Rising America

Chapter 1885: Dead or Alive

"The war caused by the difference in aesthetics"

To be honest, even Kim Hyun-tae felt that such a thing was a bit dumbfounding, and for this reason, it also caused the death of an Italian-born exploratory team member.

Although Jin Xiantai and the others launched a revenge action with a force far surpassing the ‘octopus civilization’, after all, the hapless guy has no way to survive again, which is really regrettable.

And Kim Hyun-tae himself also kept reflecting in his heart.

He felt that he took it for granted.

Yes, Jin Xiantai always thinks that most of the extraterrestrial civilizations will be like the people on the earth, hypocritical pacifists, at least before they can tell who is strong and who is weak, everyone still has to pretend.

But the "octopus man" taught him a lesson.

People are not hypocritical, they think you look ugly and disgusting, they can get rid of you!

The one on the earth sometimes really doesn’t work well in the universe. After all, there are many differences between civilization and civilization, and everyone’s thinking mode is not the same way. Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he had this view from the beginning. , Thinking about it now is really ridiculous.

If you don't change this concept in time, this kind of thing will happen again in the future.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai was sighed and embarrassed, but also very helpless.

But he still decided to reverse his own ideas. After all, some of his commands really represent the life and death of some people, just like the hapless member of the Italian exploration team. If he did not order him to be an envoy, Then he would not just die in the hands of the octopus, and he would be eaten alive by the octopus, and his death was so miserable.

Sometimes, people can't understand it without experiencing something.

And now Kim Hyun Tae realized it.

For alien civilizations, don’t think about whether the other party loves peace. In short, it is really necessary to be careful and careful. After all, these guys are not humans, and their thinking and behavior patterns are ultimately different from humans.

Just like the kangaroo and the sloth cannot talk, the lion and the tiger also have no way to communicate. It is a truth that if human beings come into contact with many civilizations in the universe, accidents will definitely happen if they are not careful.

The simplest is that everyone has different customs and cultures.

Perhaps an inadvertent behavior, words, or even physical movements, or even gestures, will violate the other's taboos and cause war or something.

This is definitely not a joke.

Just like now, the octopus kills the messenger and eats the messenger because human beings are'ugly and disgusting.' Doesn't it cause the destruction of the octopus civilization?

Thanks to the exploration team, which has a technology that far exceeds the civilization of the octopus, and the force, this can help the hapless Italian avenge, otherwise there will be no way to avenge the opponent's revenge.

At the same time, the civilization of the octopus was in the steam age, or the steampunk age of science fiction and magic, so they suffered a lot from Jin Xiantai at that time.

But if the octopus mastered the same level of technology as humans, then Jin Xiantai and the others would not think of revenge. It is estimated that they must hide as far as possible. After all, the space exploration team is too few.

Right now, the number of octopus people on this planet is four or five times that of the earth, and there is no way to fight it.

So, Jin Xiantai and the others are really lucky. Fortunately, the octopus civilization is not good at the level of science and technology, so Jin Xiantai and the others can easily launch the war, and they have a one-sided advantage from the beginning.

It's not that Jin Xiantai had never imagined peace, but through the words of the octopus nobleman, he already knew that it was impossible.

Due to the different aesthetics, the appearance of human beings is extremely ugly and disgusting in the eyes of the octopus, even they are simply intolerable.

In that case, what peace is there to talk about?

People can't stand you, can't they?

Therefore, Jin Xiantai no longer imagines anything. For him, there is only one way to eliminate the octopus on this planet.

To be honest, Jin Xiantai was also very helpless about this.

He couldn't figure it out, how could human beings look ugly and disgusting?


The difference in aesthetics between alien civilizations and races really made him unable to agree.

However, this is also normal.

Human beings have no reason. They add their own worldview, morality, and other things to the heads of other alien civilizations, unless they are those that have been conquered by humans, or civilizations that surrender to humans will say otherwise.

The octopus is not a civilization conquered by humans.

They have their own unique worldviews and aesthetics, so people think that humans on earth are ugly and disgusting. It is true that they can't stand it.

Of course, it just sounds a bit unacceptable to humans, and it's just a different kind.

Nowadays, for the octopus, human beings are not only ugly, but also ugly and disgusting that makes people unbearable. Now Jin Xiantai and the others are like demon gods to many temporarily surviving octopus.

