Rising America

Chapter 203: In court

The State High Court in Sacramento, the capital of California, opened again today. George and his team of lawyers with more than 20 people were solemn faces, sitting in their own positions, seemingly relaxed, but from their faces The expressions can be seen, little George and the others seem to be worried. ︾乐︾文︾小︾说|

   Yes, the situation has been very unfavorable for little George in the recent courts, so I don’t blame him and the lawyers for having such an expression on his face.

   But compared with other lawyers, although George Jr is very nervous, he is actually not like what he shows.

  The reason is very simple. He knows some information that no one knows, and understands that the reason for this situation now is entirely deliberately made by his father and his funder Annie.

   So, little George sitting there seems to be nervous, but in fact it is not the same thing at all.

   Compared to his companions, George Jr. is all just pretending, on the contrary, it is the other lawyers in his team that formed the lawyers. The tension is real.

   "George, the situation is very unfavorable for us now. If this continues, I think we will lose this lawsuit."

   Sitting next to Little George, a white man in his thirties, lowered his voice and told him his concerns.

Indeed, in the recent infringement case, the state court has opened five trials, but the other party has produced very'sufficient' evidence to prove that he did not infringe Jin Xiantai's intellectual rights and interests. At the same time, the other party's lawyer also claimed in court. In fact, the person who infringed the intellectual property rights should be Jin Xiantai.

   The evidence presented by the other party is very fake, but it is just some tampered information and forged related documents.

   But because of George’s ‘incompetence’, the opponent won steadily. It seemed that the opponent was already holding the winning ticket.

   With such a situation, some media will of course not be polite, and pieces of news that are very unfavorable to Kim Hyun-tae are written and reported. This greatly affected Kim Hyun Tae's personal reputation and at the same time brought him a lot of influence.

   Today, this is the sixth time the case has been heard in court, and the same opponent still looks arrogant. It looks really emboldened.

  The little George who knew the inside story was contemptuous in his heart, but he had to put on an upset and frustrated look on his face to paralyze his opponent, which really made him a little depressed.

   I heard the words of my companion. Little George nodded ‘satisfactorily’ and responded: "You’re right. If this unfavorable situation continues, we will really lose this lawsuit.

   But even so, we have to stick to it, and we absolutely cannot just give up. You and I can see the opponent's evidence, the fake is extremely inferior, but we have not yet been able to prove it.

  If you lose the lawsuit because of this, will you be convinced in your heart? Besides, there will be stains on our resumes, which I cannot tolerate, and I think you do too. "

   The white man next to Little George heard him say this. Then he pondered for a while before responding: "You are right. If I lose like this, I will be very unconvinced. But what can you do here to let us all regain our current disadvantage?"

   Faced with this question from his companion, George is difficult to answer.

   Although he knew this in his mind, he couldn't just tell others about such things, and he didn't want to let his father's plan fail because of this.

   So, little George can only show a helpless look on his face, and shook his head to his companion, saying that he has nothing to do here for the time being.

   "Open the court!"

   The judge, the clerk and others appeared. Everyone in the court stood up. Once the prelude to the trial was completed, the trial of the case was officially started.

   "As everyone knows, QQ instant messaging software. It was opened for download at the end of 2015, but the instant messaging software of the "xxxx" company was launched in January 2016..."

   After the trial, the little George first began to question their opponent and asked a very ‘critical’ question.

   And this question is unavoidable by the opponent. There is no way to fake it.

   It seems that this problem can be difficult for the other party, it is one's own killer.

  How about actually?

   "There is a reason. In fact, our company's instant messaging software is also going to be available for download in 2015, but we felt that the software was not perfect at the time, so we postponed this plan..."

   The other party’s lawyer introduced a software engineer from the company to answer this question as a ‘witness’, and the other party’s answer seemed reasonable.

   "For these, I have company documents to prove it."

   The relevant court personnel received the document from this ‘witness’ and delivered it to the judge.

  The case continued to be heard.

   [This company has already settled the matter at the Patent Office. Now my father and Annie are entrusting a friend to investigate this matter, but there is nothing more to say about this matter now. So I have to drag the opponent here, and let the opponent slowly fall into this trap.

