Rising America

Chapter 1871: Leaving is temporary

"General, are things going well?"

When Al and Clark were overturned by Fury, General Zod also returned to his spacecraft, and when he walked out of the drop warehouse, Fiora was the first to walk over.

General Zod smiled and nodded: "Everything is going well. Al has already given me the Life Gene Crystal. Perhaps this has nothing to do with my not being interested in other crystals, and at the same time I try to be as friendly as possible. Signal, for me who is not malicious, Al is not good to be too aggressive. After all, if it annoys us, it is not good for human beings. He must take this into consideration."

General Zod's plan was completely successful, and everything went according to his plan and was implemented smoothly.

The hatred between him and Al and the plan to invade the earth can be temporarily put aside. Compared with the life gene crystal, all things are not so important.

General Zod is very clear about the priorities.

The crystal was slowly exposed from General Zod's body. For the sake of insurance, General Zod placed it in his body so that he could protect the crystal even if he encountered any danger.

The crystal was shining with a pink halo, and Fiora and several other generals of Zord's subordinates, their expressions fluctuated violently when they saw the crystal.

excitement! Excited!

Yes, when they get the life gene crystal, they can find a way to keep the tree of life vines from withering, and then find a planet to replant the tree of life, and slowly over time, the new tree of life can hatch again Kryptonian life allows their civilization to continue in the universe instead of disappearing like this.

As the last few Kryptonians, how could they not be excited after seeing the hope of continuation of the race.

"Fiora, start the spacecraft, the target is chaotic star field, we will leave the earth immediately, Thanos is eyeing this place, we have been here too long, God knows if we will encounter any trouble, for us right now, the most The important thing is to find a planet so that the withering vine can survive and become a new tree of life, and we have to conceal this matter so that those enemies cannot know it."

Kryptonians are very powerful.

But that was once.

The former Krypton civilization was also a powerful civilization that conquered and ruled millions of races in the universe, but all of this disappeared with the destruction of Krypton.

Now that Krypton is annihilated, there are only people like Zod and El. So once those former enemies know that there are Kryptonians alive, will they be indifferent?

This matter can be thought of with your knees, what the other party will do.

Moreover, Zod also found an opportunity to rejuvenate civilization. If the enemies were to know, these guys could still sit still?

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that Zod said to keep a low profile, or even act in secret.

Fiora and his companions also knew this truth.

But anyway, the life gene crystal has been obtained, the most difficult thing has been done, and the next thing is much simpler.

General Zod's spacecraft locked the channel, started the jump, and soon disappeared from the solar system.

And with the departure of General Zod and the others, the orbiting satellites that were forcibly connected all recovered to their original state, and everything returned to normal.

The arrival of General Zod seemed to be just an episode.

But no one knew that as Al gave the life gene crystal, General Zod would have a huge army in the near future, and when he appeared in the solar system again, he would not be so friendly. .

General Zord and the others are not scholar-like Kryptonians. In the overall social structure of Krypton, General Zord and the others are genomes cultivated as soldiers, which are completely different from the Al family.

On Krypton, **** between men and women is forbidden, and offspring are naturally born, all of which are to use the combination of male and female genes to cultivate the birth of Kryptonian larvae through the tree of life to continue the Kryptonian civilization.

Although it looks weird, the Kryptonians protect every juvenile body. They are very good seedlings, and they are very strong when they grow up.

Of course, this is not without harm.

For example, when a Kryptonian larva is born, his position within the framework of the Kryptonian society has been fixed, and there will be no way to change it for a lifetime.

For example, if General Zod is a military commander, then he will be a military commander all his life.

Al is a scholar, he has been a scholar all his life.

If there are Kryptonians at the bottom of society who want to promote their social status through hard work, don't even think about this.

It is like a Kryptonian cleaner who has become better than Zod through hard work and has more knowledge than Al, but in the end he can only be a cleaner...

This system does seem very rigid.

Since General Zod was a soldier, after he got the life gene crystal, he thought of all the soldiers in the future. He didn't even want other social classes. He wanted to build a militarized Kryptonian civilization.

