Rising America

Chapter 1876: Ebony throat emotion

After receiving a call from the ‘United Nations Drug Enforcement Agency’ in the morning, Ebony Mouth really waited for five hours. During this time, it didn’t even suspect that it had been cheated.

Perhaps it is the self-confidence of higher civilizations that make it feel that it is impossible to be deceived, or it simply looks down on the human beings on the earth, because in its eyes the human beings on the earth are very primitive.

And its Ebony Maw is one of the famous universe overlords, a member of the Five Obsidians under Thanos King's command, what can the primitive and wild earth humans do with it.

To be honest, the liar has a strong randomness in deceiving people, and it is not aimed at Ebony Throat. It just happened to call Ebony Throat, and Ebony Throat didn't think much, and was fooled without even noticing anything.

It's funny to say it.

Of course, it can also be seen from this that the scripts of the Chinese crooks on earth are really good.

Coco had encountered such a thing in the first place, and even Jin Xiantai had encountered such fraudulent calls.

But unlike Ebony Maw, although Coco was deceived, she asked Andrew Shun Teng Papaya to get all the money scammed by the scammers to her account, and the scammers were arrested.

Kim Hyun-tae was not fooled at all because he knew this was a liar's method.

Ebony Throat was really caught by a liar, and he honestly waited for five hours.

This is five hours.

Such a long period of time was enough for the crook to transfer all the money in the bank card it provided, and exhausted all kinds of means to erase some traces and then ran away.

After all, this ticket was a big deal, and the scammers were also surprised, so they won't be able to run.

That's right, any scammer based on the bank card number and password provided by Ebony Throat, after logging in to the account through online banking, he would have such a reaction.

You know, Ebony Throat's account contains five billion dollars quietly.

Therefore, the scammers were stunned.

And after the shock, there was excitement and excitement.

After making this ticket, they can really wash their hands in a golden basin, which is 5 billion U.S. dollars.

Therefore, it took less than an hour for the scammers to transfer all the money in the Ebony Throat account, and use their own channels to transfer to a foreign country, and at the same time quickly bought the air tickets for the day and started running away.

By the afternoon, the crooks had already run out of China.

But at this time, Ebony Mouth didn't even notice that he had been fooled.

The sun was setting west, and a burning cloud appeared on the horizon, rendering the sky red.

Although the small village where Wumuhou is located is very remote, it lacks the traffic and hustle and bustle of the city, and has a tranquility that is hard to find in the city, as well as a simple natural style.

The air in the small village is very clean, without noise and pollution, and there is no exhaust emissions from various vehicles. It can be said that there are things that many urban people are looking for.

It's just a pity that Ebony Throat didn't feel anything about it, and it's hard to feel it.

At this moment, there were several wrinkles on the ebony-throated blue-gray face, and he looked confused about what.

Toot toot, no one answered your call, please try again later.

Toot toot, no one answered your call, please try again later.

Ebony was calling the only phone number in the phone, that is, the phone number of the so-called "United Nations Drug Enforcement Agency" in the morning, but unfortunately it was not through for half an hour.

Wu Muhou also checked on the Internet and found that the number was indeed from the United Nations Drug Enforcement Administration, which was not bad at all.

It is a pity that the alien, Ebony Maw, is not aware of it. On the earth, crooks can use something called ‘Internet phone’ to set their own number.

Therefore, at first glance, it seems that it is the number of the United Nations Drug Enforcement Administration, but in fact it is simply fake and does not exist.

Therefore, if it dials according to that number, it is of course impossible to get through.

Unless the liar is still there now.

At this time, Ebony Maw noticed something wrong.

Therefore, the look on its face is ugly.

Yes, if this is cheated, it would be shameful.

Especially if its ebony throat is deceived or deceived by primitive earth humans, this is even more embarrassing.

If it spreads out, it may be laughed at by how many civilized races, and it will also be ridiculed by the other four Obsidian generals, maybe the King Thanos will feel that he is useless.

When I thought that this result might happen, Ebony Throat was all bad.

"Ah! Asshole!"

Still no one answered the call, the ebony throat couldn't hold back, raised his hand and dropped the phone to the ground, breaking the phone to pieces.

"Let everyone stop, now we have more important things to do."

