Rising America

Chapter 1895: Dare to scold me

It’s not surprising that there are competitors in the interstellar transportation business. The Whiston Star Transportation Company under Anne’s name has made much money in a short period of time. This is something everyone knows. Child.

   And there are quite a few economic teams who originally intended to enter this industry, so how could those guys be indifferent.

   However, capital has always been bloody, and there is nothing fair in Western capital circles. If anyone really thinks this way, he can only be said to be too naive.

  As for Annie, she has temporarily monopolized this business, so what she has to do is how to continue to maintain the momentum of her monopoly, instead of suddenly jumping out of a competitor.

   Even if this competitor uses fair business methods to compete with her in interstellar freight and manned transportation, this is not allowed.

   After all, only a monopoly can make the most profit.

  As a capitalist, Annie is still very qualified.

   Therefore, for Aston Cherod's company, she must be blocked, even by unscrupulous means.

   This carelessness is nothing but a qualified capitalist should do it.

   Of course, some things must be done in private, and they will never be exposed on stage.

Although Anne has always given people a harmless appearance, but in fact Anne is also a cruel person. Otherwise, how could she be in charge of the huge Wheatstone Group, but if she was that innocent, white and rich, she would have been There is no more bones leftovers.

   When Annie met Jin Xiantai, she fell into that dangerous and passive situation, mainly because the enemy she faced was of another level.

   But now, Annie is not what she used to be.

   Although she is still a capitalist on the surface, some of the things she has behind have already exceeded the scope of a capitalist.

   After all, backed by Jin Xiantai's family, coupled with the support of Andrew who masters black technology, how can Annie be the same as before.

The interstellar transportation business, and the port business in the interstellar era, are business plans that Annie has designed for herself a long time ago, and in this plan she seeks a complete monopoly, so she will never allow others to compete with herself , Absolutely not allowed

   Therefore, Aston Cherod is destined to become a tragic guy.

Annie doesn't want to get all the business in her hands, she also knows that she wants to leave a little room for others, so she only focuses on the three major areas of interstellar transportation, berth, and energy supplement. The main business is Whiston Bank Will continue to do it.

   Only the first three businesses, she wants to monopolize it.

   But there are many other businesses for other people to do, she will not be involved.

   This is also a bottom line set by Annie.

   At the moment, Aston Cherod will also enter the interstellar transportation industry, which violates Annie's bottom line.

  Don't talk about the mere Anton Cherod, even if a major American consortium wants to get in, Annie will not allow it.

  Since the goal is to monopolize, Annie certainly will not let herself have any competitors.

   Qiao Ann understood what Annie meant, and after finishing the call, he went to arrange what to do next.

  Because of the werewolf armed forces in his hands, this matter is not very difficult for Annie.

   Even if she is not on the earth, Qiao An will take care of this matter, and it can be handled easily.

   Aston Cherod, and Qiao Ann are not at the same level.

Of course, Eston Cherod is not an unknown person. This guy can be regarded as one of the richest people at the middle level in the United States. Although there is no way to compare with Annie's level, the connections and energy he has are far away. It's more than ordinary people.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to get the technology related to the interstellar transport spacecraft from the Protoss Civilization Institute, and he really made a transport spacecraft.

   If there is no Annie, maybe this product can really shine.

   But it's a pity. After all, for some special reasons, Annie stepped into this industry earlier than him, and has already started to run this business, and she is doing something impressive.

   Changing to another person may feel a headache for such a competitor.

   But for Annie, it is very easy to solve this little trouble.

  The method of force is quite good, it can wipe out the opponent from the spirit to the soul, and solve this trouble once and for all.

  In fact, other capital groups and forces at this level will basically choose to do this if they encounter the same situation as Annie.

  Western capitalists, it's so dark, what can you do?

   Of course, this is just an episode for Annie, so she doesn't need to be too worried.

   If it were Clophy, or an opponent like Morgan, it would be different.

   But little Aston Cherod, hehe, which shallot is he

   The earth has started the interstellar era. At this time, it happens to be another best time for a capital to grow wildly, but any smart person can see it unless he is an idiot.

   At this time, if anyone occupies an advantage and a dominant position, this will be of great benefit to the development of themselves and the company.

