Rising America

Chapter 209: Only 48 million?

   Okay, Kim Hyun-tae needs to admit that he really thought wrong.

   This black girl named Whitney Houston indeed sent a private video to her Facebook Twitter, but the content of the video is far from what he thought.

   Most of the private videos sent by girls to Kim Hyun-tae are more or less pink and ambiguous and even provocative, but the private videos of this black girl are not like that, not even at all.

   Because Omar and Vincent both drank too much, Kim Hyun-tae had to end the nightclub activities, and left the nightclub with the crooked Vincent and Omar.

   These two guys constantly shuttled on the dance floor, looking for their goals. Unfortunately, the two of them were not very lucky, and there was no girl willing to talk to them.

   And Kim Hyun-tae discovered at the time that some men in the nightclub had begun to look at them a little badly.

   aware of this situation, Jin Xiantai made a decisive decision to end the carnival tonight and left with Omar and Vincent.

   Speaking of it, his decision was actually quite wise.

   If we continue to let Vincent and Omar go on like this, God knows what kind of trouble it will cause.

   Kim Hyun-tae used to hold two drunks alone, but it would not be so easy, but thanks to his strength, it is not so difficult to deal with two soft guys.

   Before leaving the nightclub, Kim Hyun-tae also said goodbye to the black girl named Whitney Houston and exchanged her mobile phone numbers.

In this way, Kim Hyun-tae, who left the nightclub, threw the drunk Omar and Vincent onto his pickup truck, got into the driving seat, started the car, and left the nightclub area until he drove out of the Compton area. Jin Xiantai's hanging heart was considered let go.

   While passing a commercial area near Chino Hills, Kim Hyun-tae parked his car in front of a fast food restaurant. This is a shop that sells tacos. There is a gas station and a convenience store nearby.

   Omar and Vincent are already in a mess. Jin Xiantai didn't know where Omar and Vincent were, so he couldn't send them home, so he needed to think about where he would settle the two guys tonight.

   As for the idea of ​​taking the two back to their rented home. Jin Xiantai has never risked it at all, because he is not used to outsiders spending the night in his own home.

   Well, this is a little bit of personal hygiene.

   At this time when considering how to place Omar and Vincent, Jin Xiantai took out the contract mobile phone that was still in use from his pocket, opened the Internet and logged in to his Facebook Twitter account. Entered his personal page.

   After searching, Kim Hyun-tae found the black girl named Hui Ni and sent herself a private video.

   With some anxiety in his arms, opening this video screen, Kim Hyun Tae thought he would see some popular content again, but in the end he discovered that it was just a video of a girl playing love songs with her guitar.

   The voice of the black girl is very good, the high notes are easy to sing, and the whole song has a strong blues style, which makes it easy for people to fall into it after listening to it, and the girl sings very playfully.

   The moment I saw you. A rainbow appeared before my eyes.

   I know, you are the boy I am looking for.

   Yes, this is the boy I am looking for.

   The heartbeat cannot be restrained from accelerating, and my face is hot.

   I know, you are the one I am looking for.

   The **** of luck has taken care of me, I am the happiest girl.

   Oh, I can’t suppress my feelings.

   I want to sing to you what I think...

   Black girls have always been known for being bold and hot, and their characters are even more bold and enthusiasm than white girls, and Kim Hyun-tae can be regarded as an instructor this time.

   This video is actually no different from a confession, this is just a love song.

honestly. The old man Jin Xiantai's two lives combined, this is the first time that a girl sings a love song to himself, this experience makes him feel a little fresh.

   The black girl Huini is very beautiful with a delicate face. And the figure is tall, the place that should be plump is also very plump, unlike most black girls, there will be a lot of fat on their bodies.

   If you want to give her a score, she can definitely get 98 points.

   Unfortunately, Kim Hyun Tae doesn't have that kind of thought at all.

   And he's not the kind of person to come here indiscriminately.

honestly. Just what Huini’s video reveals is that if Jin Xiantai wants to call the phone number left by the other party to ask the girl to come out, it’s okay to spend a couple of months of friendship.

   But Kim Hyun Tae is not such a shameless person, he would not do such a thing.

Turning off the video screen, logging out of his Facebook Twitter account, and putting the phone back in his pants pocket, Kim Hyun-tae didn't have any silly thoughts in his mind. He just thought that the girl was singing really well, and she felt that The development of the music route should be very promising.

   Vincent and Omar snoring in the back row, pulling Jin Xiantai back into reality.

   Looking back at the two drunk friends who had become a puddle of mud, Kim Hyun Tae smiled bitterly.

