Rising America

Chapter 1875: Learn the earth, alien

Because they are greedy for money, these human beings are seduced by the ebony throat and eventually become puppets of the ebony throat. Therefore, these people are not pitiful. If they don't have that desire in their hearts, they will not take advantage of the ebony throat.

After all, Ebony Throat uses the selfish desires of beings to do things for themselves.

Banknotes are all counterfeit banknotes. How could the ebony throat have so much money? It is easy to get some counterfeit banknotes by its means. Anyway, as long as these human desires are satisfied from time to time, so that they can be controlled by themselves.

Taking the counterfeit banknotes from the ebony throat, these humans became more motivated.

In accordance with the instructions of Ebony Throat, they continued to publish on the Internet and on their own private tabloid platform to slander Kim Hyun-tae and promote the idea of ​​“human beings should reach alien civilization with great love”, just to bring all mankind. Become a brain damage.

It is conceivable that if mankind really believes and gives up the current way, then mankind will definitely become a capital tragedy in the future.

To be honest, there is no peace between civilization and civilization.

There are still wars and disputes among the human nations on earth, let alone human beings and other civilizations.

Anyone who is not a fool should be very clear about how humans who enter the interstellar age should deal with those alien civilizations.

Peace is not impossible.

But that is based on strength.

Quite simply, if there is an extraterrestrial civilization that is stronger than the earth, and seeing that humans are inferior to oneself, they will also take action against humans if they want. This is not a surprise.

The Protoss Civilization was made by Coco, so of course it is very friendly to humans.

If mankind is a civilization in the ‘Interstellar Age’ universe and there is no cocoa behind it, the Protoss civilization will launch a war as soon as it encounters human civilization, turning all mankind into slaves, or else they will all be destroyed.

Fantasy alien civilization is very friendly, which is quite naive.

With the ‘Great Sailing Era’ as a model, human beings certainly know what they should do.

When encountering primitive alien civilizations, if you can flick, you will flick it to the human camp to become a second-class citizen, or you will destroy them and invade the other's home star.

But if they encounter an extraterrestrial civilization that surpasses the earth, humans will have to pretend to be grandsons in the first place. If pretending to be grandsons fails, then they will squat to the end.

Before the start of the Interstellar Era, the senior officials of various countries, and even a large number of people, had a clear understanding of this.

Therefore, the ideological trend of ‘reaching cosmic civilizations and races with great love’ seems to many people to be really stupid.

But the problem is that some people just agree with this trend, and they really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

The same rice raises hundreds of people, everyone will have it.

But what no one knows is that behind the turbulent wave of thought this time, a guy called Ebony Maw led and promoted, and there are a group of puppets controlled by him because of desire, that is, ball rape.

And this ‘Ebony Maw’ himself is still a subordinate of Thanos who is peeping at the earth. It appears on the earth and promotes and dominates this matter. It has its own conspiracy and plan, and the purpose is not really as good as it claims.

In fact, it intends to use this method to cause ideological divisions between humans, and then slowly start to turmoil.

Ebony Maw has always liked to play this kind of game and enjoys it.

But what ebony throat does not know is that it underestimates the human beings on the earth, and it is not the only master in playing with the psychology. There are many people playing this kind of routine on the earth, so it will soon be Some education.

The puppet ball rapists who had received the counterfeit money returned to their place and quickly returned to their focused work state. The Ebony Maw didn't have to do anything easily.

For the time being, Ebony Maw and its puppets are still hiding in this remote mountain village in China. It is not yet the time for it to lead the puppets to appear in front of the public.

Ebony Throat is patient, after all, this is his favorite game.

Bringing a chair, Ebony Throat sat in front of the low house door, looking at the busy puppets with great ambition. It felt that soon it would be dressed in the aura of the'great love messenger' and ascended to humans. The historical stage enjoys a performance.


Playing with a civilization is really exciting.

I have to say that this is really the evil taste of ebony throat.

"Tell them, don't always make comments on the Internet, and organize a demonstration or something if appropriate, so that those in power can see our existence and face us squarely."

Although Ebony Throat has not been on the earth for a long time, it is very smart and learned a lot of knowledge on the earth through the network on the earth before acting, so it knows that it can use this way to achieve its goals.

As soon as its voice fell, the puppet's subordinates immediately conveyed its order.

Afterwards, there was a call for everyone to gather and organize a demonstration on the Internet.

So far, everything is going very smoothly.

If there is no accident, then the ebony throat will succeed this time.

