Rising America

Chapter 1894: Someone grabs business?

While Kim Hyun-tae and the others were raging on the planet where the octopus civilization is located, Annie on the Gemini side took two little guys, Coco and Kayla, accompanied by Logan, enjoying the magnificent natural scenery on Star One. .

   On the second star, Annie has already gone to investigate, and Annie is still very satisfied with the natural environment covered by the ocean on the second star.

Therefore, after a round of inspection and returning to Star One, Annie issued an order to the Earth Headquarters to let people start to build the details of the "Great Sailing Era Playground" based on her own. At the same time, a large number of raw materials began to The earth was transported to the second star.

The second star is good everywhere, but the land area is too small, basically a planet covered by seawater, so where Annie needs to build a land-like offshore platform, so a lot of raw materials need to be consumed .

In Annie’s plan, this land-like offshore platform looks like an island on which she will build many large single-family villas and a large supermarket selling many daily necessities for those who come to play Provide quality service.

  Basically, on this ‘island’, as long as you have money, you don’t have to worry about it. There are even some special services you can provide as long as you have money!

  As a capitalist, Annie does not reject these things, as long as she can make money.

   This is also the biggest difference between European and American businessmen and Eastern businessmen.

  The East, especially China, pays attention to the Confucian business style, even if it is doing business, it must be righteous first.

   But Western businessmen are different. Everything is profit first, and it is not hesitate to kill and set fire for profit.

   Annie is the person in charge of the Whiston Bank. In this line, it is impossible to say that she has not been bloodied or anything.

   So, Annie is not that kind of stupid and naive woman, on the contrary, she has a black heart that kills and decisively.

   It's just that this kind of black heart is for outsiders.

   For the father and daughter of her family, Kim Hyun Tae, of course she will show another side, the kind of sincerity, love, patience and gentleness that no one else can see...

The amusement business of    2 star is complicated, the most important of which is the establishment of seawater desalination treatment system and the establishment of electric power system.

   There is no electricity and no fresh water, which is very troublesome for humans.

   Especially if there is no fresh water, human beings simply cannot survive.

   Fortunately, the second star is full of seawater. As long as a desalination plant can be built, this problem can basically be solved.

   It's just that all construction materials have to be transported from the earth, which is a bit troublesome.

   Of course, troublesome is also relative to other people.

   For Annie, who has already launched interstellar cargo transportation and manned transportation and immigration business, this matter is not a troublesome thing.

At the moment on the earth, Annie's Whiston Interplanetary Cargo is the first company to start this business, and it has already started its name. It accepts a lot of orders every day and makes profits like water, but it makes many people jealous. Terrible.

   So, using your own interstellar transport spacecraft to transport the raw materials is really not difficult.

   The first batch of immigrants has been settled here, and the second and even the third batch of immigrants are about to arrive.

  Invasion, after leaving the earth, the exploration teams of the two camps found that the size of the planet was much larger than that of the earth. As far as Star One is concerned, the immigration of tens of millions of people here is basically a trivial matter.

   Right now, there are more than 60,000 immigrants, so where is this?

   This is only the imperial camp headed by the United States, and the same is true for China.

   It is a great thing to be able to immigrate its own people to other planets, especially for a country with a huge population like China.

   In China in different time and space, the population of China has exceeded the 17 billion mark, and the pressure brought by this 17 billion population is not small, and there are also many employment pressures.

   And these pressures slowly dissipated with the bringing of the interstellar age.

   is very simple. People who have no hope or a way out on the earth can boldly go to an alien planet.

   And as long as those who are willing to emigrate, the country will also allocate lands to alien planets.

   At the worst, you can also go to an alien planet to be a farmer. It’s better than doing nothing here on the earth without seeing a future and a way out.

   After these people emigrate, the pressure on the earth will inevitably be much reduced.

   At the same time, those people who have immigrated to other planets can also create many new jobs and benefits locally.

   Even people who don’t want to immigrate to other planets can go to the Oscar continent in the new world to ask for a living, where to marry a few local girls as wives, and then live a life that is not ashamed and shameless.

  You can only marry a wife on the earth. Even if you immigrate to an alien planet, you must follow the laws and regulations of the earth, because alien immigrant settlements also operate according to these laws and regulations.

   But the Oscar continent is different.

