Rising America

Chapter 1874: Ball rape

The mountain village is very weird, and this weirdness comes from the people who appear here.

Dozens of wires were connected to the only electric pole in the village. Starting early in the morning, people who walked out of the camping tents took out their portable laptops and started working after eating less food.

The job of these people is very simple. They log on to major websites every day to post. The content of the posts is also to criticize the two camps of China and the United States. The space exploration team sent by them is too cruel and their behavior toward lower civilizations is abhorrent.

Of course, it is indispensable to curse Jin Xiantai and describe him as a vicious executioner, basically a common enemy in the universe.

This thing is really weird.

Why did the people who gathered in this remote village criticize and curse Jin Xiantai so much?

To be honest, this matter is really hard to understand.

Among the scattered houses, in one of them, there were a few guys who didn't start working like the people outside. They were respectfully surrounding a guy with gray hair and a very different appearance from humans. He looked respectfully listening. What is it talking about.

"You humans are really too cruel. It is wrong to do this. If you continue to do this, you humans will become public enemies of the universe and will be destroyed by the cosmic alliance. Therefore, your responsibility is very heavy. You are the last of the earth humans. Conscience, you have to wake up everyone and make changes before things reach the worst point..."

This guy with gray hair but a different face from humans speaks authentic Chinese when he speaks, and after he has spoken a sentence, he will repeat it in English.

This guy has pointed ears, his skin is blue-gray, he has two big bulb-like eyes, no eyebrows, and there is no trace of hair on his face. The clothes he wears are also similar to soft armor, which is very close to the body. Not like a product on earth.

The Western and Asian humans surrounding him looked respectful, as if this guy was their master.

"Humankind has to give up force and reach out to other civilizations with love, so that there is a way out."

"My lord, what if other civilizations are cruel?"

At this time, an Asian young man surrounded by him suddenly asked such a question after his eyes were in a daze.

The man with pointed ears glanced at the Asian, raised his hand and pointed, and then the body of the Asian young man who asked the question suddenly sparked, and the whole person was turned to ashes in less than a second.

The people around him looked terrified, and their eyes became more respectful.

"Since there are doubts, it can be seen that this human being is incurable, so purifying him is the most correct choice. Are you right?"

The person with pointed ears pointed slightly, killing someone.

Now I asked again, how else could the humans around them answer?

"My lord is right! This guy dares to have doubts, which shows that he is not a person with great love."

Soon someone started to conform.

Pointy ears nodded with satisfaction: "As humans, you should be aware of your own inferiority, and you should understand how cruel humans are. You are the most scumbag in the universe..."

The pointed ear continued to speak, but these words sounded very harsh.

It seems that in his mouth, human beings are so unbearable.

It is as if it was described by some western media in a certain time and space, which is very ‘unbearable Chinese.’

In a certain time and space, some Western media consciously manipulated public opinion and portrayed Huaxia as very unbearable. Even the Huaxia ethnicity is very inferior. There are too many lies. Not only some people in the West believe it, but even some. The Chinese people who are idiots and OK actually think so.

The moon in foreign countries is round.

Foreigners are qualified.

To tell the truth, some things revealed behind this make people shudder after seeing through.

As the saying goes, killing with a soft knife is the most uncomfortable.

And this is a soft knife.

Moreover, there are still some brains who believe and become blades.

And right now, this guy with pointed ears, who doesn't look like a human being on earth, is also using this kind of routine to brainwash the humans around him and instill this kind of weird argument.

And looking at the appearance of these people, they really believed what the other side said.

It's just that they don't want to think about it. This sharp-eared guy just killed a person just now, but he didn't show what he called a ‘big love mind’.

"You have to mess with Jin Xiantai. He will become a benchmark, and at the same time as an example to tell everyone that there is no creature with great love in your heart, and the ultimate greet him will be destruction and death."

As the sharp ears fell, the humans around them kowtow.

"My lord, can we use some more radical methods? It's useless to criticize it on the Internet. In order to wake more people to understand us, I don't think we should be so quiet anymore."

The eyes of pointed ears flickered.

