Rising America

Chapter 1930: They are waiting

Demi and Selena just stayed in Kim Hyun Tae’s Beverly house, and the two girls began to have a different life, which made Kim Hyun Tae very helpless.

However, he did not participate in it. After all, it was a ‘girl’s war’. Although it was mainly because of him, as long as Kim Hyun-tae was not a fool, he knew it was best not to participate in this kind of thing.

Due to old George's reminder, Jin Xiantai simply stayed at home, which was not difficult for him.

The external demonstrations did not decrease due to the arrest of Ebony Throat. On the contrary, they are getting worse, but Kim Hyun-tae is very clear that Washington is about to take action.

Why would he know this?

Quite simply, in the next two days, Kim Hyun-tae, who was staying at home, watched TV and discovered that the heavily armed policemen who appeared on both sides of the demonstrators’ team had been replaced by the National Guard.

And the number of these National Guard troops is still quite large.

Obviously, this is a strong signal.

Combined with some information that Old George had revealed, how could Kim Hyun Tae still fail to tell.

Of course, due to the great momentum of this trend, it has set off a lot of storms all over the world. Only a few countries and regions have not made such a big disturbance. Therefore, it is not possible to solve it immediately.

For example, in the United States, with Washington’s power, it will definitely not work to solve this problem at once, so this needs to be done step by step.

Although it was troublesome, it was still possible to get this deal done in the end, so Kim Hyun Tae didn't have anything to fault.

Besides, after all, he is one of the targets of this wave of public opinion, and it is already very good that Washington is willing to come forward to help him get this done.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae really has nothing to pick about.

Coco is not at home, Selena and Demi occupy Coco's private entertainment room, where the two young girls are confronted with arcade games. In short, the choice is very naive.

Kim Hyun-tae didn't want to participate, so he watched the news in the living room.

The maids are doing their daily work, and Andrew, who is the housekeeper, is with Jin Xiantai and discusses with him from time to time.

[Erase William King from the earth! He is a human shame! We don't need such evil people! 】

[Hit William King, hit it, let the evil father and daughter die! We humans are peace-loving races, and we will not base our happiness on the suffering of other alien civilizations, absolutely not! 】

The image displayed on the LCD TV screen made Jin Hyun-tae uncontrollable. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the demonstrators in the image were mentally handicapped, and he had such an idea, which really made him wonder.

Kim Hyun-tae is also eye-opening because of the same rice that raises hundreds of people.

These guys actually have such a great love for alien civilizations, but they ignore the interests and needs of human beings themselves. In other words, this is simply a rape.

It's just that they don't think so. Instead, they think that they represent justice and the light of hope for mankind. Looking at their arrogant appearances, this really makes Jin Xiantai speechless to the extreme.

Sure enough, there are brain disabilities and mental disabilities everywhere.

Standing behind Kim Hyun-tae, an old British butler-styled Andrew spoke: "Master, according to my investigation, the composition of protesters in Los Angeles is very complicated. There are street gangs from South Central District and animals of all sizes. The purpose of protecting the members of the organization is also very simple. They hope that in this way, the imperial camp represented by Washington can abandon the use of force by the alien civilizations and choose a more peaceful way to contact them and make friends with them. "

Sitting on the sofa and looking at the demonstrations that broke out on the LCD TV screen, Kim Hyun-tae heard Andrew say this, and immediately responded with an angry voice: "These guys are mentally retarded, and I don’t know how they are. I think I will be fooled into this, and I really agree with those weird views."

"The generation gap between civilization and civilization is huge, and there is even no way to reconcile it. For example, the octopus civilization, what other way to live with it other than conquering by force? I think these guys should be sent to the octopus. People go there, let them get along with the octopus for a period of time, let them know a lot of things, not their wishful thinking."

Andrew nodded, agreeing with Kim Hyun Tae's point of view.

"You are right. The rise of every civilized race will inevitably experience the test of blood and fire. It is impossible for them to have their own place among the many civilizations in the universe out of thin air or peacefully. These guys are too naive. Even so naive, I think they are stupid. Obviously, they don’t know what they hold and where they put all human beings. They also don’t stand in the position of all human beings and look at this issue."

Ha ha!

