Rising America

Chapter 217: Cocoa complaint

It’s impossible for Old George to expose Annie. It’s already very good to tell Kim Hyun-tae, but George will definitely not disclose any more detailed information. Kim Hyun-tae can also see this, so he did not continue. Keep asking.

Everyone at the campaign headquarters is busy preparing for George’s campaign speech in the next two hours. Those supporters who come to participate at that time, George may have to provide some fruits, food and drinks. .

   Look, the candidates are even responsible for preparing these things. It can be seen that if you leave the money, you really can’t play.

   So, how can it be possible without the backing of the funder.

  Of course, it is not impossible for a rich owner to spend his own money to participate in elections as non-partisans.

   It’s just that there are very few such people.

  Although Old George said he was rich, he obviously did not want to use his money to participate in the election.

   Therefore, a large part of the funds for his participation in the campaign came from sponsors such as Annie and some large foundations. At the same time, his camp would also give certain financial support.

   Coupled with donations from some social figures such as Kim Hyun Tae, the old George’s campaign funds will be available.

   Basically, in the United States in different time and space, the elections are all like this.

   By working in the old George’s campaign headquarters, Kim Hyun-tae can be considered to understand this kind of rules, and it is no longer as innocent as before.

   At this time, the little Coco playing on the side ran over and greeted old George very well.

   "Hello, Grandpa George."

   With a sweet smile and a crisp voice, the cute little girl is very popular wherever she goes, and it is no exception here in Old George.

   Old George looked down and saw Coco, and the smile on his face instantly became richer. He knelt down and smiled and hugged Cocoa.

   "Ah, it turns out to be Coco, our little princess of William."

   "It's not a princess. But it's a knight!" The little guy never wanted to be a princess. She is more interested in being a knight, and this idea has appeared since she endorsed a chocolate ad.

  Perhaps it was influenced by that chocolate ad, but he really thought he could be that kind of dragon-slaying knight.

   Although this kind of child's idea is ridiculous in the eyes of adults, the father, Jin Xiantai, will not expose and attack her.

   Similarly, old George would not do that.

   Hearing this, Old George smiled ‘huh’, and made an exaggerated expression to Cocoa, "Oh, ours is a knight."

  Coco nodded with a serious expression. At the same time, he also took on a little proud look.

   "Of course, but he is a very powerful knight who has defeated a black dragon!"


  Coco's remarks immediately caused old George, the secretary beside him, and some people around him to laugh.

   Everyone has seen the chocolate commercial shot by Cocoa, so when Cocoa said that, everyone suddenly thought of this ad.

  Yes, in that commercial, the role played by Coco really defeated a black dragon, but that was correct after all. It's not real.

   But Coco takes it seriously, she stubbornly thinks she is such a great person.

   How can the simple and funny thinking of children not arouse everyone's funny thoughts.

Of course. This is not to say that everyone has a ridiculous attitude towards Cocoa, or any other bad opinions.

   "I am still young now, and when I get older, my abilities will become stronger, and then I can become even stronger."

   Little Coco seriously said something more interesting to old George.

   "William, your daughter is very cute and interesting."

   Old George holding Coco, turned his head and said to Kim Hyun Tae sincerely.

   [Of course, my daughter is the best in the world! 】

   thought this silently in his heart, but Kim Hyun Tae's mouth was modest and polite: "It's okay. It's just that sometimes she is naughty, after all, she is getting older. It's not as obedient as she was when she was a child."

   Old George, who has grandsons, obviously has a say and experience in this. So when he heard what Jin Xiantai said, he smiled and said: "This is a very normal thing. Children will have their thinking and their own concepts of right and wrong, but they are not so mature.

   Therefore, as parents, we need to give children a correct view of good and evil, as well as a correct guidance of right and wrong.

  At the same time, the children grow up, and they will always have their own independent outlook on life and values. You may do everything as you want, so you should be ready to get used to it now. "

  What Old George said is correct, and Kim Hyun-tae is not sure.

   It's just that he really doesn't want to face this reality.

   "Cocoa is just over one year old. She is much more mature than her peers. I am not worthy of physical maturity, but of thinking. This gives me a headache."

   Thinking of this about his daughter, Jin Xiantai smiled wryly at old George.

   Old George heard this but said to Jin Hyuntae: "I don't think of this thing like you, but I think it's a very good thing.

   You know, this shows that Coco is smart and different from the kids around. She is very special! "

   I have to say that these are some of the differences between Westerners and Easterners.

