Rising America

Chapter 1932: turmoil

The old George said that if Kim Hyun-tae strengthens the security of the Beverly Hills mansion, he is not allowed to worry about him. The gene-man maids here are not furnishings. If someone comes to the house indifferently Trouble, then these girls will definitely make them doubt life.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Andrew arranged a few genetically human girls to start patrolling around the mansion. After all, it is best to be careful.

The video footage of Rodney being assaulted by the police has now occupied all major media news channels, and it has begun to broadcast in a loop. For a while, it aroused the anger of black uncles across the United States, prompting them to use their own way to vent their emotions Dissatisfaction.

Because they seemed to see their own shadow on Rodney, as people of color, the black uncles would indeed be treated unfairly in one way or another in their daily lives. This is definitely not a special case.

In fact, if you are not white in the United States, then you will definitely encounter unfairness of this kind, that is, discrimination.

It’s just that the Americans’ play tricks will never leave you a handle. Even if it discriminates against you, you will not be able to see it.

Therefore, Rodney's incident is not just a single case. Many people feel the same from him, so the black uncles can't sit still.

They began to vent their emotions and took to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with violence.

For a time, many city street shops were looted and destroyed, and there were even many African-American street gangs. Taking advantage of this time to fight against rival gangs and shoot-out with other ethnic gangs, it was a mess.

Los Angeles is the hardest hit area.

It happened in Los Angeles, so of course the black people here are more grumpy.

Moreover, there are a group of guys besieged by the National Guard in the big supermarket north of the Central South District. Their families also plan to use this opportunity to rescue those people.

The parade attacking Kim Hyun Tae and Coco was still wandering the streets of Los Angeles. Nowadays, a black parade protesting against Rodney's abuse of violence has been added, making the streets chaotic.

Faced with this situation, the existing police force in Los Angeles is definitely not enough.

The two parade organizations are now relying on the large number of people and have already dealt with the number of inferior policemen, throwing stones, lighted wine bottles and other things, while the police who originally came out to maintain order are facing the number of policemen. Numerous demonstrators have nothing to do, after all, they are too few.

All of this is being promoted according to the plan of those old fritters in Washington, and there is no error in the slightest.

The marchers who are in high spirits do not know that they have fallen into the full set of others.

Due to insufficient police force, the police will inevitably have nothing to do with the demonstrators, and when violent incidents occur everywhere in the city, the police have to allocate a part of their staff to deal with these matters, which makes the originally stretched police force. , Now it has become even more inadequate.

The shop operator called the police, his shop was ransacked, and some people even received a violent attack. The injuries were very serious.

Women are frequently violated by violence, and even girls are seriously injured.

Chinese communities, Mexican communities, and communities where other ethnic groups live have also been attacked by the black uncles, and there have been casualties.

In this chaotic situation, no one can take care of themselves and really put themselves in the matter, except for the initiators of this matter.

Huaqing in Los Angeles took action and started a gun battle with the black uncles in the Chinese community. In short, if Uncle Hei appeared on the streets outside the Chinese community at this time, then this person would definitely be shot down.

Such things also happen in other ethnic communities.

Uncle Hei is crazy. They rely on themselves as the second largest population group in the United States, and they have to single out all the ethnic groups. This is simply shocking.

I really don't know what they think, and they would make such a choice, so I can only describe them as crazy.

The two major street gangs of African descent, the blood gang and the lame, which have been hostile, formed a temporary alliance, and began to actively attack street gang members of other ethnic groups and ordinary people of other ethnicities, so they soon encountered fierce counterattacks.

Italian, Irish, Asian, so the black uncles also lost a lot.

Among them, the black uncles have the most severe impact on the Korean community in Los Angeles, and they have a lot of meaning not to stop all the Koreans, which is really puzzling.

So, what hatred do they have with the Koreans?

It turned out that there was a case in which an African-American young lady robbed a Korean supermarket and attacked the proprietress. As a result, the African-American lady was shot and killed by the Korean supermarket proprietor.

And this case happened just a few months ago.

Therefore, this makes the black buddies have a lot of hostility towards Koreans.

Right now, the entire Los Angeles is in chaos. Of course, the black buddies want to take this opportunity to retaliate against the Koreans. After all, the opportunity is rare.

