Rising America

Chapter 207: Compton South Central

   After eating the buffet dinner, Jin Xiantai used his pickup truck and drove three people with Vincent and Omar to the South Central District of Compton, an area full of blacks.

   Following the highway that crosses the center of Los Angeles all the way south, after passing South Gate and Pick Rivera, Kim Hyun Tae and the others drove into the Compton area.

   After the car entered the Compton area, Kim Hyun-tae could feel the difference between this area and other areas in Los Angeles.

   are basically American-style independent bungalow buildings. Two-storey independent houses rarely appear. Most of the people who haunt the streets are black-skinned blacks.

   These black people walking on the street are all hungry, wearing large sportswear or T-shirts, a very hip-hop outfit, and there are countless homeless people on the street, and the street looks a bit dirty.

   It’s not like Santa Monica, or Chino Hills or even other parts of Los Angeles. It feels very rundown and messy.

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't know what Compton was like in another time and space.

   But what Compton is like in this time and space, he can now be regarded as an insight.

   It can be said that the environment here in Compton is even more unbearable than the Chinese ghetto where he and his daughter had just traveled through time and space in order to settle down.

   This is just entering the Compton area, and it has already made Jin Xiantai feel deeply.

   Following the guidance of Omagh, Kim Hyun-tae only needed to go deep into this area while driving his car, and he also learned more about the environment in this area.

   Through the commercial area of ​​Compton, the car drove onto the community street.

   As soon as you enter the community, you will see Jin Xiantai on the corner of the community street, that is, on the edge of the community entrance. One or more black people sitting on beach chairs are watching the surrounding movement vigilantly.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai is no longer a novice, unlike when he just crossed to the United States, he didn't understand anything.

   Therefore, he knows very well that these people are some criminal gangs who let go. According to the US, they are "eyes."

   Basically. On both sides and middle of the streets in the community, wherever there are intersections, you can see such guys appear.

   At the same time, there are black teenagers in the community who wear hip-hop costumes and carry weapons with bulging waists. They are very unscrupulous in groups.

   Vincent is a little nervous, because he is white, and black Americans are not so friendly to whites, so it is normal for boys to be nervous.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not as nervous as Vincent, but at this moment his heart is also slightly raised.

   Although I am not white. But it is not difficult to guarantee that these guys will not bully the Chinese.

   You must know that in the United States, the black crime rate is very high. If they want to, they don’t care what ethnicity you are.

   It is Omar who has been comforting Vincent and Kim Hyun Tae who is driving.

"Guys, don't be so nervous, there is nothing wrong with me. If you come to Compton by yourself, of course there will be some troubles, and even safety is not guaranteed. But now there is me, and there is me, right? "

   Yes, Omar is black, so when problems and troubles arise, he can solve them.

   It is for this reason that Vincent and Kim Hyun Tae came to Compton with him. Otherwise, Vincent and Kim Hyun Tae would not enter such an area anyway.

   "Will you be able to live here? Don't get into trouble, you are not good at all."

   Vincent's white and fat face was pale, showing how scared the boy was at this time.

   It's that Kim Hyun Tae's performance is much better than Vincent. Not so unbearable.

   "Vincent, you look at William, you are looking at you. There are also many gangs in your neighborhood, and the public security environment is not so good. It stands to reason that you should be used to it."

   Omar is so unbearable for his friends. Obviously a little dissatisfied.

   Vincent was almost crying at this time. He looked at Omar with a bitter expression and said to him, "You are right, but this is a black area."

   Omar rolled his eyes when he heard this, and was completely speechless.

   At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were more young people on the streets than during the day. At the same time, these young people on the streets do not look like good people.

   Although it is wrong to judge people by their appearance, Kim Hyun-tae still thinks so unconsciously.

   The car moved steadily on the street in the community. Omar showed Jin Xiantai the way and asked him to follow his instructions.

   Jin Xiantai is of Chinese descent and is responsible for driving the vehicle, so those black teenagers walking on the street can easily see his appearance.

   Therefore, some black teenagers on the street began to point fingers at the three people in the passing car, and at the same time they made very unbearable gestures, and even shouted some unpleasant words.

   "Don't worry about them, don't stop, just keep driving forward."

   Omar gave Jin Xiantai seriously, then leaned out of the car window and raised his **** at the young people.

  Perhaps because Omar is black, the black teenagers lost interest when they met.

   Omar, who sat back again, smiled and said to Kim Hyun-tae and Vincent: “This is just a small episode, I hope it doesn’t affect your mood. We can go crazy in a while. There will be many beautiful sisters in that nightclub.”

