Rising America

Chapter 238: Is it true that lace is so good?

   "You mean, let me buy some theater chains?"

   When Qiao An said this idea, Kim Hyun Tae was taken aback.

   To be honest, he never considered this issue at all. After all, the acquisition of cinema chains is troublesome and costly. How can it be simple to make an animated movie?

   Qiao Ann nodded, his expression became serious.

   Xiao Ke Ke, who was making trouble behind her, saw that she and her father were talking about business again, so he cleverly stopped making trouble, but ran aside to play with the dogs.

   "Yes, the acquisition and management of our own cinema chains, so that we don't have to look at the faces of those cinema owners. The most important thing is that we will have greater initiative."

  Although he didn't want to tell Kim Hyun Tae something annoying, Qiao An didn't understand anything when he saw his little boss, so he felt that it was the most correct to talk to him.

   After all, she must let Jin Xiantai understand how passive she will become in the future without the cinema chain in her hands.

   More importantly, Qiao An knows that Jin Xiantai now has enough cash to support his plan.

   For people like Qiao An, she knows exactly what money is.

  The money in the bank is just some useless waste paper. It is only useful if you spend the money and buy something that allows you to gain more power.

   And acquiring some theater chains is the first step.

   Of course, this idea of ​​Joan was mentioned to Annie, who was waiting for a baby in New York, and it was definitely supported by Annie.

   It is precisely because of Annie's support that she will implement this plan.

   "My little boss, obviously you still don't know how passive you will be in the future competition if you don't master the hospitalization line. If you know that you didn't make the work, it will definitely be shown.

   There are at least tens of thousands of works in Hollywood every year, and they are buried because they cannot be released. You obviously don't know if it's right. "

   Faced with Qiao An's remarks, Jin Xiantai really couldn't say a word, because she was right, and she really didn't know these things.

   "Why is this?"

  金︾︾, Xiantai asked without shame, since he didn't understand what's inside, he asked humbly, he didn't feel shameful.

   Where is Qiao An sitting, looking at Kim Hyun Tae: "It's very simple. More than 60% of the theaters in the United States are basically in the hands of major Hollywood film companies. Only 40% of the theaters are not involved with them.

   But even if they are not involved, these 40% of the movie theaters have to look at the faces of these film and television companies. Therefore, once these large film and television companies join forces to build a company, it will be difficult for the company to survive in the film and television industry.

   doesn't need much means, as long as the theater doesn't arrange films for you, it's easy, isn't it? "

   After listening to Qiao An's words, after Jin Xiantai pondered it in his own heart, he found that Qiao An said this truth.

  Imagine that I invested millions or even tens of millions to shoot a movie. But I found that after the shooting, there was no way to come out and broadcast on the theaters, which meant that the money invested was completely wasted.

   is just such a hand, enough to make many people become impoverished, and then quit this place of Hollywood.

   Why are the major Hollywood film and television companies standing still? Behind this, how many small companies have they squeezed out to have their status today.

   You know, Hollywood cakes are so big, one more person will get one more piece.

   It would be great if you don’t have to divide it.

   Such thoughts. People will have them, let alone those capitalists.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not stupid, it's just that he doesn't understand the truth. But listen to what Qiao Ann said. How could he not understand.

   "You mean, they will push me out in the future?"

   Kim Hyun Tae asked unsurely.

In the face of Jin Xiantai's uncertain question, Qiao An gave a very positive answer: "I will definitely do this, please don't doubt this. American capitalists are all this virtue, otherwise they can't make so much money. "

   Well, it seems that I'm still a little too simple, and I don't understand many things so well.

   Kim Hyun Tae smiled bitterly and shook his head, and at the same time secretly laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart.

"Little boss, you don’t have to worry so much. In fact, you can easily solve this problem with your current funds. You just need to buy a theater chain. With your own theater chain, those guys want to exclude you. It's easy."

   The solution proposed by Qiao An is very simple. It is still to acquire a theater of his own.

   Jin Xiantai looked at Qiao An, and said to her, "Who is so stupid to sell his theater. Even if it is sold, the film and television companies will join in. How could it be cheaper for me."

   I can hear that the little boss of my own family has entered the state, and he can already consider many things.

   Qiao Ann is very pleased with this.

   But it seems that my own little boss is a bit pessimistic about this. This is not a good sign.

   While gratifying for Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, Qiao An felt that Kim Hyun Tae was too pessimistic.

"I got the exact news that there is a small cinema chain that is about to be sold. The operator of this cinema chain has recently lost money in stocks and owes a large loan to the bank. Therefore, the bank decided to sell his hospital. Take it out for auction."

   Qiao An told Kim Hyun Tae about this.

   "Oh, is there such a good thing? How many theaters does he manage?"

   After hearing what Qiao An said, Kim Hyun Tae was really interested.

   You need to know that he can have more than 100 billion US dollars in cash now, and he can take out some to buy a theater chain, which is really not difficult for him.

   Besides, what Qiao An said was already very clear, how could he not know how passive he would be in the future without the theater line in his hands.