Therefore, after it has evolved into a riot, the Korean community has become the main target of the black buddies, followed by the Mexicans. The rest, such as Italy, Ireland, and Asians, are all pilots, not the main targets. .

This time, the Koreans are miserable.

A large number of black buddies took out all kinds of firearms from their homes, took to the streets and gathered together, and then marched towards the Korean community in a mighty manner. Seen through the helicopter shots of major media, the black buddies The number of people gathered was really quite large, at least 10,000 or 20,000.

Therefore, the Koreans who received the news had to take up arms and start to resist for their own survival and safety.

All of a sudden, Los Angeles will become a battlefield.

"Master, it can be cured only after the chaos. It seems that the guys in Washington also understand this. They are not only thinking about dealing with the bewildered mental retardation, but also planning to take a hand in cleaning up some social scum."

It is already very obvious when things have reached this level.

However, Kim Hyun-tae still felt that it was too radical, so when Andrew's voice fell, he took the stubborn response and said: "Is this a bit too radical? After all, many ordinary people will be involved, and many ordinary people have been affected. Infringement."

Andrew comforted Kim Hyun-tae: "Master, there will be sacrifices in everything. I think it is worthwhile to spend a little bit of human sacrifice in exchange for long-term stability. So I agree with the guys in Washington. At the same time, it is so chaotic and so cruel. When the government sends troops to suppress it, no one will stand up and compare it, right?"

This plan has to be said to be very sophisticated.

The national conditions of the United States are different from those of the East. What is emphasized here is the so-called ‘democracy’. Whether it’s true or not, at least it must be sufficient.

Therefore, in order to avoid public criticism, Washington formulated this plan and promoted the current riot.

the reason is simple.

Let the public experience it firsthand and see what it is like to be in the turmoil without guaranteeing their own safety.

Otherwise, the troops would be sent to suppress it at the beginning, and some people would jump out, and Barabara would talk a lot of **** to stop it.

Don't doubt, something like this will definitely happen.

But look at it now, hehe, thinking that this kind of brain damage shouldn't exist anymore.

This is the effect that Washington wants!

At the same time, there are indeed too many street gangs, and if these street gangs are allowed to go wild, it will be very troublesome in the future.

Therefore, when making plans, Old George and the others also planned to clean up these street organizations and make the street environment a little better.

The reason for choosing black buddies.

Quite simply, they are impulsive and irritable, and they are easy to get hooked.

Judging from the current situation, it was really successful, and the black buddies did not disappoint everyone!

At the same time, it also indirectly proved that once the black buddies become mad, they really have no scruples and act unscrupulously.

At this time, the entire Los Angeles city has become close to strangers.

People were looting shops large and small, and a building was set on fire some distance away.

The turmoil in the urban area has also affected the white middle class living in relatively safe suburbs. After all, no one can guarantee that the thugs will rush out and looting and ravaging in the suburbs.

Moreover, the actions of the black buddies in Los Angeles stimulated the black buddies in other cities. Everyone began to follow suit, preparing to take advantage of this opportunity to wreak havoc and rob some things to enjoy home.

However, those black buddies outside of Los Angeles don't know if it is bad luck or something. They do not have the good luck of the black buddies here in Los Angeles.

For example, the black buddies in Texas, who just came out to looting, were taught by the Texas farmers with various weapons, and finally had to be honest.

Las Vegas, Nevada, there are also black buddies who are making noise, but they are cleaned up by the Italian mafia, and the waves have not spread much ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Not to mention Manhattan, that is the territory controlled by Hilda , Who would dare to stab where?

Therefore, it seems that only Los Angeles is the most violent.

There are many black buddies in Washington, but the black buddies in Washington are closely monitored. If they dare to do anything, they will definitely be severely attacked by the old fritters.

After all, how can Washington be chaotic.

Several troops are stationed in various areas of Washington, and the black buddies are honest and show nothing wrong.

Only the black buddies here in Los Angeles are the best to let themselves go.

Finally, the opportunity for Washington old fritters to make a move came.

A certain helicopter captured a scene where a white truck driver passed by an intersection in downtown Los Angeles and just hit a black man who was looting and smashing this area. His truck was intercepted because he failed to punch the card. The white driver himself was pulled out of the cab and was brutally beaten by the black buddies...