Rising America

Chapter 199: friend

   After returning to the academy, there is nothing wrong with Jin Xiantai. Even his classmates were only fresh at the beginning, and then stopped paying attention to him.

   At this point, Kim Hyun-tae’s original middle school studies have officially recovered.

In class, after class, after each class, carrying schoolbags and Omar began to shuttle in the teaching building, in the crowded corridors of the teaching building, looking at the young people who are full of youth and confidence, Kim Hyun-tae, the'old man', thinks that this kind of life seems to be the same. Not bad.

The four classes in the morning, mathematics, history, politics, chemistry, these courses are not difficult for Jin Xiantai, you must know that when he travels through the space-time tunnel, he is affected by the mysterious energy in the tunnel, so his memory has been greatly improved. .

   Although the intellectual impact is not large, it is not difficult to get a high score in the exam as long as the memory improves and the knowledge you have learned can be remembered.

   Thanks to such a bug, it is not easy for Kim Hyun-tae to learn such high school knowledge, OK?

   At noon, Jin Xiantai and Omar had lunch in the college cafeteria, and then the two came to sit on the lawn outside the teaching building for a while, and by the way, enjoy the afternoon in Los Angeles in March.

   At this time, on the lawn outside the teaching building, there were already some students or little guys who looked like couples sitting in twos and threes.

   Some of these young people are reading books, some are lying on the lawn to sleep in the morning, and some are chatting. In short, everyone spends the lunch break in their own way.

   sat down under a tree, Omar asked about the infringement case.

   "William, isn't your infringement case going too smoothly? I have seen a lot of unfavorable remarks on the Internet, and even a large number of people who abuse you."

  On Omar’s face, you can see the concern. Anger, as well as doubts and puzzles.

   Since Kim Hyun Tae is his friend, Omar will care.

   The anger is because of his friend Kim Hyun Tae. Now encountering such a thing, Omar feels very uncomfortable.

   Doubts and incomprehensions are because he doesn't understand. Obviously the instant messaging software was developed by Jin Xiantai, but how could such a thing happen now?

   After all, Omar is young and has not had so many experiences, so how can he understand the dark side of real society?

   Regardless of his growth and Compton, he has seen a lot of gang members and some violent incidents since he was a child, but what he has seen, heard of, and this thing that Jin Xiantai encountered. But there is a fundamental difference.

   So Omar doesn’t understand, this is understandable.

   sat down beside Omar, the lawn is thick and soft, sitting on it is very comfortable, there is no need to worry about catching a cold.

   The afternoon sun shines on the body, making the whole person very warm and comfortable.

   Jin Xiantai turned his head and looked at Omar. He found the doubt and confusion on Omar’s face, as well as some other mood swings.

   "Oh!", Kim Hyuntae sighed long. To be honest, he was also a little helpless about this. After all, after suing the company that infringed on his rights, he did not expect that the situation would turn out to be disadvantageous to him.

Such a thing. He never thought of it.

   So, after hearing Omar’s question, Kim Hyun-tae could only say to him: “It’s a bit disadvantageous. I don’t know why this happens. At the same time, I don’t understand what the problem is. I can’t figure it out myself.”

As a good friend, Omar is really anxious for him, so after hearing the words, he said to Kim Hyun-tae: "Is it because the lawyer you hired can’t do it? Good lawyer?"

   Omar thinks simply. It may be that the lawyer that Kim Hyun-tae hired was not strong enough, so he suggested that he should look at another lawyer.

   For this kind suggestion of Omar. Although Jin Xiantai clearly understood that he was thinking for himself, it was a pity that Jin Xiantai could not accept it.

   The reason is very simple. Little George has told him that the early stage of this case may be a bit disadvantageous to him, but it doesn't matter. As long as Jin Xiantai stays steady, Little George promises to give Jin Xiantai the victory he wants.

   And when Little George said this to him at the time, he was full of strong self-confidence, and Jin Xiantai did not understand why Little George was so confident.

   It can be seen that George is so confident that he must have some tricks.

   So, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he had to believe him.

  In other words, George had already expected this situation.

   and reminded Jin Xiantai a long time ago, so that he can calm down.

   Therefore, Omar’s suggestion is obviously not feasible.

   Besides, if little George can't believe it, then he can trust who else.

   You need to know that the lawyer, George, is not without background.

  He is the governor.

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae couldn’t tell Omar about these inside information, so Kim Hyun-tae could only apologize to Omar in his heart.

