Rising America

Chapter 1956: Just, or not just

Emperor Gordonbaum, Marshal Yang Weili and Lelouch, led the entire empire fleet out of the star field and retreated to the Milky Way galaxy where the earth is located. The forward has reached Mars and started contact with humans, and informed The news that human Thanos is coming.

The human garrison on Mars learned of this news and immediately reported it back to the earth. This important situation was not dared to be ignored by the Martian garrison.

Therefore, when Coco cleaned up the dead blade generals in China, and Jin Xiantai cleaned up the people listed above in Los Angeles according to the old George's list, the top two camps of the earth, headed by the United States and China, were holding a pan-global video conference to discuss This thing about Thanos' attack.

Ordinary people do not know what kind of crisis the earth is about to encounter.

Everyone's eyes are attracted by the passive Los Angeles right now. They are attracted by the ‘Rodney Truth’ reported by major media, and they are also attracted by the ‘truth behind the attack on Kim Hyun Tae’s father and daughter.’

As the people at the bottom, it is of course impossible for everyone to be able to learn a lot of important news at the first time like the top elites. This is also very helpless.

On weekdays, it usually takes half a year or even longer for the high-level officials to formulate something before the people can feel that the lag period is very unfavorable for the ordinary people at the bottom.

But there is no other way. Who makes them ordinary people at the bottom?

This time is no exception.

After the senior officials of the various countries learned of the news from Mars, they immediately blocked the news, and the elites began to discuss.

The reality is so cruel.

It is also the sadness of being an ordinary person.

"Is the news from Mars true?"

The president of a certain country still has a trace of skepticism about this news.

In the high-level video footage of many countries, an Asian old man responded: “The Martian garrison cannot make a joke about this kind of thing. Moreover, the people of the Gordonbaum civilization have arrived on Mars, and the Mars garrison has also transmitted some video images back. We can clearly see from those pictures that the fleet of Gordonbaum civilization has been hit hard, so it can be proved from the side that this matter has not been faked."

In the video from the US side, President and Vice President Kenny and Old George both appeared, and from time to time some staff members appeared beside them.

As the voice of the Asian elderly fell, George Sr. spoke on behalf of the American side.

"Presumably everyone will not forget the'New York Manhattan Incident' a year ago. During that time, we captured a group of aliens. According to the intelligence obtained from the interrogation, those guys were sent by Thanos. For the earth, there is something that the guy called Thanos on our earth values ​​very much. Therefore, we believe that it is not surprising that Thanos came to the earth to find those things in person. The core of the problem we are discussing right now should be how to deal with this. The coming threat."

This thing cannot be faked, so it is not allowed to waste time for the truth and falsehood. What should be discussed is whether everyone should join hands to face the crisis that is about to break out.

The representatives of China and the United States both spoke, and they seemed to be inclined to gather the power of all mankind to fight hard with the guy called Thanos.

However, not all countries will have the attitude of China and the United States.

At this time, the representative of Dongying said: "Maybe we don't need to confront with force. If we find out what the hegemon needs, maybe we humans will not be in any danger."

The words of the representative of Dongying have aroused the approval of many national representatives.

Also, humans and Thanos are incomparable at all. Hardness sounds like a lot of courage, but in the end, everyone knows what the outcome will be.

And once you choose to fight against Thanos, then humans will have no retreat.

Therefore, as a last resort, it seems like a better choice to recognize a counselor.

Maybe as the representative of Dongying said, human beings take the initiative to find out what Thanos is interested in, and then give this thing to Thanos, and Thanos will leave.

Besides, the human beings are going to fight with Thanos, how can they be tough!

From all existing intelligence, Thanos is not the primitive alien civilization races encountered by humans, but the overlord of the Northern Universe. There are countless extraterrestrial civilization servant races under his command, so the other side possesses the resources and technology. , Are far more than human beings on earth.

In this way, human beings really have no way to fight against it.

This is nothing.

According to the confession of the Zetaric prisoners captured in the "Battle of Manhattan in New York", Thanos not only enslaved many top alien civilizations under his command, but it is also a super strong who can cross the starry sky physically and destroy the stars by one person. By.

Therefore, being rigid with such an existence is really not a very wise choice.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some countries choose to admit counsel.

Of course, if someone wants to admit counsel, someone will definitely become old George and choose not to surrender to Thanos.

