Rising America

Chapter 210: gloat

  According to Kim Hyun Tae’s original idea, publishers from European and Asian countries have represented their own novels and fairy tales, and they will not sell too badly.

   But he never imagined that after the settlement, only 48 million U.S. dollars were settled, which was far from his estimated amount.

  In this time and space, the total population of the European countries also exceeds 6 billion.

   Asia Japan has 1.2 billion people, and South Korea has 800 million people, not to mention the huge population of 15 billion people in China.

   does not count the Philippines, Vietnam and other South Asian countries, nor does it count India.

   Not even the Taiwan region.

   is just based on the population base of European countries, Japan, South Korea, and China. The sales of novels should not be bad.

   That is a huge group of more than 20 billion people, but... why is this?

   Kim Hyun Tae fell into puzzlement and thought for a while.

   Qiao An on the phone seemed to have guessed what Kim Hyun Tae was thinking, so he told him Dave's opinion.

   "Boss, do you think your income is too far from what you expected?"

   Facing Qiao An’s question, Kim Hyun-tae told the truth: “Yes, this is really different from what I personally expected.”

Qiao An heard the words and said to Jin Xiantai: "Mr. Dave said that which agents gave reasonable explanations in this regard, mainly because your novels and fairy tales have just gone on sale now, and want to have a sales volume. Growth, it takes a period of patience."

   Indeed, the sale of novels and fairy tales is not the same as most commodities.

   Therefore, it is very unrealistic to want to sell hundreds of millions of billions at once.

   Don’t look at the current US$48 million that seems to be very small, but you have to know that after deducting the personal income tax of the United States and the personal income tax of European and Asian countries, Jin Xiantai can actually get the income in his hand.

   If you don’t count the deducted taxes, Kim Hyun-tae’s income must be hundreds of millions.

   At the same time, I have to think of the contract signed between Jin Xiantai and the agents. He personally receives 20% of the book’s price in royalties, California Press gets 10%, and the agent gets 70%.

   So you can imagine, actually two novels by Kim Hyun Tae. And a fairy tale actually sells very well.

   It's just a little bit worse compared to the American mainland.

   But when Kim Hyun-tae's novels first sold, didn't they just sell for a few million?

   So, all this requires a process.

   Qiao An told Dave's words to Jin Xiantai from afar.

   I heard Dave's words from Joan. Kim Hyun-tae feels very reasonable.

   Therefore, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

  Think about it, 48 million is not too small, and it is more than 300 million to replace it with China Soft Sister Coin, right?

   Even in the U.S., tens of millions of dollars is enough for a lifetime to live comfortably, so I don’t know what to do.

   Is it true that my appetite has increased now?

   In the end, Kim Hyun-tae even thought of himself mockingly.

   You know, last year, he was still working as a car washer with an hourly salary of $5 and he was also a part-time job as a dishwasher.

   After a month of exhaustion, he still can't get $4,000 in income.

   For him at that time. If he could make $5,000 a month, he would laugh to death.

   But now that he has an income of 48 million US dollars, he is actually too little.

   Isn’t this a big change in mentality?

   Thinking of himself last year, Kim Hyun-tae felt that his current state of mind was not very good, which needed to be corrected.

"Okay, Joan, I see. It seems that I think too much by myself. Obviously it is unnecessary. After all, my two novels and the fairy tale are just beginning to be sold abroad. I am. It’s not right to overestimate yourself."

   Kim Hyun Tae's mentality has always been very good, which is one of his strengths.

   Annie also appreciates his good attitude.

   After listening to Kim Hyun Tae's words, Qiao An also admired the same.

"My little boss. It’s best for you to think so. As long as those books can continue to be sold abroad, you will have a continuous income every month. From another perspective, this is a good thing. You don’t have to care about the sales abroad. How much money you bring, even one dollar is more profitable. Of course, one dollar is impossible."

Qiao An’s meaning Jin Xiantai can understand. According to the life assistant’s meaning, foreign sales are equivalent to off-street money. Earning more is a benefit. Therefore, Jin Xiantai only needs to treat this matter with a good attitude and don’t think too much. More, there won't be so many troubles.

   How could Kim Hyun Tae not understand this.

   "Thank you, Joan, I see."

   Kim Hyun Tae expressed his gratitude to Qiao An for her comfort.

  He is not a person who does not understand.

   After Qiao Ann finished talking about this, he brought up the matter of the animation production company.

   "I contacted the animation production company during the day. The second cartoon animation film is almost finished, but at the moment there is no suitable singer to perform some of the characters' songs, so..."

   I don’t know why. When Qiao An talked about this, Kim Hyun-tae suddenly thought of the black girl she had seen in the evening, named Whitney Houston.

