Rising America

Chapter 1931: About to start

Three days passed in a flash.

The demonstrations here in Los Angeles are in full swing, and there is no sign of calming down at all. Instead, they are getting worse.

The incident of a large supermarket being ransacked by ‘demonstrators’ is now the hottest event in Los Angeles and even the entire California area, apart from the current hot public opinion wave.

The reason is very simple. The National Guard troops surrounded the large supermarket and had not caught the looters for three days. The two sides confronted each other for three days...

With the abundant food storage and drinking water in the supermarket, hundreds of looters don't even need to worry about getting hungry at all. Those things are enough to make them last for a few months.

More importantly, the National Guard forces did not dare to attack by force, especially when they were not allowed to use heavy assault weapons, they could only besieged the opponent in this way.

This large supermarket has an area selling firearms, so the guys who were besieged in the supermarket easily obtained a large amount of arms and equipment, and then confronted the National Guard troops who were besieged outside.

Speaking of which, this is really a bit funny.

Bags of rice were piled up at the entrance and exit of the supermarket by those guys, forming a very simple defensive position. Some of the back doors and staff passages in the supermarket were completely blocked by these guys in three days. There is no shortage of various materials in the supermarket.

I have to mention one thing here. In the large supermarkets in the United States, the goods sold are really comprehensive, from arms and weapons to all kinds of small commodities.

Originally, this was for the convenience of people shopping.

But right now, it provides convenience for those looters.

The National Guards here besieged those guys, attracted a large number of media from all walks of life, and formed a temporary broadcast station on the periphery, and many media visitors even set up tents there.

Well, CNN is no exception. It also sent personnel over.

Those besieged in the supermarket are basically African-American gangs from the South Central District. They joined a parade that day. After the group came to the vicinity of the supermarket, they left the parade and started to carry out the supermarket. Looting.

To be honest, they probably had this idea from the beginning.

I just didn't expect that I would be besieged here.

Therefore, many African-American residents living in South Central District began to support these guys in the supermarket. After all, those who were besieged in the supermarket still have many relatives in South Central District.

The situation began to become a bit paradoxical.

Those African-American residents in the Central South District organized spontaneously and began to take to the streets. They did not know who led them to start beating the white people in the past or throwing stones at the white people in their vehicles.

In the face of their extreme behavior, the police did not take any action, and they just let it go, which is really strange.

But the people in the South Central District who were getting up a little bit did not realize that they were in a very strange situation. On the contrary, they felt that it was white people or the government's counsel.

Therefore, after discovering that the government hadn't done much, the African-American people in other areas became more alive, and they joined in.

Of course, this situation can still be controlled at the moment. They are at most beating white people passing by, or drivers of other ethnic groups driving by. They have not killed any people for the time being, and they are still very serious.

But normal people can see that if the official does not come forward and let those African Americans go on like this, then things will be completely out of control.

Kim Hyun-tae, who is staying at home, is also wondering, what are the politicians in Washington waiting for?

Isn't it a good opportunity right now?

"Andrew, what do you think about this?"

After turning on the LCD TV in the living room as usual, paying attention to the supermarket confrontation, after listening to the inferences and speculations of various media commentators of Chase, and the reports of these media on the troubles of the African ethnic group in Los Angeles, he asked Andrew about his views.

As usual, Andrew, who stood behind Kim Hyun-tae in a proper manner and perfectly fulfilled his role as a housekeeper, slightly bowed in response and said: “Those politicians in Washington are going to take action. Based on what I have learned, they have already formulated a plan. Script, this drama is about to open right now."

Things that Kim Hyun Tae couldn't guess were not even clear to Andrew.

This guy can use the Internet to collect email messages from politicians in Washington and monitor the phone calls they receive to find out the key information.

Perhaps this is a very difficult thing for others.

But for Andrew, it is really a small meal, a breeze.


The situation that Andrew said made Kim Hyun-tae refreshed.

"Tell me, what are these guys going to do? They even came up with a script, tusk tusk, it's not easy."