The ebony throat was fierce, and it decided to temporarily let go of what it was doing, and instead began to scum on those crooks.

Perhaps, for ordinary people, it will be very difficult for ordinary people to find these scammers in such a situation that they have already gone. Even if the police want to find these scammers, it is not easy.

But the scammers don’t know that they are not an ordinary person, and even the other party is not a human at all, so even if they act quickly, they start to run away after transferring the money, and where everyone goes is still different. The same, but still found out by the person they deceived.

To be honest, this is really not difficult for Ebony Throat.

Within an hour, it took only an hour, and the scammers who had been scattered all over Southeast Asia were found and arrested by Ebony Maw.

Some of these scammers have just arrived in the target country, or even just finished the hotel accommodation procedures, and then are ready to enjoy the rest of their lives in luxury.

There are five scammers, three men and two women. They are all young and they seem to be in their early twenties.

Now, they all looked like quail, caught by the ebony throat and brought them to Thailand.

And Ebony Maw didn't even think about letting them go like this. After all, it was really embarrassing this time. If it didn't let out a breath of bad breath, it might be a nightmare for its life, and it would be uncomfortable to think of it.

Therefore, it decided to clean up these five swindlers.

Besides, the eyes of humans and ebony throats are no different from ants.

Therefore, Ebony Throat intends to use a very brutal and cruel way to eliminate the bad breath in his heart, and after he becomes more comfortable, he will continue his own business.

The five swindlers shivered, especially the two female swindlers looked very pitiful, but it was a pity that this was useless for the ebony throat at all, and it would not have any pity and pity.

In a jungle in Thonburi, Thailand, the ebony throat used a cruel, chilling way to kill five people.

And this matter is not known to outsiders at all, which means that after the death of these five liars, it is impossible for anyone to know for a lifetime.

After all, this matter was done by the ebony throat, and of course it would not say it.

As for the existence of Ebony Throat, if it wants to cover up this matter, as long as it doesn't say it, no one will know it.

The five liars are also unlucky, who let them fool the ebony throat.

And Ebony Maw also learned a lesson this time, knowing that among the human beings that he despise, there is another kind of existence comparable to himself. These guys are called "liars". They are superb and skilled, and they don't even see themselves. Must be the opponent.

This made Ebony Maw no longer dare to underestimate humans.

No one can know that it is actually five hapless liars who let the ebony throat who came to the earth to be ready to make troubles and know how powerful humans are.

Although the five liars ended up miserably, in the final analysis, they can be regarded as contending for mankind in disguise.

From another point of view, if they weren't the ebony throat that lied, maybe they have really gotten it right now and are starting to enjoy a new life.

If you are deceived, your family may be destroyed.

Therefore, these five liars were tortured and killed by the ebony throat, so there is nothing to be pitiful.

After all, five of them are not a good thing.

Ebony Mouth returned to the small mountain village, and his bad mood became a lot easier.

By this time, it was already more than 21 o'clock that evening.

In other words, Ebony Throat locked the crooks who went to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand within a few minutes, then caught them and killed them.

I have to say that the result of cheating an alien is really not something they can bear.

[Record, the earth looks very primitive, but there is a kind of "speakers" here. Their abilities can be cultivated, and there is no need to rely on racial talents at all. They can even create something called [Script]. I have designed a scene of dialogue in advance to make it difficult for those who enter the urn, and then fall into a trap. This method has opened my eyes~lightnovelpub.net~ because according to the research of these human “talkers”, great Most of the scenes will appear in their pre-set scripts, which means that they can predict these situations and prepare ways to deal with them. In this regard, the earth’s orators are still very strong, which is very It's worth learning...]

Ebony Maw has the habit of writing a diary.

Therefore, it will record what happened today after returning.

To be honest, although it killed five liars, it was still very surprised that these five liars could even lie.

Therefore, in the process of killing the liar, it has also obtained a lot of useful information from the liar, well, at least in the eyes of Ebony Throat, it is useful information.

According to the liar's description, there are many people like them on earth, and their methods are different.

Ebony Throat’s racial talent, ‘spoken art’, is known as ‘deception’ or ‘swindle’ among people like the Earth, which really opened the eyes of Ebony Throat.

Therefore, in the diary, the description of Ebony Throat is very emotional.