   Of course, the premise is that you will live permanently in the Oscar continent and become a member of the Oscar world.

   Whether it is emigrating to an alien or going to the Oscar continent, this requires a personal choice.

   But in any case, after having these two choices, it really played a big role in the stability of the earth, making the whole world more stable.

   After all, in all countries on the earth, there are some people who have lost their jobs and have no hope.

   And these two outlets at the moment are totally equivalent to giving them hope and an opportunity.

Therefore, the nations of the earth are of course very enthusiastic about allowing people to emigrate to other planets. In addition to giving these people opportunities and hope, it also reduces the chances of these people becoming unstable elements. How could it not be supported.

   If it weren't for transportation restrictions, there would have been vigorous interstellar immigration on this side of the earth, instead of the thousands and thousands of people doing it now.

   Therefore, many countries have suggested to Annie that she should transport the spacecraft earlier. As long as she has the spacecraft in her hand, she will give her a large number of immigration transportation business orders, which is very profitable.

   Now, it is not an exaggeration to say that Annie has monopolized this business.

   As long as she can continue to control this business for a period of time, it is absolutely no joke to monopolize this business in the future.

   Even if a few opponents emerged in the end to compete with her for this business, Annie would not be afraid, as far as her methods were concerned, they could completely bring down those competitors.

Now, the first and second stars, as well as the upcoming mineral star transportation business, have been in the hands of Annie. Even Huaxia has contacted Annie, so that Annie can allocate a part of its capacity to help China The nations of the camp have begun immigration matters.

   For this reason, many people in Washington have criticized Anne.

   In the eyes of those people, Annie shouldn't take over the business of Huaxia's immigration business, because it only reduces the capacity unit and allows Huaxia to carry out interstellar immigration at the same time.

   Therefore, Annie should reject China and put all her capacity on the Imperial camp.

   Not enough for these people, Annie also has her explanation.

   I am a businessman, so it is impossible to leave money without making money. Anyway, whoever makes money is not making money.

   Besides, the transportation business on the empire side does not have such a large business volume, so a large part of her transportation fleet is empty. This is a waste, isn't it?

   I have to say, this really blocked many people's mouths.

   Of course, this is just a solution to the immediate trouble.

   As time goes by, there will surely be more and more orders that need to be transported by spacecraft in the future Empire camp, and Annie's excuse will not be so easy to use at that time.

   So, Annie must solve this problem like a solution.

   Otherwise, it would be really troublesome if there were competitors.

   "Have Aston Cherod's company made a breakthrough in interstellar transport spacecraft technology?"

Accompanied by Logan, Annie brought two little guys, Coco and Kayla, to a tribe of tribes of the Three-Eyes tribe in the north of the town for sightseeing, and at the same time to experience the life of the aborigines status.

   But this time, Annie received an interstellar call from Joan.

   Don’t be surprised, Jin Xiantai masters the interstellar communication technology, this thing is nothing at all in Andrew, so he took it out for Jin Xiantai.

   This is why Annie planned to make Kim Hyun Tae monopolize the confidence foundation of the communication media industry in the first ~lightnovelpub.net~.

   You must know that this interstellar communication technology alone is enough to give Jin Xiantai a foothold. No one can contend with him and become a monopoly giant.

   Now, people like Annie and others have benefited from this technology. Even if they are on an alien planet far away from the earth, they can still receive calls from the earth.

   Logan and others are also the same, even if they are on an alien planet, but they can also communicate with friends on earth from time to time, talk, and talk about their experiences in alien planets.

  Coco and Kayla are watching a few three-eyed kids fighting. The two little girls are cheering and cheering. They are not too big a deal at all.

   Logan was talking quietly with the head of the three-eyed tribe. Judging from the expressions on both of their faces, they seemed unsightly and a little worried.

   Annie is answering Qiao'an's call.

"BOSS, according to reliable information from Washington, Aston Cherod is seeking to persuade most members of Congress, as well as some military generals in the Pentagon, to give him some transportation orders. Obviously this is robbing you of business."

   Listening to the message Qiao An told him on the phone, I knew that this matter must be dealt with properly, or it would become very troublesome.

   However, Annie didn't find it difficult to solve this matter.

   I saw her speak to Qiao An on the other end of the phone: "Do you know how the DuPont family started and how they suppressed their opponents?"