Rising America

Chapter 195: So I can match you

After the official operation of the Laguna Beach Welfare Institute, and the children of the San Juan Monastery have also moved here, the stone that has been hanging in Jin Xiantai's heart has fallen to the ground.

   Since he knew that he was involved with these children, Kim Hyun-tae has always wanted to use his own way to help these ‘former partners’, which can also be regarded as making up for an unscrupulous alien elementary school student.

   At the same time, the experience of these children is the same as his experience in the previous life, so Jin Xiantai finally made such a choice.

Give the children in San Juan a better living environment and provide them with a more stable guarantee, so that the children can have a better way out in the future, instead of the chaotic environment of San Juan Growing up, then being polluted by the big dye tank, and finally embarking on a path of no return.

   Although most of the children in San Juan have a different skin color, race, and race from Kim Hyun Tae, these do not prevent Kim Hyun Tae from overflowing with compassion and making such a choice.

  If Jin Xiantai had no conditions and ability, of course he would not use this method, but after all, Jin Xiantai now has such financial ability and can afford some, then he thinks why he doesn't do this.

   After all, this is also a good deed.

   This has nothing to do with skin color and race, but just by conscience, by the little light in human nature.

   Of course, there is no lack of Kim Hyun-tae who made this decision. In order to make his false identity and experience, he has become more perfect in this time and space.

   After all, he didn't want to be discovered by the media in the future. After he was rich, he didn't give back to helping his former friends, and he forgot the ‘fact’ that he once lived in the ‘San Juan Convent’.

   If such a thing happens, then his reputation will be bad.

   will also affect her daughter, Coco, to receive strange eyes.

   Based on these two points, Jin Xiantai spent more than 20 million US dollars to choose the beautiful environment of Laguna Beach County. A small town with beautiful scenery, to settle the children in San Juan.

   That's why, now he can be regarded as having a problem.

   Although Kim Hyun Tae still has a big problem that has not been resolved. But at least he doesn't need to worry about his fake identity in this time and space anymore.

   Although he and Selena. Hulk, Audrey, Zoe, and so on, these San Juan children are actually not familiar at all.

   But these children are one by one, all because of a certain alien elementary school student, they are very familiar with Kim Hyun Tae himself, so Kim Hyun Tae also had to treat these people as friends and brothers.

   Although Kim Hyun Tae felt a little funny about such a thing, he had no choice but to accept it in the end.

  God knows how the alien elementary school student did this.

   Kim Hyun-tae can't figure it out anyway.

   The children in San Juan moved to a new home. Everyone is very excited.

   Better environment, better facilities, and better accommodation than San Juan, these are things that children didn't dare to expect.

   But now it has become a reality, and I can live in this new home that looks like a fairy tale world, so how can the children be unhappy or excited?

   And for those who gave all of this, Kim Hyun Tae (William) brother, and the children are also secretly grateful.

   Different life experiences from ordinary children, let these San Juan children know how rare and difficult it is for them (her).

   So the kids are grateful besides Kim Hyun Tae. Also cherish all this extra.

   And because of gratitude, the children are bound to be emotionally different to Cocoa.

   What's more, Xiao Ke Ke is the brother of Kim Hyun Tae (William). And sister Xiaoxiao's daughter.

   Although Audrey and Zoe are both twelve-year-old girls, the two little girls can accompany the one-year-old little Coco to mess around, and even roll on the sand.

   Of course, not only Audrey and Zoe, but also some other children, are also willing to play with Cocoa, which makes Coco very excited.

   It was the first time that so many people played with her and played with him, so she was very happy. Playing profusely and sweating does not feel tired.

   And children like Audrey also pay special attention to the safety of Cocoa. Children like Audrey would not let Cocoa play games that are a little bit dangerous. Instead, try to make Cocoa play safe games.

   It can be seen how much the children care about and care about Cocoa.

   It's almost...it's almost...Little Coco has become a little princess.

   "William, you will always be a writer, right?"

   There are many children playing with their daughter. Kim Hyun-tae is also very relieved. He and Selena sat on the bench outside the amusement park and chatted leisurely.

   When Jin Xiantai told Selena that he was going to resume high school tomorrow, Selena’s face showed a disappointed look, but this look just faded away, and Jin Xiantai didn’t notice it.

   It is impossible for Jin Xiantai to understand what kind of thoughts the Latino girl sitting next to him has in her heart.

