Rising America

Chapter 198: Demi is moving

   "The California boy William King is suspected of infringement of intellectual property rights. The evidence in the initial trial is unfavorable to him and he may be fined a large amount of compensation! 》

   "In the face of huge compensation of billions of dollars, what will happen to the boy who was shrouded in the past?" 》

   "Hanging attitude, in fact is a small **** in his bones, William King's true personality is revealed! 》

   I got up in the morning and prepared a simple breakfast for myself. After I finished eating, I checked that the time was still early, so Jin Xiantai checked the newspaper of the day.

   Upon a glance, Kim Hyun Tae's nose suddenly turned crooked.

   The first court session a few days ago was not very good, but these newspapers also said that it was too ridiculous.

   This is just the beginning. How come these newspapers start to write articles saying that they are losing money as if the court has already had a final ruling.

   There are even newspapers saying that he has a bad personality. It was just a coincidence that he encountered a shooting case, and then he was exaggerated. In fact, he was a bastard.

   After a rough look, Kim Hyun-tae threw the newspaper aside, honestly he could never read the content anymore.

   In the descriptions of these newspapers, it seems that he has been convicted at all, and he is a real ‘thief’.

  Well, the good mood of getting up early is completely destroyed.

   Taking a deep breath, Jin Xiantai kept meditating in his heart: "This world is very beautiful, this world is very beautiful..." After repeating it many times, his bad mood calmed down a little.

   looked at the time, it was already 6:50 in the morning, at this time I should go out.

   After all these things were simply forgotten, Kim Hyun-tae changed into his pajamas, put on a simple black pullover, a pair of jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes, and left home refreshingly.

   came to his Audi car on the street in the community. Just as he was about to open the door, a girl's voice suddenly came from behind him.


   stopped opening the door. Jin Xiantai looked back and saw that it was Demi who hadn't seen him for a few days, standing just a short distance behind him.

   Demi, who was originally a tomboy, disappeared for a while. Suddenly showing up to Jin Xiantai, it seemed that there was a big change.

   A very playful floral short skirt and a pair of small leather shoes on her feet make Demi look like she didn't have the original tomboy image at all, instead she looked like a young girl.

   "Hi! Demi. Good morning, I'm going to college, will you go with me?"

   Demi used to go to school with him, so Kim Hyun-tae greeted him naturally.

   A sad look appeared on the girl's face, she didn't respond as straightforwardly as she used to, and then bounced over, but stood still and did not move.

   "Demi, what's wrong with you?"

   Kim Hyun Tae was a little puzzled and puzzled about the girl's abnormal behavior.

  【Are you still resisting yourself because you refused her confession? 】

Suddenly. Jin Xiantai thought of such a possibility.

   But before Kim Hyun-tae could figure out how to solve this embarrassing atmosphere, Demi opened his mouth and gave Kim Hyun-tae an answer.

   "William, I am moving. It may be difficult for us to see each other in the future. I'm here to inform you."


   Demi is moving?

   I don’t know this.

   Kim Hyun Tae was shocked. He didn't know anything about Demi's moving house.

   "I live well, why are you suddenly moving?"

   Kim Hyun-tae, who couldn't react to a little, asked such a foolishly.

"Dad made a lot of money by investing in Internet technology stocks this year. So he sold his auto parts sales shop and this house, and plans to invest in Asia. Because now many people say that it is easy to make money in Asia. My father is also moved."

   My God. Mr. Nut is really aggressive, and he wants to go to Asia.

   "Is it China?"

   asked Kim Hyun Tae.

   Demi shook his head: "It's Japan. Dad said that many people invest in Japan, so they will definitely make a lot of money."

   Jin Xiantai really can’t say anything about it, after all, people wouldn’t believe it.

   So all he can do is to wish Mr. Nutt can make money.

   "Then you come to me. Just to tell me this, right?"

   Jin Xiantai looked at Demi and asked softly.

   Demi stood there with her lips pouted, as if there was something in her heart.

   Hearing Kim Hyun Tae asked, he nodded.

   "Yes, I'm here to tell you this."

   For Demi, Kim Hyun-tae is a bit complicated.

   Although he has no feelings for girls, but after all he has a crush on him, and he is too embarrassing for girls.

"I heard that Japan has a lot of delicious food, games, and cartoons, so you will have a great time when you go to Japan. Of course, don’t be sad. If you are lonely, you can log on Facebook Talk to me on Twitter, aren’t we still good friends?”

   What can Kim Hyun Tae say at this time.

   There are some words, something that is too ambiguous, it is impossible for him to say to Demi.

   So, that's all he can say.

   But obviously, the girl is not satisfied with what Kim Hyun Tae said.

   "Well, William, I should go, I hope you remember this sentence, we will always be good friends."

