Rising America

Chapter 1944: Have you asked me?

"what 's wrong?"

Thanos’ fleet entered this galaxy with great vigor, but suddenly it found that the warships in front were twisted and twisted as if they were drunk.

Under the influence of gravity, the original balance of those warships was affected.

"Report dominates, the gravitational force ahead is messy, and the warship is out of control!"

Thanos's face became gloomy, and the aliens around knew that this was a sign that Thanos was about to explode, so they all shrank their necks.

"Quickly break through this area, and the small gravitational mess also makes you panic like this. It's a shame to throw you home!"

Thanos did not break out in the end, but ordered a rapid breakthrough in this area.

Although Thanos did not erupt, the dignified atmosphere did not dissipate, because everyone knew that such Thanos was the most terrifying, because no one knew who it would violently kill in the next second.

So, keep on worrying everyone.

Stockhausen looked solemnly at the three-dimensional galaxy projection in front of him, paying attention to the dense red dots representing Thanos battleship, and entering the galaxy in batches.

"Your Excellency, one-tenth of the enemy warship has entered the explosion point."

Is it only one tenth?

Stockhausen quickly began to gauge whether he wanted to detonate the planets of the galaxy.

Of course, if you wait a little longer, there may be even greater gains.

But let the enemy's strong team pass, which will also pose a great threat to oneself.

After all, the enemy's fleet is too many, and it is simply not something our own fleet can contend.

Besides, if the opponent gets entangled, it will be very detrimental to the own fleet.

Therefore, the best option is to detonate now.

In this way, not only can the enemy's forward fleet be wiped out, but also their subsequent fleets can be blocked in that galaxy for a period of time, so as to buy some time for one's own fleet to assemble.

In less than a second, Stockhausen had a decision.

To be honest, this is just a moment of effort. It may be very verbose to describe it in words, but it is still very fast to make a decision.

After all, Stockhausen can't think for too long, time and opportunity are fleeting.

"Detonate! The Empire will remember them!"

Stockhausen gave the order with a grim face.

In the next second, Thanos had just entered the forward fleet of the galaxy, and was caught in the space distortion and shock caused by the explosion of the surrounding planets, turning into pieces.

The destructive power brought about by the explosion of a planet is unimaginable by humans on Earth.

Not to mention that more than a dozen planets detonated at the same time.

Therefore, not to mention that the forward fleet was hit hard, and even the fleet behind it was also affected.

The fragments of a planet flew into the depths of the universe after an explosion, and the battleships they encountered were basically destroyed by the fragments and exploded.

Don't underestimate which planet fragments, this thing is really powerful.

Thanos was a bit dumbfounded.

It did not expect that this civilized fleet of ‘Golden Bam’ would give it such a hand.

To be honest, the detonation of the planet has not been done without Thanos.

During the battle against the universe gods, it did this much.

Even if you don't choose any planet at all, even if there are creatures on the planet, it will detonate.

This is quite different from Stockhausen.

The planets on which it detonated were all deserted planets, and there were no life forms on them.

Therefore, it is no pity that such a planet detonates.

But Thanos is different, this guy is truly unscrupulous to achieve his goal.

But anyway, Thanos himself was treated by this routine, which really surprised it.

At the same time, the unhappy mood in my heart suddenly rose to the climax.

"Order all warships to fire, give me a channel to blast the galaxy ahead, and the whole army will attack!"

Stockhausen completely annoyed Thanos.

It doesn't look like the old **** is there anymore.

It is really shameful to say that the little primitive star field wild civilization has brought such a big loss to himself.

If this civilized race is not destroyed, and this matter will be spread out in the future, I don't know how many civilized races will secretly laugh at themselves. This is beyond the reach of Thanos.

It's hard to say, the guys like the universe gods who are hostile to him will make up this matter and sing it everywhere, and when he falls, he will become a clown.

"The enemy is already in a state of anger. We can't fight them head-on. We ordered the fleet to activate the maximum power immediately and go to the broken star belt. Where are we fighting with them."

Hardness is definitely not enough. Right now, I can only find a way to fight the opponent, but the environment here is not very good, so it is necessary to lead the local fleet to a suitable area.

The plan has been worked out, Stockhausen left a third of the fleet to resist the crazy Thanos fleet attack.

It is true that the destruction of the remaining fleet is inevitable, but they can buy precious time for the other two-thirds of the fleet.

Sometimes there is no alternative to sacrifice.

If you don't do this, everyone will die here.

Therefore, at this time, it depends on the commander's choice.

Obviously, an indecisive commander will surely lead everyone to death. Only a decisive commander can work out a corresponding plan, and use the least sacrifice for himself to breathe and even win.

Therefore, Stockhausen is still a very qualified commander.

At least in the formulation of this arrangement and plan, there is nothing wrong with him.

On Thanos’ side, the fleet fired a volley to wipe out the fragments from the explosion of the planet, as well as the gravitational flocculation devices arranged around it.

Immediately, the fleet began to advance at full speed.

The one-third of the fleet left by Stockhausen began to resist tragically.

However, there are too many battleships on the side of Thanos, and they can't stand it for long.