   The reason why Selena was a little disappointed was not because Kim Hyun-tae was going to resume high school, but because she thought that after Kim Hyun-tae resumed his studies, her chances of seeing him would be less, nothing more.

   For Selena, of course she hopes that every day she can see Jin Xiantai, the brother William whom she has a crush on in her false memory.

   But the girl is also very clear that it is impossible for Jin Xiantai to be with her every day, with herself and the other children.

   He has his own life and his own future. Why should he be with himself and his children every day? This is unreasonable.

   Although she was very disappointed and sad, Selena did not show it, but continued to chat with Kim Hyun Tae casually.

   Sitting on the bench and looking at her daughter who is playing with a group of children in the sand, Kim Hyun-tae’s eyes are filled with a luster that is gentle enough to melt, which makes Selena’s heart who noticed ‘thump! Puff! ''S quickened the beating.

   "I don't know now. I became a writer very accidentally. I was just to make some money. I didn't expect to be so successful."

   Withdrawing his gaze, Kim Hyun Tae responded with a smile to Selena.

   "But one thing is certain. Writing novels is very profitable, and it seems good if you have been a novel writer. Then, Selena, what plans do you have for the future?"

   Selena listened to Kim Hyun Tae's response. The girl understands his mentality very well.

   Yes, as long as you can make money. What does it matter to be a novelist?

   For children from the San Juan Convent, this is a very high job.

   At least for so many years, apart from Kim Hyun Tae, no child in San Juan has been so successful.

   Life is nothing more than making money to support yourself. What else do you need to consider?

  The environment and experience are different, when Selena faces this question, the answer that she thinks about will be a little different.

   This is not too strange.

   When I change to other ordinary children, I might think of giving back to the society after success. But what Selena thought of was just making money to support herself.

   To put it simply, it is survival!

  The children of the San Juan Monastery do not have many ideals. For these children, survival is the first issue that needs attention and consideration.

   Other things, that are irrelevant.

   And such an idea, you can not say that it is wrong.

   In a different place, change for anyone to be Selena, or the environment and status of the San Juan children. What else can I think.

   This has nothing to do with nobility or not, but reality and reality.

   "Me?" Selena thought about it seriously at this time. She suddenly realized that she did not seem to have plans for the future, which made the girl suddenly become silent.

   But soon the girl showed a bright smile and looked at Kim Hyun Tae sincerely and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Actually, I have no plans for the future."

   This is a big truth, Selena did not lie.

  Although her smile was brilliant on her face, Kim Hyun-tae saw a trace of sadness in her sincere eyes.

  Why do girls have such eyes buried in the depths?

   Kim Hyun-tae was a little confused at the beginning, but he thought about it for a while and combined the information he knew about the children of the San Juan Monastery. And some words that I heard from the children in San Juan. He still came up with a similar conjecture.

   And this speculation of Kim Hyun-tae basically reflects Selena’s mind. Guessed a lot.

  Before Kim Hyun Tae didn't ‘return’ to the San Juan Monastery, Selena and the other children lived in that environment, basically not daring to expect anything in the future.

   This is a cruel and true fact.

   You don’t learn well, and you don’t have any skills. Even if you let these children have any plans and hopes, what is the use?

  Reality is reality.

   San Juan children who mature earlier than children of the same age have a deep understanding and cognition of this.

   Selena must be the same, so no blame for her.

After guessing this ~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai said to Selena: "There was no way before, but from now on, you can seriously plan for the future, because now you have such conditions and environment, hope You can tell the other children for me."

   It is not unreasonable for Kim Hyun Tae to say so.

   Although it is impossible for him to let the children become that kind of elite, but these children grow up in this better environment, as long as they are willing to work hard, it will not be a problem to survive after leaving the orphanage in the future.

   More importantly, children do not need to take the road of violating crime.

   This is the most critical point.

   [I want to stay by your side and become your wife instead of Sister Xiaoxiao. Is this a plan for the future? 】

   Selena thought silently in her heart.

Of course, the girl really did not dare to say this, so the girl’s plan for the future that the girl said openly became: "I want to succeed and be a social elite. If I can, I want to become a mainstream society. member!"

   oh, this goal is not low.

   Kim Hyun Tae was slightly surprised after hearing the words.

   Of course, what Kim Hyun Tae didn't know was that Selena silently added a sentence in her heart, which is...

   [Only in this way can I be worthy of you, my brother William] (to be continued.)