Rising America

Chapter 1886: The enemy is about to arrive on the batt

Although in the eyes of the octopus, human beings are extremely ugly, and the ugliness makes them intolerable to the point of violent murder, but as a civilized race, octopus people are also very afraid of death, so they don’t know what they should do. What kind of choice is made?

There is no civilized race with life that does not cherish their own lives. In other words, they are ‘fear of death’. This is a normal thing.

Ask yourself, isn't there such a person among humans?

In the face of powerful invaders, destroyed homes, and deceased relatives, of course there will be a choice to come forward. Even if it is a guy who has to fight with the invaders, there will also be choices to survive.

There will be such humans on the earth, how could there be no octopus here?

Regardless of the different civilizations and races of everyone, they are different in many ways, but there are still some similarities, but these similarities are nothing more.

The octopus female holding the larvae surrendered, and others could not judge whether its choice was correct or not. After all, it had to think about its own children.

The octopus woman also played a role model. After her, hundreds of octopus people made the same choice as her.

There were more than a thousand octopus people in the small square, and almost half chose to surrender.

And the remaining hundreds of octopus men obviously made their own choices.

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae could not say anything.

However, for the octopus who did not choose to surrender, Kim Hyun-tae was not very polite.

"Resolve those guys, hurry up, don't drag."

Jin Xiantai gave orders to the surrounding Zagu Mecha infantry through the communication channel in the steel armor, and even if two Zagu Mechas took action, they pointed the muzzle of the example cluster gun in their hands at that. Hundreds of octopus men who did not choose to surrender then pulled the trigger.


Two faint blue energy beams lased out and fell among the hundreds of octopus people. The powerful energy cluster blasted a deep pit from there. Most of the hundreds of octopus people were vaporized. A small part of it is attacked by the power of energy, and the whole body is completely carbonized.

The power of energy weapons is so powerful.

Of course, if these octopus people have the black crystals held by the aboriginal people on the Gemini No. 1 star, they may not have to worry about this, but the problem is that they don't.

The two energy clusters solved the hundreds of octopus who did not choose to surrender. After seeing this, the octopus who chose to surrender couldn't help but feel fortunate for their choice. After all, they survived.

In any case, there is hope only when you are alive.

If you die like this, there is nothing left.

Among the octopus people who chose to surrender, God knows how many are sincere, how many are compelling, and have other plans in their hearts.

Jin Xiantai didn't bother to explore these things, anyway, these octopus men will be transported to the mineral star, even if they have any plans, they can't help it.

Where, the only thing they can do is to dig to death.

Of course, out of management needs, Jin Xiantai will select a small number of octopus people to manage most of the octopus people, that is, the octopus people are governed by the octopus people.

This routine has been played many times by humans, and it is impossible for Jin Xiantai to understand this.

By then, how much storm can the octopus man make?

Besides, he also left a Red Police base car on the Mineral Star, so even if the octopus is making a fuss, he can dispatch the Red Police soldiers to clean up these guys.

The octopus man is not so old-fashioned, which gives Jin Xiantai a hope.

After all, there are a lot of octopus people. Turning them all into slaves to mine for mining is of great benefit to human beings. After all, mining is a hard work, even with high-tech machinery, but some dangerous work is still needed. It is done manually, so this will bring great danger to the staff.

But with octopus slaves, it's different.

Humans don't need to do those dangerous jobs. When the time comes, human staff only need to do a little routine maintenance and repair of machinery, which is very easy.

And all those dangerous jobs can be done by octopus slaves.

The empire will definitely not refuse to use slaves, anyway, is it an alien slave?

When the time comes, the capital forces that have contracted the mining business of the mineral star will definitely be happy to use the octopus slaves to do things. After all, this can reduce their mining costs by a large amount, but any qualified businessman knows how to choose.

"According to my order, the octopus can use force to suppress the surrender. These guys are useful to us. We can turn them into slaves and transport them to the mineral star to mine. At the same time, after these guys become slaves, they can also explore for us. The air exploration team has brought huge profits. After all, they have contracted the capital for the development of the mineral star. If they want to use these slaves, they have to pay a little price."

Sitting on the ruins, Jin Xiantai conveyed the order, and even brought his plan to let everyone understand.

