Rising America

Chapter 1884: Because you are ugly


The big head like an octopus was split apart by a light blade, and the tentacles of the jaws of the weird creatures swayed wildly, showing the strength of its vitality.

When Annie and Coco had already reached Star One, they had already left the mineral star they discovered. Jin Xiantai, who once again embarked on an exploration journey, was slaughtering the aborigines of a planet.

This is a planet five or six times larger than the Earth. There are aboriginal people who have just entered the steam age. These aboriginal people have slime-like bodies, octopus-like big heads, and dozens of tentacles on the lower jaw. It looks very ugly.

However, this is not the root cause of Kim Hyun Tae's assassin.

The reason why even good old people like Jin Xiantai became angry is mainly because the ‘octopus men’ on this planet are too cruel, and they actually swallowed an Italian member of the exploration team alive.

This member of Italian origin was appointed by Jin Xiantai after he discovered the planet and realized that the aboriginal people on the planet had entered the steam age.

But who would have thought that as soon as they met, these octopus men killed the messenger and ate him alive, which provoked Jin Xiantai to anger and ordered the destruction of the octopus civilization on this planet.

This wasn't even a war at all, it was a one-to-one slaughter from the beginning. After Jin Xiantai gave the order, the end of the octopus man just came.

As for why the octopus violently killed the messenger, Jin Xiantai no longer wanted to explore.

Since the other party killed the messenger, they need to pay for their choice.

Besides, if Kim Hyun-tae doesn't get ahead, then the team won't lead anymore.

These octopus men do not have any special and weird racial talents, and even civilization has just entered the steam age, and this steam technology is still very primitive, and it is incomparable with the technology when the earth entered the steam age, and it will be somewhat similar to some magical novels. As described in the steampunk technique.

Therefore, when Jin Xiantai gave an order, the space exploration team's three thousand zagu mecha infantry descended, and the end of the octopus people came like this.

Cities were destroyed, and the lives of octopus men were ended.

Kim Hyun Tae and the others would not feel sorry for him. After all, everyone is not a civilized race, so there is nothing unacceptable psychologically.

Even all members of the sounding exploration team did not have any resistance to Jin Xiantai's order, and everyone supported Jin Xiantai's decision from the bottom of their hearts.

Besides, what's wrong with avenging one's human companions!

Originally, Kim Hyun-tae was the Italian envoy sent with great kindness.

But even though he knew that the octopus man just killed the messenger he sent and ate him cruelly, which made it difficult for Jin Xiantai to accept.

The sounding exploration team is a bit small. At the moment, the size of this planet is five or six times larger than that of the earth. There is no need to think about the land area, and these octopus natives don’t know how many years they have lived on this planet. Anyway, this one There are cities with them everywhere on the planet, so it is quite troublesome to solve them.

However, as soon as the war started, Jin Xiantai told himself that in any case, the killing could not be stopped before these octopus men were completely eliminated.

Even if the opponent surrenders, it won't work.

After all, no one can guarantee that the other party will play tricks.

Therefore, only thorough killing is the most correct.

The war between civilization and civilization is so cruel, there is no room for cruelty.

Unless at the beginning, the powerful party wants to rule the lower civilizations, so the lower civilizations have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, if Jin Xiantai and the octopus are in a situation like this, the octopus must be completely wiped out.

At this moment, any soft-heartedness is wrong, and Jin Xiantai knows this very well, so he won't be so mentally disabled.

Since the other party chose violence, then he responded with violence.

In particular, humans still have absolute technical and military advantages over the octopus, so of course he will not choose which one, giving people a very weak way to face challenges.

Don't human beings have human dignity?

After walking out of the earth and starting the interstellar age, human beings also need to use killing and iron blood to prove that they are not a bully.

Peace is not impossible for human beings.

But there is no way to make peace with the octopus.

Basically, the exploratory team was dispatched except for the necessary personnel.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai and the others launched an attack on the super city of ten octopus people.

Jin Xiantai personally led the team, led a Zaku mecha infantry team with a number of about 800 people, and invaded the capital of a certain octopus force. Up to now, half of the city has been turned into ruins.

It is strange to say that these octopus men seem to be a combination of slimes and octopuses, but they don't need to live in the water at all. It seems that they just look a little like octopuses, but in fact they are different from octopuses.

Eight hundred Zaku mechas were separated by Jin Xiantai, divided into one hundred attack teams, and eight were in a group, and began to destroy and destroy the city.