So when Omar made this suggestion, Kim Hyun-tae immediately shook his head, and then said to Omar: “It’s not about the lawyer, but the company that infringed on my rights and interests. It prepared a lot of so-called evidence. That’s why this problem arises. .

   At the same time, the other party will use the influence of public opinion to discredit and mislead the public. Therefore, this situation is normal, I think. "

  Seriously, Kim Hyun-tae didn't expect that the other party would use newspapers, magazines, and television media to discredit himself.

  I'm not a big man, so I'm so troublesome?

   Even though the prospect of instant messaging in my copycat is very good, I shouldn’t do this to myself when I haven’t come up with a plan that can really see the potential?

   Is it possible that the other party knows how to make money with QQ?

   In any case, Kim Hyun-tae was puzzled by this.

   When Kim Hyun Tae talked about using the influence of public opinion to discredit him, Omar became even more angry.

"These **** bastards, they are so shameless. When you developed your instant messaging software, you were still at the Laguna Beach Rehabilitation Center. From beginning to end, I could see it clearly, and I knew it very well. You do it yourself.

   But these shameless people actually did such a shameless thing for such a potential software, and they still want to discredit you. I really can't think of what vicious language should be used to describe them. "

   Omar was filled with righteous indignation, angry at what happened to his good friend Kim Hyun Tae.

Jin Xiantai is also very helpless about this, but he knows more deeply than Omar, at least he knows what shame is in the world of capital, and even more disgusting things can be done for profit. .

   Therefore, he is not as angry as Omar.

"No, no need to be so angry. The matter has not yet reached the worst point. This lawsuit my lawyer told me that it may be a long time. Now the other party has gained some small advantages, but as long as I can win the case, they are now What's the point of being arrogant."

   Out of trust in the old George and the young George, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he should be able to win the lawsuit finally and get down the person who violated his rights.

   That's why he said this to Omar.

   But after all, Omar doesn’t understand all of this, so Omar sees Kim Hyun-tae saying this, and thinks Kim Hyun-tae is a sign of depression, or even despair.

   No, he can't make his good friends feel wronged like this, he must try his best to help his friends.

   Omar, who made up his mind, did not tell Jin Xiantai this idea, but waited until it was done.

   "My dear brother, don't be depressed. If you are like this, you may really be hit by the other party's vicious schemes. Maybe the other party uses public opinion to discredit you in this way, which is just to get you into this state."

   Although I can’t tell my good friends about my plan, it’s always okay to give me comfort.

   And in the remarks Omar said to encourage Kim Hyun-tae, don’t say he really guessed some of the plans of some people.

   Indeed, those Japanese really have such plans.

   It's easy to discredit a person. After all, the relationship between big capital and the media is not simple. It is not easy to use your own public opinion advantage to do this.

   When necessary, spending money to find a few ‘personal certificates’ or something can basically guide the public.

   In the world where Kim Hyun Tae lived in his previous life, Mike, the famous American rock star, was discredited by the big capital, right?

   How many people scolded Mike at the time and didn't believe him.

   Therefore, his reputation became extremely unbearable~lightnovelpub.net~ But in the end, the truth was revealed in the end, and everything came to light.

   The so-called ‘personal testimony’ is nothing but perjury witnesses who have collected money. Those testimonies that he said are false and fabricated.

   But even if the truth is revealed to the world, it will not help, because Mike has passed away.

   And Mike’s shares were still being embezzled by some big capital.

   Basically, the situation that Kim Hyun-tae is facing now is similar to that of Mike.

   is just his ‘criminal’, not as unbearable as Mike.

   "Thank you for your reminder, I understand, so I will not be fooled by those people, and I will never let them read jokes, I am very strong."

   Omar raised his hand and patted Kim Hyun Tae's shoulder lightly, his original wretched face became serious and serious, but it made him look less wretched.

   Kim Hyun Tae did not intend to continue this depressive topic. He decided to talk about it on a different topic. After all, Kim Hyun Tae himself was not so comfortable with the infringement case.

   After all, this thing is as disgusting as stepping on a dog, isn’t it?

   "Omar, let's not talk about this uncomfortable topic. I ask you, how is the sales of the "Spider-Man" comic now, are you and Vincent a little strenuous?"

   Kim Hyun-tae asked about the comic book Spider-Man and transferred Omar from the infringement case. (To be continued.)