   As far as the animation production company is concerned, it is obvious that it will be an endless stream of cash cows if it is well managed, so Kim Hyun-tae has no reason to give up unless he is an idiot.

   "A total of 3,000 theaters, and these theaters are built in large cities, not the kind of second-tier and third-tier small cities, the passenger flow is very secure."


   If it is as Qiao An said, then this is really a good opportunity.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not stupid, he immediately understood what a rare opportunity this is.

   3000 theaters. This is not too small.

   In this time and space, there are only 120,000 theaters in the United States.

   Then this theater line has only 3,000 theaters, which is only 1/40 of the total, which is less than 10% of the total.

   But even so, as long as you master this theater line, you can make yourself invincible. In the future, you don't have to worry about being crowded out by those large film companies, right?

   For this, after Qiao An's reminder, Jin Xiantai was able to think of it.

   "What is the auction price? How many competitors will there be?"

   Kim Hyun-tae asked Joan after he recovered.

Qiao An replied: "The bank price is 3.2 billion. As far as I know, all major Hollywood film companies are interested in this theater. But as long as the boss is willing to spend a lot of money, the acquisition of this theater should not be a problem. ."

  Because he knows how much money his little boss has now, Qiao An believes that the acquisition of this cinema chain still has a great possibility of success.

   "How much do you expect me to spend to get this theater?"

   Qiao An's voice fell off, and Jin Xiantai continued to ask.

   "$8 billion, after all, there are too many competitors." Qiao An thought for a while. Gives an estimated cost.

   8 billion dollars?

  Acquiring a small theater chain of 3,000 theaters, Jin Xiantai began to weigh it in his heart, and soon he made a decision.

   Even if it is a small theater chain, Kim Hyun-tae feels that the acquisition is down. It is still necessary.

   After all, he doesn't want to leave any hidden dangers for the future.

   Besides, he is not short of money now, so why not think about it.

   "Okay! No problem, I will pay the money. When will the bank start this?"

   Kim Hyun Tae who has made a decision. Ask Qiao Ann when the auction will start.

   Qiao An replied: "The auction presided over by Whiston Bank will be at the Beverly Hills Hotel at 9 am the day after tomorrow."

   The day after tomorrow is Thursday. There are still classes at the college, so it is impossible for me to take leave.

   After thinking about it, Kim Hyun-tae said to Qiao An, "Then leave this to you. I have to go to class the day after tomorrow."

   Qiao An nodded when he heard the words: "Don't worry, I will definitely take down this theater."


   For the auction hosted by Whiston Bank, can Kim Hyun-tae fail to win this theater?

   Knowing the tricky Qiao Ann, thinks this is simply impossible.

   That's why Qiao Ann answered so confidently.

"By the way, I heard that many cinema owners have lost money in the stock market. So I think it is necessary for you to prepare some cash for the boss. Maybe in the future, those guys who have lost money in the stock market, I have to take out my own theaters for auction to repay debts."

   In the end, Qiao An told Jin Xiantai another gossip.

   But in fact, these news were all that Annie told Qiao An, and then asked her to remind Jin Xiantai to pay attention.

   After all, some cinema owners who entered the stock market borrowed money from Whiston Bank. That's why Annie knows their financial situation so well.

   Especially when Annie was still ‘black-hearted’ when the other party lost money, she began to force the other party to pay off the debt.

   And Annie did it all for Kim Hyun Tae.

   "Why, isn't the current stock market trending very good? I remember that the Internet concept stocks are not hot, why these people are losing money?"

   Jin Xiantai nodded, indicating that he would pay attention to the situation in this area, and at the same time asked about it curiously.

   Qiao An curled his lips: “There are too many bubbles in Internet concept stocks, and they have fallen sharply recently. Many Internet technology-related stocks have fallen more than 20 times, so many people have lost miserably.”

   After talking, Qiao An added: "I also lost a lot of money. Like those fools, I am also a victim."


   Unexpectedly, Qiao An also bought network technology stocks.

   Seeing Qiao An's gloomy look, Kim Hyun-tae suddenly thought she was very cute.

   Well, lovely lace edges.

   Qiao An looked up at Jin Xiantai: "Boss, if QQ is listed in the future, you must subscribe for some instant messaging stocks for me. I am very optimistic."


Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help laughing, and said to Qiao An with a funny face: "I didn't plan to do this, so you must be disappointed. But I can give you a salary increase, which is to make up for your loss. ."

   Qiao An looked disappointed when he heard the words, frowning with bitter brows.

   "Oh, how can you pick up girls if you have no money? Girls nowadays are too realistic."

   This lace edge!

   Kim Hyun-tae was really dumbfounded when he heard what Joan said.

   "Are you good at picking up girls?"

   "It's just spending money. As long as there is money, there are girls. No money, no girls."

   Qiao An sat there dejectedly, and began to talk with Kim Hyun Tae about picking up girls.

   The scene seemed a bit strange for a while.