The energy of the shield was exhausted, and the hull was disintegrated under the attack of one after another. The interstellar war was so cruel that the crew on the battleship could not even run away.

But the sacrifice of these people allowed Stockhausen and the others to enter the Broken Star Belt smoothly.

The broken star belt is composed of a few super-large stars and numerous asteroid belts surrounding them. It can be described as a very harsh and complicated environment.

Here, Stockhausen can use those little stars to fight a guerrilla war with Thanos.

If you make good use of this environment, maybe it can bring great damage to Thanos.

Right now, it depends on whether Thanos can catch up.

However, according to Stockhausen's judgment, the enemy is now in a violent state, and there is a high probability that he will be fooled to pursue him.

After all, I have caused them to lose so much, and they are also embarrassed. In order to save face, the enemy would have to destroy his own fleet.

Of course, if Thanos can swallow this breath and calmly analyze and judge the current situation, then it may not be fooled.

Therefore, Stockhausen was also betting that Thanos was dazzled by anger.

So will Thanos be dazzled by anger?

I have to say that Stockhausen succeeded.

At this moment Thanos was indeed driven by anger and lost his calm judgment.

However, if Thanos loses calmness and patience, the most important thing is that it underestimates others.

Instead of fighting against forces like the Universe Gods, Thanos will never lose his calmness, caution and caution.

But at the moment, Thanos feels that it is a civilized race in a primitive and wild star domain, and there is nothing to be cautious about.

It was under this mentality that Thanos was unscrupulously dazzled by anger, and no longer cared about anything.

This is like human beings in the 21st century, playing against primitive humans. What tactics and plans are they going to talk about? Just push me over.

As for the loss just now, Thanos didn't think it was a manifestation of the opponent's strength, but the opponent played a lot of work, which was considered a speculation.

The Thanos army was not slow in pursuing them. Just when Stockhausen and the others stopped in the Broken Star Belt and had no time to arrange them, the Dark Army appeared outside the Broken Star Belt.

"The Zetarians charge!"

Thanos immediately issued an order to let the Zetaru civilization fleet launch the first wave of assault.

Thus began the most tragic battle.

------split line------

The earth, the six special sentiments, and the secret detention base are in a mess.

The outer high wall collapsed, and there were dozens of corpses on the ground inside the wall. They were all soldiers from the Sixth Division in uniforms.

The harsh sirens echoed.

A guy wearing a black metal tights with a hood on his head, covering his entire face, is being besieged by other Special Forces VI soldiers.

The abilities of the soldiers in these six special sentiments are different, and they can be regarded as strong on the outside.

But in front of the man in black, they looked like children.

The man in black remained motionless, allowing the soldiers to attack him with various moves and weapons, but these attacks could not cause any harm to him.

Even if you cut off its head, interrupted its spine, or even crushed its heart, this guy will recover from his injury in less than a second and become alive and well again, which is really stunned.

To be honest, this self-healing ability is stronger than Wolverine.

And the mysterious man in black not only has a powerful healing ability, it also has very domineering fighting skills.

Therefore, every time a soldier injures it severely, it will fight back against its own injury, and kill the soldier on the spot with one blow.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the current situation is very unoptimistic for the soldiers of the Sixth Division.

"Kou Jie! Kou Jie! Kou Jie! You primitive earth people, don’t you know what kind of existence you have offended? Now let me tell you these primitive guys that your demise is not far away. ."

Once again resisted the attack of a soldier, half of the head of the mysterious man in black was smashed, but in less than a second, its head was restored to its original state, and at the same time it waved and broke the right of the soldier. Arm, and said arrogantly.

Not far away, at the gate of the basement passage where the ebony throat was detained, the three figures of Annie, Li Hong, and Coco appeared. Among them, Coco had the ebony throat like a dead dog in his hand.

As soon as they appeared, they heard the arrogant words of the mysterious man in black.

How could Coco Bear bear it? You must know that the little guy has never been used to a guy who is more arrogant than himself.


Coco squeezed the ebony throat fiercely to the ground, shattered all the bones of the ebony throat, and passed out into a coma. After she left an afterimage in place, she rushed towards the mysterious man in black.

"Destroy mankind? In a big tone, have you asked me! I am the boss of the earth!"

The bear child was really angry, and the small fist that was thrown in the air was covered with a faint halo, which was a sign of her real strength.

Normally, if the bear children fight, they will not urge their own immortal power or anything, but this time it is different, the eighty-nine profound arts ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Tiangang thirty-six, and the seventy-two immortal power of the evil spirits begin to operate. .

It's really because the mysterious man in black is too arrogant.

Actually said that mankind is about to die.


Destroy mankind? Have you ever asked me, the boss of the earth, Cocoa!

So Coco heard the mysterious man in black say that, how could she not be angry.

The black-clothed mysterious person who was blowing by the strong wind was in pain before the person arrived. For a while, the black-clothed mysterious person also put away that calm appearance, and became serious in the face of the attack from Coco.

I can't help the mysterious person in black not becoming serious.

The little guy hasn't arrived yet, and the strong wind brought up by the raised fist is already so terrifying, obviously for the mysterious man in black, this little human girl is very powerful, isn't it?

But the mysterious man in black still had no idea, Coco, this little human girl, is not just amazing...