   Hi, it seems that tonight, I am going to find a small hotel for my two friends.

   Soon, Kim Hyun Tae had a decision.

   Turned on the car navigation facility, checked the map, and looked for any hotel in the nearest place, and finally found one.

  Good Le!

   Now that I found the target, what are you waiting for?

About ten minutes’ drive away, Jin Xiantai came to the gate of a motel. He then got out of the car and used Omar’s and Vincent’s ID cards to check in. Then he paid the room fee and deposit, and threw the two guys into the room. After leaving a note, he left the small hotel.

   After Omar and Vincent were set up, Jin Xiantai checked the time. It was already 23:00 and it was almost midnight.

   After seeing the time, Kim Hyun-tae shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   Originally, Omar and Vincent were going to play all night, but unfortunately the two guys didn't work well. It was less than 24 o'clock in the middle of the night that they became so drunk that they couldn't play anymore.

   But that's okay, Kim Hyun-tae felt that he could go home earlier to rest, after all, he had to go to school the next day.

   Anyway, Omar and Vincent were both placed in this motel. There is no need to worry too much about safety, so Jin Xiantai started to drive home without worry.

   There are not many pedestrians on the streets of Los Angeles at midnight. Unless it is some prosperous commercial area, and because of time, there are not many vehicles on the street now, so there is no need to worry about traffic jams. Kim Hyun-tae drove smoothly along the way.

   Jin Xiantai didn't drink much tonight, at most two bottles of beer, but he still seemed very careful, for fear of encountering a car inspection, after all, he drank alcohol.

   Fortunately, he is lucky. This situation did not happen, until he arrived at the door of his home in Santa Monica Beach, when he was relieved.

   Parked the car at the door of the house, Jin Hyuntai locked the door, walked up the steps of the porch, took out the key to open the door and walked into the house.

   The home seemed a bit empty. The daughter was not at home, so the home was a bit deserted, which made Jin Xiantai a little uncomfortable.

   took off his coat and hung it on the hanger on the wall beside the door, then took off his canvas shoes and Jin Xiantai walked into the living room. Came to the place where the landline phone was placed.

   dialed Qiao'an's phone number, and Kim Hyun-tae was going to ask about her daughter.

   Although it was almost 24 o'clock at this time, Kim Hyun-tae still felt that he should ask to be relieved.

   When I received the call from Kim Hyun Tae, Qiao An had just taken a shower, wearing a pajamas with a mask on his face, sitting in front of his laptop, and was doing the income form of the foreign agent of Kim Hyun Tae's novel.

   "Joan, I'm sorry to call you so late, can you tell me about Cocoa's performance today?"

   After answering the call, Qiao An suddenly understood that this was his little boss. I am worried about my daughter's call.

  Think about it, anyway, I don't have anyone now, and I can't talk about any interruptions, so Qiao An doesn't have any dissatisfaction.

   After all, she is a life assistant, which was clear to Annie at the beginning.

  Don't say call in the middle of the night. Even if it was three or four in the morning, she would pick it up immediately and deal with the problem.

   With this understanding, Qiao An quickly said to Kim Hyun-tae, “Don’t be so polite to my boss. I usually don’t take a break so early. After all, I have to be worthy of you for paying me such a high salary, right?

   Your daughter had a great time today. I can see that the children in Dream Castle like her very much, as if she is the little princess here.

I contacted Dave during the day. The foreign publishing income of your novels has been settled, and it has been entered into the California Press. I got the income details~lightnovelpub.net~ and I am making a form now. , I originally planned to talk to you about this tomorrow, but since you are calling now, I think it's better to talk to you now. "

   The foreign agency sales of novels have been settled, which is really good news for Kim Hyun Tae.

   Because this allows him to have a large amount of income into the account, how can it be a bad thing.

   Don't think Jin Xiantai is rich now, but his money is now invested in the black hole fund, and there is no money in the bank account.

   Now he has more than twenty thousand dollars in cash.

   The arrival of this income can be regarded as timely rain, and it can alleviate his current "poverty" situation.

   So when Kim Hyun-tae heard Qiao An mention this, he immediately asked: "Oh, isn't it? How much is this income?"

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't want to know so much detail, he just knew the total.

   Qiao An understood, looked at the information on the computer screen in front of him, and then told Jin Xiantai: "Foreign royalties are all tax deducted, plus the domestic tax deduction, your income is 48 million US dollars."

  , only 48 million! How come there are so few! ?

   After knowing the exact amount from Qiao An, Kim Hyun-tae was a little surprised, knowing that he has great expectations for the publication of foreign novels.

   But this fact now disappoints him very much. (To be continued.)