Rising America

Chapter 1896: Unstable

Although the little boys of the three-eyed tribe were fighting in groups, they all stopped when the foreign child of Coco hit his own, and they all turned their muzzles out.

   I have to say that these three-eyed children are quite united.

   The hapless guy who was kicked by cocoa had passed out at this time.

   To be honest, this means that the little guy didn't kill him, otherwise the little guy would definitely be kicked to death by Coco.

   "Look at you all being soft, now let me teach you how to fight!"

   When the three-eyed boys stopped fighting each other and vaguely surrounded Cocoa, Cocoa was not afraid, but rather arrogantly the first to deal with them.

   Coco left an afterimage in the same place, raised his fist and hit a three-eyed child on the ground. The bear child controlled his own strength, otherwise the punch would definitely blow the opponent.

   As far as Cocoa’s power is concerned, it’s really not difficult to blow them up.

   can be hands-on, like a bucket of ant beehives, all the three-eyed children rushed up.

  Kayla stood there and didn't move, because she knew that these three-eyed children could not be the opponent of her boss Coco.

   This is indeed the case.

   One punch, Coco didn't need a second punch. These sturdy three-eyed little boys were easily put on the ground by Coco, and it looked like Coco was still relaxed.

   In three seconds, Coco cleaned up a dozen three-eyed boys in only three seconds.

   After hitting these little guys, Coco stood in the center, pinched his waist with his hands and looked around, which looked more arrogant and arrogant.

   As for the children fighting, the nearby three-eyed adults were not only not angry, but they all smiled and used their language to make comments.

   Seeing this, Annie is really speechless.

   "Huh! You think you can bully me if you are stronger than me! You don't ask me who I am. I am the king of fights between Beverly Hills and West Point Kindergarten. I have never lost a fight!"

  Coco paced swayingly, walking among the three-eyed little guys who fell to the ground, and said arrogantly as they walked.

And around, near the tribal tent of the Three-Eyed tribe, a lot of small heads suddenly appeared. They are all children of the Three-Eyed tribe. These little guys looked at Coco one by one in the eyes, revealing a very admiring look. .

   Obviously, for children of any civilized race, those who fight fiercely at this stage will be the object of their worship, and the sturdyness that Coco has just shown just meets the standards of their worship.

   You must know that the dozen or so three-eyed children in the previous gang fight were the thorns of the children in the tribe, and they were very fighting.

   They can bully other three-eyed children on weekdays.

   But today, these brothers who are very powerful in their eyes have been taken care of by a seemingly weak human girl. How can this not surprise them and admire them.

   After all, Coco doesn't look strong at all, she looks pretty and weak, she's still a small beanie, but she didn't expect her to fight so hard!


   Annie didn't show much excitement when she saw the three-eyed adults around her. Instead, she felt that it was a pleasure. She didn't react too much to the fight between Coco and the three-eyed children.

   "Coco, how can you bully these kids!"

   Annie came over, and she was a little surprised when she spoke.

   The little boys of the three-eyed tribe, each of them stronger than Coco, looked fierce and fierce, but Annie said that Coco bullied these children.

   However, Annie said this is not without basis and reason.

   Well, considering the power that Coco possesses, it really can be regarded as Coco'bullying alien children'.

   "It scolds me! These guys still want to beat me up, so I will teach them a lesson."

   The little guy struck his neck and responded.

   Annie leaned over and hugged Coco.

   "What if someone breaks down?"

   Speaking of it, Annie was mainly afraid that Coco would destroy these three-eyed children. After all, in Coco's grade, she started every measure.

   Hearing the words, Coco blinked his eyes and said, "Oh, mommy, you are worried about this. Don't worry, it's okay. I control the strength."

   Annie quickly glanced around, and she found that the adults of the Three Eyes tribe who watched the excitement, there were even gestures toward Coco to show that she was great.

   For these three-eyed thinking, Annie is really helpless.

   Logan ended the conversation with the tribal chief at this time and walked towards Annie.

"The situation here is getting worse recently. The three-eyed empire in the north has provoked more and more frequent three-eyed tribes in the south, and they have even begun to spread to this area. Just last night, A small tribe living more than 30 miles away from this tribe was attacked..."

