Rising America

Chapter 1872: cheer up

In the universe, there are so many civilizations that there is no way to calculate the number, and even the strongest are as many as stars. Among them, Thanos, the cosmic gods, the judges, and the star swallowers are the strongest existences, their names Human beings have not even heard of it, which shows how earthy human beings are at this time.

After all, mankind has just started the interstellar age, so it is not surprising that they don't know the names of these cosmic powers.

Zod is different.

The Kryptonian civilization is the top civilization, and it can even compete with Thanos in the glorious period.

Therefore, Zod knows the names of many strongest people, and these guys are his subconscious enemies and opponents.

The earth was originally not in the eyes of Zod. In Zod's view, the earth is a primitive and wild countryside.

However, when he realized that the earth is actually the junction of the multiverse planes, he gave the earth a little bit of a snack, but that was all.

To be honest, not only Zod sees the earth this way, but Thanos sees it this way.

Everyone does not take the earth too seriously.

The reason for this is also very helpless.

After all, if there is no cocoa push, the earth will not be able to enter the interstellar age.

A civilization that has not even entered the interstellar age, how can you make people like Thanos and Zod look up to it.

Isn't it normal?

Of course, Thanos paid a small price for this, and he failed to invade the earth several times, which already explains the problem.

It’s just that Thanos didn’t think much about it. It just felt that its subordinates were not strong enough. In addition, its main enemy now is the cosmic gods of the same eternal race, so it doesn’t have any energy to focus on the earth. The men who gave it to continue to invade the earth.

Therefore, humans did not face the anger and terror of Thanos.

Of course, if Thanos comes, it is estimated that it will still be sad.

Those great abilities of China, the bear child Coco, and the new **** Annie, it is estimated that Thanos can drink a pot.

So in this way, it seems that there is no major crisis on the earth.

However, 99% of humans do not know this.

Therefore, everyone was very nervous, and prayed every day that aliens would never come.

The appearance of Zod jumped off the human race.

Fortunately, Zod left quickly, and did not show the intention of invading the earth, which made people relieved.

To be honest, everyone is really afraid that the "New York Incident" will happen again, especially the Americans are most afraid...

In addition to the Americans, although other countries are also very worried about such things, they still wait to see the Americans' jokes.

There are even streaming legends on the Internet, [Americans always fantasize about themselves as the savior of the world in various sci-fi movies, and they will always encounter alien attacks. Now all of this has come true, and I don’t know that Americans should cry. Still should laugh] This kind of ridiculous joke.

You know, Manhattan is still barren.

Although the ruins are gone after cleaning up, the once bustling Manhattan has now become a piece of white ground, and whoever sees it is chilly.

Now that the ruins of Manhattan have been cleaned up, reconstruction has begun.

The real estate construction company initiated by Coco and hosted by Hilda, after joining Tony, Wayne, Osborne and others to invest as shareholders, completely drove out the East Coast consortium and monopolized the reconstruction business.

Of course, in this process, Hilda also used some unbearable methods in private, such as releasing aliens and iron blood to injure the opponent's engineering team personnel, and destroy the opponent's engineering machinery.


According to Annie, behind any capitalist, who hasn't done anything dirty yet.

Therefore, even if Annie knew that Hilda did it in Manhattan, she didn't say anything, and even told Hilda that this approach could be a bit more radical.

So, Hilda has a monopoly on the Manhattan reconstruction business. Is it any wonder?

Of course, what I'm talking about is not this reconstruction business in Manhattan, but Manhattan, which has turned into a piece of nothing. This is the key.

A New York incident turned Manhattan into white ground, and the loss was immeasurable, not to mention the huge casualties.

If this kind of thing happens several times, the US government is expected to collapse.

This time alone, many insurance companies have gone bankrupt.

Yes, bankruptcy.

Those capitalists who had no ethics should have paid huge pensions, but in the face of this situation, they actually chose bankruptcy and liquidation to avoid paying the insurance premiums. This is really a thing of no ethics.

You know, behind these insurance companies are actually controlled by large invisible capitalists in the United States, such as DuPont, Clophy, and other big families.

In the United States of different time and space, all profitable businesses have their shadows behind them.

The phrase "the true ruler of the United States" is not a joke. Their words are better than the president, and the members of Congress are also supported by them.

But who would have thought that these guys are so unethical?

There is no way, the money to lose is too much, and they have to adopt this method.

