Rising America

Chapter 236: That is a girl with potential

"I plan to hire 60 security guards at home, divided into three shifts a day for eight hours each, and also need to patrol from time to time. The remaining 40 security guards will stay to protect my daughter Coco. Look at this arrangement. Ok?"

Jin Xiantai said what he planned in his heart, and asked Qiao An what he thought of this arrangement. {For the latest chapter, please go to: ww.We}www.し


To hire 100 security guards in one go, the cost is not small.

You know, the salaries of the guards from these security consulting companies are calculated on a daily basis.

With a salary of $1,000 per person a day, even if you work eight hours, you still have to pay that much.

According to Kim Hyun Tae’s idea of ​​hiring 100 people, he would spend 100,000 U.S. dollars a day on salary, which is not to mention food and drink.

But when I think about it, based on Kim Hyun-tae’s wealth, it seems that he has to bear the security expenses of $50,000 a day, which is obviously a trivial matter.

So after Qiao An heard Jin Xiantai's plan, the snack was shocked and she quickly forgot about it.

"60 security guards can be used at home, but 40 bodyguards are used to protect the young lady. Isn't this a big battle?"

Qiao An asked a little question.

Faced with Qiao An’s question, Jin Xiantai replied very firmly: "Great battle? No! I don’t think so. My daughter is everything to me. I must take care of her safety. I don’t want to show up and let myself. Regretful negligence."

Qiao An loosened his shoulders when he heard the words: "Well, you are the boss, you have to decide this matter."

Anyway, all the expenses are funded by Jin Xiantai, so he wants to do it, not just how.

For this, Qiao Ann is very clear.

Besides, his little boss is now considered a rich man, and the security expenses of 100,000 dollars a day are spent, which is nothing.

Qiao An knows very clearly that this boy named Kim Hyun Tae passes his real boss Annie. But I made a lot of money in Japan.

The US$8.4 billion he invested has now doubled 13 times, reaching an early report of US$100 billion, and has been hit by his real boss Annie into his account.

Then Kim Hyun Tae, who has 100 billion US dollars in cash. It seems that it is really not difficult to spend 10 dollars a day to hire 100 bodyguards.

Besides, this is also for the safety of his daughter, isn't it?

By the way, Anne, who looks like her own boss, also likes the little girl Coco very much.

I want to make arrangements for Kim Hyun Tae as a father. Boss Annie will support it if she knows it.

Qiao An couldn't help thinking of Annie, the real boss behind the scenes. She felt that Annie should understand Kim Hyun Tae's mentality.

"Here! This is the call information I recorded. I will take it back and copy a few more copies. Tomorrow I hope these will be exposed in the major media."

At this time, Jin Xiantai took out his own recording tape from his pocket and handed it to Qiao An.

Qiao An reached out and put it in the inner pocket of his jacket, and then fastened the pocket button.

"Don't worry, I promise to report on this in the morning news early tomorrow morning."

Qiao An certainly gave an answer to Jin Xiantai's small request. After all, it is not difficult to do.

"Aunt Joan."

During the conversation, Jin Xiantai and Qiao An had already come to Cocoa's side.

Coco, who was playing with the dogs on the lawn, saw Qiao Ann and greeted her immediately.

"Sister Joan, why do you always forget this."

Qiao An ran to reach out and twisted Cocoa's face lightly, and at the same time wrinkled his delicate and cute little nose and pretended to be angry to correct Coco.

"Oh! Oh! Coco forgot, it's sister Joan."

Coco reacted quickly and corrected it immediately.

"Han Han likes the new home very much, its wife is beautiful and the children also like it very much, you see how fast its tail waggles."

Little Coco said to Qiao An with a smile while holding a silly neck.

"Cocoa, don't always roll on the ground. You know it's dirty on the ground."

Jin Xiantai came over at this time and saw that her daughter who was rolling on the floor was covered with grass clippings, so she couldn't help but talk about her.

Sometimes she feels helpless with her daughter, Kim Hyun Tae, because of her current temperament. It's too much like a boy, there is no such quietness as a girl, but it is very naughty.

Of course, with regard to the state of a daughter, Kim Hyun-tae, as a father, also read the parenting knowledge book and learned that girls of this age are basically like this.

After all, they have no gender concept at this age. So it's normal to be as naughty as boys.

But even if Jin Xiantai understood this, he was still very unaccustomed.

Girl, how nice it is to be quiet, rolling all day thinking about something.

Of course, this is just Kim Hyun Tae's personal opinion. As for fathers from other American families, it is unclear whether daughters like Coco who are naughty will think so.

"The lawn is very comfortable. Coco likes to roll on it. Han and beautiful and their children also like it. Dad will try it too. I promise you will like it too."

Cocoa was not afraid of facing her father at all. Instead, she suggested that her father lie down and roll around and enjoy the thick lawn at home.

Hearing what his daughter said, Jin Xiantai could only roll his eyes, and then was speechless.

Qiao An was sitting on the lawn at this time, not worried that she might run out in a miniskirt, smiled and nodded at Coco, then turned around and said to Jin Xiantai, "Don't be so harsh on the child, although I am not a mother and did not raise the child. Experience, but I think you should respect the children’s nature, and I think the lawn is not as dirty as you said."