Jin Xiantai urged Andrew to speak more in detail. He could see that Andrew had really grasped the detailed situation, otherwise it would not have said so.

From what Andrew revealed, it can be seen that the guys in Washington have planned a lot, otherwise they wouldn't be standing still and still bear this situation.

In the LCD TV screen, the aerial shot of the African residents of Central and Southern District gathered again. Jin Xiantai couldn't help but curled his lips, feeling sad for them.

These people have already entered the pit. They obviously don't know what will be waiting for them in the future.

Based on what Kim Hyun-tae knows about the people in Washington, it's just the urine of those guys. As long as they take action, it will definitely be a big trouble. I don't know how many people will be tragedy.

However, Jin Xiantai will not pity those people in the South Central District.

Because they didn't have any good ideas, they just wanted to fish in troubled waters, take advantage of the fire, and many guys also took the opportunity to commit crimes.

"Master, what I have learned is like this..."

Andrew will not conceal this information from Jin Xiantai. Since Jin Xiantai is interested to inquire, then Andrew will definitely tell him all it knows.

------split line------

At noon that day, Rodney, who lives in the South Central District, drove home from a friend.

When he was with a friend, he drank a lot of alcohol, so that he was driving very fast under the influence of alcohol, which attracted the attention of a police officer.

Policewoman Singh started chasing Rodney and called her colleagues nearby to help her. About half an hour later, on a street in the Bay Area, the officers finally forced Rodney to stop.

Several police cars surrounded Rodney's car, and the officers opened the doors, and followed their police cars to shout to Rodney, asking him to get out of the car on his own initiative and raise his hands or something.

It's a pity that Rodney was drunk. Of course he would not do as the police officers ordered. Instead, he rolled down the car window and began to yell at the officers, making obscene gestures from time to time.

Upon seeing this, the police officers didn't bother to talk nonsense, and several police officers with big waists stepped forward and carefully dragged Rodney out of the car.

In the process, Rodney was quite uncooperative and fiercely resisted.

Of course, if this guy is sober, he would never do it.

You know, even the American police in different time and space are not easy to provoke. If Rodney resists fiercely, it is easy to be shot and killed by the police officers. This is really no joke at all.

But today is very strange.

Although Rodney resisted fiercely, the police officers didn't even mean to draw their guns at all. They didn't know if it was Rodney's luck or other factors.

Because Rodney did not cooperate, this made several police officers unable to smoothly subdue him. The racial talent of the black uncles exploded at this time, and the powerful strength, even four or five round-armed police officers, was nothing to him.

In the end, the police officers had to take out their batons and clean up Rodney fiercely, which made him quiet and honest.

The next thing was simple. After Rodney was subdued, he put on handcuffs and escorted him to the police car. The officers sent him to the nearest police station.

It stands to reason that this should end here.

After all, a lot of things like this happen every day, and basically there is nothing remarkable.

But today this one is different.

After a few police cars drove away, a man holding a home video camera in the window of a nearby two-story building turned off his camera equipment, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call without knowing what he and the person opposite said What happened, then he hurried away.

About an hour later ~lightnovelpub.net~the most news media channel on the East Coast, a piece of news was temporarily interrupted, and the sensational [Los Angeles police officers abused violence and unfair treatment of colored people] was added.

In this news broadcast, the scene of police officers beating Rodney with their batons was broadcasted, and they were cleverly edited, but some key things were not presented, so let everyone see This news, as well as the people on the screen, felt that the police officers were innocently beating a black citizen.

And this news news, in a short period of time, triggered rebroadcasts and discussions, as well as the anger of the African ethnic group. Among them, it added fuel to Los Angeles, which was not in a good situation.

Jin Xiantai, who was staying at home, also saw this news.

But Andrew had told him some information beforehand, so Kim Hyun Tae didn't seem too surprised.

And less than half an hour after the news was broadcast, Old George called him.

"William, strengthen the security of your house. Los Angeles will be very chaotic in the last three days. You have to be careful. The matter will be resolved soon."