Rising America

Chapter 205: That's it

What kind of soul has been destroyed, what has been hit by yourself, these are actually messed up, in fact, Omar is only to have a big meal, so that he will make such a funny look and say so. That's it.

   And Kim Hyun Tae can be regarded as seeing through Omar’s careful thoughts.

   But even if Jin Xiantai sees through Omar's thoughts, he does not intend to expose anything. After all, Omar is such a virtue. With his cheeky, even if you expose him, nothing will change.

   So Jin Xiantai nodded, "Good! Good! Good! I will treat you to a big meal tonight, and your belly will explode when you eat it. By the way, we will be called Shengsen by the way."

   Please eat. How much can this cost? Even if Omar can eat, his stomach is so big, is it possible that he can eat for another day?

   It’s impossible to think about it, right.

   So, Kim Hyun-tae felt that there was nothing to ask Omar for dinner.

   Of course, he did not forget to let Omar call Wensen, another member of this ‘fraternity’ to participate.

   Omar walked over with a smile at this time, and took Jin Xiantai's shoulders with a shameless smile on his face.

   "Haha, I know that William, you are very interesting, thank you for your willingness to invite me to a big dinner, so can I make a small request?"

   Does this count as putting a face on the nose?

   Looking at Omar’s wretched smile, Kim Hyun-tae really wanted to twist his face so hard.

   But he still resisted the thought and didn't really do it.

   "Go ahead, what do you want?"

   Kim Hyun Tae rolled his eyes and asked Omar to tell his little request.

   Omar licked his dry lips, and it was rare that he was embarrassed, which made Kim Hyun-tae seem a little ‘surprised’.


   Omar is actually embarrassed, but this is the sun coming out from the west.

   "Hey, after having a big meal in the evening, can you take me and Vincent to the nightclub to see and see? Vincent and I have not been to play yet, how about it. William, can you please satisfy my wish?"

   Omar said his little request, and then looked at Jin Xiantai in expectation with his eyes, which looked like a puppy who wanted bones.

   "Minors can't go in, right?"

   After hearing Omar’s little request, Kim Hyun-tae was really helpless to the extreme. At the same time, I thought of a very critical question.

   Speaking of it, it’s not impossible to take Omar and Vincent to the nightclub by yourself. Anyway, my daughter Coco is not at home today, and I have a lot of time.

   is only a nightclub in the United States, you cannot enter without an ID card.

   Especially if you have not reached the age of 18. You don't even buy wine from others.

   That’s right, in this time and space in the United States, you have to be 18 years old to enter nightclubs and other places and go to convenience stores to buy alcohol.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he seemed unable to meet Omar’s small expectations.

   "I turned 18 yesterday, look!"

   Just when Kim Hyun Tae was very fortunate, Omar took out his ID card from his pocket and shook it before his eyes.

I go!

   So this guy came here prepared.

   And Jin Xiantai only now knows that Omar is already 18 years old. One year older than the age on your ID card.

   "Hey, I'm over 18 years old, so it doesn't matter to go to these places."

   Omar smiled wretchedly, God knows why he always smiles so wretched.

   "Don't worry about Vincent, he is also eighteen years old, even half a month earlier than me."

   Then, Omar also told Jin Xiantai about the fact that Vincent was 18 years old.

   "Omar, you know what. I'm only 17 years old this year."


  Oma, who was originally grinning, became petrified after hearing Kim Hyun Tae's words.

Seeing Omar’s weird look, Kim Hyun-tae was amused, and then patted him on his shoulder with sympathy, "There is no way. You can't let me pay to take you to the nightclub, but I stay outside alone. Go ahead."

   Indeed, Kim Hyun-tae, who is under 18 on his ID card, cannot enter the nightclub.

   But when they were allowed to enter with Mr. Nat, it was mainly because of Mr. Nat and the others that they were allowed to enter by exception.

   But you want him to go to the nightclub with Omar and Vincent. This is not so easy.

   Omar and Vincent can go in and play, but Kim Hyun-tae can't help but...

   So, what Kim Hyun-tae said is correct, Omar and Vincent can’t go in and play, let Kim Hyun-tae be left alone.

   Kim Hyun-tae thought that by saying this, Omar obviously should give up.

  Unexpectedly, Omar came back alive after being petrified for a while and said to him: "It doesn't matter, I know a nightclub, you can go in if you are under 18 years old."

   Jin Xiantai's forehead is full of black lines, he can see it, Omar, this teaser, must go to the nightclub today.

   "Why do you have to go to that place today, Omagh, I don't think you are right."

   Omar is a little abnormal today, which makes Kim Hyun-tae think that there is an unknown reason.