According to Logan’s description, the Three-Eyed Empire in the north has increasingly intensive military operations against the relatively primitive Southern Three-Eyed Tribes, and there are already a large number of Southern Three-Eyed Tribes that have been invaded by troops sent by him. Some tribes were even destroyed, or all the tribes were taken away and turned into slaves.

   And this trouble has now spread to this area, obviously not a good signal.

   You must know that the small town where humans emigrated is not far from the tribe right now, that is, a distance of more than ten miles.

   In other words, if it doesn't, the human town will also be attacked.

"Isn’t the town yet Zaku mech infantry? You still formed a militia team, so I think even if there is any threat, you can deal with it? Besides, your immigrants are not ordinary people, all have special Ability mutants, or witches."

   Anne, who was holding Cocoa, couldn't help but curiously said seeing Logan's worried look.

   Logan smiled bitterly and said, "That's right, but after all, this is not a good thing. I can't guarantee that we will not suffer any casualties when we encounter threats."

   Indeed, no one can guarantee this.

   The human immigrants in the small town, either mutants or witches, all have special abilities. That's right.

   But the three-eyed clan is not weak.

   They are tall and strong, and their physical fitness far exceeds that of human beings.

   Although they are very backward and primitive, Logan dare not say that he will guarantee that there will be no casualties among the residents of the town.

   Especially the Three-Eyed Empire in the north is already a level higher than the tribes in the south, and they have entered the age of empires.

   Annie smiled and comforted Logan: "Do you want to belittle yourself, the three-eyed race has their advantages, but we humans also have our advantages, so you don't need to worry about these guys."

   Logan shook his head: "I'm not bullying them. To be honest, they have nothing to worry about. I am also a person who has experienced the **** killing of the corpse mountain. How can these guys scare me."

"The reason why I am so worried is mainly because of those immigrants who have no fighting capacity. After all, although most of our immigrants are mutants, and some of them are witches, most of them are not fighting types. ."

   Logan’s concern is not unreasonable.

   Annie figured it out for a while and she understood.

   "If I'm alone, this thing is of course easy to handle, but as the head of a town, the things I carry on my shoulders are not as easy as I used to be."

   Yes, Logan is now the mayor of the town. Of course, it is impossible to think about the problem from the same perspective as playing alone in the past. This is realistic.

   "Do I need to contact the troops on the defensive star?"

   Annie asked Logan.

   Logan thought for a while: "It is necessary for them to send some troops over, and it is necessary to make some preparations. I don't want to think about these until the end, it will be too late."

   "Don't you have this right?" Annie asked suspiciously.

   Logan shook his head: "I'm just the mayor. I want to send troops over from the Defense Star. I really don't have this right. The level is not enough."

   Logan admitted this generously.

   To be honest, Logan is more familiar with his family, especially Cocoa, so Annie had to help out with this matter.

"Uncle Logan, don't worry, even if there are no people on the defensive star to help, I can help you deal with the so-called three-eyed empire~lightnovelpub.net~ If my mommy and you agree, I Go and destroy them now."

   was held by Annie, and Coco, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

   The little guy also learned at this time that there is actually such a threat on this planet, and it makes Uncle Logan, who is familiar with him, such a headache.

   Well, as a friend or acquaintance, Coco feels that he should help.

  The solution for the little guy is very simple. As long as Anne's mom agrees, then he can take his best friend Kayla to the north and destroy the Three-Eyed Empire.

   Maybe others would be a little bit counseled about that three-eyed empire, but Coco wouldn't be counseled at all.

   As far as the little guy's perception of his own power is concerned, what a **** three-eyed empire will not be put in her eyes at all, and wanting to destroy it is just a matter of exasperation.

   "No, I won't trouble you anymore."

   The little guy said he wanted to do it himself, but Logan and Annie quickly said that they didn’t need it.

   The bear child is very strong, but if she is allowed to take action, no one can guarantee that the bear child will overturn his head and cause damage to the entire planet.

   So, Annie and Logan don’t dare to let Coco make a shot.

   In the eyes of the two, Coco should just stay like this.

   "I will contact the defense star right now. I heard that the dwarves of Oscar continent have arrived. I think these dwarves should be good combat power."

   After dispelling Coco's thoughts, Annie immediately told Logan that she could contact the defense star...