Rising America

Chapter 1902: This is waste

In the center of the central square of Heijing City, there is a huge boulder that weighs several tons, one by one, which resembles the ‘pyramid’ of the Maya on Earth.

With the appearance of buildings in the live broadcast, this is really silly for many netizens.

After all, this ‘pyramid’ of the Obsidian Empire of the northern three-eyed tribe is so similar to the only remaining Maya’s ‘pyramid’ on earth, so how could it not be surprising.

[Mayans have appeared in Gemini, have they? 】

Such a thought suddenly flashed through the minds of many netizens.

The ‘pyramid’ in the live broadcast is not a newly built one. There are visible signs of wind and frost erosion on the outside, and there is also a large patch of moss. Obviously, it has been a young man.

At the top, there is a small room, which can also be said to be a small pavilion. The whole is made of two stone slabs and a large stone slab placed horizontally. It is just that neither the three-eyed tribe nor the humans know it. In this pyramid There is a long groove in the center, and the direction the groove is facing is the direction of the earth.

What's even more amazing is that no matter how the Gemini 1 star moves, this groove can lock the earth's position at any time, even if the earth is revolving around the sun.

The three-eyed tribe is primitive, so they don't know it, or there may be a fault in their civilization, leading to a lot of knowledge, which is not passed down at all.

It is also very simple for humans to not know, after all, it has not been long for humans to discover Gemini.

At the top of the'Pyramid', there are a few guys who dress differently from ordinary three-eyed people. They wear headdresses made of feathers on their heads, and they also wear large cloaks made of feathers.

Moreover, the faces of these guys were painted with thick oil.

God knows how that kind of oil paint is made, it looks greasy anyway.

This is the emperor of the Obsidian Empire, good for its priests.

In front of them, there was a step leading down, and the steps were full of viscous blue mucus.

These blue slime were all caught by them and used as a living sacrifice, the blood of the three-eyed slaves who had died.

Because unlike humans, the blood of the Three-Eyed Race is blue, so when the head of the living sacrifice is dropped from the step leading to the top of the pyramid, the blood will inevitably drip on it, and then Left such a trace.

It is precisely because the blood of the three-eyed tribe is blue, not the scarlet red like humans, so it does not give people the shock and nausea of ​​men.

At the top of the pyramid, the emperor and its priests, wearing a large cloak of sao-cannon feathers and masks on their faces, kept shouting to the fanatical three-eyed people who raised their hands below.

Since the netizens in the live broadcast room do not have a translation device, they do not understand what they are shouting, so many netizens hope that Coco will translate it for them.

In this regard, the little guy did not refuse.

"Great God Kukukan, please embrace us in good weather. We will give you a fresh life to calm your anger and water the thirsty earth with blood..."

At the time of Coco's translation, two powerful three-eyed warriors appeared on the left side of the top of the pyramid. They pressed a three-eyed tribe whose hands and feet were bound and whose body was constantly twisting.

In front of the sacrifice, there was a column and two three-eyed warriors. They lifted the three-eyed tribe with their hands and feet and placed it on the column. The column raised its waist, and the two three-eyed tribes The warrior pulled its hands and feet so that it could not continue to twist its body.

At this time, Cocoa was also attracted attention.

Holding a sharp bone knife, the priest yelled loudly for a few more times, then slid open the chest of the three-eyed tribe in front of him with the bone knife, and then stretched out his hand to pull out his beating heart and placed it high in the palm of his hand. Hold high.

Below, those three-eyed tribesmen who raised their hands suddenly became crazy, and they kept shouting ‘oh oh oh oh’ in their mouths. This scene really made people think they were abnormal.

The three-eyed tribe whose heart was torn out hadn’t died yet. Soon, there was another sacrifice. Using an axe made of unknown stone, he chopped off its head and held it in his hand. After a few strokes, he threw it down from the steps in front of him.

The head rolled down the steps, and the three-eyed tribesmen below looked even more mad than before, as if they were overkilled.

The headless body, spraying blue blood, was also thrown down the steps.

Coco has a small mouth slightly, which seems a bit silly.

The same is true for Kayla.

The netizens in the live broadcast room seemed to be quiet, and no one even posted any bullet screens for a while.

This is a living sacrifice?

There was no smile on Coco's face, and he raised his hand and stabbed Keira to ask.

Kaila turned her head a little stupidly, looked at Coco, and then replied: "If it's right, this should be a living sacrifice. I didn't expect these three-eyed tribes to be so savage, they used their own clan to perform such cruelty. Sacrificial activities are primitive and ignorant."

