Rising America

Chapter 208: Hello

I squeezed $100 into the doorman and easily mixed into this black nightclub. When I entered Jin Xiantai and looked around, it was full of black people, and he and Vincent became a rare ‘species’.

Fortunately, the men and women in the nightclub only glanced at the three of them at most, then turned their gazes and stopped looking at them, which made Jin Xiantai relieved.

"Come here, let's go to the deck."

Omarhou anxiously greeted Jin Xiantai and Vincent, and walked towards the dance floor. Under his leadership, the three of them came to a sofa area in the corner and sat down.

Nightclubs in the United States rarely have boxes or anything, at most they are so-called ‘seat seats’ made up of sofas, which are somewhat different from China.

"What shall we drink? Cocktails, beer?"

After sitting down, Omar asked his friends what to drink.

Kim Hyun-tae doesn't like drinking, but today is an exception, because Vincent said that Omar is about to transfer and leave, so he had to make an exception today.


Vincent looked like a curious baby, because it was the first time he came to this kind of place, so he looked very earthy.

"Everything, cocktails, beer, and others."

Looking at the appearance of Vincent's turtle, Omar and Kim Hyun Tae both laughed and teased him.

"Vincent, are you from the country!"

"Baby Vincent, you drank too much today. Mommy will spank when you go home."

Facing the ridicule from his peers, Vincent remained unmoved.

"I just want to have a good drink. It's the first time I come to a nightclub. I don't know if I will have another chance in the future. More importantly, this is William's treat, so I want to drink enough!"


Dare to love it for this reason.

The corner of Kim Hyun Tae's mouth twitched.

Omar smiled and called the waiter and asked him to get a dozen beer. I ordered three rainbow cocktails, a bottle of Royal Salute, and some snacks and fruits.

After the waiter left. Omar said to Vincent and Kim Hyun-tae: "Look at what girls like. We can invite them to come and sit together. The rest depends on your own skills."

Jin Xiantai shook his head when he heard the words: "I'm not interested in this. Just have fun with Vincent."

Vincent started talking shyly, "Wait a while, wait a while, I'll brew it first."

Looking at the reaction of the two companions, Omar sighed with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Hey! You two guys, what should I say?

William, are you gay? Don't you have any interest in girls? Or are you planning to stay single for the rest of your life with your daughter?

Of course, I don’t think you’re doing this wrong. After all, cute little cocoa is the most important to you. But you are a normal man, there will always be physiological needs, right? "

Then Omar looked at Vincent and said, "You guy is still a chu guy, don’t explain, as a friend I don’t know why. Today is a good opportunity for you to leave the chu guy status, take it, don’t miss it. ."

At this time, Kim Hyun Tae laughed ‘pouch’.

Because he remembered the scene when he first met Vincent.


Yes, Vincent was alone in the room of the Academy Brotherhood at the time, when he and Omar walked in. This guy didn't have time to put on his pants, his white ass.

"What are you laughing at!? Am I wrong?"

Omar thought that Kim Hyun Tae was laughing at himself, so he looked at him and asked with an angry look.

Kim Hyun Tae waved his hand quickly. He explained with a smile: "No, no, I just thought of the appearance of Vincent without pants when he first saw him."


So this is ah.

After Kim Hyun Tae mentioned that, Omar also remembered the scene at that time.

"God, can you forget about this? This is simply a nightmare that I will never forget in my life, please."

Vincent lowered his head and covered his face with his hands, this matter was for him. It is really a dark history that cannot bear to look back.

Omar raised his hand with a wretched smile and gently patted Vincent on the shoulder, jokingly said: "Boys. It's normal to have physical needs, but we happened to see it. Don't care too much."

"Can I not care! Try to get you seen!" Vincent retorted, covering his face.

It can be seen that this is already Vincent's heart knot.

Omar ignored Vincent's rebuttal, but turned to look at Kim Hyun Tae.

"I said William, how did you solve your physical needs? Is it possible that you are the same as Vincent... Uh... Uh... yourself?"

Omar made a very wretched gesture and action. How could Kim Hyun Tae not understand the meaning.

It is normal for boys to talk about these things in private, especially for American boys.

So although Kim Hyun-tae was a bit shy, he still pretended to be calm and replied, “I don’t have the urge to do this for the time being, but I think if there is one, I might be the same as Vincent.”

Omar curled his lips when he heard the words, with an expression of ‘I don’t believe’.

However, Omar was adequate and did not continue to question.

"No matter what you two think, it's an opportunity tonight anyway. There are many beautiful sisters here. It's up to you how you grasp it."

In the face of two friends, Omar didn't bother to waste his tongue. He was ready to start his own actions and find a girl to try.

At this time, the music in the venue is still slow, not so intense.

Men and women, all in this kind of soothing music, gathered in front of the bar counter, drinking and chatting, while the single girls scanned the crowd, looking for the one they liked.

"Brothers, I'm going to start."

The two good friends were not open to their knowledge, which made Omar very helpless. He was ready to use practical actions to inspire good friends, so he stood up and prepared to go.