This is not Jinxian Taitoda. In terms of the octopus man's technological level, Zaku will soon be like the destruction of the devil, and they have no way to deal with it.

Therefore, eight Zhagu mech infantry formed an attack squad, which is enough.

Kim Hyun-tae, under the protection of a small team of Zaku mechas, when he left the earth wearing the steel armor that Tony specially built for himself, he has already invaded the city resembling the octopus man’s congress and has caught many octopuses. The nobles of the people beheaded them one by one in front of the ruins of the Congress.

Around, there are many octopus people who have been captured.

Seeing those high-ranking big men whose heads were cut off like this, this scene still shocked them.

It can be seen that these octopus people are not unaware of fear, they also have emotions and desires to know fear and pain, no different from humans.

But Jin Xiantai was very curious. In this case, they wanted to kill the messenger they sent for Mao and refused their kindness and peace?

The killing continued, Jin Xiantai confessed to his subordinates and threw a semi-remaining octopus man to his front.

Because of the installation of the language synchronization translator, there is no obstacle for Jin Xiantai to communicate with the octopus. This is really thanks to the Protoss Civilization... the black technology provider behind it, my daughter Coco.

The eight Zaku mechas are scattered around Jin Xiantai, occupying a very advantageous defensive position, so there is no need to worry about the octopus around who are in trouble. Since Jin Xiantai is wearing a steel armor, of course he does not need to do it for himself. Safe and worried.

With the skills mastered by the octopus, it is really difficult to bring any threat to him.

Looking at the octopus man thrown in front of him, Jin Xiantai looked down at the other person slightly, and asked through the language converter Jin Xiantai: "We came with kindness, why are you hurting my messenger, don't you know what you did? ?"

Jin Xiantai spoke Chinese, but after a language converter, it became a language like "Wow in the house", which sounds weird anyway.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, after the language converter's conversion, the octopus nobles in front of him can understand it.

The octopus man who was thrown in front of Kim Hyun-tae looked miserable. When Kim Hyun-tae and the others destroyed a building not far away, they killed many octopus men who had not had time to escape, and this octopus man was lucky. It was buried in the ruins by the collapsed building, and was finally discovered by the Zagu mecha infantry, and there are many lucky people like it.

But the luck of these guys only ends here.

They were found by Zagu mech infantry, or dug out from the ruins, they were shot and guarded until they were beheaded before.

For the alien civilization race, Jin Xiantai doesn't think there is anything so pitiful.

Especially after the other party killed the human messenger he sent, he left his pity behind him. If Jin Xiantai learns from the ‘Mother’s Mother’ and the ‘White Lotus’, then he would be truly brain-disabled.

It's not that one can't have compassion, but this thing is to divide the object.

Alien races, especially those that have shown offensive intent and hostility, do they still need to be friendly?

The answer is obvious.

Jin Xiantai gave an answer with practical actions and decisions.

Haw wow, Wuli Wulu!

Facing Kim Hyun Tae's question, the octopus man who was paralyzed in front of Kim Hyun Tae answered.

The translation of this sentence is [You look too vicious, so the messenger will be killed. This is not our fault, the fault lies in your growing up too ugly...]

After hearing the other party's answer, Jin Xiantai was taken aback for a moment, and then he flew past 10,000 alpacas.

After taking a deep breath, Kim Hyun Tae calmed down his turbulent emotions, he didn't know what to say.

He couldn't think that the member of the Italian exploration team would die because of such a ridiculous excuse.

In the eyes of these octopus people, humans are actually ugly to the extreme, and even ugly to the point that they eat the messenger alive. This is so special that it is too hard to believe.

Of course ~lightnovelpub.net~ maybe this is an excuse but not necessarily.

Who can guarantee that this octopus man is telling the truth?

"We look ugly! Don't you look disgusting!"

The appearance of each civilization in the universe is very different, and the aesthetics are also very different. It is not surprising that these octopus people find humans ugly.

But what made Jin Xiantai unacceptable was that the other party actually said that humans were so ugly that they killed the messenger with uncontrollable cruelty.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help it.

The other party said that humans are ugly, do they look good on their own?

You know, in the eyes of humans, octopus people look very disgusting.

Spreading on the ground, the wounded octopus man groaned his neck: "Our appearance is perfect, much better than you ugly dying guys!"

In a word, the choking Jin Xiantai didn't want to say anything.