Indeed, Jin Xiantai and the others are destroying the city and turning their homes into ruins. The armed forces in the octopus city are simply unable to fight against Jin Xiantai and the others. What else can you make the octopus think in this situation.

"Give you a chance, a chance to survive, and surrender, and you can live! But you will become our slaves in the future. There is not much time. You must make a decision as soon as possible."

Although Jin Xiantai didn't have any hope for the octopus, in the end he still thought it would give it a try. After all, if the octopus could surrender to humans, these guys would be good materials for slaves.

These guys are very strong and have a dozen tentacles on their bodies. They can do four or five things at once, so their work efficiency is very high.

The worst is to get these guys to mine stars to mine.

You know, Jin Xiantai and the others discovered the mineral star and bought the aboriginal people on the mineral star, and they already have a territory of their own.

However, the mineral star is far away from the earth, even the Gemini galaxy is not too close, so it is very troublesome to manage the mineral star.

Although there is a red police base on that planet, Jin Xiantai will not let the genetic warriors hatched by the red police base do things like mining.

Besides, the mineral star is not his own, if it is his own, I will talk about it separately.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai would not waste his personal resources on all the mineral stars of that empire.

Therefore, to develop the mineral resources on the Mineral Star, a lot of manpower is needed.

And even if there is a large machine, it takes time to transport it from the earth?

At that time, there will be assembly, maintenance and maintenance, a lot of things to do.

Mechanics alone are not enough. People are also needed. At worst, AI robots must be stationed, and the number is not small.

Although the mineral star is official by the empire, Jin Xiantai can think of it with his knees. It must be a certain capital power that comes to operate and develop. What is the urination of capital power? Spend the least capital and get the most benefits.

So on this basis, how to reduce costs will definitely be listed as the primary consideration.

AI robots are expensive.

Transporting machinery from the earth is also not cheap.

Maintenance also requires a lot of money.

So, if there are ready-made alien slaves, this will greatly reduce costs, right?

It's very simple. Alien slaves don't need to pay them to mine. They can still be called to death in the past, and they don't even need to give too good food, as long as they don't starve to death.

Calculated in this way, the cost of expenditure is pitiful.

Capitalists are good at calculating this account.

And Jin Xiantai thought of this, so he wanted to try to see if these octopus men can be conquered by force by himself and turn them into slaves.

Anyway, people like him are already invaders, destroyers, and executioners who slaughter relatives in the eyes of the other party. Therefore, Jin Xiantai didn't want to wash himself off because it was an idiotic approach.

Now that you have become a villain, let yourself be evil to the end.

Anyway, these are alien races, and Jin Xiantai doesn't think there is any psychological discomfort, as long as the opponent is not a human being.

In front of the ruins of the capital’s aristocratic assembly building square, the members of the parliament who were lucky enough to survive, like lambs to be slaughtered, had their heads chopped off.

On the square, there are also thousands of octopus citizens covered in dust and injured at different levels, ranging in age, male and female.

In the eyes of these octopus people, Jin Xiantai found complex colors such as hatred, dislike, contempt, fear and fear.

Dislike, dislike and contempt Jin Xiantai can understand that human beings look ugly in their eyes, or are they ugly enough to break through the sky.

The octopus has no hands and feet, and the slime-like body is destined to be impossible to wear clothes of similar styles to humans. However, these octopuses have evolved to the steam civilization level, so these octopuses are covered with a layer. The thin metal plates make them look like mutant silkworms with many tentacles.

Cang Dang! Cang Dang!

Kim Hyun Tae walked to a female octopus holding a little octopus child~lightnovelpub.net~ scared that female octopus tightly held the child in her arms, and her body was too scared to stop shaking.

Ignoring the female octopus man, Jin Xiantai squatted down, looked at the little octopus man and asked, "Are you willing to surrender? Become our slave. If you are willing to surrender and become a slave, then you can live."

Later, Jin Xiantai said to the female octopus humanly: "This is your child? As a mother, you hope to die here with your child like this? Surrender, even if you surrender and become a slave, you can live. What kind of choice is to be made, I think you should be very clear, right?"

Any civilized race is in such a situation, thinking about it is very complicated.

The female octopus said nothing.

Kim Hyun Tae turned his thoughts.

He couldn't help thinking, what choice would he make if he were in a situation like the virgin octopus?

Survival or death, this is really a question worth pondering...