Rising America

Chapter 1929: return

After returning to Los Angeles from Nevada, Kim Hyun-tae went to the mansion in Beverly, and when he returned, he was very low-key. He didn't take the luxury car he bought or let the bodyguards **** him.

After all, the scene was so big that it would make him as vivid and outstanding as the firefly under the bright moon, which would cause unnecessary trouble.

When he returned to the earth, he only informed by old George that he knew that there was a wave of public opinion attacking him and his daughters on the earth, and nothing more, there was no way to directly feel how fierce and crazy this wave was.

At the moment, as he returned to the earth, he was able to fully feel this.

On the way back to Los Angeles from Nevada, Kim Hyun-tae arrived by plane. There was nothing in this section, but what Kim Hyun-tae saw and heard was different when he left Los Angeles Airport and entered the city.

There were crowds gathering to prepare for the parade, and some even rented billboards and print media advertisements on LCD TVs. All the content broadcast was to criticize Jin Xiantai and abuse the ingredients of the three-eyed people at that time.

People’s slogans were shouting loudly, and Kim Hyun-tae could even clearly see the distorted and crazy look on people’s faces through the car windows, which made people really shudder.

All this made Jin Xiantai feel that if he appeared in front of those people like this, he could not say that he would be torn apart by these crazy people.

No way, people in this fanatic state are very unreasonable, and they are also very dangerous, so it is best to stay away for such people.

Although Jin Xiantai has mastered a little ability, there is no way for him to have enough force to protect himself by this ability. After all, compared to Coco, he is still incomparable as a father.

Selena and Demi accompanied Kim Hyun Tae back to Los Angeles, and at the same time, they indirectly protected his safety. After all, the situation is not so good right now, and no one can guarantee that this or that kind of situation and danger will occur.

Therefore, Selena and Demi volunteered to accompany Kim Hyun-tae to Los Angeles, and the two girls insisted on living in Kim Hyun-tae’s home to take responsibility for his safety.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai is not easy to refuse, after all, this is the kindness of other girls, he can never be regarded as a donkey liver and lungs.

Although Kim Hyun-tae’s safety will not be a problem after returning home in Los Angeles, Selena and Demi are not clear about it.

How did the two of them know that Jin Xiantai is located in the mansion in Beverly Hills, and there are dozens of powerful gene-man maids guarding them.

This is Kim Hyun Tae's secret.

Andrew returned to Los Angeles earlier, and directed the maids to clean the mansion, and was ready to welcome Kim Hyun Tae home.

And when this guy knew that Selena and Demi would also come, and would stay here for a while, he also specifically ordered the maids to prepare more aphrodisiac recipes.

Obviously, Andrew has never given up the idea of ​​letting Jin Xiantai open the harem.

So for Andrew, the arrival of Selena and Demi is a great opportunity.

Of course, as to whether Kim Hyun Tae could be overthrown, that was not something Andrew could control.

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is different from most men. He is not a person who thinks with his lower body, and he never forgets his dead wife, so the chance of having a harem is really small.

But no matter what, Andrew will always try if there is a chance.

This can be regarded as a small compensation to Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter because of the accident.

Well, at least Andrew thought so.

But Andrew overlooked a key issue, that is, whether Jin Xiantai is willing to accept this compensation.

Selena drove a military Hummer proficiently and successfully arrived at Beverly's mansion from the airport, without causing much attention along the way.

At this moment, although people know that the space exploration team has returned, they do not know that Jin Xiantai has returned to Los Angeles in a low-key manner.

Otherwise, the mentally retarded mana here in Los Angeles will definitely make noise.

But even so, many people began to gather in Washington. They felt that Jin Xiantai must have gone to Washington. As the commander of the space exploration team, he would definitely go to Washington after returning.

Therefore, people hope to block Kim Hyun-tae in Washington, and when confronted with him, they will attack him, and even if possible, everyone will beat him up together.

After all, what Jin Xiantai did was too much. He actually bullied the alien civilization and races so much, it tarnished the face of human beings, and made humans a representative of evil.

Therefore, as the conscience and conscience of human beings, they have to punish the evil guy Jin Xiantai in place of justice, so that those who have not joined their ranks can see that justice will surely defeat evil, and at the same time how the evil is done.

I have to say that the thinking of these people is dangerous.

They hadn't even considered how dangerous Jin Xiantai would become once this broke out, and they might even be killed by them.

Of course, for these brain-deads, killing Kim Hyun Tae is still a very just thing.

Fortunately, Washington also took this situation into consideration, so he asked the old George to come forward to remind Jin Xiantai, and asked him to return home in Los Angeles and wait patiently.

