Rising America

Chapter 193: I am amnesia

   Little Coco's proposal was not realized, but was stopped by his father, Kim Hyun Tae.

   After all, the children have not eaten yet, all of them are hungry, so eating lunch is the most important thing than having fun.

   But Xiao Keke doesn't have to be disappointed, because Jin Xiantai promised her that after lunch, the children can go to the amusement park.

  The restaurant is very clean and tidy, but also very spacious and bright. It is not at the same level as the small restaurant of the San Juan Monastery.

   This keeps the children ‘wow’ all the time.

   The food for lunch is very rich. It is a buffet mode, and children can choose their favorite food to eat.

   After all, Kim Hyun-tae is not bad for money, so the children don’t have to eat so nutritiously as they did in the San Juan Monastery.

   Audrey and Zoe are surrounded by Coco, like two little bodyguards.

   And Xiao Ke Ke doesn't seem to be uncomfortable with having two big sisters beside her.

   Selena and Kim Hyun Tae walked aside and talked about some business matters.

   "Thanks to you for getting us out of San Juan's environment, if it weren't for you, Hulk might leave the monastery this year and go to the gang."


   is obviously unfamiliar with the name Kim Hyun-tae, so he looked confused.

   Seeing Kim Hyun Tae showing this expression, Selena was also a little puzzled.

   "Why, don't you remember Hulk?"

   "I was in a car accident and my brain was shaken, so I can't remember many things."

   Jin Xiantai found an excuse that he thought was the safest.

   Yes, car accident!

   This excuse is simply omnipotent.

   Selena immediately showed nervousness when she heard Kim Hyun-tae talk about a car accident.

   "When did it happen? Are there any sequelae? Which **** did it, I want to get him!"

   As he said, Selena stretched out her hand and started to touch Kim Hyun Tae, obviously thinking that Kim Hyun Tae would fracture or something.

   The girl was really a lie made up by Kim Hyun Tae, and she made a little panic.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who is dumbfounded, certainly can't let Selena touch herself. He grabbed Selena's wrist, stopped her behavior, and comforted: "A month ago, I came back from the San Juan Monastery. But the problem is not big, you don't need to worry too much. ."

   "Really all right, there are no serious sequelae?"

   Selena blushed when Kim Hyun Tae grabbed her wrist, but she still resisted her shame. Asked about Jin Xiantai's physical condition with concern.

   Released his hand without showing a trace, Kim Hyun-tae smiled and responded to Selena: "There is a lack of memory, but there is no problem physically. It is my carelessness. I don't blame the other party."

   finally fooled Selena, and through Selena, she would surely pass on her "amnesia" to the children.

   Hey, I don’t recognize people by then, so it’s easy to explain.

   I'm really too smart.

   Jin Xiantai laughed inwardly, and at the same time gave himself 32 likes.

Selena raised her hand to support her forehead: "It seems that Hulk is going to be sad, but you don't even remember him. You must know that he was your dog leg back then, loyal to follow you to sell psychedelics, even with You have dealt with the Northern Mexico family gang together, and you got blind for this."


   In this false experience of time and space, there is still such a past! ?

   This information revealed by Selena completely shocked Jin Xiantai.

   He couldn't imagine that the funny alien elementary school student would create such an experience.

   sells hallucinogens and fights with some Northern Mexican family to help, my God. Do you want to be so exciting?

   I was a good citizen in my previous life.

   Although it is surging in his heart, Kim Hyun Tae's face is calm.

   "How could I do these things in the first place? I have no impression at all."

   pretended to be confused and distressed, as if he was Jin Xiantai who really couldn't remember these things. It really fooled Selena.

   Selena looked at Jin Xiantai with regret, raised her hand and stroked his cheek, which made Jin Xiantai very uncomfortable.

   "At that time, the family helped persecute the children of the monastery to help them? Du, for this reason, you broke out with them. At the time, you took Hulk and several other boys, but you taught each other severely.

of course. You also paid the price for this. Hulk was blinded and Jonathan and Abby were dead, but we no longer need to be coerced by the family to do things. Thanks to you.

   As for buying psychedelic drugs, we had no choice. After all, we were short of money at the time. Little Linda who suffered from heart disease needed money to buy medicine..."

   Following Selena’s narration, Kim Hyun-tae can understand some of the past in the forgery experience.

   Is this amazing?

   Kim Hyun Tae shouted wildly in his heart.

   But what can he do about this? Besides accepting this ‘experience’, he really has nothing to do.