Therefore, no one really wants to come back to this "New York Incident" again.

Due to the intensified sense of crisis, humanity's interstellar immigration plan began to be put on the table.

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After Logan and the others left the earth, the second batch of interstellar immigration program was launched in China and the United States at the same time.

In doing so, in addition to allowing mankind to take root on other planets, it is also hoped that it can be used to preserve a kind of ignition for mankind. Once the earth encounters any crisis, it will not let all mankind die.

Of course, the second batch of immigrants has nothing to do with ordinary people. They are basically powerful people from all over the world, including Annie.

However, Annie reached the second batch of immigrant spacecraft to go to Gemini. Unlike other people who really wanted to leave the earth, she only went to Gemini to investigate, and she would return to the earth after the investigation.

As a businessman, Annie doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity, especially since she is most interested in Gemini II, the planet covered with sea water.

Annie is not so interested in the land planet of Star One.

Because in Annie’s view, the planet II, which is covered by seawater, can be built into a tourist resort.

Even the aborigines on this planet, the "Sea Race", are ready-made service personnel.

Especially the girls of the sea people, are they not attractive to some wealthy people?

Of course, these Annies need to personally inspect them before making a final decision.

At the same time, it is also a matter of taking a hand to get a piece of land to build a manor or something on the second star.

Here on Earth, Annie has the habit of buying houses in various cities. It seems that this habit will continue to be maintained now.

Star No. 1 is different from Star No. 2. It is a planet with no ocean, only rivers and several large lakes, and it has lush vegetation and abundant forest resources.

Sitting in the luxury cabin of the immigrant spacecraft, Annie looked at the information about the two planets of Gemini, while Coco was holding a drink with many ice cubes, and sitting opposite Annie slowly sucking.

In the luxurious immigration cabin, besides Annie and Coco, Kayla was there.

At this time, five days have passed since Ferry got Al and Clark to release the aerospace carrier.

Kayla is holding the tablet, watching the cartoon attentively.

From the girl’s face, there is nothing to tell that five days ago, her father and brother were still in a dangerous situation, and they were almost destroyed by Ferry, leaving her family torn apart.

Coco jumped out of his seat, walked to the sofa next to Kayla, and sat down on the sofa with his elbow. He lowered his voice and asked his best friend: "You just leave, don't worry about your father and your brother. ?"

Kayla paused the cartoon, collapsed her shoulders, and responded to Coco: "Those two heartless guys, don't worry about them at all. They won't be dangerous. The gangster Fury still needs them to do things, my brother. I was fainted by the green tea and became Fury's subordinates completely. I don't even bother to talk about it."

Yes, after Al and Clark regained consciousness, they were tempted by Fury's coercion, especially Clark, who joined Fury's Avengers organization because of the words of his girlfriend of Green Tea.

At the same time, Fury also got his wish, got the Kryptonite Crystal, and asked Al to join S.H.I.E.L.D., and specially developed and used the Kryptonian civilization technology stored in the Kryptonite Crystal.

In other words, the Kaila family has now been branded by SHIELD.

At first, Kayla thought that her father and brother would have to resist, but what she didn't expect was that her brother agreed to Fury without even thinking about his girlfriend's persuasion. Although her father resisted a bit, he finally did Persuaded.

So what can Kayla say.

Even his father and brother had forgotten how Fury let them go, and I don't know if the two of them just forgot on purpose.

At this point, Kayla was very unhappy, but she couldn't do anything.

So, I took this opportunity to come out with Coco to relax, and she felt annoying staying at that house.

"What the **** does your dad think? Do you want me to take care of Fury, others are afraid of that guy, I'm not afraid."

Cocoa sensed that his buddies were not in a good mood~lightnovelpub.net~ and asked his friends in a low voice, whether he needed to solve it by himself.

Well, if Coco comes forward, the solution is simple.


For Coco Bear, this is the easiest way to deal with problems.

Kayla shook her head: "No, it's their choice."

Kayla was completely dead to her father and brother, and at the same time she didn't want Coco, so she went to trouble Ferry for her father and brother like that.

Seeing that Kayla didn't agree, Coco couldn't continue to insist. After all, it was Kayla's family matter.

Therefore, Coco had no choice but to comfort Kayla: "Don't be unhappy, come out this time, have fun with me, and forget about these unhappy things."

Kayla nodded: "Okay, I will try my best to make myself happy. Otherwise, what else can I do? I'm helpless with such a father and brother."