   The scene was really embarrassing, and Demi didn't know what to say to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Originally, the girl had a lot of things to say, but after seeing Kim Hyun Tae, those words of the girl can no longer be said.

   Therefore, all the words that have been prepared are deeply buried in my heart.

   "Of course, we are good friends!"

   Demi left decisively, leaving Kim Hyun Tae with a somewhat bleak back.

   Jin Xiantai feels a little sad, it is the feeling of a friend leaving, without any mixed feelings between men and women.

   "William, don't forget me, I never gave up to you, I still like you so much, don't forget me!"

   Fiercely, Demi, who had already walked to his door, suddenly stopped and turned back, shouting such a word at Jin Xiantai, making Jin Xiantai dumbfounded.

   and Demi who finished shouting this sentence. He lowered his head and ran back home.

   After closing the door, the girl blushed, while panting heavily.

   The girl's mother, Anna, appeared with a gentle expression and hugged the girl in her arms.

"My little baby. You are really courageous. Mom is proud of you. Have you confessed to that boy again? Sometimes there are things that do not require results. I believe that boy will never forget you. So you still have a chance. After all, this is an excellent boy and you have a good vision."

   was held in her mother's arms, and Demi appeared weak at this time.

   Don't look at her usual image of a tomboy, but she is still a girl after all.

   "Mom, now William is in trouble, but I want to leave him at this time. I don't think it should be too much. I should be by his side at this time."

  How could the girl not know about Kim Hyun Tae's current troubles.

   After all, there are news reports in daily newspapers.

Anna touched the top of her daughter's head, lowered her head and told her daughter Demi in a gentle tone: "Don't think so. What you have to do now is to enrich yourself and make yourself dazzling. Only in this way can you attract him. Look, so our family goes to Japan. This is also an opportunity for you. Mom, I heard that Japan is very trendy.

   So this is a good opportunity for you to change your image, otherwise you always look like a tomboy, how can you make William like you? "

   Of course, it is impossible for Kim Hyun-tae to understand the conversation between mother and daughter.

   Kim Hyun Tae at this time. Already full of melancholy, driving his car on the way to Santa Monica College.

   Demi wants to move. It cannot be said that it has no impact on Kim Hyun Tae, but the impact is not great.

   He doesn't have many friends in this time and space. Demi is one of them.

   Therefore, when Demi wants to move, it will definitely have a certain impact on Kim Hyun Tae, who does not have any friends. This is a normal thing.

   But it is impossible to say that the impact is great.

   After all, Kim Hyun Tae is not so young on the outside, and he has also experienced a life in a different time and space.

   is also acceptable for this kind of clutch.

【Hey! Unexpectedly, the Demi family will move to Japan. I don’t know if Demi will get used to it, but the school uniforms in Japan are pretty good. 】

   Driving his own car, Kim Hyun-tae began to think about it, and even thought of Demi wearing a Japanese school uniform.

   Sailor suit, miniskirt?

  Haha, Demi’s figure is actually pretty good, and it might be fascinating for those wretched Japanese college students.

   Besides, Demi is still a blonde.

   So when Kim Hyun-tae fantasizes about the drooling appearance of those nasty college students in Japan, he can't help but feel funny.

   At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae also thought that now that the Internet technology is so advanced, it does not mean that there is no contact anymore.

   Then through Facebook Twitter, plus my own QQ, you can still keep in touch with Demi.

   Therefore, when Kim Hyun-tae thought of this, the melancholy in his heart gradually disappeared.

   Just like that, I arrived at the parking lot of Santa Monica High School all the way. After Jin Xiantai parked his car, he carried his schoolbag and walked towards the gate of the college.

   Passing the familiar college square and lush lawns, came to the teaching building of the high school.

   Along the way, Jin Xiantai met many strange students to greet him~lightnovelpub.net~ He also smiled and responded politely.

   walked into the class room, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard an exaggerated sound. You don't need to look at it to know that it was from the funny Omar.

   "William, my good brother, I miss you! Come here, accept my warm embrace, and let us show our brotherhood."

   "Punch, you gay, I am not interested in you."

   Kim Hyun-tae has no interest in embracing Omar.

   Especially when he saw Omar’s exaggerated and wretched expression, Jin Xiantai would not cooperate with him.

   was rejected by Jin Xiantai. Omar, who was walking over with open arms, immediately showed the air of being abandoned and bitter woman, walked back to his seat, and then looked at Jin Xiantai with a bitter expression.

   This caused the laughter of the students who were already sitting in the classroom.

   "Are you two gay?"

   "Haha, Omar looks so frustrated, no one wants even being gay."

   "William, congratulations on your physical recovery, ignore the funny comparison."

   "Congratulations on your recovery, William."

   For William's return to the academy, the classmates still gave a warm welcome, which made Jin Xiantai still very moved.

   Well, the enthusiasm for teasing Bioma needs to be excluded. (To be continued.)