Rising America

Chapter 211: do not worry

  Cpa300_4();  The appreciation of the yen can make a lot of money for some people, but for Japanese politics? This is not a good thing for the government.

   Why is this, ordinary people obviously don't understand.

   They just saw the appreciation of the yen and the money in their hands became valuable. Compared with earlier times, they only needed a small amount of yen to exchange for valuable dollars. Therefore, traveling abroad has no small benefits.

   Therefore, most people in Japan are very excited about the appreciation of their currency and are full of praise.

   Look, our country’s currency has appreciated, I think it should be a manifestation of national strength, right?

   Ha ha, those who have such thoughts have to say that they are definitely idiots.

   Apart from anything else, after the appreciation of the yen, it first affected the export volume of Japanese goods, because everyone felt that buying Japanese goods is now very uneconomical.

   Although the quality of Japanese goods is very good, for international businesses, quality is not what they value most. What they care most is whether they can make money.

   Obviously, Japanese products can no longer make money, so how can these profit-making businessmen prefer to lose money and buy Japanese things.

   At the same time, the appreciation of the yen has also greatly affected the tourism industry.

   After all, the yen has appreciated. If foreign tourists want to play in Japan, it will cost a lot of money compared to the previous time.

   Therefore, international businesses have turned their attention to the developing Huaxia. After all, although Huaxia’s products are of lower quality than Japan’s, their prices are cheaper.

   At the same time, most of the tourists also abandoned Japan, and chose China and Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Vietnam as their first choices.

   For these changes, ordinary people will not understand.

   This is also a limitation of common people's thinking.

   Because of this, the Japanese government is a headache, but they have no other way but to wait silently for the final economic collapse.

   Commodity exports have slowed down, which has caused some companies that rely on exports to make profits. The main ones that have been hit are high-precision manufacturing equipment and automobiles and other commodities.

   After these companies were hit. It also affects a large number of downstream industrial chains, which is completely domino effect.

   The weakness of the tourism industry has also affected businesses such as hotels, restaurants and other food and accommodation. And the Chongye staff of Xianguan.

   It’s just that the current Japanese citizens have not yet seen these problems, and they are still immersed in the exciting fantasy that their country is already a ‘powerful country’.

   The Japanese yen changed from one U.S. dollar to 498 yen in the early days. In just one month, it has soared to 80 yen for one U.S. dollar, a full six-fold increase and a little bit more.

   This made Japanese people suddenly feel. As if he became a rich man.

   They dared to buy things that they didn't dare to buy in the past. Those who didn't dare to travel before began to travel abroad, and they spent a lot of money when traveling, which was unambiguous at all.

  Because they are converted according to their monthly salary of 300,000 yen, that is the highest salary of four to five thousand Americans.

   The monthly salary of 300,000 yen is earned by the bottom laborers in Japan, such as the regular employees of some companies, whose monthly salary is basically maintained at 600,000 yen.

   So Japanese people have the feeling of becoming rich.

   It is a pity that these people at the bottom did not see it. Behind this illusion are the frowning faces of corporate executives.

   Of course, what do you think of the Japanese, or Japanese politics? How uncomfortable the government is, Anne and the American financial predators will not consider it.

   Can be an American businessman of their size, who really is not cruel.

  If they are really as kind as they have shown, really these people won't make so much money.

   Behind every capitalist, there is a **** family history, which is definitely not just casual talk.

   Anyway, during this period. Annie and a group of American financial predators, from Japanese politics? The man had a fierce cut on his body, and he got his own piece of fat.

   These American financial predators who have benefited, some people withdraw after gaining profits. Such people are relatively timid.

   But most American financial predators choose to keep their money in Japan and invest it in the stock market and real estate industry in order to expand their profits.

   Yes, I did it without doing it anyway, so why not get the most benefit?

   is the so-called opportunity. Lost won't come again.

   Anyway, it’s the Japanese who are unlucky.

   Anyway, I only need to make money.

   Therefore, at the beginning of April, the Japanese stock market began to go crazy. The Nikkei index soared all the way by at least three times, from more than 6,000 points to more than 18,900 points.

   For a while, the good news about the stock market was continuously reported by the buying media, attracting a large number of Japanese citizens to throw all their belongings into the stock market. They also hope to take this opportunity to make themselves fortune.

   It is a pity that wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

  How could these people think that they were the flower receivers in drumming and spreading flowers, and Annie and others who initially invested a large sum of money in the stock market took this opportunity to get out.

   The real estate industry in Japan is now in the ascendant, and Annie sees this as a good opportunity.

   So he began to invest his funds into the real estate industry.

   Annie initially invested 400 billion U.S. dollars in Japan. Such a large amount of cash is already her limit.

   And in order to raise such a large sum of money, she even sold a lot of high-quality company shares, as well as the enterprises and companies she controlled.

   After all, she is just a private bank behind her. Although it is known as the world's largest private bank, it does not mean that she has a lot of cash flow.

