other party is an alien, so Jin Xiantai didn't feel that watching the excitement would make him feel uncomfortable.

   Do humans have too much thought when two wolves bite each other?

   Well, Kim Hyun-tae now has basically this mentality.

  Aliens and humans, Kim Hyun Tae clearly distinguished.

  Even if the other party has the same appearance as Europeans and Americans, and the same body as humans, in the final analysis these guys are aliens.

   Kim Hyun-tae wouldn’t have a demented feeling for them just because of their similar appearance.

   Of course, in private, if these guys have the appearance of Chinese descent, maybe Jin Xiantai will have another state.

  Who makes these guys have the characteristics of Westerners?

   In this way, Jin Xiantai and the others watched the excitement quietly for almost two hours, until the two sides temporarily stopped the melee and retreated, before he chose one of them to start contact.

   These two groups of indigenous people look like two rival tribes.

   The two sides didn’t know why, a fierce battle started in this place.

   Although I don’t understand it, I guess it’s just because of the chassis and profit.

   This is nothing strange.

   Both sides are near the battlefield, and temporary camps have been established. It seems that no one is defeated. This battle will definitely not have any result, and judging from the situation in the previous battle, both sides have the meaning of completely eliminating the opponent.

   The play styles of both sides are too rough, they don't pay attention to the formation of the line at all, they just rushed up with the call sign and rushed to murderously, which made Jin Xiantai who had watched for more than two hours complained in his heart.

   When they came to the camp of the aboriginal army on the left, Jin Xiantai and the others withdrew their invisibility and appeared.

   There was no accident at all, their appearance immediately caused a riot.

   To be honest, the aborigines on this planet have really never seen aliens wearing mechas, so how can they not be shocked.

   But in the end, Kim Hyun Tae and the others entered the camp and met the aboriginal king.

"who are you?"

   This is the first sentence that this aboriginal king asked after meeting Jin Xiantai and the others.

   The place where the king of aboriginal people is ~lightnovelpub.net~ is a tent built from the skins of unknown animals in the center of the camp, and this guy is sitting on a wooden throne.

  Of course, there is no crown on this goods, maybe they are not popular with this thing.

   Wang's body looks stronger than all men, and his tendons are even better than a bodybuilder.

   It can be seen that among the aborigines on this planet, they must have the strongest physical fitness to be king.

   The interstellar civilization language translator in the steel mecha quickly translated the other party's words.

   Kim Hyun Tae stood there neither humble nor arrogant, took off the steel mask on his head, revealing his appearance, once again aroused the commotion of the aboriginals who looked suspicious around, and whispered whispers.

   "We are from the stars."

   At this point, Kim Hyun Tae didn't brag, he was telling the truth.

   Buzzing, there was constant discussion in the big account.

   Through a language translator, Kim Hyun-tae’s words were all translated to the king of aboriginal people not far away, and because there is a language translator, there is obviously no problem in communication.

   The aboriginal king sitting there, the muscles on his face jerked, but it quickly returned to normal.

   To be honest, the appearance of Jin Xiantai and the others still shocked the aboriginal people and their people.

   After all, Kim Hyun Tae and the others are wearing weird metal shells, and they have the ability to hide their bodies, which makes them feel amazing.

   "Are you... gods?"

   After a long time, the barbarian king opened his mouth and asked such a question in surprise.