As for Kim Hyun Tae's arrangement, no one in the entire space exploration team objected from top to bottom.

Among them, there are many relationships dictated by interests.

But more factors are basically because the octopus is an alien.

Regarding aliens as slaves, there is nothing wrong with everyone, and there is no psychological resistance.

Even everyone is silently calculating, if you turn the octopus people into slaves and get them to mine on the mineral star, then you will bring yourself much benefit.

As for the life and death of the octopus, and care about what they do.

Since these guys did something wrong, then they must pay for their mistakes...

Hundreds of AI robots descended from the sky. This was the helper sent by the spacecraft to Jin Xiantai. After all, Jin Xiantai planned to make the octopus surrender and turn them into slaves.

But right now, there are already many octopus men who surrendered on Jin Xiantai's side. These octopus men need to be taken care of.

Jin Xiantai and eight Zagu mecha infantry, total only nine people, so it is really necessary to send some AI robots to assist.

Those octopus men who surrendered can just be taken care of by the AI ​​robots, and Jin Xiantai who vacated their hands can continue to attack other cities.

Of course, the dispersed Zaku mech infantry squad can also send the octopus men who surrendered to them, and hand them over to the AI ​​robots to take care of them, and then go back into battle by themselves.

In this way, they can continue to maintain an overwhelming attack on the octopus. If the octopus does not completely surrender, then they will eventually go to destruction.

But before the destruction of the octopus, it is still very good to grab some octopus population and come back as slaves.

Facing the fierce attack by Kim Hyun-tae and the others, the octopus people who are still in the steampunk era are tragedy. Although they have sent waves of troops, they are of no use at all.

Can a weapon similar to the Mauser gunpowder gun cause any damage to the Zagu mech?

Braving the steam and still need a war machine driven by an octopus, what effect can it play?

Obviously, it's useless!

Due to the shortage of manpower, Jin Xiantai and the others only launched attacks in ten cities. Although these ten cities are all large cities, it is really nothing to put on the planet of the octopus.

Therefore, although the octopus men were beaten up, they were not afraid at all, and they didn't know what kind of existence they provoke. They began to summon an army to march towards ten cities, vowing to destroy Jin Xiantai and the invaders.

The spacecraft monitored everything on the ground in outer space, and after spotting the army marching toward ten cities, it transmitted the image to Jin Xiantai.

After receiving the video signal, Jin Xiantai, wearing a steel armor, activated it.

In the video, the octopus army is endless, they are fully armed and orderly marching, and there are countless giant spiders in the queue, which is a bit of the steam of the Hollywood movie "Wild West" in a certain time and space. Punk fan.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the octopus, this is a very powerful military look.

But in fact, such military appearance and weaponry seemed extremely primitive and crude to Jin Xiantai and others.

In this regard, the octopus man can be described as self-confident.

Perhaps, because of the lack of detailed information on Jin Xiantai and the others, the octopus executives made such a judgment and felt that they could defeat the intruder.

If they were to be allowed to understand themselves and what the gap between them and Jin Xiantai was, perhaps these octopus men would not be so confident.

After all, the science and technology of the octopus civilization is not very advanced, and there is no human network now, so the spread of information is very slow, which leads to their incomplete grasp of the situation of invaders such as Jin Xiantai, and even some omissions.

The octopus civilization also has some bureaucrats. In order to shirk some responsibilities, they may conceal some real things more or less.

It was the information they concealed ~lightnovelpub.net~ that caused the octopus people who did not really contact with Kim Hyun Tae and the others to fight, and felt that they could defeat outsiders.

Besides, the octopus still has a huge army.

With so many troops, can't we kill so many invaders?

As everyone knows, they have overlooked one point. Sometimes, under the absolute technological level, the quantity is really useless.

After turning off the video signal, Jin Xiantai connected to the spacecraft and asked, "How long will the forward force be able to contact us?"

In the spacecraft control room, Andrew, who is responsible for taking people to monitor the ground conditions, replied: "There are still two days left, and their speed is very slow."

Two days?


"Continue to monitor the opponent's marching situation, and tell the teams in the other nine cities to build positions on the spot, and when the octopus army arrives, they will be solved at one time." Kim Hyun Tae asked Andrew to convey his order to all ground troops. .