   So, 400 billion US dollars of funds is really the limit for her.

   The Japanese yen has more than six times, which caused Annie's 400 billion US dollars to increase to 2.5 trillion US dollars.

  At the same time, she invested the money in the stock market, spread it among more than 100 stocks, and did a long Nikkei index without leverage.

  As a result, the money has tripled and expanded to 8 trillion US dollars.

   A full twenty times the profit income, twenty times.

  Of course, the cash in Annie's hand is still Japanese yen.

   She has to wait until the yen falls. After being exchanged into US dollars, the whole body returned.

   So during this period, she started her real estate journey in Japan.

   At the same time, Annie was shocked by the magnitude of the profit and the magnitude of the profit. Also began to feel a little powerless.

   After all, she has been pregnant for eight months now, and her energy and physical strength are definitely different from normal.

   And considering that after the child was born, she, a mother, could not always be busy with business, and always had to accompany and teach her children, so Annie had some ideas to shrink her business.

Yes. The family business stalls are too big, involving many industries, companies and companies. When I am not pregnant, I can handle it.

   But when a child is born in the future, I must not have that kind of energy and time.

   Of course, she can hire a nanny or something, but Annie feels that as a mother, she must first put her baby first, and can't ignore her for the sake of business. Can she still be a qualified mother by doing that?

   Besides, the money that Japan made this time is more than the three generations of the family.

and so. Annie felt that she could take this opportunity to shrink the scale of her business, keep a little high-quality enterprise, and just sell the rest.

   Of course, as the main core Whiston Bank, Annie will not let go.

   The Whiston Arms Manufacturing Company in the United States, she can't let go, because that is the capital for her to gain a foothold in the United States.

   At the same time, she will not give up like the British power company, the Whiston Hotel in France and the luxury brand.

   Oh, think about it carefully. These are all high-quality companies, and it's really hard to choose.

   Anne was really upset about this.

   It was in this distress that Annie started making waves in the Japanese real estate market.

   There are many American financial predators like her. In short, everyone is in the same mind, and try to get more fat from the Japanese as much as possible.

   Regardless of how ugly these Americans look like, anyway, they made a profit. You can't deny this.

   And the Japanese are not uncomfortable, hey, who cares?

   is here with Annie and a bunch of American financial predators. When the troubles were going on in Japan, and entering Los Angeles in April, Kim Hyun Tae's life suddenly became sad.

   Within this month, Omar left, Vincent dropped out of school, and Kim Hyun-tae became lonely and no friends.

   But he joined the college football team and solved the credit problem.

   But these are trivial matters to him, and they won't make his life sad.

  The main reason for this is that he sued a company for infringement of his own rights and interests, and the state court actually sentenced him to lose.

   Yes, he actually lost the lawsuit!

   Why did it happen like this? It was because the other party took out the hole card, the patent document of the Patent Office.

   In front of the evidence issued by the Patent Office, Kim Hyun Tae became a real infringer of intellectual property rights, and the other party became a victim.

   So he lost the lawsuit.

   And before the state court’s decision, Kim Hyun-tae began to receive the duties and abuse and ridicule of the news media.

   Even many people who knew about it began to criticize him wildly.

   Some well-known talk shows, the host also used Kim Hyun Tae as the opening remarks of the ridicule.

   In short, Kim Hyun-tae's reputation is a bad street.

   "Let William get out of Los Angeles! He is our shame in Los Angeles!"

   "He is a liar! A liar with good acting skills, in fact, he is a bastard, a poorly educated guy!"

   "Go to hell! You thief, thief!"

   At the gate of Santa Monica College, a group of people with a righteous heart demonstrating where they held banners, and shouting abuse.

   Such scenes have often appeared during this period.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who parked his car in the parking lot, saw the demonstrators from a distance. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   He couldn't figure out why these guys came here to demonstrate. Their case has nothing to do with them. They want to do this for Mao.

   This scene is not very good, Jin Xiantai stopped and did not continue walking over, but turned back to his pickup truck and sat in.

   He doesn't know if he will beat those guys when he walks over, so the wise choice is to stay and wait for the demonstrators to leave.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who was sitting in the car, called little George.

After connecting, Kim Hyun-tae said to little George very distressedly: "George, such days have not passed. There are many demonstrators at the gate of the academy, and I dare not walk into the school gate. Why do you say this happened? I really don’t understand."

   On the other end of the phone, George said, "Those people are idiots and were used by our opponents. The guy named Yasuda Hikari plays a poor man to the newspapers and media every day, so many people began to sympathize with him.

   But don’t worry, my father has already obtained strong evidence. These guys will soon be unlucky. If you wait patiently for a while, I’m filing a lawsuit in the Federal High Court. "

   The news that little George mentioned made Kim Hyun Tae suddenly happy.

   "Really, have you got the evidence from the Patent Office?"

   "Yes, I got it, this one can definitely leave them forever!" Little George replied affirmatively. (To be continued.)