Rising America

Chapter 218: 1 random sentence

After seeing that Jin Xiantae really didn't understand this, the old George could only take a bit of popular science on Jin Xiantae's "law-blind" and let him fully understand his behavior and how much trouble it would bring, so that Jin Xiantai had a deep understanding. . △¢

   So when Kim Hyun-tae listened to old George Science, he took a breath.

   "Mr. George, I did not expect that my actions would bring such serious consequences."

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't lie, he really didn't know this.

   If it hadn't been for Old George to popularize him today, he would really not care about this little thing.

   But today, after supporting the popular science of old George, he realized that when he was in the United States in another time and space, when his actions would have such a consequence, he couldn't help but feel a little cold behind him.

Old George’s heartbroken imaginary finger Jin Xiantai: "You, you, you let me say what is good about you, you think you don’t have enough trouble, right? If this matter is stabbed out by someone with a heart, you are really in trouble. ."

   Old George said so, but it was not alarmist at all, and he deliberately frightened Kim Hyun Tae.

  Because this is a very big thing in the United States in a different time and space.

   If it is exposed by the media, it must be condemned by all the people and prosecuted by numerous child protection organizations.

   If such consequences happen, even the old George will be helpless and helpless.

   "Law illiterate! You are illiterate! In the future, read more books on law and learn some related knowledge, which is good for you."

   Fortunately, I didn't poke Louzi on this matter, and Xiao Keke didn't talk to outsiders, so I don't have to worry too much.

   And through such a chat with Kim Hyun Tae, the old George found out that Kim Hyun Tae had a law in this area. That is totally ignorant.

   So, what can old George say.

   In the end, he could only ask Jin Xiantai to read more law-related books when he was free, and learn about the law.

   What else could he say.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai also knew the consequences of doing this, and he was very afraid of it.

Of course. In fact, he regretted that after hitting cocoa that time.

   And he also reviewed it in his own mind, and decided that no matter how angry he is in the future, he won't be able to do anything about it.

   It's just that he never expected that such behavior would cause such serious trouble.

   Fortunately, this matter was not seen by others, otherwise he would really be in trouble.

   I have to say that this is really lucky.

   "Okay, I will read more law-related books and learn related knowledge. I will never hit my children again."

   Facing old George Kim Hyun Tae very well. This dissipated a lot of the anger in Old George's heart.

   And little Coco interjected at this time: "Coco was joking just now. Dad hasn't played Coco. That's Coco's joke."

   Coco is very smart. Although she is only one year old now, as she gets older, she is no longer the child who didn't know anything.

   Although she still doesn't understand many things now.

   But now, because of his own complaint, my father seems to be in a lot of trouble and even be taken away. She still understands what the old George said.

   Therefore, Cocoa is very nervous. She didn't want her father to be arrested because of her complaint, she really didn't want to.

   looked at Cocoa nervously. Old George hugged her distressedly, and put the little guy on his knees to sit firmly.

   "Coco, don't worry, no one has taken your dad away. Just now Grandpa George was teaching your dad not to do that in the future."

   Kim Hyun-tae also said to his daughter at this time: "Yes, but don't worry. Dad will not be taken away, and Dad promises that he will never beat you again, but you have to be obedient to know."

   Little Coco looked at old George and then at his father. Then nodded.

   "Cocoa will be obedient and won't cause trouble to Dad."

   After this time, Xiao Ke Ke can be considered to understand a truth, there are some things in the family that he can not talk about others indiscriminately outside, even people who are very familiar.

   No one thought that after this incident, Coco, now that he became a little guy with a very strict mouth, he was able to keep secrets very well.

   "Look at how sensible your daughter is, how can you bear to beat her, you are really a **** father!"

   Coco's good manners made old George feel distressed, so he criticized Kim Hyun Tae very much.

   And he knew that he had done something wrong, so when Jin Xiantai faced old George's criticism, he was bound to be very humbly.

   "What you said is right, what you said is right, I will never do that in the future, really, I promise, promise God."

   Even if this matter is basically over, Old George is no different from entangled in this matter. As long as Jin Xiantai understands how serious his actions will bring, it will be fine, right?

   Therefore, the old George then talked about serious matters with Kim Hyun Tae.

   "We have obtained very important evidence from the Patent Office, but I still need you to continue to cooperate, so you have to be aggrieved."

  Old George has a series of his own plans. These are all discussed with Annie.

   It’s just that Kim Hyun Tae needs to be aggrieved.

   However, Annie also solemnly mentioned the matter to the old George. Afterwards, she would have to make generous compensation to Kim Hyun-tae. The grievances cannot be taken in vain.

   Of course Old George has no opinion on this.

   After all, in this matter, old George can be said to be the most profitable person.

   So if it succeeds, what does it matter to give Kim Hyun-tae a generous compensation?

   Old George cares about whether he can become the president, and he doesn't value other interests that much.

   Now that the evidence is obtained, it can basically be said that the winner is in hand, and the plan is foolproof.

