Rising America

Chapter 1945: Can you respect it

The name of General Dead Blade is unknown, and even it himself has always been accustomed to using the name of "Dead Blade" to show others. Compared with Ebony Maw, this'Dead Blade General' can be regarded as the next to Thanos. Compared with the person with the longest time, it can be said that he has made a Hummer credit for Thanos, and is a powerful comparison.

Cocoa was coming so fiercely that Deathblade felt tremendous pressure and threat, but when he thought of his special ability, Deathblade didn't put Cocoa in his eyes.

To be honest, in so many years of killing career, it has encountered many strong opponents, but in the end, those guys died in his own hands.

Therefore, it is not necessarily that the opponent is stronger than himself, and looks very powerful, he can defeat himself or even kill himself.


Coco's speed was very fast, even the Death Blade couldn't dodge it, so he was hit by a right move, and his body fell apart.

Under normal circumstances, a guy who is labeled as such by Cocoa will die and can no longer die.

But the strange thing is that the body fragments of Deathblade's torn apart body are quickly reintegrated and pieced together in the blood mist, and it lives again under everyone's eyelids...

Coco was shocked, but she quickly recovered, and the tyrannical aura in her small body became more and more intense.

This is the case with Coco Bear, the stronger he gets stronger, and it is more elusive and understandable than Death Blade.

"Kou Jie! Kou Jie! Little human guy, do you think you can beat me? Yes, your strength is very strong, but usually strong strength does not mean that you will be the last person standing still. Maybe you I don’t know."

The Deathblade General, who was dressed in a black robe and covered his head, made himself look mysterious. After being crushed and resurrected by Cocoa's move, he thought that Coco had no threat to him, so he started to break his mouth just like the past. .

Indeed, after the resurrection of the dead blade, confidence and confidence naturally filled his heart. It felt that Coco was no different from those strong men who had far surpassed him in the past.

What happened to the strong!

There are too many strong men who kill themselves.

Now let’s see where the strong are?

Live well, only yourself!

Therefore, Coco, the little human girl who looks very powerful, is no different from those strong.

As long as she can't solve the mystery of her immortality, then she will never be able to kill herself, and she will definitely be killed by herself in the end.

It's very simple. You can'infinitely resurrect' and you can die as many times as you want, but if you let it seize an opportunity, you can reach the enemy and death.

Therefore, those opponents that were stronger than Death Blade eventually all died in its hands, and Death Blade was still alive.

"So many words, go to hell!"

Xiongzi has never been a child who likes to fight and is verbose. Her style has always been to kill first.

Therefore, the arrogant appearance of Death Blade really makes the little guy very unpleasant.

So, the response to Dead Blade was another punch from the little guy.


The blood mist erupted, and Death Blade was once again torn apart by Coco's body.

But soon, Death Blade came alive again.

After the death blade was resurrected this time, he began to break his mouth again, and his cheeky look made people seem to be gritted his teeth.

However, Cocoa was uncharacteristically, did not continue to do it, but looked at Death Blade with scrutiny.

Not far away, Annie and Li Hong also showed solemn looks.

General Dead Blade was battered twice by Coco and resurrected again, which has made Annie and Li Hong feel vigilant in their hearts, feeling jealous for its strange ability.

Of course, unlike Annie and Li Hong, Coco doesn't have any jealousy. The bear child is just curious about the dead blade's infinite resurrection.

To be honest, Coco can be regarded as a well-informed little girl. You must know that she uses the multiverse plane as her own playground.

Therefore, it is naturally unavoidable that they will go to many weird plane worlds and come into contact with all kinds of life and strong people, and those strong people also have a variety of strange abilities and talents.

Therefore, Coco Bear is no ordinary girl.

But the ability of the General Deadblade he was fighting with today was something the little guy had never encountered before.

Therefore, it must arouse Coco's curiosity.

But it was just curious.

It is impossible to say that letting Coco fear the death blade, or that the death blade in turn puts pressure on Cocoa, making Coco feel scared and frightened.

Why is the bear child called the bear child!

Because they are different from ordinary children.

And cocoa is even more the overlord among bear children!

Not to mention, during Coco's play in the multiverse plane, I don't know how many creatures that threatened her were killed, and these creatures are all extremely powerful existences, so will the mere Death Blade general make the bear children afraid?

You know, Coco has always considered himself invincible inside and outside.

Moreover, this is not the bragging of the bear kid, Coco, but the self-confidence that Coco has achieved through battles and actual results.

Well, it's just her father, Kim Hyun Tae, who is not clear about this.

So, is Coco afraid of the dead blade general of the "Infinite Resurrection"?

Haha, stop joking.

Besides, the bear child also has a special talent [cottage], so Death Blade...

"Come out! Abao!"

Coco couldn't figure out the path of General Dead Blade, but she was not afraid at all.

