Rising America

Chapter 237: Are you interested in acquiring cinema c

   The temperature in Los Angeles is a bit low at night, and if you live in Beverly Hills, you will be blown by the wind at night because of the relatively high terrain. ∮

Due to the absence of obstructions, it is located at the highest point of Beverly Hills. Kim Hyun-tae’s new home is not very windy at night. Fortunately, the location of Los Angeles is not bad. No more.

The night is low, and the spacious courtyard of the house is already lit. The yellow light makes the whole courtyard look very warm. Kim Hyun-tae is standing on the lawn in front of his courtyard, watching Qiao An and his daughter play on the grass. child.

   Qiao Ann is very good at coaxing children, but at this time, she was amused by her ‘giggling’ and laughing constantly, looking very happy.

   The two Labrador retrievers in the house, with their four puppies, surrounded Joan and Coco. Seeing their anxious look, they obviously wanted to join in and play together.

   Kim Hyun Tae is still very satisfied with the current life.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not that kind of very ambitious person, it can even be said that he has no ambition at all.

   There are enough financial conditions to allow him to live a carefree life with his daughter. This is already his highest goal.

   Some people may say that his idea is not pursued, and it can even be said that it is not promising, but no one can deny that there is nothing wrong with pursuing such a goal as a father.

   The 17-year-old Kim Hyun-tae is no longer a young man in his bones.

   So of course he will not think like a young man, he must pursue a fresh and exciting life, not to mention that he still has a child.

   So as a single father, what's wrong with wanting to live a dull life without much trouble.

   It's a pity that life is sometimes not always satisfactory. However, there are always small waves in Jin Xiantai's life, which makes him very helpless.

"The thing about the animation production company. Now that you have an idea, just do what you say. The black girl named Huini, you think about her potential so much, try to tap it All right."

   Jin Xiantai walked to Joan, who was playing with Zheng Ha, and sat down beside her daughter, and then said what he meant to Qiao An.

   "Although your idea is very good, do you think that black girl will sign with the company as smoothly as you think?"

   After saying what he meant to Qiao An, Jin Xiantai asked another question that he was worried about.

   Indeed, Qiao Ann’s idea is very good. And she personally thinks that the black girl named Hui Ni has a good voice and can have a good development in the music industry in the future, and at the same time can bring rich returns to Jin Xiantai.

   But after all, these are all Qiao'an's own wishful thinking. What the black girl named Hui Ni thinks, she hasn't considered it at all now.

  What if this black girl named Huini is not interested in developing in the music industry?

   stopped scratching Cocoa's tickling hands, Qiao An looked at his little boss with a funny face. His face was full of ridicule.

   "This is Hollywood. How many young people can resist the temptation to enter the entertainment industry, not to mention that once they become famous, they can make a lot of money. So I think your worry. It is not necessary at all."

   Qiao An said, Jin Xiantai was speechless.

   Yes, this is Hollywood, and here are the young people. Many have such longing for entering the entertainment industry.

   You need to know, once you really enter this Vanity Fair and succeed. That's really a good thing for fame and fortune.

  It’s just that, after all, there are very few people who can succeed in this dream capital.

   Most dream seekers have become cannon fodder.

   Qiaoan continued: "You said that the girl was born in the South Central District of Compton. It is a place where black gangs are flooded and the living environment is very poor, and the people who live there are all poor."

   It can be seen that Qiao Ann still knows this place very well.

   "So I don't think it will be difficult to sign this girl. I don't believe she doesn't want to change her destiny."

   Kim Hyun-tae shrugged: "Well, since you are so confident, I won't say anything. The second animation of the animation production company is about to be completed, so how are the major theaters discussed now?"

Little Coco turned over at this time, ran behind Qiao Ann, wrapped her small hand around her neck and started climbing. The little guy’s energy was so strong, Qiao Ann had to put his hands behind his back and drag the little guy’s feet. , So that she will not fall.

   At the same time, Qiao An also responded to his little boss’s questions.

   "It went well, thanks to the good box office of the previous animation, if the second animation is completed, at least 60% of the theaters will be willing to arrange the film, and now we have signed an agreement with 40% of the theaters."

Kim Hyun-tae calculated silently in his heart, and at the same time compared the situation of the first animation, and finally came to a conclusion that if there are no accidents, after the second animation is released, the animation company’s income will not be Lower than the first animation.

