Rising America

Chapter 229: influences

The private tarmac at New York Airport welcomed a group of six Asian faces in a hurry. These six Asians were big and young, but they all had one thing in common, that is, their faces showed panic and uneasy expressions. .

   The private flight attendant waiting at the gate of the plane saw the six people appear, and then walked down with a smile and greeted the six as usual.

   As they walked into the plane, relaxed expressions gradually appeared on the faces of these six Asians, and they became less frowning and nervous.

   But at this moment, a few white men in black suits jumped from the boarding gate, and after they jumped out of the boarding gate, they quickly approached the six Asian men.

   When I saw the white men, the expressions of the six Asian men who were walking towards the plane suddenly changed drastically.

   At the same time, dozens of vehicles whistling with sirens appeared around the apron, and they drove frantically toward this side, seeming to be surrounded by such a situation.

   The six Asians stopped, looked at each other, and then threw away their purses.

   "These are our documents. We are the people. Now I suspect that you are related to a spy case, so please come with us."

   In this way, six gray-faced Asians were taken away on the private tarmac. The name is called please go back and assist in the investigation.

   But in fact, these six Asians are very clear about what methods the agents will use to greet themselves after they bring themselves back.

   And things like this are happening at the same time in many places in the United States.

   In New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other places, Asians were taken away by detectives, and these Asians were all Japanese personnel who came to the United States with work visas, or simply Japanese Americans.

   Of course, in addition to these people, some Japanese-American government officials were also ‘invited’ back, also using the excuse of ‘cooperating and assisting in the investigation’.

   will take these people away. The reason is actually very simple.

Because the agents have rushed to interrogate the former Director of the Patent Office, and have obtained a lot of details and evidence from his mouth to prove that someone organized espionage in the United States, and there are also many Japanese-American politicians. Go in.

   This is nothing.

   What shocked American domestic politicians even more. According to information from the CIA, in addition to Japanese-American politicians who were involved in this incident, there are also many conservative politicians involved.

   This suddenly caused a major earthquake to the entire American political circle.

  Because many people know in their hearts that this incident is not a random fabrication, but a fact that actually happened.

Yes. All this is true.

   Some conservative politicians have dealt with the Japanese for decades and have taken advantage of the Japanese in private.

   Among the matchmakers are the domestic Japanese-American guys.


   But these people never thought that these Japanese would conduct espionage activities.

   If this matter is spread out, let alone whether it affects the individual, it will definitely make the whole conservative camp feel bad.

   Because people who belong to the conservative camp, through private channels, there was news that the captured Japanese had done what they had done and who helped them do it. Even what benefits have been given to the other party, and when they have given these things have been confessed.

   Don’t doubt your ability to do things, there are still many ways to pry open the mouths of the Japanese who were brought back to ‘assistance in the investigation’.

   Therefore, it can be explained that there is already a large amount of evidence, testimony against conservatives.

   Oh, how good is this.

   If you change to normal, although this matter has a great impact, it can still be suppressed slowly by some means.

   But the election period is indeed right now, and conservatives don't dare to move too much at this time. Come cover up this matter.

   After all, a large number of media and people are watching their every move.

   What's even more hateful is that I didn't know that it was the guy who sent a video to major media anonymously. As a result, those media also aired on tm.

   In this way, conservatives seem very passive.

   At the same time, the people of the Central Intelligence Agency moved very quickly. They immediately held a media conference to announce that they had uncovered a espionage case.

   This has caused the media to start paying attention to this matter.

   If one of his own brains is disabled to cover up at this time, it would be really stupid.

   So the conservative camp feels very difficult about this now, and it is also very angry. They didn't think of any way to solve the current crisis.

   As for the general election, no one of them can care about it now.

   The **** of conservative candidates in thirty-six states is not clean. They either have a direct relationship with the Japanese, or they have been in politics with the funds provided by the other party.

   Therefore, the trouble these people are facing now is not trivial.

   What they have to do now is not to consider the general election, but to quickly think about how to get out of it, or else their political life will be completely finished.

