Rising America

Chapter 1867: Zod leaves

Fury's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Al, who came to meet with Zod, and his son Superman Clark, did not see this reaction from Fury.

"Al, you are also a Kryptonian, I think you should understand me. Come with me, now the whole universe is left with us. If you want to restore the glory of Kryptonian civilization, this also needs your share. power."

Although he had hatred with Al, Zod temporarily put his hatred aside, extended an olive branch to Al, and invited Al to leave with him.

In any case, Al is also the only scholar left on Krypton. If he joins him, then finding a planet to continue the Krypton civilization again will be of great help.

After all, Zod and the others are just soldiers.

Al shook his head: "No, I'm used to life on the earth."

What Zord did not expect was that Al refused his kindness.

Zod could not see anything on his face, but he had become more disgusted with Al’s senses in his heart. He decided that once he had saved the vines of the tree of life, he would find a suitable planet to plant the tree of life, and put the new krypton star Once the civilization is established, it will definitely come back to conquer the earth and kill this El at the same time.

If Al agreed to leave with him at this time, maybe Zod would let go of his hatred, after all, as he said, now the Kryptonians are left with them.

But Al was still so ‘selfish’, he hadn’t cared about what was going on now, he was only thinking about his life, which made Zod very angry and disgusted.

However, the situation is better than others, Zod did not get angry, even he did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, he seemed so calm.

This is all Zod's disguise, because compared to his hatred and hatred of Al, getting the Krypton Tome is the most important thing. He is very clear about what he should and should not do.

At the same time, he must show a harmless appearance to alleviate Al and human beings' guard so that he can smoothly get what he wants from Al.

From this it can be seen that General Zod is not a fool, nor is his mind full of muscles. He only knows how to use force. He can also play with his brain, and sometimes even turns into a smart person who is a genius.

After all, Zod is not a big-headed soldier. He was cultivated as a strongman as the commander of the Kryptonian military. He was born with some differences from other Kryptonian fighters and even generals.

The big soldiers of Krypton are the kind of brains and muscles who only know how to obey orders, but don't know how to turn around.

A general like Fiona has better brains than a big-head soldier, but after all, he is not as good as General Zod.

You know, General Zod is the highest leader of the Kryptonian military, and he certainly has his own differences.

At this time, if Fiona and the others were here, they would yell at them if they didn't, and then they would beat Al.

But General Zod's expression remained unmoved, which is evident.

No matter what General Zod thought in his heart, and what kind of violent fluctuations, he couldn't see anything on his face anyway.

"Really, well, it's your own choice."

Zod just replied indifferently.

"Give it to me, I don't want to waste time here."

Zod raised his chin slightly, and then said to Al.

El also hoped that Zod left quickly, so he nodded, and then did not see any movement, just a few long strips of crystal appeared out of thin air, and suspended beside El.

This is the so-called ‘Krypton Collection’.

Of course, this cannot be understood literally. It seems that there will be a book or something that humans think is a treasure.

In fact, the Krypton Collection is composed of such a few long crystals.

Each of these crystals stored the corresponding Krypton civilization technology. What Al wanted to give Zod was the crystal block that recorded the Krypton gene technology, and this was what Zod asked for.

For other crystals, Zod is not very interested.

Because in Zod's view, manpower is the most important thing. Relatively speaking, technology is not important. As long as there are people, there will be everything in the future, and without people there will be nothing.

After all, technology is also researched out by people.

Therefore, he only seeks genetic technology.

This kind of crystal, in the Krypton civilization, is actually a carrier for storing data, just like a memory card used by humans.

The pink crystal floated in front of General Zod, and General Zod stretched out his right hand to hold the crystal. Then the crystal bloomed with a dazzling pink halo. After about a second, the halo dissipated. This crystal It was completely controlled by General Zod.

"Goodbye, Al, I hope you can live comfortably on this planet, but you are no longer a Krypton race in my eyes, but a traitor who appeared when Krypton was in danger."

After achieving his goal, General Zod took a deep look at Al, and then said something to him.

There was a bitter look on Al's face.

"Hey! Why do you guys say that to my father."

