Rising America

Chapter 1948: I, ebony throat, cast out the dark

No wonder General Deadblade had such an idea.

It is true that after it came to the earth, the humans like cocoa that it encountered were really powerful beyond common sense and cognition.

The previously victimized fighters of the Sixth Special Qing Dynasty were not as strong as General Deadblade, but their fighting spirit of giving up their lives still shocked General Deadblade.

He followed Thanos to conquer many top civilizations and races. He had seen too many top civilizations like dogs. Basically, he fought once and surrendered when he saw that he failed.

But humans make it feel different.

Especially the fighters from the Sixth Division.

More importantly, isn't this the primitive star field, the wild civilization shown in the intelligence?

Although it is true that most of the primitive and wild civilization races are more aggressive, they are basically not as aggressive as humans.

In particular, humans actually have ‘race talent’, which surprised General Deadblade even more.

It stands to reason that low-level civilized races, whether they are on the path of technological evolution or their own evolution, are unlikely to emerge at this stage with racially talented creatures. They must evolve to a certain level, master the relative stage of technology and technology, and tap Only after the genetic potential of oneself has been achieved.

General Dead Blade can't figure it out!

However, right now, there is no time for it to explore these deep-seated inside stories.

Because it still has to face it now, the bear child cocoa violently beaten up.

"Hey ha! Watch me Tiger Roar King Fist!"

Coco yelled, bullied himself forward, and stretched out two small white arms.

It sounds domineering to hear Coco shout, but in fact her move is still in the category of Wang Baquan.

But it doesn't matter whether it is a king's boxing or not, you can do it anyway.

Little bears don't care about so many things.

General Deadblade was slammed by Cocoa, and at the same time, limited to the power of law, it could not even fight back or even defend, and could only be beaten passively.

And because General Deadblade can be ‘infinitely resurrected’, Coco has nothing to do with it.

On weekdays, Mr. Coco doesn't use all his strength.

But this time, the bear child can do his best.

In this way, how can General Dead Blade not become a tragedy in capitals.


In this way, the Deathblade General, who was beaten to death four or five times by Coco, broke out!

Of course, there is no use for it to erupt.

All the energy in the body was concentrated in its heart, and with the beating of the heart, the energy began to flow back into the limbs, giving it five times the strength.

This is the secret method of General Dead Blade, which can make it five times the strength in a short time. In the past, it was relying on this secret method to come back after mastering the opponent's weakness.

However, this secret technique cannot be used for a long time, because the sequelae are pretty powerful.

But today, General Deadblade can no longer take care of that much.

Since it encountered Cocoa, it has been pressed and beaten by it.

If it does not use secret methods, then it really has nothing to do today.


With five times the power, General Deadblade broke free from the restrictions of the Thirty-Six speakers, and finally didn't have to swing his body to the rhythm of the music.

Speaking of it, this is really funny.

The diffuse black mist was quickly inhaled by General Dead Blade.

Lifting the hood of the hood, General Deadblade finally revealed his face.

Well, like Ebony Maw, General Deadblade is also an alien, so their appearance is very different from that of the people on earth. Among them, the skin of Ebonymaw is purple, while General Deadblade is green.

It has no eyebrows, a bald face, and only one eye. Its mouth is a bit like a worm-like mouthpart, and its teeth are densely packed, which makes people shudder.

The right hand has feet, and the limbs are somewhat similar to humans, but it has only three fingers.

After all, they are aliens, and it is normal to be a little different from humans.

However, from the overall point of view, General Deadblade should also belong to carbon-based life forms.

"Asshole! You make me angry! I want to kill all of you humans!"

General Dead Blade, who had broken free from the power of the law, felt the surging power in his body, and his mentality had changed a lot from before.

At this moment, it is like the protagonist between heaven and earth.

The cocoa that had previously crushed it has become like an ant.

Therefore, General Deadblade began to speak arrogantly again.

As if it had forgotten, the fact that it was beaten to death by Coco several times just now.

The powerful aura permeated and produced a burst of violent air pressure. In addition to a puff of dust, the tall walls surrounding this secret detention site also collapsed under the violent pressure.

The Deathblade General, who was five times stronger, was indeed a formidable one.

It hasn't done it yet, it's just the breath leaking from the body, and the energy airflow generated by it, actually has such destructive power.

This has to make people think about how powerful it will be if it is started.

Annie and Li Hong couldn't help but become nervous.

But on the other hand, Cocoa, not only did not look afraid, but his big eyes flashed and flashed, and the whole person became a lot excited.

"Oh! It's a bit interesting now, I thought you were such a weak chicken, it made me so bored!"