   If two men talk about this topic, it is normal.

   But the problem is that I am talking about this with Kim Hyun Tae. It's a bit weird to be a female.

   "Hey, I said you are not looking for a serious person? Is it possible that you are looking for a street girl?"

   Although Kim Hyun-tae felt that it was not good to discuss this topic with Qiao An, he still couldn't help his curiosity.

Qiao An squinted at Jin Xiantai: "Is my taste so low? I don't understand it with a man like you. Is it really hard to know if a woman like me has no money? After all, my sexual orientation is different from ordinary people. , So the economic foundation must be good."

   "Then what kind of girl do you like?"

   The soul of Jin Xiantai's gossip is burning.

After thinking about it, Qiao An replied: "I have a good figure and a bit domineering. This is my ultimate ideal girl, but such girls are still a minority in the end. Recently I met a fitness trainer, a German girl. Also young I'm only 19 years old, and I really don't have that figure."

   When I talked about this fitness trainer I met recently, Qiao An's face lightened up, and now she looks no different from a wretched man. The difference is that she is just a woman.

   "It's just that this girl worships money too much, which makes me a little bit too much. If I don't meet some of her material needs. She won't sleep with me at night, which bothers me a lot."


   I laughed so hard, Joan, you are so funny.

   Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help laughing.

   At this moment, Qiao Ann looks no different from a big man, although she is very beautiful and looks petite.

   But such a woman has lace edges, and she is troubled by women just like men.

   Looking at Qiao An in front of him, Kim Hyun Tae really felt amused.

   Of course, he didn't mean to look down on Qiao Ann a little bit, after all, he respected personal sexual orientation.

   "I'm very strange, when you are with that girl, who is t and who is o?"

   Under Qiao'an's gaze, Jin Xiantai suppressed his smile, but he still asked a very gossip question.

   Qiao Ann raised his right thumb and touched the tip of his index finger.

   Kim Hyun-tae understands, Dare to love Joan is still an ‘o’.

   "I think I am like a useless woman with a white face. It bothers me so much."

   put down his right hand, Qiao Ann said another word.



  Joan, don’t be so funny, okay.

   Jin Xiantai lay on the lawn with his belly in his arms, he really broke his belly with a smile.

   Looking at Kim Hyun Tae who was rolling around with a smile, Qiao An rolled her eyes. She didn't know what was funny about her affairs.

   After a while, Kim Hyun Tae held back his smile again and sat up straight again.

   "Have you always come here to pick up girls like this?"

   Qiao Ann nodded, with a lonely expression on his face.

   "Yes, that's how I got along with girls since junior high school, because I found that if I didn't have money, I couldn't find a girl willing to be with me at all."

   Kim Hyun-tae couldn't laugh, he suddenly felt that Qiao An was actually quite poor.

  A woman like her actually has to rely on money to find her significant other, which is simply too sad, okay?

   Even Jin Xiantai can imagine how many of the girls she was looking for were sincerely with her.

   Maybe, just use her as a cash machine.

   Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-tae felt that Joan was a little pitiful, even a little sad.

   "I think your thinking like this is wrong. You should use your heart to find your significant other, instead of putting your hope on money. In fact, you can try and find a female partner without money."

   Kim Hyun Tae also gave Qiao An a suggestion at this time.

Qiao An looked at Jin Xiantai seriously, and from his eyes Qiao An could see that he was sincere, without any pretentiousness, so he realized that this was really for his own good, so he made such a suggestion, and did not look down on it. Own meaning.

   You know, Qiao An always feels low self-esteem because of his sexual orientation.

   Therefore, Qiao An was very touched by the suggestion of his little boss, but at the same time he felt a little warm.

   "Forget it, I think it is more convenient to use money~lightnovelpub.net~ At least those girls can quickly enter the key steps."

   My heart was warm, but he said something that made Kim Hyun Tae choke.

Hey! You little lace side, you really don't understand.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who was choked, was spitting in his heart.

   looked at the time, it was already over 21 o'clock in the evening, and it was not early. Jin Xiantai and Qiao An had a chat for a while, and after a bout of nonsense, Qiao An made the decision to leave.

   greeted his daughter, and Jin Xiantai held Cocoa and drove Joan into the car.

Lying on the car window, Kim Hyun-tae said to Qiao An, "The girl named Hui Ni, go and have a look with her. If there is no problem, sign it. You will leave the theater business to you. You can give me some advice. Just call it. You can help me take care of other things too. Anyway, I'm bothered."

   Qiao An, who was sitting in the car, nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, there is no problem with everything to me. By the way, then the girl named Hui Ni is pretty good. If I do it to her, will it be okay?"

   Jin Xiantai rolled his eyes and said nothing. He really couldn't answer this question.

   Seeing that Jin Xiantai did not make a sound, Qiao An smiled and started the car.

   Looking at Qiao An who was driving away, Kim Hyun-tae thought to himself: "Is it all like lace? I have one at home, and I have to look for it outside. This is just like a playboy." (To be continued.) uw