Rising America

Chapter 1915: Learned

[Recently, there have been frequent violent activities by African-American street gangs in the South Central District of Los Angeles, so that many citizens would rather go the same way than close to the central and southern neighborhoods. At the same time, street gang members in places continue to harass citizens of other ethnic groups. Especially white people are the most...]

The above news message seems to be the same as usual news, but after careful consideration, it is not.

But there are not many people who have such a clear understanding. Most people feel that it is no different from usual. The South Central District of Los Angeles is originally so messy, right?

But if anyone really thinks that way, it would be wrong.

Due to the trend of public opinion, people in every city in the United States have taken to the streets to carry out demonstrations, and Los Angeles is no exception.

And some Hollywood big-name movie stars, artists, and rich guys also participated. After all, most of these people are guys who usually advertise "love and justice". Now that they see everyone attacking Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter so strongly, they certainly won't miss it. Such a chance to show his face.

Because many people feel that Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter can't survive this crisis of public opinion, so participating in this time can not only show their faces, but also increase their exposure, and at the same time give the public a good impression. Impress yourself of being tall.

Therefore, there are many demonstrations in Los Angeles, far more than other cities in the United States.

So in this situation, the street gangs in Los Angeles, of course, can't bear it.

However, unlike those who took to the streets to demonstrate, these Los Angeles street gangs are thinking about how to make this thing bigger and make the whole city turbulent, and then they are just trying to catch fish in troubled waters.

However, there is no suitable opportunity yet.

As long as the right opportunity arises, these street gangs will never miss it. They are just waiting now.

But even so, these street gangs have begun to fight, all want to take advantage of this environment to expand their territory, and at the same time eliminate hostile gang forces.

After all, the opportunity is rare.

If the police force in Los Angeles were basically put on the demonstrators, they would no longer have the energy to estimate their gang members, so of course they would take the opportunity to get things out.

In Los Angeles, the chaos in the South Central District is notorious, in which African-American street gangs occupy a dominant position, with the lame and the blood gang as the two dominant ones.

At the same time, the Mexican gangs did not dare to show weakness.

The Chinese forces that have emerged in the past two or three years are different. They appear to be very quiet, just guarding their own territory. As long as there is no one to provoke them, they will not easily provoke others.

Therefore, in the past few days, the Chinese forces have not done anything. Basically, the African gangs are fighting endlessly, and from time to time, the Mexican forces also participate in two battles, and then everyone fights together.

And these powers all ignore the Chinese powers.

After all, there is no conflict between the interests of the Chinese forces and these forces, so there is not much hatred.

The **** and the blood gang are mortal enemies for decades, and there is no possibility of resolving them, so it is not surprising that the two of them fight back and forth.

The Mexicans have conflicts of interest with all Africans. The focus is on the business of ‘drugs’, so this cannot be reconciled.

But this is only violent clashes between street gangs, and this kind of thing is very common in Los Angeles, and the locals are not surprised.

In the past, such conflicts generally did not involve ordinary people.

But now it is completely different.

Because many ordinary people were involved and lost their lives.

And these hapless people who were involved in the conflict and lost their lives were really wronged, because ninety-nine percent of them died and they didn’t know why, and most of them were killed when they drove through the Central South District. People who shot and killed didn't provoke those guys at all.

So, why is this not wronged?

Qiao An has collected a lot of this information through the information provided by the news hunters, and from this information, Qiao An smelled a very unusual smell.

But even Qiao An didn't think that it would take a long time for a riot in Los Angeles, and the perpetrators were the gangs in the South Central District.

It can be said that there is not only a wave of public opinion attacking Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, but also some unknowable things that are brewing secretly, all of which give Qiao An a headache.

However, Qiao Ann is not a politician after all, so she doesn't care too much about the small gang actions in Los Angeles.

After all, something is really going to happen. The people in Washington who have a headache are those in Washington who have nothing to do with her. She only needs to make sure that CNN will not have any problems.

But in response to this issue, she still contacted Old George on the phone and told him the news she had, so that he could make some preparations and arrangements.

But because he couldn't guess what the street gangs were going to do, even the old George, who had been informed by Joan, didn't know what to do to prepare.

In this way, time passed day by day, and it was a week in the blink of an eye.