Al didn't say a word, because he didn't think that Zod was wrong in saying this, and he was indeed selfish.

But there was no sound, but Superman Clark, who was standing next to Al, quit.

After all, Al is his father, and seeing his father being mocked by Zod so much and saying that he is a traitor to Krypton, how could this make Clark bear it.

After all, the traitor is not a good reputation.

Zod cast a contemptuous look at Clark, then looked away.

"This is your son? The child you and your wife gave birth to against the rules of Krypton?"

Al nodded.

Zod collected the crystal, his body slowly rose, and he didn't even mean to pay attention to Superman Clark.

Although Clark released strong aura fluctuations, it was still not seen by Zod, because in Zod's view, the aura was too weak.

As a strong man, Zod doesn't bother to pay attention to the ‘weak’ Superman, and he doesn’t want to take action now, in order to cause some dispute.

When, when he comes back to Earth next time, everything will be different.

"I'm talking to you! Why don't you think it's rude, you know!"

Zod ignored Clark, but Clark quit.

"Asshole! Who do you think you are!"

Clark's eyes widened, and two red glows burst into his eyes.

This is Clark's use of his natural ability [Laser Eye].

Of course, this kind of talent ability is not unique to Clark. Basically every Krypton warrior has this ability, the difference is only strength.

General Zod curled his mouth, and his eyes returned with two laser beams.

The lasers shot from the eyes of the two collided in the air, but within a second Clark was suppressed by General Zod.

Clearly, Clarke is much weaker than General Zod.

From the horizon, Iron Man flies.

"Hey! Alien, this is the earth, and there is no room for wildness."

Tony is a little poor, and his tone is also very unpleasant.

Clark retracted the laser and shook his body.

Zod accepted it as soon as he saw it, and didn't go after him.


The green fat man ran under Zod like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, looking up at him fiercely.

In addition to Iron Man and Hulk, Hawkeye was also far away and locked General Zod in the air. If he violently activates his weapon, then the sharp arrow on the bowstring full of Hawkeye will be shot.

General Zod didn't stop, just took a glance and then continued to lift off, and soon he returned to the door of the landing warehouse, which was hovering in the air.

As Zod walked into the landing warehouse, the landing warehouses slowly closed, and then quickly rushed into the sky.

Al couldn't help taking a long breath.

He was also very nervous just now, thinking that General Zod would use force. After all, his son Clark's behavior was no different from provocation.

It's just that Al didn't expect that Zod would leave like this.

To be honest, this makes Al confused.

Because in his impressions and memories, Kryptonian fighters would not restrain their emotions in the face of such provocations, and that was General Zod was no exception.

But the performance of General Zod today made him very unexpected.

Is it possible that the destruction of Krypton really caused such a change in General Zod’s character?

Al thought of a possibility.

But what he couldn't think of was that General Zod was actually showing off his acting skills, and he suppressed his anger.

"Clark, are you okay?"

With doubts in his heart, Al supported his pale-faced son Clark, and asked with concern.

Clark shook his head: "It's okay, I didn't think that guy was quite good."

Clark finally knew how big the gap between him and the other party was, and how big he was before, which made him very uncomfortable.

Zord didn't seem to be doing his best.

"Don't be discouraged~lightnovelpub.net~You are still young, this guy Zod was originally Krypton’s most powerful fighter and the commander of the Krypton army, so he is very strong, has experienced many wars, and has rich combat experience. , This is not something you can compare to when you are young."

In order to restore his son's confidence, Al told Clark about Zord's situation.

"You will practice more in the future, and you will not necessarily be weaker than Zod in the future, and Zod has no room for improvement. Don't think he is very strong, but he has been restricted, but you are different, you have infinite Possible."

That’s right, Clark is the natural child of Al and himself, and Zod was nurtured by the tree of life. Although the two sides want to have a big gap between strengths and weaknesses, as Al said, Clark has unlimited possibilities, but Zod De was destined to be like this.

It's just that Al didn't think about it. Although Clark has infinite shaping and possibilities, if he doesn't work hard, all of this will be in the mirror.

Power does not come out of nowhere.

Don't work hard! No perseverance!

Ha ha……