"I just want to take a look. There is really no other reason besides this." Omar gave Kim Hyun Tae such an answer, but Kim Hyun Tae didn't believe it very much, but Omar said so, and he did not. It's easy to understand, so I suppressed the doubt in my heart.

   "Well, I'll take you and Vincent to have a look at night, but we can't be foolish."

   Kim Hyun-tae gave Omar a vaccination in advance, which saves him any trouble.

   "Don't worry, Vincent and I are just going to open our eyes and won't cause trouble. And the nightclub I'm going to take you to will definitely not be a security problem, just rest assured."

   In this way, Jin Xiantai and Omar left the locker room, returned to the classroom, took their schoolbags, and left the high school building.

  The physical education class is originally the last class in the afternoon, so school can be dismissed when the physical education class is over.

   It’s just that after school here in the United States, many students stay for credits and participate in various club activities, so there are still many students in the college.

   Unfortunately, these have nothing to do with Kim Hyun Tae and Omar.

   Vincent had been waiting at the school gate early, and he saw Omar and Kim Hyun Tae walking over. He waved his arm and greeted two people loudly.

   "Hi! William, Omar, here I am!"

   Vincent is still so white and fat. A simple fat T-shirt, jeans, and a black jacket with a hat, this is nothing surprising about the dress of most American high school students.

   "Vincent, why do you look fat again."

   Kim Hyun Tae smiled and walked over and teased him.

   "Manga makes money. I can buy a lot of snacks, so it’s not surprising that I get a little fatter, thanks to you."

   Vincent opened his arms and hugged Kim Hyun Tae, and then responded to his ridicule.

   At this time, Omar interjected and said to Vincent: "William has promised. He is a rich man who is willing to invite us to a big meal, and then go to the nightclub to open our eyes at night, how about? Are you happy or not?"

   When Omar said this, Vincent's eyes lit up.

   "Wow! I'm so happy."

   Okay, it turns out that the two bad friends have colluded in this matter.

   Kim Hyun Tae came to understand at this time.

   "Omar. Which nightclub do you take us to tonight?"

   Vincent turned to ask Omar.

Omar said to Vincent: "William is only 17 years old, so there is a little trouble here, but I can solve it. I am going to take you to a nightclub near my house. I know people everywhere, so even if you are under age play."

Vincent, who also grew up in the poor area, had no resistance to the Fast Compton area where Omaga is located. He was just worried that Kim Hyun-tae would not be comfortable with it, so he opened his mouth and said, "Does Omar have nothing to do? Know where you are. But the black community, the two of us are going..."

indeed. Although the United States advertises equality and freedom, in reality there are still big problems.

   Kim Hyun-tae is Asian and Vincent is white. He went to the black community at Compton Omar’s. This is very insecure.

   You should know that not all black people are so friendly, especially Compton, which is a famous gang-run area.

   Omar patted his chest and assured Vincent and Kim Hyun Tae.

"It's okay, leave everything to me, as long as you follow me. I promise you will not have any problems and have a nice evening. Our black girls are very enthusiastic. And my brother is very famous in the local area, so it is safe You don’t need to worry about the above issues."

   Oh yes, Omar once said that his brother is a gang member.

   Obviously it is precisely for this reason that he is so confident.

  Although Omar himself doesn't have a cold with gangsters, at this time he doesn't prevent him from using his brother's name.

   "In this case, I have nothing to worry about, but what about your daughter, William?"

   Vincent considered the question ~lightnovelpub.net~ is more mature than Omar, so only he asked about Cocoa.

   When Vincent mentioned Kim Hyun Tae’s daughter Coco, Omar also thought of such a question.

   "Gosh, I actually ignored this question, what should Coco do? If you go out to play with us at night, what should Coco do."

   Omar, who finally remembered this question, showed a very regretful look on his face. He regretted his carelessness.

   Because in Omar’s opinion, no matter what, you can’t leave Coco alone alone for yourself. This is wrong.

"Cocoa is in Laguna County, and the orphanage has been built. The former partners have moved in. They like my daughter very much, so Coco was left by me to take care of them for a few days, which means I am today. be free."

   "Hurrah! Hurrah! There is no problem now!"

   Kim Hyun-tae said so, Omar suddenly cheered.

   And Kim Hyun-tae secretly asked Vincent: "You tell me, why do you two have to ask me to treat you to a big meal and go to the nightclub?"

Vincent quickly glanced at Omar who was still in excitement, lowered his voice and replied: "Actually Omar is about to transfer to another school. Today may be his last day in the academy. He hopes to leave a memory, and with his brothers The members of the club are you and me going crazy."

  What, Omar is going to transfer school? (To be continued.)