Indeed, this kind of thing is difficult for Kayla to accept.

However, Cocoa didn't get too excited. After all, Cocoa bear is a child with a heavy taste, and the brain circuits are very different from ordinary people.

"It's a pity, they are really a waste, and I don't know if they are delicious..."

I don't know if it tastes good!

is it tasty!

good to eat!


Kayla stared at Cocoa with wide eyes, and automatically helped Coco replay the echo in her mind. She was completely stupid.

She thought Coco would be the same as herself, and felt that this kind of living sacrifice was very cruel.

But unexpectedly, the focus of Cocoa’s attention is not this at all, but the three-eyed clan who is delicious...

However, this is not surprising.

After all, Cocoa, Dragon Liver and Phoenix Marrow, fried devil and everything, even eaten a lot of races in a certain ‘main god’ plane, so her taste is quite heavy.

After all, I have been eating fried spiders and grasshoppers since I was a child. Can this be the same as ordinary children?

This shows that Coco Bear is not only powerful, but she is also a foodie.

So being a foodie, with strong strength blessing, is bound to pose a great threat to many races.

It's really because in the eyes of foodies, most of them are ingredients except for their own people and some things they can't eat.

It's true that the three-eyed race is a civilized race, but in the eyes of Coco, it is no different from the demons she has eaten, such as dragons and phoenixes.

Therefore, the bear child feels that living sacrifice is simply a waste of food.

"No, I can't help it anymore. I want to go down and see if these three-eyed tribes can eat them, how good they are."

"and many more!"

Hearing what Coco said, Kayla quickly reached out to pull Coco, but it was a pity that Kayla didn't hold it, after all, Coco moved very quickly.

Coco's remarks were also quite silly for the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Did you hear what Coco said just now?"

Some netizens asked everyone in a uncertain tone.

Immediately someone responded: "If I heard correctly, Coco said that this kind of living sacrifice is a waste of food, and she wants to show up to verify if the three-eyed tribe can eat it!!!"

Suddenly, the topic was detonated.

To be honest, Coco eats the devil and the dragon, and uses the identity of Emperor Ziwei and the only direct disciple of the Wa Palace to force the Dragon King of the Four Seas to give himself dragon liver, and the undead phoenix of Kunlun Mountain sends the phoenix marrow. It's spread in special circles, and ordinary people don't know this.

So it's no wonder netizens are shocked.

Of course, it is more to lament the spirit of cocoa.

"You only know that cocoa tastes very heavy. Generally, children are afraid of some dark dishes that they don't dare to eat. She doesn't care about it at all, and dares to eat it."

"Kou Jie! Kou Jie! Kou Jie! You ordinary humans are really less knowledgeable. We Coco Monarch has a strong taste. It is famous for the Three Realms, and even the demons of the Nine-Layer Purgatory have eaten a lot. Every month, a batch of magic dragon eggs is contributed. What happened to some low-level alien creatures? It is their blessing to eat them."

Following the heated discussion among ordinary netizens, some strangers in special circles couldn't help but finally revealed some information that ordinary people didn't know.

In the eyes of these strangers, Cocoa wants to try whether the Three-Eyed Race can eat this thing. In terms of ordinary people, it is a little fuss. They can even eat dragons, demons, and demons. Alien Let the creature try to eat it.

There is also no rule that alien races cannot eat it.

Especially those Chinese strangers in the live broadcast room felt that this matter was nothing remarkable. The reaction of ordinary netizens really made them feel speechless, and at the same time, they felt that ordinary people could not bear it a little, such a small matter. I was shocked ~lightnovelpub.net~ To tell the truth, if Cocoa could just transfer his own recipe from the earth to the universe, I can’t say that this would be a big deal for those guys who have entered their recipes on earth. What a good thing.

Others, the demons and dragons of the Nine-Layer Purgatory, the demons of the abyss, and the Sihailong family of China, the Phoenix family of West Kunlun, etc., are absolutely grateful to the alien races for their contributions to them, so that the magic net can be transferred. Interest.

Therefore, some of the dragons in the cocoa live broadcast room, as well as the guys who consciously seem to be able to enter the cocoa recipe, pray silently in their hearts, hoping that the three-eyed tribe can eat it.

In other words, the stranger hopes that Coco will harm the alien races, and don't continue to harm them on Earth.

To be honest, Coco has a big fist and strong strength, they really can't help it.

Since they couldn't get Coco at all, they could only succumb to Coco's fist and obey the orders honestly.

If there was such an opportunity to divert Cocoa's attention, to be honest, they would really like it.