   When he mentioned his beautiful sister, Jin Xiantai glanced at Omar quickly, and he found that Omar’s eyes were glowing.

   Although Vincent seemed a little shy, this white and fat guy seemed to be full of expectations.

   smiled bitterly in his heart, and Kim Hyun-tae thought to himself [adolescent boy, it seems that I always think of girls in my mind].

   At the same time, Jin Xiantai recalled how he was at his age in another time and space in his previous life.

   At the beginning, he was not like Omar and Vincent. He was always thinking about girls every day, but thinking about how to make money every day. There was no time to think about such things.

   In his previous life, he was also an orphan, and his living condition was very poor.

   In order to fill his stomach, he can only open his eyes and work hard to make money every day, so how can he have time to think about women?

   That is, relying on advantages in this life, he can be regarded as getting rid of the economic shackles and can lead a carefree life.

   But because of the existence of his daughter, he still can't do the same. Think of women like Omar and Vincent.

   Speaking of Kim Hyun Tae, maybe he has no love for women.

   But to really say that he has no female affinity, it seems that this is not quite right.

   After all, there are several girls who have a crush on him now, such as Yang Weiwei, who has returned to China, and Demi, who is about to go to Japan with her family. The three girls Selena, who ‘lived together in the San Juan Convent’, all have a crush on him.

   This is not too far away in New York. She is pregnant with Kim Hyun Tae's blood, and she is also the twins of Bai Fumei Annie.

   If you count Annie, behind Kim Hyun Tae. There are at least four female fate.

   It's just that Kim Hyun Tae doesn't have any thoughts in this regard, so the relationship between the three girls is just wasted right now, and the more mature Annie knows Kim Hyun Tae better, so she doesn't plan to have a showdown with Kim Hyun Tae.

  So that Jin Xiantai doesn't know what kind of involvement the four women have with him.

   I have to say that Kim Hyun-tae is really numb in terms of feelings.

   The car drove for another five minutes or so, and finally, under the guidance of Omar, stopped in front of the gate of an abandoned factory building.

   A building made of red bricks, two tall black men stood at the door. There are no signs, no bright neon lights, but on the street at the gate, there are people coming and going, and there are many luxury cars.

  Lengthened Lincoln, Mercedes-Benz supercars and other valuable cars can be seen here.

   A black man wearing a thick fur coat, a top hat and smoking a cigar entered through the gate, hugging two black beauties.

   "Wow! Isn't he hot in a fur coat in this weather?"

   After parking the car. Vincent, who got out of the car, saw this scene and made a small complaint to Jin Xiantai and Omar.

   Kim Hyun-tae also agrees with Vincent's complaints.

   The temperature in Los Angeles in March is already very hot, although it cannot be compared with summer. But this season is really enough to wear fur coats, OK?

   Anyway, if you make Kim Hyun-tae wear this, he can’t do it.

   It was Omar's face that he was accustomed to. When he looked at Kim Hyun Tae and Vincent, he showed his eyes.

   "We black upstarts are dressed like this, and the people who wear this dress are either hip-hop singers or du merchandisers. In short, they dress up like this to advertise that they are rich."


   I must admit that the taste of blacks is indeed a bit heavy, but I can't accept it anyway.

   After hearing Omar’s explanation, Jin Xiantai muttered silently in his heart.

   Kim Hyun Tae’s pickup truck cost thousands of dollars. This kind of car is not too public here, and even looks a bit rustic.

Therefore, it did not attract much attention~lightnovelpub.net~ In addition to him, Vincent and Omar, they were just kiddies at first sight, so the people on the street who were going to enter the nightclubs didn’t. Will pay attention to the little kid trio.

  Especially the black beauty that Omar said, even the corners of his eyes would not be placed on the three of them.

   I have to mention here that the black girl paper is very realistic.

  The trio of little kids is a cashless stuff, so those black girls won't waste their energy for them.

   "Go! We are going to have a crazy night today, William pays!"

   Omar, this guy said nicely, but at the end he had to add an explanation.

   In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae was very dumbfounded.

   "William, don't think we don't know, your daughter won the lottery, right!"

   "Yeah, William, the super big prize, 6.4 billion dollars."

   "Ok, ok, I will pay the bill tonight, no problem, don't mention it again, and I want to explain that it belongs to my daughter, and the bonus is also hers. It has nothing to do with me, you know."

  As they walked towards the gate, Omar and Vincent sang and raised the lottery prize in a very low voice, so that Jin Xiantai could recognize the situation and treat him.

  What can Kim Hyun Tae say about this.

  Please...(To be continued.)