  Politicians are all selfish, especially those politicians who cooperate with the Japanese. Therefore, at this time, their consideration is not how to save the Japanese, but how to extract themselves and how to preserve their political future.

   is very realistic, right?

   Yes, it is very realistic, but for these politicians, it is normal for them to make such a choice.

   It is a pity that these conservatives still think things too simple, they have not considered the seriousness of the problem at all.

   If you want to know what they and the Japanese are doing, if you say that it is a betrayal of national interests, so if you want to know what you are doing, it is not easy not to talk about it. The people and other forces will not allow it.

  The conservative camp has controlled the power of the United States in different time and space for decades. During these decades, they suppressed various factions and capital forces. It can be said that all parties have complained and are very dissatisfied with the conservatives.

   At the same time, because of some conservative policies, it is very biased towards Japan, and at the same time it is very weak internationally, which makes the American people very unhappy.

   Also during the period of conservatives in power, these things are seen by everyone, but the conservatives were in power at that time, and everyone had no choice but to take them.

   But now something like this has made the foundation of the conservatives unstable. If you can grasp this opportunity, you might be able to overthrow the conservatives.

   Therefore, not only radicals, but even moderate and neutral forces, including interest groups composed of arms entrepreneurs, oil tycoons, and financial tycoons, are starting to attack conservatives at this time.

   Judging from this situation, those conservative politicians who want to protect themselves are obviously facing difficulties.

  【After World War II, our country stationed 4.8 million troops in Japan, and at the same time the military expenses were borne by the Japanese side. As a winner, I think it’s normal to enjoy such treatment. But since the conservatives came to power, they have reduced the military expenditures of the troops stationed in Japan, and at the same time they met with the military expenditures borne by the Japanese, forcing our army to decrease from 4.8 million to 900,000. Yes, Japan has begun to be out of control. .

   As for the result, I think everyone has seen it. Right-wing organizations in Japan have begun to rise and continue to attack our military bases in Japan. If it weren't for our military's persistent grit and insistence, the military bases in Japan would have been closed ten years ago.

   The proposal was made by the Japanese-American generals in the military and the Japanese-American aides of the president from the conservative camp at the time.

   It’s not that I want to think about them in the dark, but shouldn’t all this happen deserve our deep thought, to think about whether there is anything behind this that no one knows? "

   The military members of the radical faction first attacked. In an interview with a media reporter, they recalled the history, and at the same time they made some complaints, and they said something that was very guiding.

Of course, this military general who was affiliated with the radicals opened his mouth, and it was considered a start. After him, there were a large number of military, or moderate and neutral politicians, and began to express themselves in front of the camera. Some of the views.

   And these views are all coincidentally, they are aimed at one target, conservatives and Japanese-American military generals in the United States, and Japanese-American politicians.

   In addition, some entrepreneurs in the United States have also begun to stand in front of the camera, talking about the unfair treatment they have encountered in the market.

For example, a certain arms entrepreneur said in an interview with reporters: “Thirty-five years ago, our arms export business was still very good~lightnovelpub.net~ But since a certain Japanese-American became that year. After the president’s staff, we don’t know how we can’t sell our arms. But the Japanese government’s arms have begun to sell all over the world."

   The Texas arms dealer looked at the camera, his eyes widened, his expression was exaggerated.

   "You have to be clear that after World War II, Japan did not allow an army to exist, or even develop weapons. But 35 years ago, it was suddenly allowed to develop weapons and equipment on its own. Do you think there are any problems with this?"

   "What makes me even more strange is that there have been many times when our company developed new equipment, and when it was about to succeed, suddenly the Japanese arms company suddenly took out the finished product..."

   What the arms entrepreneur said is also easy to cause some associations.

   Yes, at critical moments, the Japanese can always get ahead. Why is that?

   You know, Japanese do not do this kind of thing once or twice.

   Many companies and R&D institutions in the United States have encountered such things in the past few decades.

   The products developed by themselves were about to succeed soon, but suddenly some Japanese companies jumped out to announce that they had successfully developed them and applied for international patents.

   Therefore, many companies’ research and development are completely useless, and they even lost money for this, or even went bankrupt.

  Think about these things now...it seems very problematic. (To be continued.)