So on this issue, everyone started to quarrel, and everyone had their own reasons.

After all, mankind has just begun the interstellar age. Normally speaking, human beings are somewhat lacking in confidence when facing alien civilizations.

In fact, this is not surprising.

In the beginning, who could not panic.

This is basically the case when many civilized races hobbled out of the planet on which they lived and started to come into contact with the cosmic starry sky and the races.

Only with the gradual passage of time and the rapid development and improvement of the technology that one has mastered, and the conquering of other civilized races step by step, will confidence be strengthened little by little.

If you are lucky, standing among the top civilizations will make all your self-confidence more different.

On the other hand, human beings on Earth have just begun to step into the starry sky of the universe, not to mention that the technology they have mastered is also provided by the Protoss civilization, and they have no relevant technical reserves at all. This is a shortcoming of mankind, so Of course, it also caused a reason for the lack of human confidence.

So when Thanos led a fleet of top civilizations under his command to kill mightily, some of the high-level humans began to admit it, which is really not surprising.

After all, human beings still exist like "Little Xiami", and of course they will be scared when they encounter a terrorist character like Thanos.

Of course, not everyone agrees.

The old George on the American side and the senior officials in China are all inclined to talk to Thanos, and will definitely not admit counsel without doing anything.

Judging from the information about the forces of the universe that the existing humans have, if humans just recognize it as such, not only will they be underestimated by the Thanos, but it will also make Thanos even more unscrupulous.

How did the space exploration team commanded by Kim Hyun Tae deal with the octopus civilization in the first place.

Can't make it right, the fate of human beings is not as civilized as the octopus.

Besides, Thanos itself has no good reputation.

Wherever it goes, there is no place that is not a sea of ​​blood and dead bones.

Therefore, instead of being killed by Thanos after admitting counseling, it is better to summon the courage and attack Thanos!

Maybe there is a way to survive the first wave.

Moreover, in China, the American hawks headed by George Sr. will want to fight with Thanos and it is not an arbitrary decision.

First of all, although China's secularly mastered technology, weapons and equipment, there is really no way to compare with Thanos, but if the mythological forces are allowed to take action, it may not be just as good as Thanos.

In the same way, Old George and a group of members of the hawk faction have already become members of the Olympus and Nordic dual gods. They have obtained the pseudo-god from Annie, become extraordinary, and possess powerful power.

On this basis, Old George and the others were of course unwilling to admit such counsel. After all, they just heard that Thanos is very powerful, but it is not clear how powerful it is.

In case, Thanos’s power is somewhat exaggerated?


You can die from old age, die from sickness, and die from war, but you must not be scared to death!

In addition, the old George themselves are hawks, and they are very warlike in their bones.

Therefore, of course they want to fight against Thanos.

In other words, support and Thanos are basically dependent on them.

Those countries that don't support Gang Destroying Hegemony and want to choose to admit counsel, most of them have no support.

Under this major premise, everyone will have these two attitudes. It is not surprising. After all, on the basis of this reason, everyone is different according to their own circumstances. What is wrong with this choice? .

Therefore, the leaders and representatives of the various countries quarreled in the video conference, and no one could convince anyone. After all, each has its own considerations and reasons.

But such a quarrel will not help the whole thing.

Time will be consumed in meaningless quarrels.

And Thanos’ fleet will approach the earth under the meaningless passage of time.

Therefore, in private, China contacted the U.S. and stated that they would simply put aside those national forces that disapproved of the first wave~lightnovelpub.net~, unite with countries that are willing to take the initiative to attack, and gather everyone’s forces to form a fleet to Mars. All right.

After discussing this proposal with Old George, Kenny quickly made a decision.


Although there are ideological disputes with Huaxia, at this time, it is obvious that this matter should be temporarily put aside, and the choice of cooperation is the most correct.

In this way, China, the United States, Italy, France, Australia, South Korea, Russia and many other countries are connected by the United States and China.

And along with the linking of various countries, the senior officials of China and the United States have also begun to actively contact those high-end combat forces in their respective countries, as well as special human forces, and seek to let them contribute to this matter.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae, who has finished in Los Angeles.

And Coco and Annie, who had killed General Deadblade more than 80 times in Huaxia and grilled it every time, all received this news secretly.

Thanos is coming soon!