Rising America

Chapter 226: Deduction field of life

   As the saying goes, good things don’t go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles.

   After the tracking filming was broadcast, not only the American people began to pay attention to this matter, but even the media of other countries in Europe and the world began to pay attention to this matter.

  Even Huaxia has reported on this matter.

   First of all, this is an intellectual property infringement event after all. Such an event is no small matter in this time and space world with perfect knowledge protection.

   Everyone hates people who infringe and steal other people’s intellectual property rights.

   It’s just this thing. At first, it was just a riot in the United States. Everyone treated it as an ordinary case, and they didn’t think it would be too big.

   After all, several such things happen in any country every year.

   So, many countries have little interest in the Kim Hyun-tae infringement case that occurred in the United States.

   Even if it was Kim Hyun Tae, he was so popular last year.

   But no one thought that Kim Hyun-tae would end up in such a tragic end, and the little Japan company did such a great job and beat the children.

   Therefore, this has aroused the interest of the media of various countries.

The tracking filming of    was broadcast, so that most people in the world saw the scene of Kim Hyun Tae being beaten and Xiao Ke Ke being beaten.

   At this time, people still don’t have much sympathy for the ‘criminal’ Kim Hyun Tae being beaten. They just think it’s wrong for a small Japanese company employee to beat a girl.

   Therefore, many people who sympathized with Coco began to voice condemnation.

   The commentators in these countries, when commenting on this matter, have a very indifferent attitude.

   [Intellectual property rights are not to be infringed. This is the consensus of all countries, and those who commit this behavior will also be severely punished. Therefore, this boy named William needs to be responsible for his actions, and we do not have to sympathize with him. But his one-year-old daughter is innocent. We must look at it differently...]

  【Stealing other people’s research for your own sake is very dirty and dirty. We must spurn such behavior and must contain such things. If everyone did it. How is our world developing? So I must not pity this boy. 】

  【William King, a Chinese-American teenager, has been blocked by the California High Court yesterday for infringing on the intellectual property rights of the Japanese-owned "xxxxx" company. Why did a youthful and vigorous former act such disgraceful behavior? We need to analyze its heart and...]

   [Chinese-American infringement of intellectual property rights has been ruled and established by California. This is another successful case of a Chinese enterprise successfully defending intellectual property rights abroad...]

   Different time and space with developed network media information. In 2016, the whole world reported this incident of Kim Hyun Tae for half a day, which made him a little hot.

   It's just that this time his reputation is not so good, and even spurned by others.

   But anyway, he is famous.

   It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae, who doesn’t know this yet, is now living on the street with his daughter.

   Using compassion, I got breakfast from the reporter. The father and daughter were finally not hungry, but after breakfast, Jin Xiantai didn't know what to do.

   It stands to reason that he should find a way to make some money, after all, he still has to eat at noon, right?

   But without transportation, and with his one-year-old daughter, Kim Hyun-tae really didn’t know what job he should find to keep it going.

   So after some hard thinking, he decided to stay here at the gas station temporarily, and didn't know where to find a rag, intending to help people wipe the car to make money.

  'S OB van parked next to the convenience store, and the photographer recorded everything faithfully.

  Xu is after yesterday's and overnight tracking shooting. Coupled with the contact in the morning, the white reporter named Wells and Kim Hyun-tae can also be regarded as mixing Facebook, and the two can also communicate a little bit.

  Coco is sitting next to the convenience store. Looking depressed, Kim Hyun-tae took the rag and ran to the gas station immediately after a vehicle entered the gas station and asked if he needed to wipe the car.

   It's a pity, how can he solicit business?

   So he didn't open it all morning.

   After one failure, Jin Xiantai turned and walked back with the rag. Reporter Charles leaned over, pointed the microphone at him and asked: "What are your plans for the future now? You have lost everything."

Raising the black rag in his hand, Jin Xiantai showed a helpless expression: "Do what you should do, do what you can, you know I was born in an orphanage, and I haven’t experienced the hard times, but I’ve had more With a daughter by his side, it’s just a little different."

   From Kim Hyun Tae’s face, reporter Charles did not see the confusion and unacceptability of the future, but instead saw a calm attitude.

   "It's really a pity that you should have a generous life, but why do you want to do such a thing?"

   Charles feels a little pity for Kim Hyun Tae. After all, if it is not about intellectual property rights, Kim Hyun Tae is a typical American inspirational classic of grassroots struggle and rise.

   Kim Hyun-tae, of course, heard what Charles meant and knew what he was referring to.

   showed an angry expression, Kim Hyun-tae is not pretending, he is really angry.

   Thinking of the instant messaging software he had made, but now he has become an infringer, Kim Hyun-tae feels uncomfortable.

   It is true that he is indeed an infringer to some extent, but what he infringes on is the rights and interests of another time and space, and he has a relationship with people in this time and space.

   If a certain horse crossed over, he would still be able to say so confidently, but what qualifications does that "xxxx" company have.

"I'm innocent. I didn't infringe on anyone's rights. Instead, I was the real victim. They deprived me of everything illegally. I was like a lamb without the power to be slaughtered, you know! It's a lamb!"

   The reporter Charles looked in front of him. Kim Hyun-tae, who looked a little crazy, didn't comment on what he said.

  Think about it, too, the State High Court ruled twice, which already explains the problem, right?