Cocoa has very rich combat experience, she is not the kind of ordinary girl in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, Coco quickly formulated a battle plan.

First summon Abao, the robot who hasn't seen him for a long time, to fight that nasty and arrogant guy, and let yourself see the way.

Yes, not to mention the strength of individual bear children, they can also summon many wonderful partners to help them in group fights. It can be said that they will not be afraid of singles and group fights.

Therefore, to provoke Coco, it is really a ‘tragedy’ in capitals, but General Deadblade doesn’t understand this truth for the time being.

"Should we take action, that guy looks terrific."

Li Hong was worried about the little guy's safety, and when he saw this, he suggested to Annie.

At this time, Annie was surrounded by electric snakes all over her body, and a group of blue water splashes appeared out of nowhere. She was holding a golden trident, which showed that she had manifested her own divine body.

For Cocoa, Annie is also a little worried.

After all, General Deadblade was resurrected twice, and this count also gave Annie a trace of weirdness and pressure.

However, Annie is one of the people who know Cocoa better. Based on her understanding of Cocoa, Annie believes that Cocoa is not in a dangerous situation.

"Look again, if Coco really can't handle it, let's shoot again. At your speed, it is still very easy to save the little guy. The guy who made himself mysterious is not as fast as ours. "

Coco fought against General Deadblade and killed it twice, already allowing Annie to see something.

Obviously, General Deadblade is not fast.

And Annie, who has the Godhead of Odin in the mutant Godhead, will inevitably inherit the ability of Odin's lightning speed, so she has strong confidence in her speed.

Also, as the main **** of Olympus, Odin is not only as simple as controlling the Thunder, but its speed is also superior to the crowd.

Think about it, the speed of lightning.

Upon hearing this, Li Hong did not say anything.

On the other side of Cocoa, above her head, a group of colorful energy vortex appeared, along with the appearance of the colorful energy vortex, patches of pink petals also appeared, making the space very fairy-tale. Colors.

"Listen to the call of your partner, cross the fetters of the crystal wall of time and space, the sixth cosmic general of the XXX mechanical empire, Abao enter!"


In the colorful energy vortex, the robot Abao, who has changed his shotgun and changed his gun, landed like a meteor. After landing, his huge mechanical body shook the earth and raised a cloud of dust.

Why is the replacement of Abao shotgun different than before?

Think about it, what it was like when A Bao was summoned by Coco.

At that time, it had a ‘fat and bloated’ steampunk body, and there was a metal pipe that kept smoking behind it. How could such a Bao look different.

But now, A Bao is no longer that way.

The'bloated and obese' steampunk body has been replaced by a metal structure full of streamliness. I don’t know if it’s because of the evolution and development of the world where Abao is. At this time, Abao has changed from steampunk. Become very science fiction.

"Decepticons sixth universe marshal, slaughter Abao, enter!"

The original Po, his body was the same size as an adult.

But now, Abao's mechanical body is already tens of meters tall, which is taller than the Zhagu robot.

Therefore, today's Abao, of course, is not what it used to be. The shotgun has changed.

After the dust and smoke cleared, Ah Bao's big crystal eyes locked onto Coco's position, and the cold synthetic sound sounded again, but this time, besides reporting his identity, there was a hint of joy.

Indeed, as the summoned, the relationship between Po and Coco is unusual.

After all, Abao was the first mechanical lifeform Coco summoned.

In other words, A Bao is like Coco's first thug.

"Decepticon Sixth Cosmos Marshal? Abao, you are getting better and better."

When he saw an old friend, Coco immediately discovered that Abao is doing well now, and of course he is happy for him.

The tall Abao raised his hand and scratched the back of his metal head, and there was a harsh rubbing sound, and a smirking response Cocoa: "It's okay, thanks to the universe Rubik's Cube, the master you provided me, so I will become stronger Now, the time is a bit shorter. If time allows me to become the emperor of the mechanical empire in the future, it’s not impossible.”

The partner is getting stronger and stronger, of course Coco is very happy~lightnovelpub.net~ Then you continue to work hard, hahaha! "

"Master, I have all thoughts about it. After I become the emperor of the mechanical empire, I will change myself a domineering name, how about ‘Megatron’? Isn’t it very domineering!"

When the old friends met, they started chatting in full swing, completely forgetting that there was an enemy nearby.

As for General Dead Blade, he felt very upset, thinking that Coco didn't take him seriously, which was extremely disgusting!

"Asshole! Can you respect your opponent!"

General Dead Blade, who was hanging aside, couldn't help yelling at Cocoa.


Before the words finished, Abao's huge metal head turned 360°, two red laser rays shot out from the lens of the lens, which hit the dead blade directly.

"What are you? My master and I are talking about serious matters, what are you talking about!"