Rising America

Chapter 239: Let them die


   In the Washington Federal Supreme Court, a middle-aged white male lawyer representing the Japanese fund, a middle-aged white male lawyer, glared at the coquettish little George.

   The judge picked up the small hammer at hand and tapped "Silence!", which did not cause a greater dispute.

The attorney of the Japanese fund looked at George, took a deep breath and calmed his mind, then said loudly: "This is simply robbing, why should my client face up to trillions of dollars in compensation? , This is simply an anecdote, an extremely absurd anecdote!"

   Little George looked at this ‘angry’ lawyer colleague lightly and admired his acting skills in his heart.

  Because he is also a lawyer, of course young George knows what his colleague thinks at this moment.

  Seriously, don’t look at the other party’s performance as if he is standing on the side of a Japanese fund, of course he has to perform like this.

   After all, he took other people’s lawyer fees. In any case, he has to work hard to fight for the benefits of his clients.

   But in fact, in the face of the current predicament, isn't this colleague not sure that everything he has done is of no avail?

   Little George felt that the other party must be clear.

   But it is clear that things have to be done this way, people have to behave like this, right?

   At least let everyone see that he hasn't worked hard.

   As for what the final result will be, of course, it is not something this colleague has to consider.

   "According to Clause xx, your agent has violated the law, and its nasty ways and means have been trying to seize the instant messaging software of my agent William King. This is an indisputable fact."

   Little George, the old god, was there, making the opponent speechless.

   Indeed, the lawyer representing this matter cannot be sophistryed.

   You must know that this matter has been exposed, and the whole United States knows it.

   Little George cites a long story based on the classics, and in short, tells the other party well-founded. He mentioned such amount of compensation, it has a legal basis.

   First of all, Internet companies under the control of Japanese-funded funds infringed the intellectual property rights of their agents by illegal means. In addition, he dared to bribe senior officials of the Patent Office to tamper with patent documents, which caused extremely bad negative effects.

   At the same time, he finally used the legal system greedily to make his agent William Kim (Kim Hyun Tae) have to give them a huge compensation of 30 billion U.S. dollars, which had been implemented at that time.

   This led to his agent William Kim (Kim Hyun Tae). Bank funds were frozen, and animation production companies, toy factories, Chinese TV stations, and even novel works created under his name were illegally seized by Japanese funds.

   This caused William Kim (Kim Hyun Tae) to suffer a lot of losses.

   And this incident seems to be an indisputable fact. It has already happened, and it has been recorded and reported by the mass media. No one can argue.

   Then according to laws and regulations, on the basis of 30 billion, Japanese-funded funds will face two 100 times compensation. This is normal.

   So, little George asked the other person in court, how could this be a forceful act?

   You need to know that he sued according to the law, and everything has a basis.


   Two compensations of 100 times, based on 30 billion US dollars, that is 6 trillion US dollars.

   My God, this is the first time in the history of the United States that such a large amount of compensation is good. This is incredible to the extreme.

   Let's talk about it. It is also that the Japanese are too greedy.

   If it hadn't been for them to make Kim Hyun Tae pay 30 billion U.S. dollars, then they wouldn't have such trouble now.

   But regretting now is useless, right, the facts are already here, they really have nothing to do.

of course. They can't get 6 trillion dollars if you kill them. Anyone knows that such a large amount of compensation is unrealistic.

   Regardless of whether it is reality or not, little George must make it clear to everyone that the other party really has to face such an amount of compensation.

   As to whether the other party can take it out, it is not a question to consider.

To know. Little George's goal is the cnn television station under the name of the Japanese fund and the newspaper "Xi'an Current Affairs" under his control, which is not 6 trillion dollars at all.

  Because little George understands that the other party does not have that much money at all, it would be nice to have a few billion dollars in cash.

   After expounding his point of view, little George turned around, looked at the judge seriously, and then turned to look at the jury members.

  "Your Honor, jury, I ask you to remember that the other party seized all the assets of my client not long ago and forced him to become homeless, so he can only take his one-year-old daughter to the streets.

   At that time, these despicable and shameless guys obviously didn't expect that the dirty things they did would be exposed by Skynet.

   Now that the facts have proved, my client was completely framed by them and conspired to take everything.