After Omar left, Jin Xiantae looked at Vincent and asked, "Aren't you going to try it? In fact, black girls have very good skin, and they may give you a very different feeling. You should try it boldly."

Vincent looked at Kim Hyun-tae: "It sounds like you have a lot of experience. Have you ever dated a black girl?"

"I haven't dated, but I have read many articles on the Internet. They all say that." Jin Xiantai reacted quickly, pretending that this is information from the Internet.

In fact, he is right to say so. He did read such an article on the Internet in his previous life, saying that black girls have better skin.

Vincent looked tangled. It seemed that he was fighting fiercely in his heart at this time.

Do you want to have the courage to give it a try?

Kim Hyun Tae narrated Vincent in his heart.

"Okay! I'll try it!"

In the end, the victory gave Vincent the courage.

After Omar, Vincent also stood up and walked in the direction of the bar. He was going to come back with a black sister.

Omar and Vincent left one after another, leaving Jin Xiantai alone on the deck.

At this time, the waiter brought up all the drinks and snacks ordered earlier. Jin Xiantai sat down at the deck to eat and drink very leisurely.

Jin Xiantai is not interested in picking up girls at all. The reason why he came to this place today is mainly because Omar wants to transfer to another school.

After all, Omar is a friend. Since he is about to transfer school, it is right to be crazy with him in the last days, right?

However, Kim Hyun Tae has not asked Omar.

But Vincent told himself this thing, it was enough.

Omar doesn't want to say, so he won't ask for the time being.

If you want to come to Omar, you may feel a little sad about it.

Over time. The music in the field gradually became more intense.

Some drunken men and women began to slowly step onto the dance floor and shake their bodies.

Omar and Vincent walked back dejected at this time, and it seemed that they didn't succeed.

"Why. No girl wants to come and sit down?"

Seeing the two dejected friends come back, Jin Xiantai joked funny.

"Don't mention it, those girls said they were not interested in me."

"I was threatened by the girl's boyfriend."


Kim Hyun Tae felt amused.

"Come here, we just drink."

Jin Xiantai picked up a bottle of beer and motioned to Omar and Vincent.

Since they didn't get a girl, Omar and Vincent had to drink with Jin Xiantai.

The three raised the beer and touched it lightly, and then each drew off the beer in their hands.

"I'm not convinced, I'll try it later, I can't get a girl."

Omar is brooding about this. It seems that he is not reconciled to not having a girl today.

Vincent completely dispelled the idea of ​​picking up girls. He was threatened by girls and boys just now. But it scared him to death.

It was a very strong black man, and it was frightening to look at his arm.

Vincent could not imagine. The consequence of that fist hit his chubby face.

So, he shrank on the sofa, picked up a bottle of beer, and said to Omar: "I don't want to pick up girls anymore. Go by yourself. I'll just drink tonight."

Jin Hyun Tae moved his eyes away from his friends and turned to the center of the dance floor.

To be honest, black girls have no body, but there are also girls who are full of flesh, which is very disgusting.

Especially this kind of girl is still very confident, constantly shaking her waist on the dance floor, making her body tremble, the scene is simply too beautiful.

At this moment, a black girl with short hair, big eyes, wearing bright pink lipstick, about ten* years old, very slender and beautiful, came to the three-person deck. Stared at Kim Hyun Tae for a while.

"Are you William King?"


Can you meet someone who knows you here?


Omar made a bitter look amused.

"Oh my god, we can't pick up girls, and William sits here and does nothing. There is a girl who comes to him. It's just unreasonable!"

It's a pity that the girl and Kim Hyun Tae didn't bother Omar, who started to play the game.

Nodded: "Hello, I am William."

After getting the affirmative answer from Jin Xiantai, the girl's face showed a very surprised look, and then walked over and sat beside Jin Xiantai.

"Hello, my name is Huini Houston. I follow you on Facebook and Twitter. I am a fan of you."

Ha, it turned out to be a fan on Facebook and Twitter.

"Fortunately, thank you for your attention." Jin Xiantai was polite and shook hands with the girl.

The girl's expression was very excited, and she was really excited.

"You are really handsome, much more handsome than the photos you posted. Many sisters and I like you very much. I want to tell you that you are my prince charming."

Oh, bold black sister, very hot and very enthusiastic and active.

This is different from Yang Weiwei and the white girl Demi.

At this time, Omar looked resentful and did it by Vincent's side ~lightnovelpub.net~ like a resentful woman.

"I'm very happy when you say that, and I'm really grateful at the same time."

It has been more than a year since I came to the United States, and Kim Hyun-tae still knows how to deal with this situation.

When the girl said that, Jin Xiantai wanted to express her gratitude, which was nothing.

This girl named Huini Houston looked at Jin Xiantai with big eyes unblinking, as if she wanted to see him in her own eyes.

"I sent you a private video, I don’t know if you have watched it? I want to tell you, I’m actually not a casual girl, but I really like you, so I made the most daring behavior in 18 years. , I hope you will not have a bad impression of me, which will affect your judgment of my character."

Just when Jin Xiantai's face was hot when she was staring at the girl, the girl suddenly broke out something that shocked Jin Xiantai's snack.

What, did you send me a private video? (To be continued.)

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