   Speaking of, Kim Hyun Tae’s animation production company, the second animation script he gave, took the singing and dancing route, in which there will be a lot of scenes where the protagonist sings.

   Speaking of, this method was adopted by the Disney company in the last life, and even by the 21st, the Disney company did not give up.

   But in this time and space, this method is very new.

   But it is precisely for this reason that for a while, the animation production company cannot find a suitable singer to perform the songs for the animation characters.

   Of course, it's not that there is really no suitable one. It's just that the singers are asking for too high a price, which is very uneconomical. That's why it's the current situation.

   At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae himself thinks so. Instead of spending tens of millions of dollars to invite famous singers to come, it is better to use the money for animation production.

   Anyway, in his opinion, please ask big-name singers or something. This is very unnecessary.

   His boss has this mentality, so it is not difficult to guess what choice the animation production company will make.

   "Okay, I know about this. I will take care of it. Is there anything else?"

  Keeping this in mind, Kim Hyun-tae is going to get in touch with the black girl to see if she is interested in dubbing the animation.

   Kim Hyun Tae thinks that this girl has a very good voice and has great potential.

   If she wants to. It should be a very suitable candidate.

   Of course, the most important point is that he doesn't have to spend too much money.

   I have to say that Jin Xiantai now has some potential for profiteers, otherwise he would not think about this issue in this way now.

   "The toy factory sells well. This month, after excluding various miscellaneous items and salaries, as well as taxes, it has an income of 8 million US dollars."

   Qiao An reported to Kim Hyun Tae about the current operating status of the toy factory.

   It can be said that Jin Xiantai has handed over these things to Qiao An to inquire and deal with them, and he saves a lot of heart.

   Life assistant. It is to deal with these chores.

   Jin Xiantai only needs to control the capital and operation of the company under his name.

   "Are you 8 million net profit? That's not bad."

   Kim Hyun Tae's mouth curled up. Obviously, he was still very satisfied with the current situation of the toy factory.

"The supervisor of the Discourse TV station mentioned to me that I hope you can go over and see as soon as possible. Nowadays, the TV station's business situation is not very good, there are basically no advertising agencies, and the ratings of programs have been declining. If this situation is not improved, it will be in the future. Very bad."

   Kim Hyun-tae hasn't really taken care of the Chinese TV station he bought.

   But now that Qiao Ann mentioned this issue, it was obvious that he could not ignore it like this.

   And his money was not brought by the wind, so he bought such a Chinese TV station. Just leave it there and leave it alone.

   This is not a joke!

Therefore, Jin Xiantai said to Qiao An, "Today is Thursday, and I will have another day of class tomorrow. The school is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Tell the people on the TV station that I will go over to see it on Saturday. Discuss with the TV station about revising the program.

   At the same time, you also inform the animation production company. I will take a girl over on Sunday to see if it's suitable to perform those songs. "

   The problem of the animation production company needs to be solved. After solving this small trouble, he can wait for the second animation film to land on the major theaters, and then sit and collect the money.

   After all, this is something that can bring him a huge income, so how could Kim Hyun Tae ignore it.

   Kim Hyun-tae also needs to solve the problem of that Chinese TV station.

   Although this TV station is still very small now, and its mismanagement is on the verge of bankruptcy, after all, this is the only media propaganda channel owned by Kim Hyun Tae, so it is necessary for him to start up again.

   And he also has ambitions. He wants to make the TV station bigger, at least to become the mainstream TV media in California.

   Well, now Kim Hyun Tae has such ambitions.

   It's too big~lightnovelpub.net~ He still dare not think about it.

   California mainstream TV station, this ambition is not too small, OK?

   "Okay, Joan, I won't bother you anymore. You should also finish work and rest as soon as possible. Tomorrow you have lunch and come back with cocoa."

   Finally, Jin Xiantai and Qiao An confessed about their daughter, and then hung up the phone.

   looked up and looked at the wall clock on the wall. The time was exactly 24 o'clock midnight.

   It was late, Kim Hyun-tae walked up to the second floor to take off his clothes, went to the bathroom and took a hot bath, then went downstairs to the living room and turned on the TV, ready to watch the midnight news for half an hour before going to bed.

   The TV was turned on, Kim Hyun Tae picked up the remote control and turned to the news station.

   Just now that the economic report is not over, it happened to be the yen exchange rate that was reported again, which immediately made Kim Hyun-tae amazed.

  [The yen has been trending hard recently, the exchange rate against the US dollar has risen by 2.3%, the latest quote is...]

   Looking at the television screen that has been reported during the day, and midnight is the repeated economic news, Kim Hyun-tae cheered.


   The feast has begun!

   Long live!

   made a lot of money!

   Well, Kim Hyun Tae’s mentality at this time is obviously gloating. (To be continued.)