Rising America

Chapter 1873: Chores

Because the bear child Cocoa is pushing behind, the earth here in different time and space opened the interstellar era in 2019, and human beings staggered on the exploration and journey of the universe.

Almost like other cosmic civilizations and races, human beings who have stepped out of their home planets began to explore outside the solar system, and began to come into contact with some low-level civilizations, and at the same time showed a strong aggressiveness.

And this aggressiveness is not only unique to human beings on Earth, but also when other cosmic civilizations entered the interstellar age.

For the sake of one's own civilization and the well-being of the entire race, there is nothing to criticize at the expense of other low-level civilizations. Even if there are occasional Virgins who jump out, these guys can't affect the overall situation.

To be honest, their slogan of ‘creating cosmic civilization and racial harmony together’ is basically not shared by a few people, but anyone who has a bit of a brain is very clear, it’s impossible at all.

The equality between civilization and civilization is to speak with strength.

Without strength, there would be no so-called equality.

The things that happened in the great nautical era are living examples.

Can you imagine that humans will be equal to animals?

Animals such as chickens, ducks, cows and pigs are absolutely impossible.

Even if dog lovers jump out, they can't obliterate the fact that they just treat dogs as pets. There is no such thing as equality.

Of course, some guys with special quirks are exceptions, but can these guys be abnormal?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, when a higher civilization meets a lower civilization, peace is very difficult, and the possibility of aggression and war is very high.

Resource plunder and enslavement are all things that have happened between civilization and civilization for a long time. After opening the sea of ​​stars, mankind has been psychologically prepared for this.

Therefore, when human beings encounter other low-level civilizations, of course they will not think about how to be equal to the other side. They will inevitably want to invade and enslave the other side by any means and means.

This is also a course that every civilization must go through after entering the interstellar age.


This is simply a fantasy.

Therefore, even the Huaxia Exploration team has shown a kind of wolfishness that has never been seen before.

Similarly, from the standpoint of human beings, Jin Xiantai, a good old man, doesn't feel that there is nothing wrong with enslaving other low-level civilizations and occupying the other's resources.

First of all, the two sounding exploration teams both have to stand up from a human position to think and then act. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this.

But as mentioned earlier, for these things, there are always some brain-dead people who will jump out, saying that they are not good at doing this, or that they are not good.

No way, hundreds of billions of people, there are so many weird things, this is normal.

There are a hundred people of all kinds.

At this time, Jin Xiantai was not on Earth, and Coco and Annie also went to Gemini, so the father and daughter did not know what was happening here on Earth.

Come to think of it, even if he knows it, it is estimated that Jin Xiantai will not have much reaction.

Perhaps only Coco can do something.

Hey, who knows.

Some people who claim to be'love and justice' have recently published commentary articles on the Internet and private tabloid platforms, saying that the'Empire' exploration team used banned drugs to enslaved the aborigines of Star One. This is horrendous to the extreme. , And embarrass human beings.

Just ask, why can’t I get along with the low-level civilization aboriginals on the 1st star in peace and love them?

After such an article was published, most people felt that the author was stupid. Of course, there were also some brain-dead applauds. The author said that Jin Xiantai is a shame to mankind and a scum on the earth. Seeing that, I can’t wait to smash Jin Xiantai. Section, and then given to the aboriginal people on the first star to relieve their anger.

When the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds, and it is not surprising that there will be such a person on the earth.

There is also such a trend in China, and there are also many so-called public knowledge jumping up and down, clamoring that mankind is doing this for self-destruction, and using such a radical way to treat alien civilizations, humans will be finished sooner or later.

And these teasers are known by the interstellar at this time, and the little earth can't accommodate them. They will start fighting for the freedom and justice of the universe.

Well, whether in the West or the East, these guys who jumped up and down have shouted such a slogan and called on the public to support themselves, stop letting the two major camps of China and the United States continue to do so, and declare that they will continue in this way. It will bring mankind into a state of extinction, which is called alarmism.

I don't know, I thought that the earth was about to be the end of the world, and was besieged by the allied forces of the cosmic civilization.

There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and Kim Hyun-tae was scolded miserably.

Of course, not all human beings scold, only a handful of people.