"Yes, to deal with those wicked people, sometimes our peace-loving and justice-loving existences are forced to choose force, but after all, we are for justice."

After dismissing the people who had left happily, pointed ears closed the door and released a force field to shield the room.

"My king, everything goes well for me on the earth. Some unsteady human beings have been controlled by me, and my plan is in fact."

In front of the pointed ears, a virtual image appeared. The image presented a tall black figure sitting on the empty metal throne.

For some reason, the guy sitting on the metal throne couldn't see its appearance.

Perhaps this was deliberate, pretending to be mysterious.

However, the pointed ears showed a very respectful look, and it seemed that the black figure was not an ordinary existence.

"Now the war between me and the universe gods has become fierce, and I can’t tell the energy to go to the solar system in a short time. So let you go there and instill those strange thoughts in those primitive creatures, as much as possible. It makes them unable to unify their concepts and develop smoothly. Your responsibility is very heavy."

The black shadow leaned his body and said the above words with one hand on his chin.

Pointed ears bowed and saluted: "My king can rest assured, I am happy to share my worries for my king, and I am also very interested in playing with these ignorant creatures."

"Well, I'll leave it to you, don't let me down."

The black figure in the projection gradually disappeared, and the other party ended the call.

Sure enough, this pointed ear was an alien who didn't know where it came from, and appeared on the earth with a very sinister purpose.

Moreover, this guy with pointed ears is not an ordinary small character.

Speaking of its name, it is also very famous in the universe.

Its name, according to the Chinese transliteration, is called "Wu Mu Maw", which is one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos.

However, unlike the other four, this Ebony Maw didn't have a strong combat power. Strictly speaking, its combat power was even worse than the little monsters and low-level mutants on earth.

But as one of the five generals of Obsidian, how could Ebony Maw have this status if he had no abilities.

Yes, Ebony Throat has a very special skill.

It can use its own language to control the creatures that communicate with it and turn it into its own puppet.

It is through this ability that makes it one of the Obsidian generals, and even to a certain extent, he is stronger than the other four.

Some people may say, how can a slick guy be stronger than the other four?

This makes no sense.

But this is the fact.

Don't look at the ebony throat being just a lip service, but if conditions permit, it can completely destroy a civilization with its lip service.

So, this is its power.

Thanos has suffered two failures in succession. Because of the war with the cosmic gods, it has no energy to care about the earth, but Thanos is very unwilling.

Therefore, he thought about it and sent the ebony throat.

That's right, I sent an Ebony Maw to Earth.

Thanos believes that with the power of the ebony throat, he can completely deal with the earth that he can't take care of. With its mouth, a mere human being is a fart.

After Ebony Throat came to the earth, he did not immediately start an action. Instead, he observed it in the dark, and finally found an entry point.

Humans are not strong in telling the truth.

But he was very combative and would not give in or surrender so easily.

Therefore, Ebony Maw plans to make humans less combative, and can easily surrender and surrender.

Therefore, this guy controlled some unsteady human beings and used them to spread the so-called ‘great love’ thought, and at the same time spread the thought that human beings have bad roots and are scum civilization in the universe.

Once it succeeds, then human beings have no belief at all, and become stupid.

At that time, it's not asking for anything.

At the same time ~lightnovelpub.net~ plus countless ‘ball rapes’, ha ha...

(PS: Nowadays, foreign subversive forces are adopting such a routine against China.)

Turning off the projection, there was a black leather suitcase beside Ebony Throat. It carried this black leather suitcase and walked out of the room to the open and small **** of the village.

"Everyone has worked hard, come and come, take your hard work."

Hearing this sound, everyone's eyes were drawn to the past. Everyone saw the black suitcase in the hands of Ebony Throat being opened, revealing the green dollar bills inside.

It is true that the ebony throat can control other creatures with language, but it is not possible to rely on language alone. It also needs some other powers to finally reach this level.

Every creature has a desire in his heart, and this desire is what the ebony throat can use.

These humans in front of Ebony Throat are the easiest to control. As long as they are given money that even their parents can sell, these people become the puppets of Ebony Throat, and there is nothing to do with them. It's strange.