Rising America

Chapter 248: Not satisfied with Annie

   "Hehe, miss, this smirking panda logo is really eye-catching. ⊙The patterns of these styles of clothing are also very cute."

   New York, Manhattan, the top floor of the Whiston Building adjacent to the east side of Central Park, the old butler Nord took the "Hey! "Panta" trademark and Cocoa's clothing style pattern, smiled and admired.

   At this time Annie is approaching the due date, and she will give birth in more than twenty days.

  Because of her pregnancy, Annie experienced pregnancy reactions, edema and other things that pregnant women experienced, coupled with the family business management, which made her look unwell.

   Lazily lying on the bed, Annie reached out to take the faxes handed over by the old butler, looked at it carefully and carefully, and then she also smiled.

"But she is a smart little girl. Some magical things always happen to her. I think this should be inherited from her father's excellent genes. You must know that her father is a very talented guy, as his My daughter, Cocoa, shouldn't be bad."

   Anne, who is very ‘brain-dead’ for Kim Hyun-tae, and Coco firmly believes that she inherited the excellent genes of her father, so it’s no surprise that she is a little bit magical.

  If Coco is mediocre, Annie will think there is a problem.

   Cocoa draws a lot of clothing patterns, deer, crocodile, zebra, bear, panda, cat, monkey, orangutan, etc., are basically designed and painted with the image of animals.

   And there are children, teenagers, and adults wearing this style of clothing in the pattern, both men and women, and they are all cute.

  Coco's painting style is somewhat similar to that kind of silly and cute, so the images in the little guy's paintings will also look very cute, and anyone who looks at it will love it.

"Tell Qiao An. Coco is very talented in drawing. This is very similar to his father. I remember that her father William also drew good sketches. Therefore, Coco should be trained in this respect, and she All those paintings of "I have to stay, and in the future Coco will have the name of a young girl painter, I think it’s not bad, right.

   Annie explained to the old butler in the first half of the sentence that she told Qiao An to develop the skills of cocoa painting.

  The second half of the sentence is for the advice of the old housekeeper. And said some small plans of his own.

Nod, the old housekeeper standing not far away, thought about it, and then smiled and replied: "There should be no problem, I think the name of a girl painter is very good. In fact, it is nothing more than hype. This is a little bit for us. Not difficult.

  The so-called artists in Brooklyn, I don’t think their paintings are so good, why are their paintings worth tens of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars. "

   is like Anne's "brain-depleted" Kim Hyun Tae, the old housekeeper treats himself as a young lady who has watched growing up since childhood. It is also unconditional support and agreement.

   From the old butler Nord, got an answer that fits her own mind, and Annie was very happy.

"You are right, Uncle Nord. I don't think the paintings of those guys are as good as Coco. You see how cute these people are in Cocoa's drawings. All of them are stupid and cute. My heart melts when I see it. .

   And the paintings of so-called artists, I can't understand them at all. It's a pity that they still insist on what is meant by this or that, I really can't understand. "

   Because of Kim Hyun Tae, Annie Aiwu and Wu's counterpart Coco. I like it very much.

   Don't look at Coco Annie's child, but Annie doesn't think so. It shows how much she likes Coco Annie.

   "Miss, Qiao An said that Coco is also talented in music and language. Now she has learned Japanese, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese, and has no problem reading and writing. Even now she has started to learn Italian."

   Seeing that my lady is so happy, the old housekeeper is also happy to continue telling her the good news about the results, making my lady happier.

   Since my own lady became pregnant, the old Nord has also learned a lot of related knowledge, so he knows that keeping pregnant women feel comfortable and happy is good for the fetus.

   So, to make young lady happy, of course the old butler Nord will spare no effort.

   hasn't been married all his life, and devoted all his life to the old Nord of the Whiston family, basically treating Annie as his own daughter.

   Therefore, as long as my lady can be happy and happy, Old Nord will be happy and happy too.

   "Haha, Coco is really a great little guy. At that time, her mantra was ‘Coco is great’. Now it seems that the little guy is not bragging at all."

   After listening to the old housekeeper's words, Annie was obviously happier, and she began to recall the little things that happened when she was living with Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter.

   "I remember that Coco was very fluent in Chinese, but I didn't speak English. I knew she was learning Japanese with her father. I didn't expect to learn both Korean and Spanish now."

   Recalling every bit of it at that time, Annie showed a sad expression.

   The old housekeeper took a look, came in quickly, and started to change the subject. He worried that the young lady would be in a bad mood because of the memories.

   "As you said, Coco inherited his father's excellent genes, and he will definitely grow into an outstanding girl in the future. I firmly believe this."

   Annie was interrupted by the old housekeeper's interruption, but she was not dissatisfied because the old housekeeper praised Xiao Ke Ke.

Annie nodded slowly: "I have no doubt about this, the little guy's future achievements will definitely be higher than mine." After that, Annie's face bloomed with pride, as if it was hers. Same as daughter.

   After seeing this, some of the old butlers were dumbfounded.

   "Miss, would you like to take a look at Qiao'an's plan?"

   asked the old butler at this time.

   Annie didn't say a word, but she stretched out her hand.

   The old butler quickly handed the plan that Qiao An had faxed to Annie.

   After receiving the plan, Annie put aside the trademark and clothing patterns she had previously held, and then looked at it seriously.