   My own assessment is very good, which also made Kim Hyun Tae relax.

   Basically, as long as the second animation is successfully screened in theaters and gets a good box office, then the animation production company can continue to operate like this.

   is equivalent to saying that the few companies he has on hand will have another profitable revenue and expenditure.

   So this is a good thing, how could Kim Hyun Tae be unhappy.

"Boss, although the animation production company seems to be very profitable now, the success of the animation film has also attracted the attention of other film and television companies. Recently, several large Hollywood film and television companies will also launch several animation film productions. I think it is very likely. It will have some impact and influence on the box office of our company’s movies."

   Just when Kim Hyun Tae secretly rejoiced, Qiao An said something not so good.

   Americans are not stupid, and Hollywood people are not stupid. An animation produced by Kim Hyun Tae Animation Production Company can have a net income of 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. Everyone can see this.

  Although this kind of income is nothing compared to those high-box office movie tickets.

   Ke can also attract the attention of major film and television companies.

   You need to know that the animation production of Kim Hyun-tae, all the related costs before and after all, did not exceed 5 million US dollars.

   on the Hollywood side, it was a completely low-cost production, but the revenue surprised everyone.

   5 million US dollars in production costs, in exchange for 2.3 billion US dollars in net profit, which is very profitable.

   Especially animation production has several advantages. First of all, you don’t need to hire big-name actors, so you can save a lot of money.

   There is no need to spend a huge amount of money on renting venues for the film, which can save a lot of money.

  At the same time, all kinds of labor, accommodation, transportation, coordination, public relations, and food expenses can also be left. This is very important to Hollywood capitalists.

   You know, in this time and space, a big-name Hollywood actor can earn more than 100 million dollars!

   And these big-name actors are also eccentric, very difficult to serve.

   can make animated movies, so you can completely avoid dealing with these actors.

   Therefore, when Kim Hyun Tae succeeded, several major Hollywood film companies immediately invested a sum of money to form their own animation film production department and began to experiment with animation films.

   But doing this has caused Kim Hyun-tae a little bit of trouble.

   First of all, he needs to compete with these film and television companies, and the first thing to bear is the arrangement of theaters.

  In terms of relationship, he is definitely not comparable to those large film and television companies. After all, he is still a newcomer in Hollywood, and he is taking the path of animation film and television production.

If it hadn’t been for Annie to lay the foundation for him, and now that the public opinion environment has attracted him attention, the theater operator feels that Kim Hyun Tae’s animated films can attract audiences to the theater, Qiao An would like to talk about it this time It is very difficult to issue new film rights.

   You need to know that several major film and television companies have many tricks behind them.

   Regarding these, Jin Xiantai is obviously still not clear, and Qiao An didn't tell him what he meant, obviously because he didn't want him to worry about it.

   Although Qiao Ann doesn't say these things, it's okay to remind me.

   That's why Qiao An said the above to Kim Hyun Tae.

   The meaning of these words is very clear, and Kim Hyun-tae is not indifferent, he is about to face fierce competition in the future.

"Competition makes progress ~ lightnovelpub.net~ As long as I can produce high-level animation production, the theaters should buy it, and the audience will buy it. And I also have a lot of good stories that can attract Come and watch everyone."

   Kim Hyun-tae is not so worried about this issue yet, nor does he think too deeply.

   In his opinion, as long as he can produce high-level productions, he can attract audiences and impress theater operators.

   I have to say that this idea of ​​Jin Xiantai is really naive.

  【My little boss, he is still too naive. 】

   After hearing Kim Hyun Tae's words, Qiao An sighed secretly in his heart.

   But immediately she thought that Jin Xiantai was still a little younger after all, and he didn't understand some of the mysteries so well, so this was also excusable.

   You need to know that this young man a year ago was still a single father struggling at the bottom, so it is normal to not know some of the unspoken rules in it.

   Qiao Ann, who figured this out, felt that it was necessary for her to solve these problems for the little boss, and it was because of this relationship that she herself was inserted by the young man by Anne.

   "Boss, are you interested in acquiring some cinema chains to build your own company's cinema chain system?"

  , who wanted to understand this, Qiao An put forward a suggestion in time. (To be continued.)