   But the other party obviously seems to have some concerns. They have not come up with this killer feature all the time. It seems that they also understand that it is better to avoid mentioning things patented by the Patent Office as much as possible. Could it be that the other party is also afraid of showing off his feet here? 】

   Little George, sitting in his seat, had some guesses in his mind.

   In fact, he really hopes that the other party can mention this issue first.

   As long as the other party mentions this matter, then his father will have something to look forward to. With this matter, he can overthrow the other party at one time, and at the same time make a big incident, and even destroy his father's opponent in the election.

   This is a whole circle, it is definitely a very insidious strategy.

   As long as it can be successful, then the benefits for old George will be great.

   At the same time, it is also very good for the old George's camp, and it can also greatly attack the conservative camp.

   It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae needs to be sacrificed for this matter.

   At least for this time, Kim Hyun-tae needs to be wronged.

   However, as long as the final investigation is made at the Patent Office and the evidence is available, the stigma on Kim Hyun-tae will be cleared and he will win the lawsuit.

   As for the old George, he will definitely compensate Jin Xiantai.

   Besides, such an insidious plan. But Annie made it herself.

   So in the end, if the old George who has benefited is not giving Kim Hyuntae some benefit, he can't justify Annie's side, right?

   "You are a complete lie. Is there anything more fake than this kind of lie in this world? As long as a normal person should know a common sense. No one will believe your lies."

   In the little George’s team, the attorney in charge of the questioning laughed furiously and pointed at the ‘witness’ and said loudly.

   "I object!" The lawyer stood up and objected to his remarks.

   The judge looked at both sides. Then he said with a serious face: "The objection is effective. Ask the lawyer, please pay attention to your words."

   The opponent sat down triumphantly, and the faces of Little George's group became ugly.

   Of course, George is still acting, but his companions are really angry.

   The media behind the court trial scene ‘clicked’ and recorded the scene.

   "What I say is the truth, I swear to God, everything I say is true!"

   The Asian witness's face was not red and heartbeat, and his expression looked at the judge very sincerely. Then there was the lawyer who turned to questioning himself.

   It seems that there is no progress on this issue. The lawyer who interrogated was not discouraged. He started a new question.

"Then please explain why the instant messaging software developed by William always develops new functions earlier than yours, and the instant messaging software you develop is later than those developed by William. ?

   What makes us even more strange is that the functions on the instant software developed by your company are exactly the same as those on the software developed by William. Could you please explain? "


   This is another problem that the other party cannot avoid. And it keeps these people very entangled.

   Indeed, as counterfeiters, they can buy out Japanese officials from the Patent Office to help them with forging patent applications.

   But there are some things. Even if they are capable of reaching the sky, there is no way to change them.

   Like the QQ instant messaging software, there is a 24-hour global climate query function, as well as sending and receiving emails, and real-time viewing of stock dynamics.

   These functions are also used in the instant messaging software developed by this "xxxx" company. There is still an obvious problem here, that is, these functions on their instant messaging software, the online application is later than qq, or one day, or two days.

   Therefore, this can make people see some flaws and problems.

   And this kind of problem is always something they cannot change.

   After all, they are just imitating and copycats, not creating developers.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai is also a good monkey. He did not develop all the functions of QQ, but squeezed out a little bit like toothpaste~lightnovelpub.net~ Otherwise, it will all be given by the other party. Pirated copies of the past, so the loss can be large.

   It is precisely because of this that Kim Hyun-tae has saved a lot of interests, which he did not expect.

   And the so-called ‘witness’ in the court became a bit agitated when asked about this.

   "Because this boy named William shamefully bought out our company's program developers with money and bought our development plan from this company traitor..."

  , can you still be shameless?

   Can such a lie come out?

   Little George was completely stunned.

   What made George even more surprised was that when the witness had finished speaking, the lawyer of the other party actually petitioned the judge to let another witness appear in court.

   And this new witness is the guy who was bought by William.

   Little George was completely speechless, and he didn't expect the other party to cheat to such an extent for this lawsuit.

   But then little George sneered in his heart.

  【You go crazy, the more so-called evidence and witnesses show now, the more miserable you will lose by then, and it will depend on how you end up! 】(To be continued.)