   In this plan, Qiao An clearly listed his plans and strategies for operating this trademark and the clothing brand.

   First of all, she puts advertisements on the top ten television stations in the United States, and newspapers and magazines also have advertisements. Then there are bus station billboards, subway billboards and so on.

   In short, let the public begin to know that there is now such a brand of clothing.

   Then he established his own physical sales store, planning to have five or ten stores.

   Qiao An clearly stated in the plan that pajamas were only one of them. She accepted Kim Hyun-tae’s suggestion and decided to create hip-hop street fashion clothing for the youth series at a minimum price of $300 for a piece of clothing or pants. Going is the high-end.

  As long as the prestige can be established in the early stage, the next step is to attract franchisees to join, follow the strategy of chain stores, or directly recruit agents.

   At the same time, Qiao An also said that in order to maintain the high-end brand image, the quality of clothing must be guaranteed, so she must strictly guarantee the quality.

   And Qiao Ann listed a table so that Annie can clearly understand how much profit there is.

   According to Qiao An's table data. 300% profit is the lowest.

   The price of a single piece of 300 US dollars, which is simply very profitable.

   But Annie admired JoAnn's plan very much.

   But when Annie saw that Kim Hyun-tae’s initial investment was only 10 million US dollars, she couldn't help but curl her lips. I feel a little bit dissatisfied with his being so ‘petty’.

   "Huh! This guy is still so stingy, his daughter wants to start a business, and he has only given an initial investment of 10 million U.S. dollars. It is so stingy."

   see here. Annie couldn't help but vomit.

   The old housekeeper Nord, who was standing by, couldn't laugh or cry. He thought that Jin Xiantai was a bit wronged.

   Don’t talk about Kim Hyun-tae about this. Old Nord feels it’s his own words. It is estimated that it is impossible to invest too much.

   After all, think about Coco's age, the little girl who is just over one year old, right.

   No matter how spoiled the father is, it is impossible to spend billions of dollars on her.

   Obviously my own lady ignored this question.

   "Miss, Coco is just over a year old. The initial funding of 10 million US dollars is already very good. Moreover, Qiao An said very clearly that William will continue to increase investment according to development."

   The old Nord, who couldn't help but defended Kim Hyun Tae a bit.

   But Annie was obviously not persuaded, she also had her own reason.

"That's a petty man. I lived with him. I know it well. He is already rich, but his life is very boring, even a bit like an ascetic. Not to mention the money he earned, But there is a copy for her daughter."

  Annie was upset for Coco and talked about the fact that Kim Hyun Tae invested in the black hole fund to make money.

   At the same time, Annie also knew very well that after Kim Hyun Tae made money, she gave her daughter 20 billion US dollars.


   This stingy bag used her daughter's Zhongda Lotto money to invest 13 times to give her daughter 20 billion US dollars. There is nothing more stingy than this, OK?

   For this, Annie felt that she had to despise him severely.

   petty bag!

   The most angry person in the world.

   I'm sorry, but Kim Hyun-tae is really wronged.

   You need to know that even Middle Eastern oil tycoons would not just squander tens of billions of dollars to children over one year old.

   So, what is wrong with Kim Hyun Tae doing this.

   But Annie didn't think so, anyway, she just felt that Kim Hyun-tae seemed a bit stingy about this matter.

   It is good to deal with this problem, only Annie thinks so.

   After Anne made complaints, she continued to look at the plan document that Qiao An had faxed.

   At the end of this document, Qiao An also wrote about Kim Hyun-tae's a little wary of himself. Anne cocked her mouth when she saw it.

   "It's not too stupid, knowing that something is wrong and vigilant, besides being stingy, this guy's biggest weakness is being too innocent." After reading the file, Annie put the file aside and said to the old housekeeper. "But now it seems that he is changing a little bit, which is a good sign."

  Different from ordinary people's thinking, Annie thinks that Kim Hyun-tae has become wary of Joan, which is a thing that comforts her.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae’s ‘pure good’ is an advantage, it is indeed a big weakness for Annie.

   With the increasing wealth of Jin Xiantai, and under her promotion, his status will become higher and higher in the future, so how can such a ‘innocent’ he face those guys who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

   So ~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie thinks that Kim Hyun-tae should change a little bit, and it is more perfect.

   like it is now, it's pretty good.

   is just a distance from my own expectations, there is still such a long distance.

  According to Annie's idea, it would be perfect if Kim Hyun-tae fired Joan.

   But Jin Xiantai didn't do this, and he was obviously unqualified.

   At the same time, Anne is not only not dissatisfied with Qiao An's experience, but also looks at this issue from Kim Hyun Tae's side. I have to say that Anne's thinking mode is really different from ordinary people.

   But the environment where Annie grew up and the circles she came into contact with, after all, are different from ordinary people.

   Therefore, her thinking on some things is bound to be different from ordinary people.

   This is normal.

"Tell Qiao An, don’t take this matter to heart, let her continue to do what she has to do, I will see what William can do in the end. Oh, by the way, contact the director in charge of the mobile advertising filming, and make sure It means that one of the characters is looking for Coco, this little guy likes facing the camera most."

   Annie was a little tired at this time, but she still did not forget, and finally confessed some ‘important’ things to the old housekeeper.

   Well, that’s the advertising shot for the new model of the American smartphone brand "Big Banana" controlled by Whiston Bank. Coco must be given a role. (To be continued.)