   Therefore, at this juncture, the old George needs to talk about the plan in detail to Jin Xiantai, so that Jin Xiantai can have a solid foundation.

Kim Hyun Tae of    province knows nothing. It won't be beautiful if something goes wrong.

   "It doesn't matter if I suffer some grievances, as long as I can beat the opponent, it's enough to return me innocent."

   Jin Xiantai's requirements are not high, he only asks to clear his own framing, and let those who violate his rights receive a fair trial.

Old George smiled: "Don't worry, you can meet all your requirements in the end. Even I can give you a generous return. As for what the return is, I will keep it secret for the time being. What you need to remember now is that whatever this period of time Give me patience, patience, and patience whenever I encounter any censure."

   After hearing the words of old George, Jin Xiantai nodded: "Don't worry, my patience has always been good, this is no problem for me. As long as I can bear it, is it all right?" Finally Jin Xiantai asked.

   Old George thought for a while: "You can figure it out by yourself. If it's appropriate, it's better to feel bitter at the right time, so that you can get more sympathy when the plot turns over."

   Kim Hyun-tae can understand the meaning of old George’s words.


   Isn't it just pretending to be sad, or pitiful. What is this.

   Now that **** little Japanese Yasuda Hikaru, doesn't he do it every day.

   Grandma's. He can be a Laozi and he can do it, even worse than him.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai secretly made a decision in his heart.

Old George looked at the time on his wrist watch: "It's 15:45 in the afternoon, and the speech will begin in one hour. Most of the supporters who came to participate today are all ethnic Chinese, and you will be by my side. . At the same time help with translation."

   "Okay, Mr. George." Kim Hyun-tae would not object to the arrangement of the old George, basically he would do whatever he arranged.

After receiving Kim Hyun Tae’s response, Old George continued: “It’s just the California primary election. My other two opponents don’t need to worry at all. But after the primary election, it’s the highlight. Only then can I produce evidence and submit it to the court. Cooperate with my election to build momentum. You have to be aware of this."

   Jin Xiantai did not make any comments, but nodded and accepted the arrangement of old George.

   In short, for Kim Hyun Tae, he can win the lawsuit. As for how old George arranges him, he won't care.

   Kim Hyun Tae is very cooperative, which makes Old George satisfied and can no longer be satisfied. Therefore, Old George appreciates Kim Hyun Tae even more.

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae is not without problems, but who can guarantee that he is perfect.

   Everyone has some problems of this and that kind, and Old George himself would not be too demanding about it.

   In short, young people like Kim Hyun Tae are already very good for him, and they are worthy of training.

   After talking about these things, Old George changed the conversation and chatted with Kim Hyun Tae about some things that Congress has faced recently.

   Ordinary people don’t know about things like this, and even the media have not disclosed it.

   But old George can talk to Kim Hyun Tae.

  It can be seen how important George old is to Kim Hyun Tae.

  Of course, there is no lack of old George who hopes from Kim Hyun Tae to see if he can get a different view and attitude, something that can make him shine.

"The French are very tight in Vietnam recently. The North Vietnamese army has defeated the five previous French infantry divisions, and also defeated the two combined infantry regiments of Spain and Italy that are stationed at the 17-degree north latitude boundary. Therefore, the French are under great economic and military pressure. Great. Many people in the United States think that troops should be sent to participate. What do you think of this?"

   Kim Hyun Tae couldn't understand this war that took place in Vietnam in this time and space for decades.

   After all, the historical development of this time and space is different from what I know.

However, since the old George asked himself, he was too bad not to answer, so he said carefully: "I don't know what those who want to participate in Congress think, but I want to know what the United States can do with it. What are the benefits?"

   Yes, Kim Hyun-tae's question came to the point.

   Anyway, the most important thing is what benefits this does to the United States.

   Therefore, Old George smiled when he heard the words~lightnovelpub.net~ Basically, Jin Xiantai's answer was qualified.

   "The French are willing to sell some of the interests of South America, and even the power of the Panama Canal."

   Old George revealed the price offered by the French, letting Jin Xiantai know some little secrets.

"If you can't fully intervene in this war, Vietnam is a quagmire. If you fall into it, you can't extricate yourself. The French are inevitable. However, it is possible to send several infantry divisions into Vietnam symbolically, and we can also take advantage of this opportunity. Experiment with new tactics and new equipment, right?"

   Kim Hyun-tae knows how important the Panama Canal is, and the United States is obviously tempted.

   So after thinking about it, he said some of his personal opinions.

   "Limited intervention in war?" Old George thought this method was good, at least it could fool the French.

   Jin Xiantai added at this time: "It is better to be authorized by the United Nations. The United States should help France in this regard, let the French fight for the United Nations, and it is better to draw all of Europe into this war."

   Old George's eyes lit up. Xindao: Sure enough, this young man gave himself a surprise.

   But Kim Hyun-tae didn't think so much. His words were just casual and he didn't know how much impact it would bring.

  He was just talking with old George... (to be continued.)