Kim Hyun-tae laughed here and interjected: "Perhaps in their opinion, aliens are more noble than earthlings. There used to be Hari, Haran, and Ha, but now it seems that there are more aliens. A stick mentally retarded."

Andrew, who was an alien himself, had to speak up at this time.

"Master, don't worry, I'm Miss Hacoco and yours. It's different from the mentally retarded gang."

Obviously Andrew was afraid of talking about it, so he quickly took the opportunity to express his position.

[Ha, our father and daughter? You are also mentally retarded. 】

Kim Hyun-tae was complaining in his heart, but he also knew very well that the reason why Andrew said this was largely a joke and could not be taken seriously.

After all, Kim Hyun Tae is no longer a kid.

Moreover, no matter how you look at it, Andrew couldn't be a human being.

You know, Andrew's birth is not simple. He came from another plane world, and is a member of civilization standing at the apex of many civilizations in the universe. As a member of such a civilization, Andrew will go to the ignorant primitive humans?

This is ridiculous, OK?

So Jin Xiantai didn't take it seriously at all, just listen to it, it's impossible to take it to heart.

When the TV screen changed, from the streets of the demonstrations to the helicopter aerial photography, one could see through the screen that thick black smoke was rising from somewhere not far away.

The voice of the reporter who filmed this scene sounded.

"Hello everyone, everyone, I am the host of CNN's location. Now I will report the latest news for you. I believe you can clearly see through the screen that a building not far away is billowing smoke. Yes, that’s right. It’s a large supermarket. According to the latest news we have, a group of protesters from the Central South District suddenly hit the supermarket and swept the supermarket. commodity……"

Yes, there are many people who take advantage of this trend to stir up fish in troubled waters.

This is not the first time that this thing shown on the TV screen has happened.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not only happening in Los Angeles, it is also happening in some cities in every state in the United States.

In the face of this situation, due to the lack of police force, those who fish in troubled waters will often succeed, but this time there is obviously an accident.

The helicopter quickly approached the place where the smoke was rising, and the cameraman looking at the shooting equipment used the lens to let people sitting in front of the TV lock the CNN channel to understand the situation on the scene.

The spacious streets are empty. At least 70% of the parking lot vehicles in front of the big supermarket are damaged and broken. The intersections entering and leaving the big supermarket have also been blocked by the National Guard. Those who attacked and looted the big supermarket were blocked inside.

However, both sides are in a stalemate right now.

The reason is also very simple. The big American supermarkets are selling in different time and space. After the guys who looted the supermarket were blocked, they picked up the firearms in the supermarket and began to resist.

Therefore, even if it was surrounded by the National Guard, the National Guard was unable to rush in and arrest those people.

More importantly, this National Guard is still waiting for orders authorized by higher authorities.

Well, the command to use heavy assault weapons.

Therefore, Shuangcheng has formed a temporary stalemate here, and there are sporadic exchanges of fire. Anyway, the guys who are blocked in the supermarket can never escape.

Right now, it depends on whether the upper ranks of the National Guard can cruelly order an attack.

"Since the outbreak of public opinion, there have been frequent public security cases. Many guys who fished in troubled waters secretly took advantage of the fire, so that there were many innocent victims. These guys who committed crimes were obviously different from those who were demonstrating mentally retarded. They were from the beginning. In the face of evil bad ideas, you should take the opportunity to reap benefits and benefits for yourself."

Andrew has investigated these things ~lightnovelpub.net~ so he has learned about these things in detail, and at the same time has no good feelings for those who fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire.

"Master, you said when Washington will fully counterattack and rectify these guys?"

Andrew asked Kim Hyun Tae.

Sitting on the sofa, watching the confrontation picture presented on the LCD TV screen, a thoughtful look appeared on his face. After a while, he responded to Andrew and said, "I guess it will be just a few days ago. Old George and the others are waiting for one. Opportunity, an opportunity for a complete explosion."

Kim Hyun-tae’s guess is correct, and Washington is waiting.

To be honest, this can't be done without a little patience.

At the same time, in order to achieve the goal, Washington has also formulated a plan and script. Now they are waiting for a suitable candidate to appear and bring an opportunity.

Those guys in Washington definitely don't give it to those who play yin, at least it is easy for the general public to yin.