   For Kim Hyun Tae, Coco's'precocity' caused him a headache.

   But Old George felt that Cocoa was very special, different from other children, but it was a good thing.

   Orientals fancy being well-behaved, honest, and obedient.

   The opposite is true for Westerners. What they value is the ability to think independently, with a distinctive style, and a little maverick.

   And Cocoa is just a bit of this Western standard now.

   So it's no wonder that old George likes Cocoa very much.

   It's just Coco's uniqueness that made the father Kim Hyun Tae feel a little bit distressed.

  Daughter is already like this now, so how can I care about it in the future?

   After all, Jin Xiantai still has the Eastern Chinese concept in his bones, which is different from the Western concept of old George.

   "Dad slapped Coco a few days ago."

   At this time, Xiao Keke suddenly sued the old George and mentioned that Jin Xiantai hit her ass.

   Kim Hyun-tae thought that her daughter had forgotten about it, but she didn't expect her to remember it now.

   From this point, it can be seen that the kid is quite grudge.

   heard the cocoa complaint. Old George's face instantly turned sharp, turning his head to look at Jin Xiantai and asked, "Is what Coco said is true?"

   Kim Hyun Tae smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, I slapped her on the **** angrily. I didn't expect the little guy to remember."

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't want to quibble at this point. That would be very boring.

   At the same time, he didn't find a reason, why he did that because it was unnecessary.

   "Come to the office with me, I have something to tell you."

   Old George’s expression was serious, as if Kim Hyun Tae had done something serious.

   And the little Coco made a face at his father unconsciously.

Hey! This bear boy, see someone supporting him, right?

   Kim Hyun-tae, who followed the old George, looked at the daughter who made faces at him and shook his head with a wry smile.

   Soon, Old George came to the office with Coco and Kim Hyun Tae. After entering the office, Old George's secretary stayed outside the office with a wink, and at the same time closed the office door.

  Old George put down Cocoa, and then said to Coco: "Go and play by yourself. Just don't mess with the items in the room. I have something to discuss with your father."

  Coco smiled sweetly, then walked to the side to play nicely.

   At this time, Old George walked to the sofa and sat down, and then beckoned to Jin Xiantai.

After Kim Hyun-tae walked over, the old George said to him: "I personally oppose the act of beating a child. You can't teach your children to do this. At the same time, it will also cause you a lot of trouble. Be careful of the Child Protection Agency. People from looking for you, it will be too late at that time!"

   Old George's expression was serious, and there was a hint of anger.

   Obviously this behavior of Kim Hyun Tae hitting a child. It made him very angry.

   Jin Xiantai was stupidly on the spot, he didn't understand why the old George would talk to himself about this issue so seriously, and even said it so serious.

  What is the Child Protection Agency?

  Educating the children by themselves, they will also intervene?

   Kim Hyun Tae was very puzzled and puzzled.

   Here we have to say that Jin Xiantai is really a noob. Although he has been in the United States in another time and space for more than a year, he still does not fully understand the things in the United States in another time and space.

   You need to know that the United States in a different time and space has some similarities with the United States in another time and space. For example, there are laws and regulations that parents cannot hit their children casually.

  The Child Protection Agency is a place that handles this kind of things.

   This kind of thing is nothing in the eyes of the Oriental.

   But in this place in the United States, hitting a child is no different from child abuse~lightnovelpub.net~ even if you are the parent of the child.

   Once it is reported. It is normal for parents to be arrested and sentenced.

   In severe cases, the child will be forcibly taken away from the parents. Limit parental contact with children.

   It is obvious that the cultures of the East and the West are different. At this point there is a big manifestation.

   As for this and the matter, Kim Hyun-tae Xiaobai didn’t understand anything.

   So it's no wonder that Old George talked to him about this issue so seriously.

   "It's not that serious, right?"

   After a while, Kim Hyun Tae said such a sentence.

"This matter is very serious, very serious, don't you understand?" Old George looked at Jin Xiantai with a bit of hatred for iron and steel. "If anyone sees the police, at least you are also a child abuse charge. arresting you will be sentenced to several years. It's very relaxing."


   Does it scare people? It's so serious! ?

   Hearing what Old George said, Jin Xiantai himself was really taken aback.

   Coco, who was playing at the same time, stopped playing at this time, and she ran over too, with a look of panic on her small face.

   It seems that Coco also knew that what he said seemed to cause trouble for his father. (To be continued.)