When the parade begins, Ebony Maw will walk out of this small mountain village, and then use his abilities to lure those who come to participate in the parade and assembly, which will cause great turmoil.

As long as it becomes turbulent, it can make better use of its abilities, and go fishing in troubled waters to make things worse.

Yes, its ability is really as easy to use as it gets messy.

Therefore, no matter where the ebony throat goes, it will cause great turmoil and chaos.

Basically, this guy, Ebony Maw, is almost synonymous with chaos.

When he was on the chair, Ebony Mouth couldn't help but burst into a smile when he thought that he was about to appear on stage and began to look.

At this moment, the phone on Ebony Throat's waist suddenly rang ‘dididi’, which made Ebony Throat put away the smile on his face and changed to a look of surprise.

This phone was bought after it came to the earth, and it hasn't been used yet. It just got a card, so no contacts are recorded in the phone, and no phone calls have been made.

But now, I don't know who called it.

So, this surprised Ebony Throat.

Perhaps it was boring, but Ebony Throat did not ignore it. He stretched out his hand and took out the phone from the phone case around his waist, and then pressed the answer button.

In the eyes of Ebony Throat, idleness is idle anyway.

"who is it?"

Ebony is fluent in Mandarin.

Basically, when aliens like the Ebony Maw appear on the earth, they will easily learn the language on the earth, of course, it depends on where they appear.

Ebony Throat is now Huaxia, so it has learned Mandarin.

If it appears in Europe and the United States, then those European and American languages ​​can also be easily learned, which is not very difficult for aliens like it.

"Hello, we are the United Nations Drug Enforcement Administration..."

The ebony throat eyes shrank.

Because it has learned some knowledge on the earth, it knows where the person on the phone is reporting and what it means.

To be honest, although Ebony Throat is not for that, it is still reluctant to have any contact with such a department. After all, it would be no good to show its feet.

"Ah, then, what can you do if you call me?"

Stabilizing his mind, the ebony throat responded with a soothing tone.

"It's like this. We found something wrong with your bank card. It looks like money laundering with drug lords..."

The routine is here.

Ebony Maw is not clear at this time, what it encounters now is a "comrade" on earth.

Because he underestimated the human beings on Earth and felt that he was very powerful, Ebony Maw did not feel that he was falling into a certain routine.

Ebony Mouth believed everything the other party had said, and in order to avoid contact with this so-called'United Nations Drug Enforcement Agency', it completely followed the other party’s prompts and changed the bank card number and even the password it had set up on the earth. Told the other party.

The purpose of this is to prove that he has nothing to do with the so-called drug lords and drug cartels.

To be honest, don't look at the counterfeit money that Ebony Throat gave the puppets, but it still has a lot of money in a bank card issued by a bank on the earth.

Because Ebony Throat is very clear, if you want to do things on the earth, you can't do it without money.

In fact, this is also an empirical conclusion that it has worked for Thanos for so many years and conquered many civilized races.

Not only the earth, but in any civilized race, wealth must be the top priority.

It’s just that it’s not yet time to use the money, so the money is placed in the bank card. Those puppets controlled by it can be dealt with with counterfeit money. It is not worth letting yourself take out real earth money. .

I reported my bank card number and even the password.

Wu Muhou believed what the other party said, ‘the Drug Enforcement Administration will check your bank card and return it to you if there is no problem. Maybe you have been used by someone’s words, so it makes people laugh.

Of course, there is another important factor that drove Ebony Maw to do this, that is, it does not want to contact the powerful sectors of the human beings on Earth, for fear that some flaws will cause its plan to fail.

So, Ebony Throat was eager to prove his innocence quickly.

However, it is obvious that there is no China’s “telecommunications liar” in the knowledge of the earth learned by Ebony Maw. Therefore, it has recruited ~lightnovelpub.net~ Compared with Ebony Maw’s ability of “talking”, it is different in time and space. The liar book, although not as powerful as it, but the liar has a script.

According to the lines given in the script, even the Ebony Maw was hit.

This shows how powerful human liars are...

"Sir, it takes about five hours to check the bank card records. Please do not answer the call within these five hours. After we have completed the inquiry here, we will contact you again. Please also record our telephone number."

The liar of the liar was not over yet, to be on the safe side, they let Ebony Maw wait patiently for five hours.

In response, Ebony Throat agreed completely.

In its opinion, it's not just five hours. What's the matter?

And in the bottom of Ebony Maw's heart, it still complains that human beings are too weak, and it takes such a long time to check a bank. It is really primitive, and I have never thought about it. I have encountered a liar.