It has been ten days since the wave of public opinion started.

In these ten days, the wave of public opinion attacking Kim Hyun-tae can be said to have swept the world. Many people have joined the attacking ranks and began to denounce Kim Hyun-tae.

There are also in Huaxia, but the situation is not so bad. On the contrary, compared with other countries in the world, the trend on Huaxia is still suppressed.

Qiao An learned through his own channels that the reason why there was such a situation in Huaxia was mainly because of the role of the disciples of the "Invincible Flow" established by Cocoa. They took to the streets to attack the protesters and suppressed them. The arrogance of those people.

But outside of China, things are not like this.

Invincible Liu is just an organization on China's side, and its influence is only in China.

Therefore, there is no alternative.

------split line------

When a wave of public opinion against himself and his daughter started on the earth, Kim Hyun-tae commanded the space exploration team to start returning, and it was already on the way.

On the planet named [Punk Star] by Kim Hyun-tae, the octopus man has been completely controlled by humans, and Kim Hyun-tae also left the red police base vehicle there. The octopus man can't get over any waves at all.

"William, we are about to enter the solar system in one day's voyage, and we will be home soon. Are you a little excited?"

On the way back, the people on the space exploration team were very relaxed from top to bottom. Even Kim Hyun-tae would go to the commercial district every day to pass the time, and he would be by his side whenever he came to Selena or Demi .

Today, Demi did not come, and it was Selena who accompanied Kim Hyun Tae.

The two sat in the open air outside an Italian cafe in a commercial district, and each had a cup of strong coffee in front of them, while Selena chatted with Jin Xiantai.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai smiled and responded: "There is nothing to be excited about, but when I think of going home soon and having a long period of leisure, I am still very happy. I haven't been very good in the past few years. Accompanying Coco this child, in retrospect, my father was also unqualified, so I plan to accompany Coco well after returning to Earth this time and do my responsibilities as a father."

Yes, except for the period when he came to different time and space at the beginning, Jin Xiantai is really just as he said, and there is very little time to spend with Coco.

Of course, there is no lack of Coco's unusual relationship. After all, the little guy is so powerful, and the father Kim Hyun-tae does not need to worry about the little guy playing alone or going out if he will run into danger like other single fathers.

To be honest, for a bear kid like Coco, it would be nice if she didn't bring danger to others.

Therefore, this also made Jin Xiantai a lot easier and can focus on his career.

However, this is also not so good, that is, Kim Hyun-tae is devoted to his career and spends less time with his daughter, and as the daughter grows up day by day, this is a very bad thing. .

Therefore, Jin Xiantai reflected for a while and felt that he should not continue to do this, he should adjust his focus and put it on the family side and the girl.

Anyway, he has earned enough wealth, even if he is lying down with his daughter, he can't spend it all, so there is really no need to continue making money.

At such a level, the amount of money is already a sign and a decimal point. Therefore, the important thing should be the family and the cocoa with your daughter.

Fortunately, Coco is still young now, and he still has a chance to make up for the things he has missed. Otherwise, it would be too late to wait for his daughter to grow up.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Selena was quite understandable.

After all, she is Kim Hyun-tae’s ‘good friend’ and she is very clear about what Kim Hyun-tae has done over the years, so she feels that Kim Hyun-tae’s decision is not at all faulty.

In fact, Selena also felt that Jin Xiantai had overlooked the little fellow Coco in recent years. She originally planned to remind him if Jin Xiantai still couldn't see this.

But now that Kim Hyun-tae has come to his senses~lightnovelpub.net~, there is no need to remind him.

"It's good for you to think like this. To be honest, as your good friend, I also think that you have ignored the little guy Coco in the past few years. This is not good for her growth, but now you can see what you have ignored. I am very pleased with this."

There are a lot of people here in the commercial district.

After all, everyone is now idle and on the way back to the earth, so everyone is very comfortable and willing to come here to spend playing time.

At this moment, Demi's figure appeared, and walked towards Kim Hyun Tae and Selena with a worried look.

The two of them in the small chat did not notice Demi who came by.

It wasn't until Demi came to the two of them and sat down before Kim Hyun Tae and Selena noticed it.

Without waiting for the two to say hello, Demi opened his mouth and said, "There is not very good news on the earth, it is about William..."