General Deathblade stretched out his hand, grabbed a weird knife-like weapon out of thin air, and responded with a grinning cocoa: "Little guy, I'm going to kill you, and then devour your flesh and blood, let your relatives witness all this, let them do Weeping and howling."

General Dead Blade hated Cocoa, because Cocoa lost his face.

Hearing General Deathblade's gritted teeth, Coco also put away the smile on his face, showing a gloomy look on his small face.

It's generally difficult for a bear child to be serious, but if she wants to be serious, she really can't live it anymore.

It's hard to die, and General Deadblade makes Coco serious.

"Swallow my flesh and blood! Let my loved ones witness all this, but also let them cry and mourn!!!" At the end, Coco's volume suddenly rose, and his voice became a lot sharper.

Before the words were over, the bear child left an afterimage in the same place, and he rushed to the front of General Deadblade. The speed was so fast that General Deadblade still did not respond.

Raise your hand! A punch hit the front door of General Deadblade.

"Just right! I also like to devour the flesh and blood of other creatures! Although you don't look so delicious, I am very angry now, so I will eat you reluctantly! Only before I eat you, I want you Recognizing the strength gap between us, I want you to look up to the invincible and great Demon Coco in despair!"


The Deathblade General, who was hit by a punch by Coco, his entire body was knocked into the air like a meteor.

Coco chased after her like a shadow, this time she put away her playful mentality, but was really going to get General Death Blade.

The little guy's punch was not light, and it shattered General Dead Blade's face.

However, in the process of being knocked into the air, General Deadblade's injuries recovered.

"Yeah! You little human bastard!"

"Shut up, don't make noise if you can, you trash!"


Coco caught up with another punch.

General Dead Blade's body was uncontrollable again and flew towards the sky.

"Don't think that you will transform, and I will too!"

Coco chased General Deadblade for a fight, during which he also manifested his three-headed and six-armed law body, and his strength suddenly increased several times.

Therefore, the bear child once again formed a crushing posture against General Dead Blade.

Poor General Deadblade, there is really hardship at this moment.

I thought that using the secret method would be able to reverse this disadvantaged situation. Whoever thinks that the little human girl you are against is not an opponent that can be measured by common sense at all. Once you are strong, she will become stronger...

Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!

The angry Coco's three-headed six-arm Dharma body used his full strength, and his six arms raised the Wang Ba fist to kill General Dead Blade, hitting like a top spinning continuously in the air.

Below, Li Hong held the unconscious ebony throat and flew with Annie to watch the battle.

When they saw Coco continue to crush General Deadblade, their worries disappeared with the wind.

During the period, Li Hong sighed and said to Annie: "The energy fluctuations in the alien body have increased several times in a very short period of time and become very powerful. I am still worried that Coco can't handle it. Look, the bear child is still that great."

Annie also sighed with a sigh on her face, and responded to Li Hong and said: "Yes, Coco can't judge with normal thinking. She is like a bug. Whoever wants to be an enemy will eventually end up. A failed end, because you will never know the extent of Coco’s bottom line of strength. With the passage of time, she has grown day by day, and her strength has become more and more attractive. It's not clear."

The ebony throat held by Li Hong woke up faintly at this time.

It blinked and saw Coco who was crushing General Deathblade, and its eyes widened.

Yes, General Deadblade was hit by Coco and couldn't even fight back. How could this not make Ebony Maw feel scared and shocked.

Especially, Ebony Maw can feel it, and General Deadblade also used his own secret method.

Then after using the secret method, it can still be crushed, which has to show the strength of Coco against the sky.

[Gosh! Before, I was complacent, thinking that I could hold that little human girl, but now it looks like I was an idiot at the time! 】

The cold sweat couldn't stop oozing from the ebony throat.

Recalling its previous plan, Ebony Maw felt that he was really a rod maker.

However, Ebony Maw is also an unscrupulous guy.

Its eyes rolled around and then shouted.

"Coco master is invincible! Coco master dominates the world! Coco master has no opponent under the stars! Kill that guy! My ebony throat is a bastard! I don't want to be a bastard! I want to abandon a bastard, and I hope Master Coco will take it in. I!"

Li Hong and Annie couldn't help but stare.

Even General Deathblade, who was sorely beaten by Coco, couldn't help spitting out old blood after hearing such a voice.

"Ah! Ebony Maw, can you not be so shameless, the supreme sent me to save you!"

"I've abandoned the dark and made it clear. I'm not the same with you anymore. From now on, I'm going to follow the coco boss. You evil guys wait to die!"

"Ah, Ebony Maw, you bastard!"

"Come on, Master Coco! Get rid of it! It is Thanos's gold medalist!"