   "Sorry, I really don't remember this, sorry."

   Kim Hyun Tae began to break out of his acting skills.

   "It's okay, it's okay, it's not your fault."

   Selena saw Kim Hyun Tae doing this, she almost cried herself.

   The so-called care is messy.

   "Boss William, the food here is very rich, there are steaks and seafood, which you can't eat in the monastery."

   At this moment, Hulk came over with a plate full of food, his expression mixed with excitement.

   Behind Hulk, followed by a tall, but obviously young black fat man.

   "Big man Mike, a little bit mentally disabled, he was only fifteen years old and he was 1.8 meters tall. He used to be your follower. He tended to be violent towards people outside the monastery, but he was very kind to the children of the monastery."

   Because of Kim Hyun Tae's memory impairment, Selena certainly wanted to mention him. In short, Selena believed in the so-called car accident that Kim Hyun Tae made up.

   "Boss William, Mike asked me to tell you that he wants to be your bodyguard. He said he is very good. During the year you left, he practiced boxing skills."

  The fat black man standing in front of Kim Hyun-tae twisted like a little girl, even a little shy, and didn't look like the kind of violent child that Selena said.

   But people shouldn't look good, Kim Hyun-tae feels that it is better not to think so preconceived.

   Fortunately, Selena said that this child seems to obey her own words, so it should be easy to deal with.

  Look at this guy's height. Although he is a little shorter than himself, his body is like a pile of Roshan, so it is obvious that it will explode.

   "Thank you Mike, but the environment here is different from San Juan. The public security is very good. The people here are also very friendly. I am also going to school in a normal high school, so I don't need to exaggerate the bodyguard."

   Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, the black fat boy showed disappointment on his face.

Hulk seemed to know Mike very well. Seeing the black and fat appearance, he quickly said to Jin Xiantai: "Boss William, Mike hopes that he can do something and don't appear so useless. You know his situation. , He is fifteen years old."

   Yeah, I'm fifteen years old.

  According to the rules of the San Juan Monastery, children of this age are leaving the monastery to find a way out on their own.

   Although Mike is somewhat mentally disabled, he has seen more about this matter, and he has more or less understood.

   When Hulk said that, Kim Hyun-tae also reacted immediately.

   "Mike, are you worried like this?"

   Kim Hyun Tae asked the black fat who looked like a good baby.

   did not speak, just nodded, but this is already an obvious answer.

   "Don't worry about this, I don't have that kind of rules here, as long as you like to live for a lifetime."

   Kim Hyun Tae had a wealth of wealth, and he said so without thinking.

   It is a pity that Selena and Hulk do not appreciate Kim Hyun-tae’s kindness, even the dark and fat Mike who is not easy to use.

First of all, Selena said: "This won't work. William, your money is also hard-earned. We are very grateful to be able to get us out of this chaotic place like San Juan, but to support us for a lifetime or something. You'd better not say such things."

Hulk continued with Selena's words: "That's right, Boss William, we are all people with hands and feet, and there is no need for you to do this. Wouldn't it mean that we are all rubbish? Don't you Forget, the children of the San Juan Monastery are not waste."

Even the black and fat Mike, who has a bad brain, opened his mouth at this time, and said to Kim Hyun-tae in a dull voice: "Mike is very stupid~lightnovelpub.net~ The brain is not easy to use, but he can still rely on it after he is 20 years old. To feed himself with both hands, Mike doesn't want to be a waste."

   Faced with the three of them, Kim Hyun-tae had nothing to say for a while.

   At this time, he also vaguely noticed that they looked like the children of the San Juan Convent, very different.

   But that is different, he still can't tell.

   "We won't talk about this for now, but Mike, you want to do something, I'm still very happy. In that case, will you be responsible for patrolling at night in the future?"

   When I thought of the orphanage and the need for manpower to patrol at night, Kim Hyun-tae felt that Mike could be involved.

   While Mike can do something on his own, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, obviously as long as there is something to do, he is very happy.

   "Yes, Mike can do this. Mike will be very responsible and will not disappoint Brother William."

Immediately, Hulk left with the black and fat Mike. Selena looked at Jin Xiantai and said, "There will be a lot of things in the future. You need to pay enough patience to solve them. Even many things can be solved without money. , I hope you have to be mentally prepared for this."

   Selena felt like she was sent to her, and reminded Kim Hyun Tae.

   And Kim Hyun-tae can be considered to have this feeling now, so he nodded in favor of Selena's reminder.

   "Don't worry, I understand." (To be continued.)