Rising America

Chapter 1947: Is something wrong?

[Cannot copy target skills, Dididi, cannot copy target skills, because the target skills are not for their ethnic talents, or skills learned afterwards, and even use one's own soul in a certain device to achieve this Kind of infinite resurrection...]

Before Coco's ‘counterfeit’ talent, it can be said that everything can be solved.

Therefore, General Deathblade's ability is nowhere to be seen here in Coco.

I thought that this kind of race was so talented, but who knew that it was not the same thing at all. The reason why it performed so well was actually achieved by a little special means.

And even what it uses to seal the soul has been mastered by Cocoa.

That is to say, from this moment on, General Deadblade has no secrets in front of Coco. Conversely, the bear kid has grasped the weakness of General Deadblade, and can kill it with one blow.

General Dead Blade did not expect that the advantage he relied on would actually be broken in front of Coco.

To be honest, this is really hard to believe.

General Deadblade has been with Thanos for a long time. It has conquered countless civilizations and races for Thanos. I don't know how many powerful alien civilizations have been slaughtered. What it relies on is its ability to'infinite resurrection'.

Some of those alien powerhouses are better than General Deathblade, but they can't kill General Deathblade at all, so they are often found by General Deathblade to kill him.

There is no way, anyone who can face an infinitely resurrected opponent, I guess there is no good way.

This is different this time. The little thing that General Deadblade relied on was broken by a little human girl like Coco.

Therefore, General Deadblade has no secrets.

Even in terms of strength, it has no way to compare with Cocoa.

However, for all this, General Dead Blade doesn't know for the time being.

"Abominable mechanical life, don’t think that you have a metal body. You don’t know that the pain is so arrogant. For a civilized creature like you, I don’t know how many killed by the blade of my death blade, and today you will not exception!"

The resurrected General Deadblade, when the shattered body recovered again, a thick black smoke filled his body.

In this black smoke, the painful wailing of the souls continued to be heard. Hearing this sound will have a great impact on some creatures, especially the carbon-based lifeforms. If you are not careful, you will start to say.

Fortunately, Coco, Annie and Li Hong are not ordinary human beings, so when they found something wrong, Annie and Li Hong set up defenses.

But Coco didn't do anything at all. Obviously, this thing is of no use to bear children.

The robot Abao shielded the sound reception band signal. It found that the sound coming from the black smoke could have an impact on it, the mechanical lifeform, and caused strange fluctuations in its program, which shocked it. .

"Master, be careful, this thing is weird."

The humanoid A Bao is very solemnly reminding Cocoa to pay attention.

Hearing this, Coco curled his lips and glanced at General Deadblade contemptuously.

Respond to Abao said: "Don't be afraid, this guy just wants to fight with me, and he also clamors to defeat us human beings. I want to let it know how bad it is to talk big!"

Come out! My Tiangang 36 titanium alloy speakers!

There are a lot of weird things in the bear child, some for fighting, for playing around, and for making fun of people. Anyway, you can't think of it without her.

General Deathblade is now doing this. From Coco's point of view, this product is planning to use sonic + soul equipment to fight, so Lishang Xianglai should show himself.

In fact, Coco's idea is very simple. She wants to let General Deadblade see and insight. Don't always think that human beings have nothing. She Coco represents all mankind!


There was a thunder in the sky!

Immediately, thirty-six huge, golden speakers fell from the sky, and fell on the ground in a circle, just to surround Coco and General Dead Blade.

At this time, Cocoa had already told Abao to retreat outside.

Li Hong and Annie not far away clearly felt that the thirty-six golden loudspeakers released strong celestial power fluctuations and formed a special force field.

General Deathblade didn't feel too deeply about this, and even it didn't feel anything wrong.

Also, Xianli is a kind of energy that is relatively unfamiliar to aliens like General Deadblade, so it is normal for it to be unaware.

"Come on! Let you **** power!"

Follow my left hand and right hand for a slow motion...

With the sound of Cocoa, the 36 golden speakers began to emit a burst of music and singing.

As the music beat, a magical force urged General Deadblade, and his body began to dance to the beat uncontrollably.

Seriously, General Deadblade didn't want to do this.

But its body has completely lost its control, so it has no way to stop.

"You think you will!"