   What's more, the company "xxxx" also issued patent documents from the Patent Office. In turn, you Jin Xiantai has nothing, so this is not convincing at all.

Therefore, Charles said to Kim Hyun-tae: "Many offenders say that they are innocent. I think your current situation is similar to them. But no matter what you say, you can’t change a fact. The Patent Office has never applied for a patent. , It's the other party..."

When Charles mentioned this matter, Jin Xiantai immediately shouted at him: "I applied for a patent. I applied for it. God knows why the Patent Office said that I have not applied before, but the other party has the application documents. The ghost knows what is going on. child."

   Well, Kim Hyun Tae at this time. It's already performing.

   How could he actually not know the trickiness, after all, old George had already notified him that he had all the evidence.

   But in order to prove that he doesn't understand anything, Kim Hyun Tae still needs such a performance.

"what do you mean?"

   The reporter Charles looked at Kim Hyun Tae amused, with a playful expression on his face.

   Kim Hyun Tae understood the ridicule hidden under Charles's expression, but he continued to explode his acting skills very cooperatively.

  Seriously, Kim Hyun-tae didn't know that he could act so realistically.

"What can I mean? I'm still at a loss now, and I don't understand the problems. Where did I go wrong, and I will end up like this. I was taken away by some inexplicable people. Everything."

This scene of the conversation between Kim Hyun Tae and Charles was transmitted back to the headquarters of the TV station by the instant broadcast truck. At the time of the noon news, the host said [Let’s see the current status of William Kim], so he This scene was rebroadcasted.

   The picture cut off, and I returned to the noon news host. The faces of the host, a man and a woman, were very serious. And with a little excitement.

The hostess said at this time: "As you can see, William King's condition is not very good now, but this is also normal. Anyone who has suffered such ups and downs in life. It may not be better than him. "

The male host took the conversation: "William said he was at a loss. I don’t know why it was like this. Maybe everyone would dismiss his remarks. But the next scene might be for him and everyone. Here are some answers."

   Watching the noon news, people noticed that the picture changed. A video screen, which seemed to be taken in secret, appeared in front of him.

   In the picture, a white middle-aged man and two Asian middle-aged men are sitting in a seemingly remote corner of a cafe. When they start chatting, everyone finds that they can hear everything they are saying clearly.

   I’ll go, the technique of this sneak shot is really brilliant.

   coincidentally, seeing the people here, they all came up with such an idea.

   As time goes by, when the video is over, people sitting in front of the TV become dumbfounded.

   At the same time, the TV screen was switched again, and back to the news room.

   The hostess said: "I think everyone must be very shocked now. In fact, our program group was also very shocked after receiving this video. I didn't expect such a thing to happen in reality."

   Male host answered: "The authenticity of the video has been confirmed. There is no false or forgery, and there is no possibility of technical forgery."

Female host: "Let’s broadcast the latest news below. The spokesperson held a press conference saying that foreign espionage organizations have infiltrated our country. A large amount of evidence has been obtained and relevant personnel are being investigated. Please continue to pay attention to the details. The next report..."

At this time, Charles also received a call from the TV station. During the phone call, his boss told him that he would immediately continue to follow up with Jin Xiantai, asking him about some questions about the patent office documents, and also told Charles the video Of this thing.

   When the boss hung up the phone, Charles looked at Kim Hyun-tae dumbfounded, and looked at this thing facing the Patent Office in front of him. He was a very puzzling young man.


   Charles sighed and thought to himself: Don’t say you are confused, even I heard the real answer and found it incredible. This is simply unexpected. Anyone from the Patent Office can buy it, God!

   As for Charles, who had heard the real news, his eyes must have been full of sympathy when he looked at Kim Hyun-tae, because as Kim Hyun-tae himself said, he was really a victim, and he was not lightly killed.

  In turn, Charles was filled with anger.

   He can't imagine how his country has become like this, he can let the rich Japanese do whatever they want, and even the officials can buy it.

   And those officials can help each other even in matters of intellectual property for their own benefit, which is simply irritating.

   "William ~lightnovelpub.net~ Have you ever thought about it, could it be an official of the Patent Office who colluded with some capital forces to cause all this?"

   After regaining the writhing in his heart, Charles began to ask questions about Kim Hyun Tae in accordance with the request of his boss.

   Kim Hyun Tae at this time, it is still unclear what happened.

   He thought that this matter was exposed, how could it be a few days later, he never thought it would be so fast.

   Therefore, he showed an ‘impossible’ appearance and waved his hand at Charles: “I believe in the law and the perfect system of the Patent Office. How can such a thing be possible.”

   Charles' eyes were hot when he heard these words. He felt that the boy in front of him was too innocent and too easy to believe in everything.

   [Young man, reality is not a fairy tale you wrote. Those dirty behind-the-scenes transactions in the real world can really make people fall apart. 】

   Charles looked at Kim Hyun Tae without sympathy, and at the same time such a sentence flashed in his heart.

   But in fact, is Kim Hyun Tae really that simple?

   Ha ha, obviously it won’t be like this.

   There is a good saying, but Charles never heard it.

   [Life is just a large-scale reality show, birth is the unveiling, death is the end, so everyone's life is acting...] So Kim Hyun-tae is also acting, just cheating everyone. (To be continued.)