Well, Joan, this is completely the concept of Europeans and Americans, which is completely different from Kim Hyun Tae.

For Europeans and Americans, children don't say that they are rolling on the lawn, even if they are rolling in the mud after the rain, they will not say anything.

In short, as long as the children are happy, everything is fine.

Joan sat on the lawn next to lace, which made her go away inadvertently.

Kim Hyun-tae quickly looked away from the little trousers with the rice flag on the white background. At the same time, he moved where he was standing.

The corners of Qiao'an's mouth curled up. She had been observing Jin Xiantai's reaction, and at the same time, Jin Xiantai's reaction made her very pleased and a bit funny.

In fact, after such a period of contact. Qiao An found that Jin Xiantai's life was a bit monotonous, even his life was a bit like a ‘ascetic monk’.

Of course, Qiao An also admitted that Jin Xiantai is an honest gentleman, and his character is commendable.

It's just Kim Hyun Tae's life. It seemed a bit boring in Qiao'an.

She really couldn't figure out why her boss Annie fell in love with such a young man.

Is it true that it is because of good character?

Adjusted his sitting posture to cover up his small eclipse.

For his figure, Qiao An has always been very confident.

If it wasn't for her own sexual orientation, there would be no problem at all if she wanted to find a man.

But who would have thought that such a big beauty was actually a lace edge.

I have to say, it is really a pity.

Kim Hyun Tae's mansion is located on the top of a hill, and you can see the night view of the city of Los Angeles with bright lights in front. The location and environment are very good. The residents nearby are either Hollywood stars or entrepreneurs with status and status.

"There are no problems with the company in recent days, right?"

Jin Xiantai knows that he can't talk about his daughter's problem alone, so he chose other topics wisely, and he didn't get entangled in the matter of cocoa.

This is his cleverness.

Besides, he also knew that he couldn't get Qiao An's support on this issue.

After all, the concept of parenting in Europe and America is really different from him.

Qiao An held Cocoa in his arms. Heh her itching made Coco chuckle and laugh, and the two Labrador dogs were also wagging their tails, constantly wandering around Joan. At the same time, the four puppies worked hard to drill between Coco and Qiao An.

"The toy factory has resumed production, and the mood of the workers has stabilized. There is no problem with the animation production company. The black girl named Whitney Houston has also been found back, and the animation can be produced within a month without accident. Finished, and then it was released."

Qiao An continued to tickle Coco while responding to the inquiry of his little boss. The funny little Coco twisted his body and laughed.

When mentioning the girl named Whitney Houston, Joanne became very serious at this time.

"Little boss, I have to say that you have a vision. This girl named Huini Houston is very talented. Her voice is too good. If she can be cultivated, she will be very promising."

Qiao An's admiration of the black girl surprised Jin Xiantai a little.

"what's your plan?"

However, Jin Xiantai could hear that Qiao An's remarks obviously had other meanings, but Jin Xiantai didn't know exactly what Qiao An thought.

"Is this girl signed with a music company, or is she a singer with any company?"

Qiao Ann asked.

Kim Hyun Tae shook his head: "No, as far as I know, she is just a very ordinary female student in Compton third-rate high school, she is not a member of the music circle at all. It was a very accidental situation to find her, so what did you plan? ."

Qiao An laughed and said to Jin Xiantai: "Let her sign an animation production company, and then invite professionals to train her. This girl has great potential for future development in the music industry and can bring you very rich returns. "

"You mean, let me train her as a signed singer?" Jin Xiantai understood Qiao An's plan at this time.

Qiao An nodded: "Yes, that's what I think. As a life assistant and secretary, I have a responsibility to remind you to pay attention to this girl. After all, she can bring you a lot of money."

Listening to Qiao An's words, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but remember the black girl in his mind. To be honest, Jin Xiantai did not remember the black girl very deeply.

But Qiao An said that she has great potential and development prospects, so she can't let herself be taken seriously.

But I’m not a person in the music industry. Is there really no problem doing this?

Kim Hyun Tae thought of such a problem.

Of course, it is not difficult to sign a girl, after all, the girl named Huini Houston has now dropped out of school and stayed at home.

And she still lives in the Compton black community, in such a chaotic environment.

Basically, if there are no opportunities, the girl's future life can be expected.

So why don’t you give the other person a chance to try it~lightnovelpub.net~ Besides, Qiao An also said that this girl can make a lot of money for herself in the future, which is also very good for herself. Isn't it?

So after thinking for a while, Jin Xiantai nodded to Qiao'an: "Well, since you are so optimistic about her, I don’t think there is any problem in signing her. I’m just worried that I’m not familiar with the music industry, in case I don’t cultivate it. What should I do?"

In the face of Kim Hyun Tae's concerns, Qiao An was very disapproving.

"The animation company has set up a singer department, and it's just going to be independent. As for how to train this girl, it's very simple, just have money."

Well, Qiao An seems to be right.

In this place in Los Angeles, it seems to take out money to invite people, and there is really no need to worry about not being hired.

Hearing what Qiao An said, Jin Xiantae no longer felt worried about it, but another thought came up.

[Am I considered entering the entertainment industry? 】(To be continued.)