The little guy screamed at the General Deathblade who was twisting his body in a weird dance, and then he rushed towards him with his small fist.

Facing the impact of Coco, General Deathblade wanted to quickly control his body, and then take a defense.

But it is a pity that the body is not controlled at all.

Therefore, Coco smoothly punched General Deathblade on the head.


General Deadblade's head was smashed like a watermelon.

But even if its head is rotten, its body is still very weird in the sound of music, maintaining a dancing posture.

The headless body is dancing to the beat of the music. This kind of picture really gives people a paradoxical feeling.

Fortunately, the few people on the scene are not ordinary humans.

So, I was not surprised by such a scene.

After a successful blow, Coco didn't stop, then raised his little feet and kicked him fiercely on the waist of General Deadblade, and just like that kicked General Deadblade's headless body to pieces.

The headless upper body, which had lost the lower body, was still waving his arms, making movements one by one.

The lower body, which had lost the upper body, staggered and stabilized, and then continued to dance.

I have to say that the influence of Tiangang's 36 speakers is really powerful.

Yeah! Not addictive! Look at my "Coco invincible fist"! !

General Dead Blade can be'infinitely resurrected'. In Coco's view, this is a very good sandbag. She usually fights people in the multiverse world, often killing each other with one punch and one kick. It is difficult. People can be killed so infinitely by her.

But today, the appearance of General Deadblade can make Coco enjoy his ‘play’.

So Coco is very hi!

Because he saw through the reliance of General Dead Blade, Coco was even more unscrupulous.

The General Dead Blade, in the eyes of Coco, is a sandbag that can be resurrected infinitely.

Then, in the face of such a sandbag, of course he must do his best.

It's just that, General Deadblade is unlucky, or unlucky.


Coco turned the king's eight punches to smash the headless body of the General Dead Blade, kicking his lower body that was still dancing, and shouting the names of various second-degree moves in his mouth.

But in fact, Coco didn't use any tricks at all. He only fought with the kind of tricks children use when fighting. The most typical one is the king's punch.

It's just that the little guy who used this type of boxing method gave it a domineering name.

Invincible fist! The king's way annihilated the foot! Celestial Slaughter God Finger! The magic way collapses the legs!

It sounds really mighty and domineering.

But look at the tricks of the little guy, hehe...

It's just that, although Coco's performance is very strange, its lethality is really staggering.

General Dead Blade was resurrected again, but after he was resurrected, he once again fell into a state where he began to dance to the beat of the music.

No way, the music doesn't stop, the dance doesn't stop.

The power of the law for the arrangement of Tiangang’s thirty-six speakers is like this. Even if General Dead Blade can be resurrected indefinitely, it must also follow this power of law.

"What the **** did you do to me!"

After the resurrection, General Deadblade realized that he had fallen into an uncontrolled state again, and this time he was really panicked.

Although it can be resurrected indefinitely ~lightnovelpub.net~ and rely on this confidence without fear of any opponent.

But the problem is that being controlled by the body just like this, it can't exert combat effectiveness at all. This is also a terrible thing.

It can be said that it has been in the universe for such a long time, and it has never encountered an opponent like Coco.

So how can it not panic!

To be honest, no one will panic.


Coco didn't pay attention to General Deadblade, but continued to smash with his small fists.

Without the slightest accident, General Deadblade burped again.

Once again, General Dead Blade was resurrected.

However, Coco found a little problem.

That is, with the resurrection of General Deadblade several times, Cocoa found that the black mist produced by General Deadblade became lighter.

At the same time, the painful and wailing sounds in the smoke have become a little bit smaller than before.


The little guy is very smart, and she immediately realized something.

"Hey hey! Don't you rely on the spirit and soul you killed by yourself, sealed in the weapon, to provide yourself with vitality and achieve immortality. And in order to look like you are very bullish, you also put yourself The essence of the soul is also hidden in the weapon, so as long as the weapon is not damaged and the vitality in the seal is not exhausted, you can be resurrected endlessly."

The General Dead Blade, who was dancing with his body driven by music, shivered when he saw that Cocoa broke his support.

Because it did not expect that someone would actually see through this.

And the one who sees through all of this is still a wild primitive star field, a very primitive civilized race creature.

[Is something wrong? Is there an omission in the intelligence? 】

In a panic, General Dead Blade's mind even flashed a thought above.