As long as Kim Hyun Tae returns to Los Angeles, there will be no problem with his safety.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae’s safety will not be a problem if he does not return to Los Angeles. The gene-man maids in his family are not decorations.

Besides, there are two girls, Selena and Demi, beside Jin Xiantai, they are also very good.

If there is really a disadvantage to Kim Hyun Tae at this time, then Selena and Demi will definitely make him doubt life.

Along the winding Beverly Hills Road, the Hummer drove to the iron gate of the mansion.

Andrew, who had already returned home first, saw through the monitor that Jin Xiantai and his party had arrived, and opened the iron door outside.

The Hummer drove into the stone road of the mansion and headed towards the fountain of the mansion.

Soon, the Hummer came to the garden fountain in front of the mansion.

The car stopped, and Jin Xiantai got out of the car. The maids in the house were summoned by Andrew, and they were lined up in two teams waiting for him early.

"Master has worked hard, welcome home."

The soft voices of the girls made Kim Hyun-tae, who had just gotten out of the car, his legs softened, so that he fell there without any somersault.

Selena and Demi, who followed closely behind, couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing secretly when they saw Kim Hyun Tae's reaction.

It was really that Jin Xiantai's reaction was a little too funny, and he would have such a big reaction to Yingying Yanyan, which is really different from ordinary men.

"I said Andrew, what are you doing with this scene."

After trying to calm down, Jin Xiantai beckoned to Andrew dumbfounded, and said to him with a little bit of complaint.

Andrew walked over with a grin and responded to Jin Hyuntae: "This is not to watch the young master not come back for too long to live, let these girls make some warm scenes. Why, do you not like the young master?"

Kim Hyun Tae opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he dispelled the idea. He really understands Andrew, knowing that this product cannot be examined by common sense at all, so he can't tell the result of this matter at all. Don't say anything.

"Arrange two rooms, Selena and Demi will stay here for a few days."

In the end, Kim Hyun Tae could only change the topic.

Andrew smiled and nodded, and glanced at the two girls behind Kim Hyun Tae.

"Don't worry, Master, they will be as relaxed as they are in their own home."

Selena came over at this time: "Don't be so polite."

Although Demi didn't speak, she seemed to have the same meaning as Selena.

"I want it, I want it."

Andrew just said this with a smile, then turned around and led everyone into the mansion.

It was the first time for Demi to come to Kim Hyun Tae’s Beverly home, so the little girl looked at everything fresh, which was different from Selena.

"Wow, William, did you live in this place after you moved out of Santa Monica? It's so big, bigger than my original home in Santa Monica."

Andrew leaned over and said to Demi, "Ms. Demi can come often if she likes it here. Master doesn’t have many friends, especially female friends. So if you come often, you can bring a lot of popularity here. I think Master will definitely I like it very much."

"Really, William?"

What can Kim Hyun Tae say about this?

"Yes, you know this place now. You often come to play when you have nothing to do. Anyway, there are a lot of empty rooms here. You can live here if you like. Just like Andrew said, there is a lot of space and there are many rooms. My daughter and I live here, and it seems empty and unpopular."

Selena couldn't help but said, "Just let the girl come and stay overnight. What about the wife in your family? Although you are a fake marriage, after all, she is also your legal wife. You should always pay attention to her feelings. Right? And as a woman I can see that the rich lady named Annie treats you..."


This issue is the last thing Jin Xiantai wants to talk to the girls.

Therefore, when Selena mentioned this, Kim Hyun Tae interrupted her in a hurry.

Although the method is a bit naive, the effect is not bad.

Demi on the side also woke up. Just now he was patronizing and was happy, ignoring the fact that Jin Xiantai still has a legal wife.

It is true that Demi also knows what happened to Kim Hyun Tae and Annie, but the fact that Annie became a legal wife still made Demi very uncomfortable.

Isn't it that I was a little younger, so that Anne took advantage of this?


What's so great about being Coco's mother by yourself.

You suffer!

I just suffer from my young age, not as mature as Annie.

But looking at it from another angle~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie's maturity also shows that she gets older and grows older.

On the contrary, he is still very young, so it is not without opportunities.

Of course, he is not without her opponent.

This one called Selena is one of them.

"Let's go to the living room and sit down, Andrew, let the girls serve some fruit snacks."

The embarrassed Jin Xiantai, but I don't know what Demi was thinking about. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, he took the girls to the living room to rest.

"Everyone depends on their abilities, whoever overthrows others."

"Okay, it's a deal, don't deny you lose."

Jin Xiantai, who led the way in front, didn't realize what kind of communication was between Demi and Selena behind him.

Only Andrew moved his ears, and then a wretched smile flashed across his face...