Of course, the reason Zord had such an idea was that he was restricted by the parliamentary nobles and was always criticized by scholars like Al.

As a soldier, Zod is an absolute representative of the military execution faction. He represents all the hawks of Krypton. He feels that the conquest should not be stopped in the later period of Krypton. Instead, he should continue to use force to conquer other civilized races. At the critical moment when the star is about to explode, everyone should leave Krypton and find a new planet to continue to thrive.

But those guys with **** minds didn't leave Krypton in life or death, and would rather accompany Krypton to explode and destroy it, which in Zod's view was simply stupid and hopeless.

In the end, it was the El Chicken Thief. He and his wife secretly took the Krypton Tome, and quietly left Krypton, without going to death with the guys who had shi in their heads.

General Zod, on the other hand, was exiled because he wanted to overthrow the parliament by force and then summoned everyone to leave Krypton as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, General Zod is not necessarily a real bad guy.

After all, his starting point is also good.

It's just that the reproduction of Krypton he hopes is based on the invasion and occupation of other civilizations' planets.

But from the perspective of General Zod, is he wrong in thinking this way?

This thing is really the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise.

Now that Zod has got the life gene crystal, he decided not to make those nasty councils, even scholars don’t need it, he just wants to create a fully militarized new Krypton civilization, and then use force to rebuild the Krypton civilization brilliant.

Without parliament, without scholars, of course, there would be no restrictions. This is definitely a great thing for their soldiers.

But the question is, how can the vines of the tree of life survive and be planted again?

Because the general is a soldier, not a scholar, he is not very clear about this, so he has a headache to learn related knowledge and techniques in the crystal.

Fortunately, although the relevant knowledge stored in the Life Gene Crystal is complicated and huge, after sorting it out, it really made Zord find the key thing.

The tree of life grows by plundering the vitality of the planet. The birth of any Kryptonian larva will consume the vitality of the planet, and the stronger the larva, the more it will consume.

Coupled with the tree of life itself, it also needs the vitality of the planet to continue its survival.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a planet that is not barren, but a planet full of vitality as the planting ground.

As for how to make the vines alive, this is also very simple.

Find a planet full of vitality, and then bury it in the core of the planet. It's not too simple.

The vine can absorb the energy (life force) in the core of the planet on its own to strengthen itself, and it will not take long to become a new tree of life.

After seeing this information, General Zod took a breath of air. For the first time, he knew that the tree of life in his own civilization was so amazing.

However, after he was surprised, what immediately stirred in his mind was endless doubts.

The tree of life is so powerful, but why did the council only let the tree of life take root on the parent star of Krypton, and did not adopt a split planting method to strengthen the Kryptonian civilization?

With this matter, with the destruction of Krypton, Zod has no way to know the truth.

But after thinking about it, Zodder felt that it must be the old-fashioned parliament and the scholars who talked about peace, love, and justice all day long, and did not do so.


Damn these guys!

General Zod whispered bitterly.

But soon, his mood improved.

The reason is very simple. Those conservative council elders and scholars who like to provoke have belched. With these guys no longer exist, no one can restrict Zord from acting. How could this be a bad thing? It.

Well, thinking about it this way, of course Zod's mood will become very good.

Since cultivating the tree of life is so simple, Zod's frowning brows immediately relaxed.

What he has to do now ~lightnovelpub.net~ is to quickly find a planet and use the vines in his hands to cultivate a new matrix of the tree of life.

When he has the tree of life matrix, he can use the split planting method to continue to search for a vibrant planet, and then plant the tree of life to grow himself.

Thinking about it, Zod couldn't help but smile.

He predicts that it will not be long before he adopts this method of split development, and he will be able to have a military power far surpassing that of Krypton.

At that time, huh, who else in the entire universe can resist?

Thanos is very powerful, yes, but you can pile it with endless Krypton soldiers!

The universe **** race?

Pooh! Lao Tzu continues to play violent soldiers with you!

There are other supreme beings, anyway, Zod will no longer fear you, I will become the master of the universe!