   Annie also saw this.

   So, she doesn't mind using extraordinary means to ensure that she will always maintain this advantage.

   Status and position determine thinking, whoever changes at this time, it is estimated that he will make the same choice as Annie, unless he is not a qualified black-hearted capitalist.

Annie is here at Gemini, not only to investigate the ecological and natural environment of the second star, and then to create a great nautical era playground. In fact, she is here to investigate the star field environment here, preparing to build the first energy supplement site, and Space port.

   Whiston Port and energy supplement points are part of her plan.

  You don't need to pay attention to other businesses. As long as you master the above three businesses, it is enough to ensure that Whiston can continue to shine.

   Even if it is well managed, it is not a surprise that it will eventually become a ten-thousand-year-old shop.

   But at this time in the early stage, Annie had to resolve all those involved and ensure that she could truly monopolize these businesses.

   In fact, Annie started to take action here, and the QQ network under the name of Jin Xiantai, n media has also begun to take action.

   After all, Andrew's inter-stellar communication technology is in his hands. Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't use it.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae himself is not on the earth, it is enough for Annie and Joan to do these things. Moreover, in Annie’s plan, it is for Kim Hyun-tae to monopolize and control the industry.

  In the sphere of influence of mankind in the future, n media will be a super body. As long as there is a place where mankind is involved, you can watch n's programs.

The   QQ network will also cover all the planets where humans are active.

   Monopolizes and controls these businesses, who can not look up to his family in the future interstellar era, and their family can continue to survive in the interstellar era and become a real giant

   As for the businesses under the name of Xiongzi Coco, to be honest, there is no need for Annie to worry about it. With the plug-ins that Xiongzi has mastered, it is impossible for anyone to be her opponent.

  Ai smart robot business, the little guy can at least be able to do a thousand years, because no matter when it comes, this business will have customers.

   Some other businesses under the name of Coco, such as fast food chains, clothing brands, etc., are basically not at the same level as the business of AI intelligent robots.

  Of course, Coco Bear is very self-willed in business. She didn't care much about these companies after she got them out, and they gave them all to professional managers.

   But it happened to make her make a lot of money every day.

   It’s really surprising and speechless to say it.

   "Kick it stupid, kick it hard, you are so stupid, you can't even fight in a fight"

   Putting the phone back in her pocket, Annie walked towards the yelling Coco and Kayla. At this time, the two of them were watching the excitement near a group of fighting three-eyed boys.

   I don’t know why. A dozen three-eyed boys are fighting in groups, and they are also fighting fiercely. Basically, they are all punches to the flesh.

   Annie can even clearly see that there are several three-eyed boys with bruises on their faces, and one unlucky one with a broken tooth.

   The children are fighting so fiercely~lightnovelpub.net~ But the three-eyed adults around them seem to have not seen them, so they just let the bear children fight.

   Even, Annie also saw that there were a few three-eyed women who made comments on the three-eyed boys who were fighting in groups from time to time, without worrying about the children fighting and fighting things.

  Coco and Kayla like to watch the show. This is the nature of children, and neither Coco nor Kayla can avoid it.

   Therefore, when the three-eyed children started fighting, they immediately attracted the attention of Coco and Kayla. The two little girls immediately leaned in and began to watch, and even yelled a few words from time to time.

   The little boys of the three-eyed tribe, speaking in languages ​​that humans do not understand, constantly beating each other, as if they are enemies of life and death, and what they beat is fierce.

   Being an ordinary human child, perhaps he would not dare to stand on the sidelines and watch.

   But Coco and Kayla are very courageous, and they are not ordinary girls, so they are not at all ashamed of these ferocious three-eyed little boys.

  Mo Lunai, Ji Dayeke

A three-eyed boy who was riding on his opponent and beating him violently, his body as strong as a calf, glanced at Coco and Kayla who were yelling at the side, and threw them at them. Such a sentence.

   Annie didn't wear a translator, so she didn't know what the three-eyed boy said.

   However, before her words fell, Annie saw Coco jump over, lifted her foot and kicked the opponent's face fiercely, kicking the three-eyed boy more than ten meters away

   Then, I heard Coco's angry voice sound.

   "Asshole dare to scold me"