   Then why can't we apply for counter-compensation matters? "

   Little George talked eloquently in front of the judge and a group of juries, and he said clearly and clearly, he also showed what happened some time ago.

   The judge was expressionless, but the members of the jury nodded, obviously being moved by George.

   This trial has been very detrimental to Japanese funds from the beginning.

   After all, what they did was too awkward and bad.

   Therefore, in this situation, they cannot have a little advantage and favorable conditions.

  The jury members attending the trial this time are from the grassroots masses in the United States as usual. There are laundromats, housewives, and convenience store salespeople, and they are white, black, Mexican, and Asian.

  As ordinary people, although they don't know the laws and regulations that much, they think about things differently from judges.

   But one thing is very clear, that is, it's a matter of fact.

  Your Japanese fund really violated the law. It’s right to plant and frame Kim Hyun-tae.

   In the end, you also greedily conspired to seize each other’s property and everything, this is not wrong.

   Then now the other party is asking you to pay compensation, which is very fair.

   And his attorney Jr. George said very clearly that the compensation he was asking for was not something that the lion said out loudly.

   It is based on legal terms, and the amount of compensation required is legally based.

   In such a situation. The members of the jury, of course, lean towards George.

   Besides, these jury members from the bottom of the public, after brainwashing a series of TV media reports these days, are very unwelcome to Japanese funds.

and so. It is very easy for little George to move them.

   "Protest, the opposing lawyer is inducing the jury!"

   Seeing that the members of the jury were moved by George, the attorney for the Japanese fund quickly protested in court.

   The judge cast a glance at him and said nothing.

   Little George argued: "Your Honor, what I said is the truth. It's not a mess, the defendant did such a thing."

   After little George finished his defense, the judge nodded and announced: "The protest is invalid. The prosecution lawyer continues."

   Hearing what the judge said, the defendant, the attorney representing the Japanese fund, suddenly sat down like a frustrated ball.

   He knew that no matter what he did, he could no longer change anything.

   Little George took out a cassette from his pocket. It was shown to the judge and members of the jury, and then it was handed over to the court exhibit personnel.

"This is a call recording recorded by my agent a few days ago. At that time, he received a call from the "xxxx" fund. The other party obviously threatened my client during the call. I was very angry and puzzled about this. Why is the other party so arrogant? Rampant? Why do they have such confidence?"

   The impassioned little George said can be described as seven emotions. This performance really requires 32 compliments to him. It is a pity that he is not mixed with Hollywood.

   The exhibit custodian took the tape and found a tape recorder and put it in. Then the beginning of the court was broadcast.

   [If you are obsessed, we can’t guarantee that something bad will happen to your daughter in the future. I don’t think you would like to see such a thing happen, so we hope you can give up the lawsuit. 】

   The courtroom is very quiet. It just echoes the sound played by this tape recorder.

   This passage is obviously a threatening word.

   The faces of the jury members were very ugly, and some even showed anger.

   This is crazy!

   [I just want a fair, you framed me, took everything from me, and made me compensate you 30 billion US dollars, so why can't I counter-suing you now? 】

   The next paragraph. That's what Kim Hyun Tae said.

   Everyone thinks what he said makes sense.

   Why you guys can do this, but this boy named William King can’t.

   [This world is inherently unfair, what qualifications do you have to ask for fairness~lightnovelpub.net~ You are just an orphan that nobody wants and has nothing to do with us. So I advise you to be smart and don't regret it last. 】


   About 6 minutes later, the content of the tape is finished.

   The attorney for the Japanese fund was pale.

   Everyone in the courtroom, including the jury and the judge, have very ugly faces.

   To be honest, everyone sympathizes with Kim Hyun Tae.

   After all, no matter who is resting on someone like this, it won't be easier to think about it.

   But those shameless guys even shamelessly threatened the young man after the incident was exposed.

   And what else to say [There is no fairness in this world, and boys are not qualified to have fairness. ] Such bullshit.

   In the end, those shameless guys also named young orphans, saying that the young people have no capital to fight with them.

   This is simply intolerable.

   You should know that Americans have always prided themselves on freedom, justice, and sympathy for the weak.

   In this incident, Kim Hyun Tae was obviously a weak person.

   Apart from others, the jury members from the grassroots of society have basically made a decision at this time.

   That is to support little George, and let the shameless Japanese fund die. (To be continued.)