I didn't do it, it was a ‘small group’ of people.

Most people can look at this routinely, and no one knows it, so these guys jump up and down look like clowns.

So, these guys do this kind of thing, are they full?

Or is it because of their strange brains?

Do not!

In fact, these guys all have their own interests behind the noise.

These self-proclaimed ‘universal knowers’ don’t believe in any **** ‘love and justice’ at all, they are just a cover up as a cover.

This is like a certain time and space when dog lovers organize to intercept dog-carrying vehicles at a high speed, causing the dog dealers to bankrupt their families. These dog lovers still post complacently on Weibo, show off wildly, and then go to eat game.

As for the rescued dogs, how to do it?

To be honest, these so-called dog lovers didn't even think about it. They were all thrown to the local pet shelter. As a result, many of these dogs died.

Ha ha! The so-called ‘dog lovers’ are nothing more than that.

So what are their interests?

It's very simple. Some bad guys use people's sympathy to stage a drama that has been choreographed long ago, and many netizens donate money.

Is it true that the person who takes the lead in organizing this kind of thing is for love?

Whoever believes is stupid.

And their excuses are varied, and they can always be found anyway.

But the sad thing is that these guys can always get what they want to get a group of men and women who are idle at home and have nothing to do, panicking, and succeed.

There are simply not too many organizations like this in a certain time and space. If you check carefully, Du Te Niang is a liar.

Imagine that a real animal protectionist would eat game after saving a dog?

In the name of "dog love", can you infringe on the private property of others?

Isn't this obvious yet?

But just some people who do dirty things under the banner of justice. Regardless of how noble they paint themselves, these guys are actually not good things.

The "Knowledge of the Universe" that has recently jumped up and down here in different time and space, as well as the "people of love" are also this way, which shows that such people will exist no matter where they are.

They carry the banner of the so-called ‘justice’, but they are just whitewashing themselves. Otherwise, would they have exposed their wickedness, and how can they deceive others?

Anyone with a bit of IQ will see through the routines of these guys at a glance, but there will always be some brains to believe, which is really helpless.

Is there a true environmental protection, animal protection, and justice person?

To be honest, there really are!

But very rarely.

An international organization like this in time and space has changed its flavor now.

They accept funds from a stakeholder group and then use the banner to charge for it. This is nothing new.

It's just that the general public don't know much about this kind of thing.

Don't you see, can even Te Niang's adopted orphans be used to deceive and squander things happen?

The same is true for the well-known and caring people in the universe. There are also interests behind them, and the interests are not small.

I don’t know since when some publications on the Internet, netizens who have different opinions on the practices of the two space exploration teams will receive anonymous emails.

In this anonymous email, the other party indicated that he agreed with his online remarks, in order to get closer to the other party, and promised that if he can continue to post such remarks, he will be paid, which is not low.

In this case, how many people can be unmoved?

More importantly, the other party will first put a sum of money into their bank card to prove that they are not joking.

In that case, what is there to think about.

After a day or two, the anonymous person will ask him to speak more aggressively, for which he will pay more.

If you come and go, the person will be driven by the interests and slowly controlled by the other party.

Basically, this number is similar to that of a certain time-space foreign spy organization looking for and developing offline on the Huaxia Network. Some so-called “known” big V” public welfare organizations” are actually supported by such guys. .

It's just that, in a certain time and space, this number is an inferior method used by foreign spy agencies to influence the three views of Chinese youth, but in different time and space, it has become a routine against Jin Xiantai.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai didn't know these things happening on the earth~lightnovelpub.net~, otherwise it would definitely surprise him, and even make him wonder if any compatriots have also passed through.

Earth, China, a remote mountain village in the southwest.

This place is off the beaten track, with only a few scattered households, which is really remote.

But just in such a remote mountain village, people gathered from all over the world, the number almost reached more than 1,000.

Because there are too many people, they have to buy tents and sleep here.

The original residents of the village have disappeared, and no one knows where they went.

And those strangers looked dull and looked like puppets.

What they do every day is very simple, is to post some criticism posts online.

Obviously, the recent criticisms on the Internet and on the tabloid platforms were all published by these guys.